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Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 16 2004, 05:56 PM

Last issue's final OKs fell on the Friday of WCC, so I got stuck here. Came to Candlestick Sat. and was impressed with the cars but moreso the people. Got some old fashioned film of many cars at the autocross that day, too. But, sadly, that was my only day on the scene and I felt a little disconnected...

Looking at next issue's slot for the WCC story, I think it a bit lame to write up an event I missed 2/3s of -- plus I know there are some highly talented people on this board (SLITS The Poet please take a bow!)...

So would anyone like to help out and take a stab at getting published in Excellence? I'm looking for 1000-1500 words on the people, places, cars, and EMOTION of the event. Please, no laundry lists -- do this event justice by sucking all those 911 and 356 owners in so they can't put it down. I mean, where else do you get a Dutch 914 master flying in, a Nissan 3000cc 914, a family-built 928-powered 914 towed in from Minnesota, a Flux Capacitor-equipped electric 914 that runs 13s in the 1/4 mile, etc?!? Best guideline: If you have fun writing it, it will probably be fun reading it.

Of course, I'll pay the author whose story gets published at our normal rate...which would probably work out to a few (or possibly several) hundred bucks. There's no catch, other than I'd need it pretty quickly (week or so?) and you may end up competing with your fellow 914 clubbers.

I'm currently talking to Brad on figuring out if I can publish some of the great pictures so many have posted, how to make that happen, if people will allow it, etc. There are a LOT of good ones!

Many, many thanks,


Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 16 2004, 06:10 PM


I spoke to Stan today about the club running a 1/3 page 4 color advert. I need to work with Jeroen to come up with this ad. I would like the ad to hit the same time the WCC coverage hits if it at all possible. The thought is to utilize one of the shots of the cars at Laguna as the backdrop for the advert and too list all of the next "Classic" related events across the USA (Mid-West/Fall Foliage and if the East Coast guys will cooperate... East Coast Classic.)

Thanks for attending the event Pete. It was a blast as you noticed. The people in this club truelly are unique to say the least.

Speak to you soon.


Posted by: Jeff Bowlsby Jun 16 2004, 06:17 PM

Pete Stout...what a privilege that you hang out with us. We wish we would have had a chance to make your personal acquaintance and that you would have been available for some of the other venues at the 914 WCC 2004. Next time hopefully.

Surely one or more attendees will step up to the challenge and pen eloquently for your fine periodical. I would like to believe that any and all of us would be more than eager to release any photos you may have interest in for publication, a simple email to the shutterbug will confirm.

So who of us...even more than just one...will step up and submit 914 prose worthy of publication...furthering the 914Club cause?

cool.gif cool.gif cool.gif

Posted by: Toast Jun 16 2004, 06:37 PM

I vote Slits! smilie_pokal.gif

Unfortunatly, he was also there only one day and a couple hours at the AX.

Maybe a few attendees could get together and swap war, I mean WCC stories. Just a thought.

Posted by: James Adams Jun 16 2004, 06:56 PM

Ginger will give it a shot if she get to it in time. She's a published writer, so it should be good if she does it.

Posted by: Rob Ways Jun 16 2004, 08:13 PM

I'll give it a shot too. Why not.

Posted by: rick 918-S Jun 17 2004, 01:07 AM

Great fun! smilie_pokal.gif Pete, Gotta hand it to you, That's a winning Idea! The kids have a video their about to release. I haven't seen it yet but I listened to the editing and chatter for the last 1700 miles of the trip. I'll send you a link when they finally post it on their site. Anything I post is public information as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for the kind words at the AX and I'm glad you enjoyed our work.

Posted by: J P Stein Jun 17 2004, 02:38 AM

I'd like to hep ya out, but I can't speel worth shit and I wasn't there, neither.....maybe next time, eh? cool_shades.gif

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 17 2004, 09:59 AM

Thanks, and the privilege to be here is mine. Even at a distance, I loved the atmosphere of the group on Saturday, but suspect I would have loved Friday (and Thursday night) even more. Deadlines can come at the WORST times!

As for the story submissions, bring 'em on. I know y'all are e-savvy, but faxes would be best for me to hold, read, drip mustard on, etc. So please fax 'em to me at (415) 382-0587 with a cover sheet saying ATTN: Pete Stout

One other note: I am always looking for talented writer/photographers who want to write for Excellence. So you never know what the outcome of taking a stab at this might be... David Colman made his name covering 914s, early 911s, and 356s. I got my start by writing up Ernie King's silver 914-6 GT and through friendships in the P. world made while "restoring" (used loosely!) my 914 in high school.

