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Posted by: tesserra Apr 6 2004, 11:39 PM

There was a club member in Iraq that would chime in when he could.
As I remember he was in Fallujeha (sp?), where all the shity stuff is going on.
I don't remember his name but I have been thinking about him and what a tuff deal that would be.
Anybody hear anything?
Just hope he is safe.


Posted by: ChrisReale Apr 6 2004, 11:40 PM

Thats LB. He has been checking in fairly frequently lately.

Posted by: tesserra Apr 6 2004, 11:56 PM

Thanks its good to hear he is ok. clap56.gif

Posted by: morphenspectra Apr 7 2004, 12:14 AM

I have been thinking about him myself, I have been concearned because I know he is stationed near Fallujah and there has been a lot of fighting and casualties there in the last few days.


Posted by: SirAndy Apr 7 2004, 12:35 AM

QUOTE(morphenspectra @ Apr 6 2004, 10:14 PM)
I have been thinking about him myself ...

just talked to him yesterday ...

Posted by: Lawrence Apr 7 2004, 01:53 AM

That would probably be me! wavey.gif I do appreciate your thoughts - that means a lot. With the departure of 82D Airborne, we've been attached to the Marines.

Things are crazy here, and you don't hear about everything in the news... but I try to check in once a day. Connecting through a secure proxy service sucks, though.

I'm alive and doing okay, and more importantly - all my soldiers are good. If I take everyone home alive, then that'll be success to me.

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: SpecialK Apr 7 2004, 02:20 AM

Great to hear that! flag.gif

We're thinking about ALL of you guys/gals over there!!

X-Navy Vet beer.gif

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 7 2004, 03:51 AM

Take care Rusty, and keep your head down.

Posted by: eresener Apr 7 2004, 05:23 AM

Keep you ass in the dirt and your powder dry...
I know what it's like when the shit hits the thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Pleiku 69-71

Posted by: morgan Apr 7 2004, 06:56 AM

hope thy get you duys out of there soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! flag.gif

Posted by: william harris Apr 7 2004, 08:53 AM

flag.gif Rusty, you and all the troops are in our thoughts and prayers. Bring them all home alive. Take care and stay in touch. God Bless you for all your sacrifices. Semper Fi.

Posted by: ss6 Apr 7 2004, 10:54 AM

Rusty, me too flag.gif . You guys stay as safe as you can manage, and tell all of your folks we're praying for them.

Posted by: Jake Raby Apr 7 2004, 11:09 AM

Being attached to the Marines....... Next time you fly in a CH 46, I probably worked on it. Three of my old units are over there now and have had the same aircraft for years..

what Marine unit are you with?

Posted by: vsg914 Apr 7 2004, 11:26 AM

I think Rusty is in the Army.

Posted by: Jake Raby Apr 7 2004, 11:33 AM

yes, but he stated he was currently attached to a Marine unit...

Army guys in a Marine unit during peace time is a hoot, but in a combat situation all teams are equal...

Posted by: morphenspectra Apr 7 2004, 12:02 PM

Glad to hear that you and your guys are okay. If there is anything we can send you and your guys just let us know. We'd be happy to send something over. smile.gif

Posted by: dinomium Apr 7 2004, 01:18 PM

And Thank you, Rusty!

Posted by: need4speed Apr 7 2004, 02:30 PM

Yes, our prayers are with you.
Get them before they get you. ar15.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Apr 7 2004, 02:33 PM

I'm to the point now that I dont even want to hear about this shit anymore. GTFO of Iraq. The thought of losing our men over this crap makes me PUKE.


Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 7 2004, 03:22 PM

QUOTE(Brad Roberts @ Apr 7 2004, 12:33 PM)
I'm to the point now that I dont even want to hear about this shit anymore. GTFO of Iraq. The thought of losing our men over this crap makes me PUKE.


Just because democracy works here doesn't mean it will work everywhere. And now a Shiite uprising. I thought they were supposed to be on our side. Are there any Iraqi's left that want us there? Trying to establish a democracy there is like headbang.gif

Posted by: Dave_Darling Apr 7 2004, 03:35 PM

Regardless of our reasons for being there, we've got people like Rust-Boy over there putting their lives on the line for us. Thanks for your willingness to do that, Lawrence--and I hope it never comes to that!!

