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Posted by: Pnambic Apr 13 2004, 08:27 PM

Warning: perhaps some rather disturbing content.

A few years ago, when my first child was born, my inlaws offered to watch my dog (at that time a 2 yr old Australian Shepherd) until we got a fence in the back yard. Well, they had so much more room (several acres as compared to my 1/8 acre), and at that time also had an old Border Collie that just adored my pup, so they decided to keep him.

Last night, someone saw my orange 74 roller (no engine) behind my father-in-law's garage. The cover had been damaged and had blown off in a recent storm. They decided to try and steal it and I guess my dog did his job by interfering. They shot him in the head.

Someone needs to explain to me again why it's wrong to kill the god damned son of a bitch that did this.

My two sons, one about to turn 4 in a week and the other 20 months old, considered the dog theirs and absolutely loved him. Now I have to explain to my 4 year old at least that the dog is gone, one of his best friends, and won't be coming back.

Obviously, they didn't get anywhere with the car.
Damn, I'm so pissed, I'm sick.
Sorry to vent, just gotta get it out...

Posted by: Qarl Apr 13 2004, 08:32 PM

I am so sorry. That is really, really sad.


I don't know what to say, other then I hope that the people (or person) that did, gets what they deserve.

Really crappy man.

Posted by: seanery Apr 13 2004, 08:37 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about this. Kids are resilient, but I know it'll be hard on you.

Posted by: Gint Apr 13 2004, 08:42 PM

I don't even know what to say... ar15.gif

Posted by: Mark Henry Apr 13 2004, 08:45 PM

That sucks man. sad.gif

Sorry to hear about your dog, it was bad enough when our cat got hit on the road, but at least we know they didn't mean to do it.

ar15.gif I hate thieves. fighting19.gif

Posted by: soloracer Apr 13 2004, 08:49 PM

I just recently got a German Shepard and consider him to be part of my family. If someone had done that I would probably go mental. Some might say "it's only a dog you can get another one" but since I consider to be part of my family it would be the same to me as saying "it's only your child you can get another one". I'm afraid that if I caught the S.O.B. in the act I would probably be up on murder charges or learning the old rule of "shoot, shovel and shut up" while finding a swamp deep enough to hide a body......

Believe it or not there was an article in the paper about a women who shot her neighbors dog. The neighbors had a long running dispute about the dog. She claimed the animal had gone to her place and cause damage from time to time. She waited until the owners were gone and then went over there and shot the dog in the owners garage. Guess what this psycho got for punishment - a few hours of community service.

Posted by: boxstr Apr 13 2004, 08:55 PM

I feel for you, I have only lost my dogs to old age, and that is extremely hard on me. I can't even comprehend what it would be like to lose my dog as you did your's.
I am really sorry.

Posted by: scotty Apr 13 2004, 08:55 PM

Loosing a dog to natural causes is hard enough..this!?!?!?

Sorry to hear about it.

Posted by: TROJANMAN Apr 13 2004, 09:28 PM

huh.gif unsure.gif confused24.gif headbang.gif sad.gif ohmy.gif mad.gif :finger2: stfu.gif ar15.gif fighting19.gif chair.gif sawzall-smiley.gif fighting19.gif spank.gif givemebeer.gif beer3.gif finger.gif
notice the progression

Posted by: iiibdsiil Apr 13 2004, 09:28 PM

That is wrong. Like, my mom would go crazy if something happened to our cat. She yells at me when I yell at the cat for meowing for no reason.

Which, I understand, because if anyone ever tried anything to my cat, I would damn near kill them.

That sucks man. I am sorry that it had to happen like that.

- Brett Smith

Posted by: campbellcj Apr 13 2004, 09:29 PM

As a dog owner my whole life, I'm very sorry to hear this as well. Even though our dogs drive us "crazy" once in a while with their antics (like trying to eat Zois for lunch once), they are like family and it is disturbing to image some sick F* doing something like that.

A similar situation happened a few years back to one of my cousins and he was devastated. I hope you catch the bastard(s) and attain some kind of justice. fighting19.gif

Posted by: red914 Apr 13 2004, 09:40 PM

i have this theory that God put dogs here to teach humans what unconditional love looks like. the person who did this can not receive a punishment harsh enough to balance the scales of justice.

Posted by: d7n7master Apr 13 2004, 09:43 PM

So sorry to hear of your loss. Dogs are family too. that to a dog? What comes around goes around. Sooner the better. ar15.gif ar15.gif

Posted by: lagunero Apr 13 2004, 09:57 PM

Sorry to hear that. If the roller was a Camry it would be tougher to find the perpetrators, but a 914?!