So you never know where our great cars can take you!

Brad: 1/3 four-color is a good call. Let me know if I can help, but I DO have to keep my distance from the ads side...

Thanks again,


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 17 2004, 10:05 AM

BTW, Rob: love, Love, LOVE the gray 914! That color was made for the 914.


Posted by: Demick Jun 17 2004, 10:17 AM

I'd love to contribute - but think that as one of the organizers of the event my prespective for the article would be all wrong. Ideally, I think the writer would be one of the people who stayed at the Pruneyard Inn and/or partook of the evening activities as well - these are the people who got the complete WCC experience.

2 ideal people come to mind for me: Dave Hunt with his family vacation WCC experience and Mike Ferguson who drove his 914-6 from Colorado to attend. To me, the prespective that die-hard 914 owners like these could bring would make the most interesting reading.


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 17 2004, 12:03 PM

Demick, like your ideas and am down to give anyone a shot -- BUT, one of the hardest things to do well is write about yourself (and not sound like an ass) -- whereas whoever writes this can paint those long-distance heros right.

All that said, there are ALWAYS exceptions. "You Think I'm Crazy" in the May, 2004 issue by Eric Meyer on his own 356 project or Jay Lamm's $500 928 story we ran a year ago or so both show how well the self-told story can be done... Two of the all-time best stories to roll across my desk.


Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 17 2004, 02:42 PM

I vote for a out of towner.. I think James wife would do a awesome job. She has attended *other* 914 related gatherings.. so her perspective would be a little different than others who have not attended large out of state gatherings.


Posted by: Ferg Jun 17 2004, 02:52 PM

A writer i'm not, but seeing a WCC story in Excellence would be too cool. cool.gif

Posted by: Dave_Darling Jun 17 2004, 02:57 PM

I posted several notes to the Rennlist at the time. I'll try to see if I can collect them together and add more verbiage that will help "outsiders" understand. And I'll have to get more info on the Prunyeard festivities--I wound up bailing for the mid-Peninsula... On the advice of my attorney... wink.gif


Posted by: richardL Jun 17 2004, 03:51 PM

Another idea might be to have people submit paragraphs or bits and pieces (DDs write ups on the other email list were excellent for instance) and then have someone 'weave it' together into something more like a single article.

My wife (who is a professional writer) is willing to do that, if everybody sends me fragments. This isn't intended to replace any other efforts, but allows people who have something cool to say, to make a contribution without having to commit to a whole article (I know I don't want to write the whole thing biggrin.gif )

Just a suggestion.

If Pete wants TIFFs, we need to know how to submit them for consideration as well?


Posted by: Andyrew Jun 17 2004, 04:09 PM

If I was a better writer I would try it, but because of that, my age, the fact that I am remodeling the backyard (For anyone coming to the Graffiti BBQ this sat), and that I have to detail the 56 Chevy for the show, leads me to have no time.

I would love to see some writing about the event though!


Posted by: Rob Ways Jun 17 2004, 06:13 PM

Since I was a partial organizer and in-town attender, I guess I don't have a friggin clue what the 914 WCC was all about. And if being a "die-hard" 914 person is a requirement- I guess 28 years (since I was 6) of loving 914s is worthless.

The main point is to write an outstanding article that honors the event, its people, and our cars. I don't care who does it as long as it gets done. None of us are the judges either.

I was planning to write a great article, but I guess I don't need to bother. Good luck.

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 17 2004, 06:33 PM

OH.. come on Rob headbang.gif How hard will it be to collaborate with James wife or even Richards wife ?? I "assumed" you wouldnt have time for the writing. I know you are busy.


Posted by: Jeroen Jun 17 2004, 06:42 PM

This is funny... instead of argueing who's article should be published, we're argueing who's gonna write it biggrin.gif



Posted by: Jeroen Jun 17 2004, 06:43 PM

BTW... Brad, please contact me about the Excellence ad
We talked about it, but I need some specifics



Posted by: PatW Jun 17 2004, 06:45 PM

QUOTE(Rob Ways @ Jun 17 2004, 04:13 PM)

I was planning to write a great article, but I guess I don't need to bother. Good luck.

Write an article Rob!. You know you want to..

Then submit it. If they don't like it then tell them to kiss your bootyshake.gif Isn't that what HST does? happy11.gif


Posted by: Bleyseng Jun 17 2004, 08:16 PM

Monique and I are trying to write about our experiences at the WCC, if you want it can be in Dutch. wink.gif

Posted by: Demick Jun 17 2004, 08:28 PM

QUOTE(Rob Ways @ Jun 17 2004, 04:13 PM)
Since I was a partial organizer and in-town attender, I guess I don't have a friggin clue what the 914 WCC was all about. And if being a "die-hard" 914 person is a requirement- I guess 28 years (since I was 6) of loving 914s is worthless.