Damn, I wish there was a good way to get all of our people out of there... It's become a huge tar-baby. sad.gif


Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 7 2004, 04:56 PM

QUOTE(Dave_Darling @ Apr 7 2004, 01:35 PM)
Regardless of our reasons for being there, we've got people like Rust-Boy over there putting their lives on the line for us. Thanks for your willingness to do that, Lawrence


Posted by: ein 6er Apr 7 2004, 05:50 PM

QUOTE(Curvie Roadlover @ Apr 7 2004, 02:56 PM)
QUOTE(Dave_Darling @ Apr 7 2004, 01:35 PM)
Regardless of our reasons for being there, we've got people like Rust-Boy over there putting their lives on the line for us.  Thanks for your willingness to do that, Lawrence



Posted by: Hawktel Apr 7 2004, 06:07 PM

I think at this point, we need to get the UN into it asap, get some kind of structure setup, and then start pulling out, while remaining a token force there, concintrate on Afganistan (still a dangerous place) and let them hatefull irritating losers live in poverty and despair forever.


Posted by: Jake Raby Apr 7 2004, 06:07 PM

I was there in the 90s... It wasn't really a hot zone when i was there, our unit missed some action by about 2 weeks...

When you are even in that environment, you do exactly what you are told, exactly when you are told to do it- no questions.

Right now we need to get done what we have to do, finish it, and ask questions later.

The type of missions that they are doing right now are the riskiest missions that can be done. 90% of all the tactical training that we went through was for situations just like this, as it is a reality that comes with the mission is close to being accomplished...

There is MUCH more going on there than anyone of us knows, no news reporter knows it, and most of the government probably doesn't even know it...

Support the troops while they are there, and ask questions when they are back at home.... You don't ask questions in the middle of a mission or operation unless you want a whole damn unit to die.

Each of those rifle teams there is only as strong as its weakest member, usually that weakest member is the one who asks a question......

Posted by: J P Stein Apr 7 2004, 06:12 PM

Damn, Jake, we finally agree on something laugh.gif

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 7 2004, 07:34 PM

It is reported how many GI's have been killed which is very sad, but what I want to hear reported is how many GI's are wounded. What type wounds? I hear on the news daily "Three US soldiers were injured when their HumVee was hit by a RPG" Ok,
the reporter makes it sound like oh, no big deal, they are just injured. Like what ? They have a little Boo Boo? I can't imagine what a RPG would do to a HumVee but it don't sound good and not a BooBoo type of injury to the personal.
I am/was sick of this Bush War and still don't have a clue as to what the "Mission" is or was. To me the "Mission" is done so get the "F" out now. Leave the Iraqis to their own demise or success. I don't think you can impose a democracy on anyone. It has to come from within.


A Brad welcome to G Bush finger.gif

Posted by: J P Stein Apr 7 2004, 08:44 PM

Lessee....Here's how it's went in my life time.

Roosevelt's war
Truman's war
Kennedy's war
Johnson's war
Nixon's war
Regan's wars were so quick that no one noticed
Bush's war
Clinton's war was with his dick
Bush's war

None of them were worth fighting, eh, Geoff?
You warpping yourself in humanity or is it politics? idea.gif

Posted by: krk Apr 7 2004, 09:08 PM

Boy, I almost hate to return this thread to the topic. Rusty, get your butt home safely. Get your unit home safely as best you can. Back here, the best we can to is HOPE for you!!! And we do. Big time.


Posted by: campbellcj Apr 7 2004, 09:10 PM

Rusty, I too extend my gratitude and best wishes to you and the troops. flag.gif flag.gif flag.gif

Unfortunately even as a "moderate Republican" at heart, I am inclined to agree more and more every day that Iraq was just a bad idea from the start that's gotten progressively worse. I figure it will backfire on GWB and swing just enough votes to Kerry to put him over the top.

The trump card...which I would almost bet money that Osama Bin Laden will be suddenly discovered in some rathole or cave right around 9/11/04. I seriously would not put a staged re-election stunt like that past our career bureaucrats.

There IS a quick way to get out of Iraq...just pack up the ships and planes and LEAVE. Let 'em sort out their own shit now that we have supposedly removed the #1 obstacle to their ability to establish a peoples' government.

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 7 2004, 09:13 PM

WW1-Wilson War-We weren't attacked but....hey my Grandfather was gassed !
WW2-Roosevelts War- Hmm, weren't we attacked? Yep, my dad fought in Europe!
Korea-Trumans War- still kinda going on isn't it? Well, we still have lots of GIs there
Vietnam- Really Johnsons war according to McNamara new movie "Fog of War" We were in the middle of a civil war so how do you win that one?
Nixon- He just made it last longer then ended it
Bush Sr- According to Clarke he was the one who couldn't finish it and this is why we have Al Queda.
Clintons- Thats the kind of war every President should fight but he did send troops as part of the UN mission to Bosnia and Kosovo. Shit it almost working there, amazing!
Bush 1st war- Afghanistan- hmmm, we are still there but just like his dad we left too damn early
Bush 2nd war- Iraq- Where are these WMD's that we HAD to go to war to find before they used them on us? A war of lies and BS. I think that if the United Nations had gone in with us this Iraq thing might have worked. Now it just looks like American Imperialism to most of the world. Shoot they are probably right!
Bring the GIs home and let the Iraqs figure it out for themselves now because unless we stay there like Korea (50 years) do you think there is any chance any government is going to last? or be able to resist the Islamic extremists?