Posted by: majkos Apr 13 2004, 10:09 PM

Dam! I'm sorry,really sorry guy.I'm a major dog lover,have a special service dog,which is still with me,13 years and going strong.Reasons this touch me so,she'a Aust.cattle dog.Going to be tough,but heads up and keep the faith!Indeed what someone said earlier,"What goes around,comes around" Love your kids, wub.gif tell 'em he or she's is in a happy place and they should to be happy!'cause the dog is!

Posted by: 914ghost Apr 13 2004, 10:16 PM

You can check my avatar...if someone even attempted to ANY harm to my dog I would not hesitate to end their life.
I can only friggen' hope that by some miracle you find out who did this- DONT BOTHER PRESSING CHARGES ar15.gif .
For all of us.
And I feel for you...
Bob O

Posted by: Lawrence Apr 13 2004, 10:37 PM

I can't put into words how angry this makes me. Send me your address. I'll send you a check for the ammunition.

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: Jenny Apr 13 2004, 10:53 PM

Dogs love unconditionally, and are completely dependent on us to care for them. They are like children that never turn 18. I've only had Snoopy for just over a year, and I can't even begin to imagine life without him. I am so sorry and so disgusted to hear about what happened to your dog. I hope they find the rat bastard that did it, and he gets what he's got coming. Our thoughts are with your family.

Jenny, Brian and Snoopy

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Posted by: ablose58 Apr 13 2004, 10:58 PM

Sorry about your loss.That makes me really barf.gif Ihate thieves too. the last time when I lived in pa. my friend caught 2 people trying to steal things out of his garage and he told the perps. we can take care of this my way or I can call the police. apparently this wasn't the only run in they had with the law so the thieves said to take care of it his way so my friend told them to put their hands on the workbench then my pal smashed their hands with a BFH. Any way I am sooo sorry!!!! AL chair.gif chair.gif hanged.gif gunner.gif gunner.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif

Posted by: VegasRacer Apr 13 2004, 11:03 PM

I am so sorry to hear your news. It makes me want to barf.gif

All I can say is confused24.gif boid.gif stfu.gif ar15.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Apr 13 2004, 11:54 PM

QUOTE(red914 @ Apr 13 2004, 07:40 PM)
i have this theory that God put dogs here to teach humans what unconditional love looks like. the person who did this can not receive a punishment harsh enough to balance the scales of justice.

ar15.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif fighting19.gif agree.gif

Posted by: Sparky Apr 14 2004, 05:15 AM

While trying to explain to my six year old daughter why some bad people in Spain blew up a train full of other people she looked at me and in perfect six year innocence said "Daddy people are really stupid sometimes."

I agree.

And shes not watching the news with me anymore until she turns 18.

Mike D.

Posted by: 3d914 Apr 14 2004, 06:24 AM


Posted by: itsa914 Apr 14 2004, 07:30 AM


I don't know what to say. The way you talked about your dog when you here Friday got us thinking of getting a dog.

"Daddy people are really stupid sometimes."

I wish there is was something more I could do.

- Garold sad.gif

Posted by: Bruce Allert Apr 14 2004, 07:34 AM

This really bums me out sad.gif Prolly not as much as it does you but, none the less.....

There are those that do not hold a dog in very high regard. Some of these people get by without doing harm to the dog & then there are others that go out of their way to.....
Dogs are a special entity put on this earth for you & me to enjoy & to help us with our problems. If you ever get a chance to watch a Guide Dog working with their person it will send chills all over you. ( They are a very intelligent being & for someone to just blatently kill a dog is sad.
So sorry for your loss......


Posted by: ! Apr 14 2004, 07:45 AM

Sorry to hear about your dog.......

Here's mine, dumb and dumber....the camera is over HERE ya putz...

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Posted by: brians914 Apr 14 2004, 07:47 AM

That is really sad, be glad that you or your family did'nt stumble on the thief or it could be a whole lot worse.

Posted by: ! Apr 14 2004, 07:48 AM

But you need to be's standard proceedure for any cop to blast a dog when it's coming at him....even on private property.

Could there be a chance that the local fuzz came on the property for the sake of checking the VIN on your roller? Might want to check to see if any agency has a complaint on record and see if anyone MAY find your suspect on the other side of a badge.....

Just my $.02.......

And Yeah...Chris' dog wanted to eat me.....he has good taste.... laugh.gif

Posted by: ! Apr 14 2004, 07:49 AM more in the tail dragger....

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Posted by: tat2dphreak Apr 14 2004, 08:22 AM

I'm sorry to hear that... I prefer animals to people... animals don't get road rage, yell, start wars or any of the other things people do to each other... that's why they are man(and woman's) best friend... the only thing more sad than what people do to each other... is what they do to pets.

Posted by: Justin Fischer Apr 14 2004, 08:25 AM

I'm so sorry sad.gif people really suck sometimes........

