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Posted by: dflesburg Apr 16 2004, 10:45 AM

Would it be too hard to make a Forum for "anything goes" so we don't have to wade through the off topic threads to get to 914 threads?

Posted by: seanery Apr 16 2004, 10:50 AM

It's been discussed, but the OT is part of who we are. Don't look for any changes to the format any time soon.

Posted by: Jenny Apr 16 2004, 10:51 AM

The beauty of a BBS format is... you don't have to wade thru off topic threads. Just avoid the ones that start with "OT" or "WOT" Click on the ones of interest to you, be it machining services or what type of wax to use on your car.


Posted by: ArtechnikA Apr 16 2004, 10:52 AM

we can't even get people to post their WTB and parts for sale in the classifieds - and you want Admins to enforce posting OT's to a separate forum ?

there will always be OT threads - and OT comments made in technically relevant threads.
i'm just glad that so many people appropriately label their inappropriately OT threads...
if the thread's labeloled OT and especially if it's titled consistent with that, i just won't go there.

seems to work ...

( and BTW - shouldn't this have been posted to the "Feature Request and Classifieds issues" list and not the Technical list ? )
( since you ask ... :-) )

Posted by: reverie Apr 16 2004, 10:58 AM

I think this idea has merit... there are days when the majority of new posts are off-topic,
and the whole tech forum seems like an off-topic forum.

But with the "club" atmosphere here... wink.gif

Posted by: dflesburg Apr 16 2004, 11:05 AM


I just thought if the Ford Terminator (03 and 04 supercharged cobra ) guys and gals could do it a bunch of sophisticated Porschephiles could pull it off, but if yall can't then ya can't...


Posted by: Mueller Apr 16 2004, 11:07 AM

i too like the idea of the OT page, since Tech topics get buried or ignored since it seems most people just look at the first page and don't go back a page or two to see if there is a Tech topic they'd have interest in.

i also like the idea of people cleaning up and deleting a post if asking an OT question once they get thier answer.

I've noticed we get TOO many duplicate OT posts such as the "emachining", the skateboarding dog plus many others.....and this is due to people NOT going to page 2 or 3 and reading the posts because they get buried too fast.

Posted by: Jenny Apr 16 2004, 11:08 AM

We wouldn't have the comradery we have here if it wasn't for OT threads. I can tell Qarl apart from all the other Carls because of Hunter and all the penguine games he keeps finding. I know Korijo is Dave's screen name because it's his wife's name, and I know we raised money for a wheelchair and van for him, and he's giving his two boys a bug and a 914. And Fiid is short for David, and he's riding his bicycle down to SoCal for an aids benefit. I feel like everyone here is a good friend that I'd do my damnest to help if I can, and I probably wouldn't feel inclined to do so if it'd just been a year and a half of technical threads about how to fix my car. It's just an added plus that all my friends here are extremely 914 savy. laugh.gif


Posted by: seanery Apr 16 2004, 11:11 AM

It can be done. It'd take me mere seconds to get it done. BUT, it won't happen. Brad's idea for this place was/is...a buncha guys standing around a garage shooting the shit. Loose the OT, loose the atmosphere. Go hang out with the pony guys if you can't handle the OT.

Posted by: SirAndy Apr 16 2004, 11:15 AM

QUOTE(seanery @ Apr 16 2004, 10:11 AM)
Loose the OT, loose the atmosphere.

can we talk about 914s now? cool.gif

Posted by: Jenny Apr 16 2004, 11:16 AM

QUOTE(seanery @ Apr 16 2004, 10:11 AM)
a buncha guys

Ahem... Some of us gals are here too! wink.gif


Posted by: lmcchesney Apr 16 2004, 11:21 AM

As I tell my wife when she complains how I do the laundry or clean the house.
Seanery, Andy, seems like we have a new administrator.

Webster's dictionary--- GUYS (Ga-ise) A non sexist, racial non-condensending, religiously inclusive, sexual inclination accepting, age compliant, politically correct term for humanoid in a 21st century, emotionally sensitive, metrosexual domain.

