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Posted by: BarberDave Jul 15 2010, 04:54 AM


At 12;00 noon to day my wife has has a Appt. with the HEART Doc.

It seems see has had 2 attacks and keep that information to her self !

If it's really serious and I loose her, she has allways been a home maker

I ran the bussness and was the income provider , and she did AVERYTHING

else. Those of you that have faced this ' please help. You guys have been my

only extened family. My kids only know the bare mim. on this ! I have been

up since

3:00 A.M crying and trying to analize all psssibilites. Dave slap.gif

Posted by: zymurgist Jul 15 2010, 05:28 AM

Wow Dave... I don't know what to tell you. Going to a doctor is a Good Thing. I have a buddy who's been trying to get me on a Harley for a year now... he just had bypass surgery and was out of the hospital and home, quick as a wink.

Posted by: vsg914 Jul 15 2010, 05:58 AM

I had a quadruple bypass 2 1/2 years ago Dave. I also have a stent in my carotid artery and my femoral artery. She has admitted she has a problem and is going to the doctor. I was in denial myself. I had numerous severe angina attacks that were very painful over a 6 month period. It is truly amazing what can be done now to prevent future attacks and correct the problems. My lady had to call 911 and watch the paramedics take me away. I feel better today than I did ten years ago. It sounds like she has taken the right step by going to a cardiologist. God willing she will pull through and live a long happy life with you. Its important that you stand by her side and give her all the love you have.
Sometimes it will be hard, but you have to help her stay on the meds, eat a low fat/ cholesterol diet. and exercise as the doctor prescribes. Its important to remove as much stress from her as possible. You and your wife will be included in my prayers Dave. Keep the faith brother.

Posted by: 914Sixer Jul 15 2010, 06:04 AM

All you prayers are with YOU. Lots of medical stuff out there that can really help her. I know the feeling, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Hang in there and you and your wife will get through it together.

Posted by: watsonrx13 Jul 15 2010, 06:13 AM

Dave I have no experience with this but will keep you and your wife in our prayers. Good luck and keep us informed.

-- Rob

Posted by: jaxdream Jul 15 2010, 06:19 AM

You say she has had 2 attacks , they where probably not that severe as you would have noticed . Heart work is now about like tonsils , apendex, and such. Get a good heart Dr. and she may out last you. My Mom has had a few heart attacks her self, she's 76 and still going.I do understand your confusion , mine came home from the doc with Leukemia back in 03 , had a fatal brain disease develop in 06 , they didn't give her 2 months , she's still here , and still going . If she kept it to herself , it was probably more of the idea not to worry or upset you , she's strong enough to go through the attacks , survive , and get another appointment , support her , let her know that you are there for her and will be by her side if she needs you . Chin up lad !!! She's still here with you . piratenanner.gif

Jack / Jaxdream

Posted by: reverie Jul 15 2010, 06:39 AM

Please keep us posted on her condition and her diagnosis.

The cardiology folks will check her blood pressure and heart rate, and also do an EKG and an echocardiogram (easy ultrasound procedure), to figure out what's going on.

Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Jul 15 2010, 07:08 AM


I just read your post. I am only an hour away from Toledo & offer any help I can give. Let me know if you need me at the hospital for support. Call me anytime.

cell # (734) 834-5606

Posted by: rick 918-S Jul 15 2010, 07:08 AM

It's easy for us to be the experts on the sidelines and give you all the advise in the world but the best resource is you. She has taken care of you all your married life and is likely very used to just doing it. Now it's your turn. Sit with her and carefully talk this out with her. Make sure you talk to the doctor with her. That way she can't just go into auto pilot and just try to absorb all the information herself. Be a partner in her health. Heart disease can be controlled if you make it your priority everyday. My dad had his first heart attack at 39 and managed the condition for 11 years before he lost the battle. Listen to the doctors see a nutritionist and be closer than you've ever been to her. My thoughts are with you and your wife today.

Posted by: RobW Jul 15 2010, 07:59 AM

My family will keep you in our thoughts today....

Much is known today about the heart than 30 years ago. Focus on getting answers to the problems, meet with all the doctors... understand what you are facing and then get it fixed.

My Dad had 5 bypasses and was opened up twice at age 78 and he was fine. The process wasn't easy, but like I said, so much is known about the heart now...

Hang in there!

Posted by: Bartlett 914 Jul 15 2010, 08:20 AM

Dave. I am sorry to hear that your wife is having problems. I really believe in the power of positive thinking. There is so much they can do today. Best wishes.

Posted by: Tom_T Jul 15 2010, 12:01 PM

Gosh Dave, so sorry to hear this news! sad.gif

My family is cursed on both parents sides with heart problems, & many aunts, uncles, grandparents & both my parents all had single to quad bypasses, etc. & it gave them some more time with their loved ones.