The main point is to write an outstanding article that honors the event, its people, and our cars. I don't care who does it as long as it gets done. None of us are the judges either.

I was planning to write a great article, but I guess I don't need to bother. Good luck.


Sorry if you were offended by my comments. They were not directed at you in any way. I was simply stating my personal opinion on why I did not feel that I had the best perspective for writing the article. Although your perspective is similar to mine (in-town organizer), that has nothing to do with your opinions or ability to write a great article. But having not participated in the evening events and not being able to socialize at the autocross are two big reasons that I don't feel that I have the appropriate perspective.

As was stated by Pete in the original post, they are not interested in a laundry list of what happened. Anyone can write the list of events and who did what. But to write a great article that will grab the readers' attention and make them wish they were there, you have to pick an angle and write the article from an interesting perspective.

I simply don't feel I'm in the best position to do that. That's simply my opinion, and has reflection on what anyone else who attended is capable of writing.

Posted by: James Adams Jun 17 2004, 09:45 PM

You guys quit fightin' and write an article - Pete's going to pick the one he likes best anyway - not any of us! How about any not used by Pete get posted here to convince people to attend next years WCC!

I wrote an article this morning (I'm a pretty decent writer if I do say so myself) and submitted it to my wife. She's going to write her own from her perspective of the event and we will compare and possibly work them together.

Posted by: rick 918-S Jun 17 2004, 11:33 PM

Do we need a group hug! Come on guys!

I can build stuff, and teach others to use what they have inside to create.

A writer i'm not.

My 14 year old (Kyle) is a natual born musician and writer! He plays drums in a garage band, electric bass in the 9th grade band, and upright base in the tenth grade band. He just started piano lessons today.

Is he a car guy?....not so much (sigh) He rode shot gun in the wifes support vehicle and slept most of the weekend. Just not his cup of tea. He didn't complain but he didn't run out and jump in the 914 for a ride either. I asked him to give the article a shot. I knew he would be up for it.

He say's" if I would have known in advance I wouldn't have slept so much!"

He cracks me up! lol2.gif

seriously, part of the reason the school let him out early is he was required to find a local band in the San Jose area and report on their performance. we lucked out and found a kid club about 6 blocks from the Pruneyard. He took about 150 digital pictures, loaded them into the lap top and did a video with music from one of the bands he went to see play. He wrote a paper on the experience in about 1.5 hrs.

He'll stay awake next time!

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 18 2004, 10:31 AM

Alright, now I'm grinning. Look, it's come one, come all. The bottom line is the best story wins! And how fresh would it be to publish a 14-year-old in Excellence (iffn it's good, of course)! Now there's a resume builder...

The key here is knock my socks off so the 914club can knock the socks off 50,000+ readers around the world -- from Kansas to Bahrain to Australia...

As for photos, tiffs would probably be the way to go, but I'm hesitant to publish the magazine's author's only email. Are CDs sent by snail mail too much to ask -- or does anyone have a better idea? We'd need to move on that (if that was the way to go) -- would need them in a week.

Anyone interested in seeing their pix published can send them on a CD (with a quickie B&W print-out so I can credit you) to:

Excellence Magazine
ATTN: Pete Stout
42 Digital Drive #5
Novato, CA 94949

I'm not used to dealing with so many potential photographers in one story. We usually pay $35 a picture or a larger lump sum for one shooter who does it all. I am going to pay the author of the story, but may need to ask for generousity when it comes to the pix, lest the author get paid a lot less due to nickel and dime photo payments. It would also be a nightmare to get all of your SS#s for tax purposes... All photos will get a proper credit, however, and the eternal gratitude of this editor.


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 23 2004, 02:15 PM

Tom Trudell, many thanks for the photo CD!

Any others en route?


Posted by: Part Pricer Jun 23 2004, 02:24 PM


Thanks for supporting the 914Club.

I normally pickup a copy on the news stand when I see a new issue. But, because you support us, I'm going to support you. I just signed up for a subscription. I don't want to miss the WCC issue of Excellence. It is going to be called "Excellence - The WCC Issue" isn't it?