Posted by: mudfoot76 Apr 14 2004, 02:43 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. My dogs have always been as much a part of the family as the humans.

One of the few things that are better than cruising around in my 914, is cruising around in my 914 with my yellow lab in the passenger's seat smile.gif

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Posted by: Scott Carlberg Apr 14 2004, 02:43 PM

So sorry to hear about what happened to your family's pet.

Do whatever it takes to find out what SOB did it, then track him down and
ar15.gif ar15.gif ar15.gif his ass mad.gif

Your story made me go outside and hug my dog.

Sorry for your loss. sad.gif

Posted by: vortrex Apr 14 2004, 03:49 PM

you know we live in a sick world when someone tried to steal a 914 roller!

Posted by: nebreitling Apr 14 2004, 03:55 PM

who the fuck shoots a dog for a rolling 914 chassis? WTF?

i am so sorry.

Posted by: vortrex Apr 14 2004, 04:18 PM

geez people stop posting your dog pics, you've rubbed it in enough.

Posted by: watsonrx13 Apr 14 2004, 05:14 PM

I too am very sorry for your loss. I've been a dog owner for many years. We currently have 2 weiner dogs (dachshunds), they are our children. I almost lost both dogs within a 6 month period. I took both out to pee first thing one morning and as the youngest one attempted to pee, his back went out. He finished and attempted to walk back to me, with only the use of his front legs, dragging his back legs. I immediately grabbed him up and ran inside to wake up the wife. I was so upset. My wife took him to the vet, as soon as they opened. He immediately suggested we take him to another vet in the next county over. She took him to the new vet and gave us a choice, either put him down or back surgery. With an 80% of recovery, we chose the operation. For the next 3 months we basically raised him as a puppy again and gave him a chance to learn to walk again. We knew he was back to his old self when he could wag his tail again. He's not completely fixed, about 80%. When he runs, sometimes the back legs can't keep up and they tend to bounce around. The operation was expensive, but seeing him every day confirms our decision. The oldest one decided he didn't like the pit bull walking near our yard and went after him. The pit bull didn't do anything other than bite him once then was dragged away by the owner. I grabbed him and the wife and immediately went to the emergency animal clinic. He's had 2 separate operations to close up the wounds and he's almost completely healed. He still doesn't like other dogs around, but now I always keep a leash on both when we're outside.

Every year my wife and I give each other a Dachshund calendar. This quote is the one that sums up what a dog is.

'He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your god.
Your are his life, his love, his leader.
He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.
You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.' Anonymous

Even though he is gone, he was there to protect the people that loved him the most, therefore grieve for him, but know that he died doing what he was always willing to do.

Posted by: KaptKaos Apr 14 2004, 05:44 PM

That's just fucking sick. Makes you want to smash the mother-fucker in the head with a 2x4. Totally senseless that he shot your dog.

Sorry for your loss man. A good dog is a great thing.

- Joe

Posted by: TimT Apr 14 2004, 06:54 PM

That really sucks...

really dont have any words to say except Im sorry for your families loss

get a pup and watch your kids eyes glow as they, and the new bud grow...

Posted by: Jeroen Apr 14 2004, 07:11 PM

I stupified and I can't come up with anything better than "sorry"



Posted by: Caveman Apr 14 2004, 07:15 PM

What a wack job! mad.gif Bait him, put it out in your front yard or something with a big for sale sign, where whoever it was (your neighbors drunk 15 yr old probably), will see it and think his luck is better. Video tape it! Put a big bear trap or something there so he really suffers! Just make sure someone can't actually steal it.

If they just happened to bring a gun with them to steal your car, sounds like you were "cased" and they knew you had a dog

Posted by: jarbuthnot Apr 14 2004, 07:32 PM

I am so sorry. It's extremely hard to lose a dog, but this is unimaginable and unforgivable.

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 15 2004, 04:09 AM

QUOTE(red914 @ Apr 13 2004, 07:40 PM)
i have this theory that God put dogs here to teach humans what unconditional love looks like. the person who did this can not receive a punishment harsh enough to balance the scales of justice.

I am so sorry for your loss

Posted by: nikhil Apr 15 2004, 12:30 PM

So sorry to read about your loss...our dogs are also just like family members, and losing 2 of them(to old age) over the past few years has been tough. I hope you find the a$$hole who did this...

Posted by: fiid Apr 15 2004, 02:21 PM

Big dog lover here too. Sorry for your loss.

There needs to be a higher barrier of entry to thievery - I have a friend who's Miata roof has been knifed TWICE when the doors have been UNLOCKED!

Can you sue them for emotional distress?