As a son - my siblings & I were glad to be brought in on the news & to be able to help out & offer moral support. So in addition to your 914 buddies on here, I'd suggest bringing your kids into the loop. They'll want to know, to help & will probably be a boost to both you & your wife in her recovery!

Best Wishes!

Posted by: Mueller Jul 15 2010, 12:03 PM

Sorry to read this, but at least she is getting help before too late !!

Hope all is well and she has a speedy recovery


Posted by: orange914 Jul 15 2010, 12:12 PM

keep strong dave, our prayers are with you & the wife

Posted by: vsg914 Jul 15 2010, 01:33 PM

Tom T is on the money! My kids were a great comfort to me. My son helped much with physical stuff I just couldn't do during recovery. Not mention the moral support from them both.

Posted by: Mary Shortridge Jul 15 2010, 02:26 PM

Please know that we will keep your entire family in our prayers. Having been thru two very tough years, I'll tell you that you can make it thru this, if you are lucky to have friends and family to support you. Don't shoulder the burden for your kids' sake... they need to know what is going on. This is coming from "a kid" that just went thru a couple of years of really tough medical stuff with mom (with a mom and dad that never talked about tough stuff). It feels really good to have been able to help dad. And other people helped me... like the wonderful 914World family I am lucky to have! Wishing you Peace....

Posted by: jeeperjohn56 Jul 15 2010, 02:42 PM

Dave, Keep the faith and all our prayers are with you and your Family. John

Posted by: d914 Jul 15 2010, 02:54 PM

all of what they said and more. Not all of us can say we stayed married and still have our best friend at our side. In that way your a lucky man.. Now go to the doc and fight to keep her with you..


Posted by: tdgray Jul 15 2010, 02:56 PM

Dave... take a deep breath and think slowly. Do what you need to do for her and yourself.

We have some amazing hospitals and doc's up here.

You are both in my prayers.

If need be get her to the Cleveland Clinic... named the number one heart center in the country again... heard it on the news this morning.

Posted by: KaptKaos Jul 15 2010, 03:37 PM

Prayers sent. I hope all turns out well.

Posted by: Ian Stott Jul 15 2010, 04:01 PM

Thinking of you up here in Canada, you have great Drs. where you live, all the above advice is bang on and said better than I can say, just wanted to let you know that good thoughts from another country are being sent your way.

Ian Stott

Posted by: JRust Jul 15 2010, 04:57 PM

Prayers sent Dave. Do your best to stay calm & don't overthink things. Hope for the best & make sure she knows how much you love her. Stressing yourself to much does neither of you good. Some things just aren't in our control. Be the good husband you are & all will be well. Definately let your kids know once she's had more tests done. Wishing you all the best pray.gif

Posted by: al weidman Jul 15 2010, 05:07 PM

Dave, my wife and I have gone together since our sophmore year in high school. Our 50th wedding anniversary is nest month. We have had a few scares, I lost part of my colon in '93 and my wife had a scare with throat cancer a few years ago. My advice to you is to be sure you, your wife and Dr. have the conversation. We didn't tell the kids until we knew what was really going on and then we were completely honest. Our daughter in law lost her mother and didn't have a clue what was going on and that was totally devastating. She cannot forgive her mother and has had a difficult accepting it. Be honest with each other and your family. You know we all love you Dave. Al.

Posted by: kwales Jul 15 2010, 06:06 PM


Don't leave things unsaid. If she means so much to you, tell her now and let her know exactly how you feel about her. Then be there for her. Now she needs someone to lean on, and you are that person. I know it's tough with so much uncertanty, but try to only worry about things that are actual, not things that might be. Wait for test results and then react.

Ask questions of the doctor. I know you may not know what to ask, but try and ask for explainations. Don't understand the lingo? Ask for clarity. Take what you learn and do whatever needs to be done. Hold onto her hand, she will like it too. Try cooking for her. It may not be great, but I bet it wil make her smile. Ask for her for "how to" instructions

That being said, I wish you all the best. Take it one step at a time, enjoy each other as much as you can, and remember, leave nothing unsaid between the two of you.

Ask for help if you are overwhelmed. Take time for yourself to talk to a trusted friend or to go for a walk. When you are the center, you need relief so you can be strong when needed. Kids can help here.

Keep the kids informed. They may be more detached than you, and can provide needed help.

Take care.


Posted by: Lennies914 Jul 15 2010, 06:29 PM

Prayers sent for you and your wife Dave.

Some good advice here from the hearts of all the posters.

Stay strong for her and the family.


Posted by: swl Jul 15 2010, 06:52 PM

Hang in there Dave. As others have said heart disease is now very managable. This is not a death sentence for her. She is going to need your help and support and that of your kids. As a family you can get through this.