L. Mccheseny

Posted by: theol00 Apr 16 2004, 11:23 AM

I have another question for the admins
- I have currently 3 X 914s registered under my name - 2 of them are no longer in my possession (sold) - if the new owner for some reason doesn't join this board we loose the serial nr - how do we prevent this from happening - should we have a special parking place for those or just take them off ?

Posted by: seanery Apr 16 2004, 11:26 AM

The 914 sig has a registry. They are part of PCA. I'm not sure if Charlie has a spot for sold cars there.

Posted by: ArtechnikA Apr 16 2004, 11:34 AM

QUOTE(seanery @ Apr 16 2004, 09:26 AM)
The 914 sig has a registry. They are part of PCA. I'm not sure if Charlie has a spot for sold cars there.

technically, the "member" of the PCA 914 SIG is the car - so once it's on the Register, it shouldn't matter who owns it subsequently.

however - the mechanism for adding multiple cars to the Registry is cumbersome at best, since the lookup is by owner...

Posted by: phantom914 Apr 16 2004, 11:46 AM

Admins: Please don't change a thing (except allow more naughty avatars smile.gif ). If you segregated the OT threads to another forum, I would miss the occasional technical thread that pops up because I would be in the OT forum so much smile.gif I enjoy the atmosphere here. We always have OT comments in an on topic thread. Are we going to disallow that too? Who wants more unnecessary rules in their life?


Posted by: mike_the_man Apr 16 2004, 11:53 AM

agree.gif I enjoy both on and off topic. Some of the OT stuff that comes up here is just great. The subservient chicken made me LMAO. I think we would lose the great atmosphere around here if there was a seperate area for OT. And, I think the Admins do a great job! Keep it up!

Posted by: rick 918-S Apr 16 2004, 12:40 PM

QUOTE(seanery @ Apr 16 2004, 09:11 AM)
Brad's idea for this place was/is...a buncha guys standing around a garage shooting the shit. Loose the OT, loose the atmosphere.

Go hang out with the pony guys if you can't handle the OT.

[B]Ya, And line em up so I can blow their doors Off with my 914. happy11.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Apr 16 2004, 12:43 PM

QUOTE(Jenny @ Apr 16 2004, 09:16 AM)
QUOTE(seanery @ Apr 16 2004, 10:11 AM)
a buncha guys

Ahem... Some of us gals are here too! wink.gif


I know there are some Aliens among you all too. alien.gif I know what you did to my car and I'm watching out for you cool_shades.gif

Posted by: nebreitling Apr 16 2004, 01:18 PM


this is a club, not just a forum -- don't change a thing!

Posted by: Brad Roberts Apr 16 2004, 02:08 PM

I just ask people to keep their OT count down. I have found that OT posts are higher during the winter/cold/rainy months because people are not working on their cars as much. Seriously, it is seasonal.

Seanery nailed my approach when "going live" with this place. I want to know more about the people involved with the cars. We will always have tech questions. I think this format is easier on OT discussions than an email group format.

Bottom line: if you have a question ..ask it.

One big family brought together with one common interest.


Posted by: vsg914 Apr 16 2004, 02:20 PM


Posted by: Gint Apr 16 2004, 03:15 PM

Since you asked...

This question was asked just the other day in the admin forum (where the admins discuss stuff like this):

has the time come to set up an off-topic forum?

This was my response (and general consensus was reached among the respondents):


My $.02 ( I am, as always, open for suggestions to the contrary):

It's part of the character of this board. People have said over and over again that they like the variety. The personality, if you will. Let's continue to be different.

I would prefer to see us continue to try to persuade members to post OT in the subject. I look at most threads once. After I determine that they don't interest me, or they've gone political, I don't read them anymore. When I'm really busy, it's pretty quick to just hit the threads that I am interested in. Then I move on to a "real life".

IMHO, and speaking strictly for myself, I don't want to impose rules on this forum and it's members. I don't want to have to enforce said rules (if instated). I get to do enough of that in my day job. I'd rather spend my available time and energy keeping this medium funtional so we can all enjoy it. I have many, many friends among the members here and I enjoy being able to spend time with them on this board whan I have the time and inclination.

You're all big boys... and girls. You can manage to click or not. If you want strictly structured forums, they're out there. This isn't one of 'em.