Unless we are attacked I don't see the need to send out young men and women to be killed or be maimed. We aren't the Earths policeforce, that is the function of the UN.
Geoff IMHO

Posted by: DrifterJay Apr 7 2004, 09:16 PM

for some "mysterious reason" lol we have been training every week for how to respond to attacks when on a convoy...hmmm I wonder why they are doing this...weapons draw at 5am.....being the youngest guy in my shop...I get to be the air gunner....the guy who lays on the roof of the 5ton when in the convoy...cant wait....4 hours of dust in my eyes tomorrow...then get to clean my m249 for 5 hours...then go to work after training...I love being a private in the army... wink.gif

(cant wait for the 36 hour convoy to baghdad woot!!...I hate this weapon...)

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Posted by: tesserra Apr 7 2004, 11:06 PM

The best result we could hope for in turning arround Iraq is how Iran was with the Shaw. They had enterprise, more freedom etc. Then came the Iyatolah (sp) and screwed everything up.
I am not sure what we hope to accomplish in Iraq but I know from people that lived in Iraq that it is a VERY GOOD thing that Sadam and his family is out.
They said that all the things you hear and worse are true and he was ruthless and wanted to be expansionary.
I just hope that our leaders make the right choices and our people stay safe.


Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 7 2004, 11:38 PM

Never said that Saddam didn't deserve to go, lots of other f*ckers out there that deserve to go. There is a guy in Suriname that sure does......but he still sells the US the bauxite so we don't bother.


Posted by: Lawrence Apr 8 2004, 08:14 AM

Some days are challenging, like today.

I know there's a wide range of opinions out there on why/how/if regarding our occupation of Iraq. Jake put it very well... soldiers don't need to ask questions over here. They need to believe that the sacrifice (time in this hellhole, time away from loved ones, sweat, blood, life) they're making is something valuable, and not being squandered.

I was going to print this thread out for them... but decided against it. Keeping morale up is such a leadership challenge. I understand the difference between support for a policy and support for soldiers... but the troop holding his rifle at the guard point doesn't always recognize that distinction. Next time my platoon sergeant gets the guys together, I'll verbally pass your support onto them.

humbled by your support,

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 8 2004, 08:24 AM

I think ALL Americans support the guys over there Rusty. Some of us don't see the need to send you over there in the first place placing you in danger!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers and we all worry about keeping you safe and out of harms way.

keep your head down....


Posted by: maxwelj Apr 8 2004, 09:18 AM

Hang in there buddy.... There are plenty of us that have your back as an individual AND support your mission.... I don't think we need to be the world's policeman, but I do think preemption is better than reaction... Good luck!

Posted by: Pam Apr 8 2004, 09:23 AM as you say, don't ask questions, do what you are told when you are told. Oh...and if you decide you don't like can't get out and we WON'T send you home.

Isn't that at least part of what we claim we went over there to fight against???


Posted by: Dave_Darling Apr 8 2004, 10:23 AM

Yes, it is. However, there is a difference...

Lawrence and his peers knew that going in, and they did have a choice about it. They chose to (temporarily, at least) give up their right to question things, and to not do what someone else tells them to. And they have done so, in a very real sense, for all of us.

I hate the situation they have been into. But I am grateful that there are people like that...


Posted by: Lawrence Apr 8 2004, 10:33 AM

Oh, Pam... happy11.gif

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: Pam Apr 8 2004, 11:08 AM

Although I appreciate the general sentiment of what you say regarding choice, Dave, I'm sure the men and women that signed up were led to believe their service would be a noble pursuit defending our country. I doubt that any reference was made, even in the fine print, to invading other countries based on fabricated claims of weapons of mass destruction.

Do I need to include the disclaimer on this message that the opinions I express are my own and are not meant to reflect the opinions of anyone I might own a 914 with?? Nah...I think that's probably implied.


Posted by: Lawrence Apr 8 2004, 11:29 AM

Without falling on either side of the debate...

1. It's times like these that I'm glad I can clearly distinguish between policy support and support for troop(s). smile.gif

2. We are here to support and defend the Constitution, and that includes the right to critize the government.

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 8 2004, 12:19 PM

QUOTE(Lawrence @ Apr 8 2004, 09:29 AM)
Without falling on either side of the debate...