Posted by: moralem Jul 15 2010, 07:28 PM

Make your self aware of what the signs are of a heart attack for a woman, they are very different than us 50 plus guys. This way you will be able to call 911 as soon as she show signs of an attack, God forbid she has one again. Best wishes to you and your family. The key now is getting her the right medical attention whether it is surgey or something else. Hang in there and stay positive.

Posted by: BRAVE_HELIOS Jul 15 2010, 08:25 PM

QUOTE(BarberDave @ Jul 15 2010, 04:54 AM) *


At 12;00 noon to day my wife has has a Appt. with the HEART Doc.

It seems see has had 2 attacks and keep that information to her self !

If it's really serious and I loose her, she has allways been a home maker

I ran the bussness and was the income provider , and she did AVERYTHING

else. Those of you that have faced this ' please help. You guys have been my

only extened family. My kids only know the bare mim. on this ! I have been

up since

3:00 A.M crying and trying to analize all psssibilites. Dave slap.gif

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, your wife and family.

I almost lost my wife (and son) to a brain tumor when she was 7 months pregnant. For what seemed like forever, I thought I was going out of my mind. I thank God (and the doctors) for what I consider to be a miracle! They both survived and are doing fine.

Best wishes.

Posted by: Gigamight Jul 15 2010, 09:01 PM

QUOTE(tdgray @ Jul 15 2010, 04:56 PM) *

Dave... take a deep breath and think slowly. Do what you need to do for her and yourself.

We have some amazing hospitals and doc's up here.

You are both in my prayers.

If need be get her to the Cleveland Clinic... named the number one heart center in the country again... heard it on the news this morning.

agree.gif agree.gif agree.gif agree.gif

When it comes to the heart, that is the only place I would take a loved one, even if I weren't in Ohio. You are lucky to be so close to such a good heart hospital. Hopefully it won't come to OHS though...

Posted by: BarberDave Jul 16 2010, 01:16 AM


Thank God it's 99 0/0 over! Spent from 12;00 yesterday to 7;00 P.M. at the

hospital! Tests and more tests,( can't spell them all ) anyway she did not have a

Heart Attack!!!!! Next Wed. is the last Appt. and they in the in the , ( as long as

we are there lets check this also mode) .

When we got home we both sat down and read all of your posts

with good advice ,prayers , offers of personal help . Again thank you from

the bottom of both of our hearts. Wifes comment thro the tears was," What

wonder full group of friends they are."

Thank you all seems not adequate , But THANKS , God bless

you and your family.
Dave and Darlene Kimple wub.gif

Posted by: RJMII Jul 16 2010, 01:44 AM

Dave, I just read this.

I very happy see that things are looking up! That's some scary stuff that you just went through. smile.gif I hope the good trends keep flowing for you and your wife.

Posted by: Tom_T Jul 16 2010, 03:02 AM

So glad to hear things are working for the better Dave & Darlene! smile.gif

Good things come out of even traumatic events like this. I met my wife of 25 years when she was one of the CCU/ICU nurses for my Grandfather. It was his time to "walk on", but it started another long romance as he had with my Grandmother, & added two Greatgrandkids to his family!

I hope this brings your family closer together too!

Cheers! beerchug.gif

Posted by: Mary Shortridge Jul 16 2010, 01:23 PM

It is a real day-brightener to hear that things are going better in your world. We're going to keep lifting you up... and wishing you Peace.

Posted by: RobW Jul 16 2010, 01:36 PM


I'm super happy to hear that things are OK... take her out to dinner and have salads.

Thanks for reminding me how important it is to recognize and take care of my wife everyday... aktion035.gif

Posted by: Garold Shaffer Jul 16 2010, 01:41 PM


Glad to hear that Darlene is doing good. You know that you can lean on your 914 brothers and sisters anytime you need it. If there is anything Julie & I can do for you please let us know.

Stay strong.

Your Friend,


Posted by: kerensky Jul 16 2010, 04:31 PM

Great advice so far in this thread. I'll underline the parts about making sure she talks to you - this is no time to be private in order to not worry you. If I can help, holler. Besides with prayers, that is, as you'll be getting those. smile.gif

Posted by: Jacob Jul 16 2010, 08:52 PM

Hope you continue to get good news.

Posted by: tod914 Jul 16 2010, 08:54 PM

Hope all continues to improve with your wife Dave. I'll put in a prayer with the big guy upstairs for you as well.

Posted by: al weidman Jul 22 2010, 03:50 PM

icon_bump.gif Keep us up to date Dave. We won't rest until we know you guys are OK. Al.

Posted by: scotty b Jul 22 2010, 04:01 PM

Great to hear things aren't as bad as originally thought to be smile.gif Keep us updated beerchug.gif

Posted by: Lennies914 Jul 22 2010, 06:58 PM

Great news Dave. I'm sure alot of good has come from this scare, so make the best of it! Unfortunatly we all need a little "eye opener" every now and again. Now run with it and enjoy the time we have.

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