I like this place just fine, just the way it is.

Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 16 2004, 03:40 PM

QUOTE(Jenny @ Apr 16 2004, 09:08 AM)
We wouldn't have the comradery we have here if it wasn't for OT threads. I can tell Qarl apart from all the other Carls because of Hunter and all the penguine games he keeps finding. I know Korijo is Dave's screen name because it's his wife's name, and I know we raised money for a wheelchair and van for him, and he's giving his two boys a bug and a 914. And Fiid is short for David, and he's riding his bicycle down to SoCal for an aids benefit. I feel like everyone here is a good friend that I'd do my damnest to help if I can, and I probably wouldn't feel inclined to do so if it'd just been a year and a half of technical threads about how to fix my car. It's just an added plus that all my friends here are extremely 914 savy. laugh.gif


clap56.gif agree.gif

Posted by: vortrex Apr 16 2004, 03:42 PM

I wish there was an OT forum. lately there have been way more OT topics than 914 topics. pretty soon you're going to need to change the site to

Posted by: dinomium Apr 16 2004, 03:45 PM

QUOTE(Gint @ Apr 16 2004, 01:15 PM)

IMHO, and speaking strictly for myself, I don't want to impose rules on this forum and it's members. I don't want to have to enforce said rules (if instated). I get to do enough of that in my day job. I'd rather spend my available time and energy keeping this medium funtional so we can all enjoy it. I have many, many friends among the members here and I enjoy being able to spend time with them on this board whan I have the time and inclination.

You're all big boys... and girls. You can manage to click or not. If you want strictly structured forums, they're out there. This isn't one of 'em.

I like this place just fine, just the way it is.

agree.gif givemebeer.gif
If I like wanted to read and obey roolz, uh I'd like go to skool and stuff
uh huh huh
Right, Bevis?
(man I can still do a wicked Butthead voice, can we get an audioclip section??)



Posted by: Qarl Apr 16 2004, 03:54 PM

I just thought if the Ford Terminator (03 and 04 supercharged cobra ) guys and gals could do it a bunch of sophisticated Porschephiles could pull it off, but if yall can't then ya can't...

Therein lies the fault to your logic.

We are NOT a bunch of sophisticated Porschephiles.

If that is what you are looking forl, then hang out on the well-policed Pelican Parts Boards or the dead Rennlist forums.

We are bunch of kooky nuts with many quirks.

On a personal note, I rarely have time to socialize with friends because of my family life and obligations. In fact one of my only friends in town gets together with me once or twice a year.

914club allows me to have many virtual friends that I can shoot the sh*t with at any time and any place.

Believe it or not, I talk about the guys on here a lot, as if they were my pals here locally.

If it weren't for the OT banter, then this place would be stale and uninviting.

My opinion... don't change a thing.

Besides, where else can I post about my dog's nuts and have hundreds of views in 24 hours!!!!

Posted by: Gint Apr 16 2004, 04:01 PM

Besides, where else can I post about my dog's nuts and have hundreds of views in 24 hours!!!!

I had to draw the line on that one! laugh.gif I sure the pooch gets his drips fixed though. Oh, and, no pics!

Posted by: drew365 Apr 16 2004, 04:03 PM

Besides, where else can I post about my dog's nuts and have hundreds of views in 24 hours!!!!

Knowing the internet, there's probably more places for that than we'd like to know about. laugh.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Apr 16 2004, 05:13 PM

QUOTE(Brad Roberts @ Apr 16 2004, 12:08 PM)

One big family brought together with one common interest.


I still think Aliens had something to do with it....and I'm watching.. cool_shades.gif

Exactly what quarl said!
My job consumes my life to the point that I often times really don't have one.

I find myself telling my soul mate about what's happening with Hunter in Florida or how "B" got screwed and in spite of it all he displayed one of the strongest caritures I've witnessed, or how we just can't seem to make the van this happen no matter what we do. Then there's Jen's wrecked 914 saga. (couldn't help but bring that up)

As long as things stay "G" rated I'm cool with OT. We alway come back to the cars.