Posted by: RocknRollFrenzy Apr 15 2004, 05:49 PM

Unbelievable and sickening. I realize it probably won't happen, but here's hoping the SOB gets whats coming to him. fighting19.gif

Posted by: Steve Thacker Apr 16 2004, 11:07 AM

We don't use the word dog in our house, they are children. I think they are much more superior to us humans in all aspects of devotion and unconditional love. If someone hurt or killed one of our little ones. Mr. Death would find them with a swift vengence. They could run, but they would only die tired. My heart hurts for your loss.

Posted by: tdgray Apr 16 2004, 12:18 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. I recently lost my Cocker Spaniel of 14 years. Danny was my buddy and best friend. I will never ever forget him. When he had to be put down I admit it I cried like a baby for hours.

Here is nice way to think about this though. Still doen't help the pain sad.gif

Posted by: morphenspectra Apr 16 2004, 01:09 PM

I am extremely sorry for your loss, I too have lost a couple of dogs that I loved just as much as any family member, Afterall dogs love you unconditionally with no prejudices. I can understand your grief I lost a sheltie that was my best friend when I was growing up.


Posted by: aircooledboy Apr 16 2004, 03:34 PM

I had to wait a few days and settle down after I read your first post before I could add my condolences. ar15.gif headbang.gif fighting19.gif beer3.gif As you can see by my sig line, I am a dog guy.

We lost both our old Dobes last year, 3 months apart. I thought I was upset, then I had to tell my then 6 and 8 yr old daughters. Man I cried like a baby, and our boys went naturally. I cannot imagine having to tell them some asshole initentionally killed our dog. All I can say is I am so sorry, and suggest you do what we did. We cried, burried they guys in a very nice spot by the garden, and then we got Rocky. He is just one year old now, and the happiest dog God ever made. He can't fill the hole left by the other two, but a new chapter ain't so bad. smile.gif

Posted by: dralf Apr 16 2004, 03:58 PM

I am sorry for your loss. I will be showing your post to my woman who is such and animal love that all my friends only know her as the "Dog Lady"

I am also amazed how many of you guys have and love dogs.....My gal will become a staunche Porsche 914 lover just because of that.


Posted by: Neal Apr 16 2004, 08:56 PM

This makes me sick, I once caught two low life teenagers that shot my malamute 2 times in the stomach for fun !, I remember being so mad I almost blacked out and I was vibrating, but in the back of my mind a voice said if you hurt or kill them you will pay a price. They left their car and walked out of the powerline they were on. I took the dog to the vet and he recovered. I am so sorry for this and it's too early I think to explain to your kids that there are twisted mofo's in this world. If you had caught them they might have shot you. Keep the faith as there are ton's more good people than bad. When it's a good time your family can pick a new pet to heal the hurt.


Posted by: Rgreen914 Apr 17 2004, 02:47 AM

It appears that most of us are animal lovers in addition to being addicted to teeners. Some young people torment and/or kill animals and this is a guarantee of criminal behavior to come! The fact that this person/persons also attempted to steal your car only confirms the theory. You can bet that this is not the first time for illegal behavior to be exhibited by this person/persons; chances are it will also not be the last. Parents who observe their children being abusive towards animals really need to become involved as serious consequences are sure to follow if not addressed. I speak from experience with juvenile and adult criminals dealt with for over twenty years and their records should serve as a warning to anyone who notices such animal abuse in children. Adults who abuse anyone or anything are lost causes and should be dealt with by whatever means are appropriate/handy!

Posted by: dinomium Apr 17 2004, 10:41 AM

This thread hurt me very deeply.
The only comfort I can offer is there cant be an up with out a down, yin to a yang or in this case good in the face of pure evil.
I hope that you are able to heal and find some peace.

Posted by: jones Apr 17 2004, 11:04 AM

Wow, that is horrible! I am sorry for your loss and under those conditions, pissed and sorry. After loosing my Bassett Hound of 14 years, I found the best thing to sort out the mental mess was to buy a puppy. I don't have kids but maybe that would help.
Sorry man.

Posted by: Pnambic Apr 19 2004, 08:19 PM

Again, I'm sorry for bringing anyone down with this mess. I really do appreciate the support. It did help, more than I thought it would.

We've acquired a pair of Border Collies (3yrs and 10mos) from a rescue shelter. This kids so enjoyed having dogs to play with. The former family is moving and had to give them up. They are already well accustomed to young kids and the older is actually pretty well trained.

We've installed closed circuit video camera's and another light. The system will record up to 24 hours on a single VHS tape before taping over it again. If he comes back, which I doubt, hopefully we'll get more info.

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Posted by: Bruce Allert Apr 19 2004, 08:26 PM

Way to go! You're going to have your hands full with those 2 beauties... they are one smart and intense dog. It's going to take the kids to play them out & keep them occupied.


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