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 23 2004, 02:38 PM

WCC Issue... I like it!!!-- and for the cover I've got a nice picture of Brad wearing a Cow Boy hat while riding the passenger door of Ugly. smilie_pokal.gif

Seriously, many thanks for the subscription. Every sub. is important to us, but ones like these mean a lot to me...kind of like when two friends who sold their Porsches a while ago kept their subscriptions.

Now I just gotta try to make the $22 you spent worth your while.


Posted by: Demick Jun 23 2004, 05:35 PM

Tell you what. Anyone who has any pictures you want submitted to Pete for the magazine article - send me the full size picture that you have. On Friday I will put them all on a CD and send them to Pete.

send to:

Send one per e-mail so that single e-mails do not get too large.


Posted by: Mueller Jun 23 2004, 05:45 PM

Hey Pete, I'll be up there in Novato around lunch time (across the street from SSI), want to buy me lunch, I mean want to do lunch??? If so, I hope you have something better than that 996 turbo you had last time, it was too slow....(still grinning from that ride) laugh.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 23 2004, 06:55 PM

I like the CD idea Demick. I know the TIFF files will be large.

I would like to see that pic of me on the window ledge of "Ugly" That is my SCCA ride through the pits without getting into the car trick. Used it many a times. Hopefully the pic didnt look completely stupid.


Posted by: Jeroen Jun 23 2004, 07:10 PM

I don't need to see your ugly mug in Excellence wacko.gif
I want that pic of Birgit filling up the /6 in there!



Posted by: Demick Jun 23 2004, 08:08 PM

I am assuming hi-res .jpg files should be ok. Most people's digital cameras don't take tiff (and even if they do, people don't have their cameras set to take tiff). And it doesn't do any good to convert from jpg to tiff.

Also, if you send me pictures, it will probably help Pete to put a description with each picture. I can make up the descriptions, but the photographer should be able to create the most accurate description.


Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 23 2004, 08:17 PM

As I walked around the event I told everyone who had a camera that would shoot .tiff to shoot with it turned on.

The primary people who where shooting with high quality digital:

Tom (yellow 76 914 carreraguy)

and Richard Linsdall

There where numerous other people who where shooting .tiff. Pete and I discussed prior to the event what format would work best. High Res digital wont cut it.

We also need to get a hold of the lady who rode with the guy in the WIDE Orange 9146. She was shooting Thursday night and Friday, but I didnt see her Sat. or Sunday.


Posted by: Demick Jun 23 2004, 08:26 PM

Pete can chime in if 3.2mp jpg and higher is good enough or if we needn't bother even sending those. I would assume it would be fine for most pictures except ones that they want to print 1/2 page or larger.

If you have tiff pictures, you probaby ought to send them to Pete yourself since tiff can be 10 or 20 MB each (I think my mail can take a max of 10MB per e-mail).

Also, regarding royalties. If you want royalties for your pictures - then send them to Pete yourself. I don't want to get between Pete and the photographer on that issue. Only send me pictures if you are willing to forego any royalties. But as Pete said, you will still get credit in the magazine for any photos used.


Posted by: seanery Jun 23 2004, 08:31 PM

As far as Tif vs Jpg goes, the tif will have slightly better saturation than a Jpg. This is assuming the Jpg quality is 100%. I use Jpg for almost everything I do that is raster based. I actually shoot in RAW format and convert my keepers to 100% Jpg files.
The problems with Jpg come with questionable compression rates.

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 23 2004, 09:22 PM

Bottom line was 300dpi. Tiff covers that. They have to be able to shrink it and enlarge it without losing quality.


Posted by: seanery Jun 23 2004, 09:53 PM

not to be too contradictory, but just because it's a tiff doesn't mean its 300 dpi. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Demick Jun 23 2004, 10:34 PM

300dpi is kind of a useless number. It all depends on how big they want to print the picture. My 3.2megapixel pictures are 1536 x 2048 pixels. At 300dpi, that means that you can print it at a size of approx 5" x 7"

Like Seanery says, it's really about compression. TIFF is not a compressed file format as far as I know. JPG is a compressed format (and can vary from very little compression to a lot). The sharpness of the photo is all about how much compression it has.

Posted by: bernbomb914 Jun 24 2004, 12:04 AM

brad that video that I gave you could be processed for tiff pics. there might be some singles in it also. Have you looked at it yet?


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 24 2004, 09:57 AM

Mueller, I woulda been down for lunch, but you woulda been stuck in my 914-4 Question-Liter, which (of course) is far faster than the 996 TT you rode in last time (downhill in a hurricane, anyway).

Seriously, give me a day or two's notice (best to call the main number in the front of the mag) and I'm down!