Posted by: McMark Apr 16 2004, 06:09 PM

The most important part/system on the car is the driver/owner. So OT threads are really technical threads.

If you're hungry for technical topics, go to the beginning of "time" and start reading towards now. That'll keep you happy for a long time.

Posted by: ablose58 Apr 16 2004, 06:17 PM

agree.gif Don't change a thing! aktion035.gif Everything is cool as is beerchug.gif AL

Posted by: 415PB Apr 16 2004, 06:31 PM

I think the site rocks the way it is. That is why I keep coming back over and over again. Why does it seem so hard for some people to NOT click on the damn OT if they dont like OT. Some people just cant refrain from complaining. Same goes with the damn avatar thing. Turn them off if you dont like them. It appears to me that all the admins on this board are doing a fantastic job. Please keep it up. My .02 cents of course. Oh and by the way, I am in dire need of a drivers door panel, anybody got one? I am trying to finish up before the WCC

Posted by: McMark Apr 16 2004, 06:37 PM

415PB, What color? What material? Speaker cutouts okay?

Details, details. smile.gif

Posted by: tdgray Apr 16 2004, 06:39 PM

Don't mean to "pile on" this bandwagon but......

I used to frequent the MGA BBS and received tons of good advise and plenty of help. But it was nothing like this place.

I have never talked to any of you in person. Never even attended on of the events posted on the board (hopefully will do fall-foliage this year...we'll see Seanery) but I still feel a connection with all of you based on the goofed up OT crap we post. It's a nice break from reading about someone's AX times or bigger Jugs for a motor (I do kinda miss the female variety on the board though oh well other places to get that).

We all know who has what job, who's dogs nuts are getting wacked off, no pun intended, and who had a bad day at work so they went driving.

Doesn't get any more "family" than this.

Keep it up guys and I LOVE YOU MAN wub.gif

Posted by: 415PB Apr 16 2004, 07:01 PM

QUOTE(tdgray @ Apr 16 2004, 04:39 PM)
Don't mean to "pile on" this bandwagon but......

I used to frequent the MGA BBS and received tons of good advise and plenty of help. But it was nothing like this place.

I have never talked to any of you in person. Never even attended on of the events posted on the board (hopefully will do fall-foliage this year...we'll see Seanery) but I still feel a connection with all of you based on the goofed up OT crap we post. It's a nice break from reading about someone's AX times or bigger Jugs for a motor (I do kinda miss the female variety on the board though oh well other places to get that).

We all know who has what job, who's dogs nuts are getting wacked off, no pun intended, and who had a bad day at work so they went driving.

Doesn't get any more "family" than this.

Keep it up guys and I LOVE YOU MAN wub.gif

Well said Todd, and I am glad you piled on the bandwagon laugh.gif

Mark, I guess that would have helped. I need a black door panel with no speaker cut-outs. Basketweave on the lower and smooth vinyl on top. I know, these are gonna be hard to come by, but since it seems like we all are family here, I am sure someone will help me out smile.gif I purchased a set March 21 on eveil-bay, but the seller never sent them. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help if you can. Thanks

Posted by: Ray Warren Apr 16 2004, 07:37 PM

a buncha guys standing around a garage shooting the shit. Loose the OT, loose the atmosphere.


Posted by: lagunero Apr 16 2004, 07:40 PM

QUOTE( @ Apr 16 2004, 05:09 PM)
The most important part/system on the car is the driver/owner. So OT threads are really technical threads.

agree.gif 99% . For the most part these topics evolve just like Brad invisioned them. Topics clearly stated as OT or WOT should be entered with caution. Of course I didn't read the "newbies read here" chapter for the meaning of these abbreviations, clearly this is not the concern on this thread. To stay strictly tech is to ask for the quick and swift death of this dear club. drunk.gif "don't go changing to try to please me, I love just the way you are"

Posted by: seanery Apr 16 2004, 07:59 PM

When I talk about this place and hats/shirts, etc...with vendors I always feel like we're a concrete club, not just a virtual one. I've met a lot of folks from this place that I never did with the old DGI and RennList, even Pelican. I haven't met most of you, but feel that it would be like we knew have met already. A lot of that comes from the BS that goes on in the posts. It happens in both the on & off topic posts. I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I'd probably come here less if it were different.