1. It's times like these that I'm glad I can clearly distinguish between policy support and support for troop(s). smile.gif

2. We are here to support and defend the Constitution, and that includes the right to critize the government.

-Rusty smoke.gif


Posted by: ss6 Apr 8 2004, 12:47 PM

Tough times.

It no longer matters how we came to be in Iraq, we're there. Settle up with Dubya and his crew as you see fit next election day.

The crucial question is what we do going forward.

We've removed by force the leadership of a sovereign nation, and have not yet replaced it with anything credible or stable. We picked the fight; walking away from our stated goals would erase our credibility as a nation, and dishonor all of us, especially our guys who've made the ultimate sacrifice in our names. Gotta finish the job.

Rusty, our prayers are with you and your crew.

Posted by: need4speed Apr 8 2004, 12:51 PM

QUOTE(DrifterJay @ Apr 7 2004, 07:16 PM)
...I hate this weapon...)

What's wrong with it?

Isn't it aircooled? rolleyes.gif

no- really, I'm interested in hearing what you don't like about the M249. I've never seen one in real life, let alone touched or fired one. But from time to time, I read or get into discussions about these kinds of things. I hear people make tons of criticisms over the m9, while others think it's great, and the m16 too, etc. I'm just interested in what you don't like about it.

. . .. Gotta finish the job.

Say what you will about the war, you all know where I stand on Iraq. But on this one point, I think we all have to agree. We cannot abandon these people now. Read up on your history of what happened in Afghanistan after the Soviets pulled out. (Read today that Dotsum broke with the Karzai govt. and has taken control of a northern city - essentially, Afghanistan is now in civil war as well).

I don't think that this Sadr guy is that serious a threat in the big scheme of things. (I'm not there dodging his thugs bullets tho. . . ) - if the US seriously commits as strongly as Bush talks tough, then there's no way this force, even with bald-faced Iranian backing, is going to deter the mission. It may delay it. But the biggest threat to freedom and democracy in Iraq, is the white-collar criminal who got us into this mess in the first place: Ahmed Chalabi (and his INC goons). I have no doubt that US forces can defeat Sadr - the tragedy is that we may have to apply force at a level that's going to get a lot of innocent civilians killed. But in the end, the Sunnis aren't going to side with Sadr in any organized fashion, and neither are the Kurds. Even Sistani has not come forward publicly supporting him. Sadr's a dead-man walking, and his thugs are too. I don't see a REAL civil war in Iraq happening until a few years after the "handover" - when Chalabi starts asserting more control, and pisses off the ethnic groups and minority factions.

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 8 2004, 05:49 PM

See thats the problem with this government. Look at Afghanistan at what a great job we can do to a country.Cut and run.
We are good at destructing but not good at building democracy.
What would it take to get Iraq moving towards this?

1. Create jobs for the mass of unemployed men and woman.
Hmmm, this is not Bush's forte as he can't even do that in the US.
2. Create a Iraqi police force and National Guard.
We have started this but its years off.
3. Bring in massive aid so food, water and medical aid is available for all people.

4. National Elections-soon these might happened


I also feel for all the people for friends and loved ones are serving their country, facing everyday the fears of what could happen.
Maybe if this is such a great thing, why doesn't Bush send his two daughters over to serve this country?

Posted by: Dave_Darling Apr 8 2004, 06:49 PM

Uhhh.... Because it's their own choice? (It damn well oughtta be, at least!)

That they haven't chosen to do so on their own probably does say something about the "family values" that he helped instill in them... But that's a whole 'nother can o' worms, and prolly something best left alone here.

Regardless--keep your ass down and your eyes and ears open, Rusty! And bring yer people back, safe and sound!


Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 8 2004, 09:40 PM

I thought that both of them were AWOL from the National Guard just like their old man.

Posted by: SpecialK Apr 9 2004, 11:08 AM

Check these little critters out ....camel spider or wind scorpion (Eremobates gladiolus)and they can run 10 mph making them the fastest non-flying arthropod....I would absolutely FREAK if one of those things got on me ohmy.gif

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Posted by: Qarl Apr 9 2004, 11:40 AM

Holy shit dude! That's what nightmares are made of.

That's two of 'em right?

nothing that a flame thrower couldn't stop!


Posted by: Jenny Apr 9 2004, 11:41 AM

Heebeejeebees!!! Great. I didn't even know these things existed. Now I have one more thing to worry about. <_<


Posted by: SirAndy Apr 9 2004, 12:03 PM

to quote from my favorite book:

"mostly harmless" ...

and apparently, we have them here in the US too ...

drunk.gif Andy

Posted by: SpecialK Apr 9 2004, 12:05 PM

to quote from my favorite book:

"mostly harmless" ...

Yeah, I guess that depends on whose sleeping bag it crawled into fighting19.gif

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