300 dpi IS useless without a sizing, and we're looking for roughly eight inches wide at 300 dpi (which is aprox. page wide). That said, send on the jpegs and smaller images (such as virtual 5x7s) because while we won't be able to open an article with them, they may make good one- and two-column shots. The CDs are definitely the way to go. I know it's a pain to mail them, but USPS is pretty efficient and my inbox has got its limitations.

Brad, you can not only see the cowboy shot, you can have the original slide. I have to check it again, but I think it's good enough to do some fairly large blow-ups. Ugly is looking mighty fine. And for Jeroen, Birgit behind the wheel will be a bonus.... burnout.gif


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 25 2004, 05:06 PM

James and Ginger, thanks for the first two submissions! I'm gonna wait with feedback (and I'm not planning on posting it for all to see) until I get a few more....

So send 'em in. If you're like me, you may be procrastinating. So the deadline is fast approaching, and I am gonna set a Wednesday morning limit to all who are interested. Fax number is listed above...

And where oh where is SLITS!?!? No favoritism, but his poems were amazing.



Posted by: Toast Jun 25 2004, 06:48 PM

I have read what Slits has wrote so far and it is pretty damn good. Just wanted to tease you all. laugh.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 27 2004, 01:30 PM

BUMP.. before this gets buried.

I'm "hoping" some of *us* get to read it before it goes to print.


Posted by: watsonrx13 Jun 27 2004, 01:53 PM

Yea, what he said.... agree.gif

Posted by: seanery Jun 27 2004, 02:50 PM

This is a great opportunity for us and especially for those submitting articles. I'd hate to see this opportunity wasted.

Posted by: Alison Baker Jun 27 2004, 04:35 PM

Another option is talk or get them too write someething from a male who has a 914 and then from a woman side if she enjoyed it .If this is gonna be a family thing dont take it all from the dude , talk to wives , girlfriends and the kids that were there from Thursday till Sunday ....

Posted by: Rob Ways Jun 27 2004, 04:49 PM

I bowed out and didn't write anything - too many good cooks the kitchen. I know whatever Pete chooses it will be great.

The WCC was the result of this 914 club website. It brought together all of us. This site raises the 914 to the respectability I've always felt it deserves. The WCC showed how we are a 914 family- comprised of great people, each with our own forms of expression (stock, modified, race, show). As a group, we enjoyed touring, racing, and showing our 914s. At the end, we got to see most likely the rarest 914 on the planet in No. 4 (11).

I look forward to future events and I'm damn proud to be a part of it all.


Posted by: rick 918-S Jun 28 2004, 12:53 AM

QUOTE(Rob Ways @ Jun 27 2004, 02:49 PM)
I bowed out and didn't write anything - too many good cooks the kitchen. I know whatever Pete chooses it will be great.

The WCC was the result of this 914 club website. It brought together all of us. This site raises the 914 to the respectability I've always felt it deserves. The WCC showed how we are a 914 family- comprised of great people, each with our own forms of expression (stock, modified, race, show). As a group, we enjoyed touring, racing, and showing our 914s. At the end, we got to see most likely the rarest 914 on the planet in No. 4 (11).

I look forward to future events and I'm damn proud to be a part of it all.


Bump, ya what he said... agree.gif

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 28 2004, 10:34 AM

BUMP again and still only two stories faxed in, and these from one couple!

can't wait to see what you guys come up with, but getting close to deadline now...


Posted by: SLITS Jun 28 2004, 01:52 PM

You haven't checked you fax machine or it ain't workin'

Bump Bump (horizontal or vertical?)

Posted by: richardL Jun 28 2004, 03:23 PM


When is the deadline for pictures? I took around 70 TIFFs, so hopefully some are OK. I couldn't burn a CD earlier because a house guest screwed up the burner and also destroyed every single CD-R I had!

I'm able to burn it now and I will mail it today (from the Bay Area). I hope that works, or should I overnight it?


Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jun 28 2004, 05:37 PM

Got Richard's photos and SLITS' text. Anyone still planning to make a submission should hurry up -- or at least let me know you're working on it and when you think you might have it done -- because I don't wanna leave anybody out of the final decision...

Many thanks to those who have already turned in their contributions -- I am hoping to have a great article on a great event!


Posted by: Demick Jun 28 2004, 06:45 PM

I mailed the CD with pictures from myself, Jeroen, Felix, John Peterson, and Scott Kline to you today. You might get it tomorrow but if not definitely by Wed.


Posted by: Brad Roberts Jun 28 2004, 09:15 PM

Thanks everyone. Keep them coming. I shot a few pics from KK's camera..


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