Posted by: trekkor Apr 16 2004, 08:20 PM

Have you ever had a conversation with anyone and stayed " on topic ".

I know I don't. "Hey, how about this" or "What'd'ya think about that". Always.

Don't be robots! ph34r.gif They're not cool.

Every post has it's'll look or you won't.
OT or NOT.

I'm staying. chowtime.gif


Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 16 2004, 08:22 PM

Yes, for me this club site has enabled me to develope new friends across the world. I talk to them here about all kinds of varied subjects. Sometimes I do get a chance to meet these guys and girls in person at swap meets, club breakfast, tech sessions,races and just vacationing.
This fall was really special because I was able to meet Jeroen and Christy in Holland, get shown around his town, ride in his hot rod 911 and cement a friendship in person.
As far as I know there is no other place to do that but here on the net. So lets keep it friendly and with a personal touch.
Straight tech talk is boring after reading it for 9 years now. I don't know how many times I have read the same effin questions! (Is my 914 a VW or a Porsche?)
I really enjoy the banter the girls bring to this forum even if they are just the wifes of some of the kooky guys on here or car owners.
In the Seattle/Tacoma/Portland area this internet club has fostered a strong 914 club that will pitch in to help fellow teeners in a pinch. Wow, this place has really gone in the right direction so don't change a god damn thing.

Sean, I didn't know you were on the dgi net site or deadlist? When?

Geoff beerchug.gif

Posted by: seanery Apr 16 2004, 08:32 PM

i lurked the dgi site starting in early 99. bought/sold some stuff, too.

Posted by: jarbuthnot Apr 16 2004, 09:00 PM

QUOTE(Bleyseng @ Apr 16 2004, 09:22 PM)
I really enjoy the banter the girls bring to this forum even if they are just the wifes of some of the kooky guys on here or car owners.

I started to get a little huffy <_< when I read this, (I'm not a wife, nor a kooky guy) then I finished the sentence. I am an owner, so I would put an embarrased smilie here if there was one.

This is a great board; some of the technical stuff is way over my head, some of it has been extremely helpful. But the best thing about it all, is the sense of family, belonging, whatever. It's a good feeling and I don't think it should change.

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 16 2004, 09:21 PM

Sorry, I love to tease women.. with my comments especially Jenny. She's a good sport for work fun.

Geoff - I don't know how Monique puts up with me sometimes....

Posted by: Jenny Apr 16 2004, 11:08 PM

Geoff~ eat my shorts bootyshake.gif

I've met a handful of out of state guys that I know here. Geoff, Jamie Rust(?), Seanery, Ginter, Vegasracer and many more. All were extremely positive experiences. It really enforces my wanting to meet more club members in person. Everyone is so laid back, and I find we all have much much more in common than just cars. Most IHOP 914 breakfasts are't spent talking about 914s at all! WAY OT!! We should call it an OT breakfast, but BYOP (bring your own porsche) laugh.gif


Posted by: Gint Apr 16 2004, 11:24 PM

Hi Jenny! wavey.gif

Posted by: Bruce Allert Apr 16 2004, 11:45 PM

Buying Punkin was the best thing that ever happened to me cuz now, I have more friends than I've ever had in my life due to this site & the way it is. A garage BS session hit the nail on the head. This place is an enlargement of a get-together at JP's. It'd be great to find a GIANT garage big enough to hold all of us then put a keg of FAT TIRE in da middle beerchug.gif


Posted by: Carl Apr 17 2004, 12:37 AM

Even though we've pretty well flogged this thing to death I'll add a few comments:

I enjoy 914 owners because you work on your cars. It's not that the work itself is the issue, it's that you're hands-on with solving problems. You're not afraid to try things or get your hands dirty. Experimenting, trial and error, it's fun, educational and something we can share. It's not just owning a car, it's the process of owning it.

The internet is an enormous boost to 914 owners. There's no way I'd continue to own the car without this support group to help answer the technical questions.

That being said, what makes this place a "club" is the texture provided by the OT material. OK, so do everyone a favor and label the subject lines, but the quality of the exchanges is so much better when it's clear who you are. The off-topic material (well, some more than others) helps complete the picture I have of you. The more finished the picture, the more I understand and the more I think of you as friends.

Brad continues to surprise me. Whenever think that his only interest is the next car, the next rebuild or the next race, he makes a comment that strikes to the heart of this virtual club - that it's the cars that bring us here, but it's more than the cars that keeps us here.

Thanks to the Admins for their watchful eye but, mostly, thanks to all of you for creating a place where no day is complete without a visit.

Posted by: Bleyseng Apr 17 2004, 02:34 AM

I'll bet Karl will push me out of the way to "eat your shorts" Jenny.

Geoff laugh.gif

Posted by: rhodyguy Apr 17 2004, 07:23 AM

the same basic tech questions do pop up repeatedly and that's ok in my book. for the most part the ot posting is just sharing things that you think others might find interesting. my progression, lurking at dgi, stf, the bird, and 99% here now. due to a change of lifestyle most of my former friends are now acquaintances', none of them drove 914's anyway. through 914club i've met some great people i am sure i would have NEVER had the pleasure to know. if jerry seinfeld would just sign up and BUY ONE OF THE LAST 95 stickers my life circle would be complete wink.gif . this went ot and i'm wiping the tears of happiness from my eyes. ot forum? check out the bird's and play there laugh.gif . neutered dogs, sad dog stories(could'nt even reply to that one), my stupid flora/yard pictures, peoples new houses, z's pickup, chickens i can't look due to dialup,... it's all good.


Posted by: seanery Apr 17 2004, 07:38 AM

Chris C. If you know where to send one, I'll buy one for JS and his "collection".

Posted by: Bruce Allert Apr 17 2004, 07:39 AM

QUOTE(Bleyseng @ Apr 17 2004, 01:34 AM)
I'll bet Karl will push me out of the way to "eat your shorts" Jenny.

Geoff laugh.gif

OOoooo! could this be the beginnings of a new poll?
Who has experienced edible shorts & what flavor were they??? laugh.gif

Don't look at me unsure.gif it's Geoff's fault laugh.gif


Posted by: Neal Apr 17 2004, 10:10 AM

O.T brought me in contact with the Moon kittens who subsquently went on to Quiznos fame
I am eternally grateful. O.T's are the best and so is this board !


Posted by: Neal Apr 17 2004, 10:12 AM

On the preceding question.
1. Yes
2. Cherry


Posted by: tracks914 Apr 17 2004, 10:23 AM

smilie_pokal.gif I feel I have friends from all around the world. I don't always want to just know how you changed your doors but how you think about life, politics, sex, jobs, religion...I think you know what I mean.
I love this site and you guys just the way you are wub.gif wub.gif
I look forward to the day I can meet some of you in person and have a beerchug.gif

Posted by: dinomium Apr 17 2004, 11:07 AM

Ok, group hug time! and I WILL do anything to get out of mowing the lawn, this fills the "Hey, baby, if I can't buy that (insert part here) new, I have to find out how to fix it!" excuse very nicely!

Posted by: Brad Roberts Apr 17 2004, 11:47 AM

Just have fun. Its ok. These cars BEAT us up repeatedly.. I enjoy providing encouragement and guidance to people willing to tackle their own projects. I have been called the "Tony Robbins" of 914's several times. Dont let it sit. ASK questions. Find local people to you that can help you out in times of need. SLAM me when I'm wrong.. it doesnt matter. I refuse to follow what other sites have done.

How many other sites have admins from all over the world ?? The very first thing I did was delegate some of the load so we would have fresh views. There is NO way one admin can run a site and not lose his hair in the process. I felt that several good people needed to be involved to help this grow.


Posted by: jones Apr 17 2004, 11:59 AM

I lurk here more than post and seem to have sense of all of you and look forward to what some of you might say (again, some of you wacko.gif ).That is largly because of the OT shit.
If I wanted to have just the facts of how-to, I would buy the service manual, not log on, and lock myself in the garage. It's all right there in the book.
Humans have this weird habit of socialization, and the need to be heard.
Power to the OT people beerchug.gif

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