Hey Admins...
Not that I am ungrateful or anything... but it takes 17-20 seconds to get to the 914club website now (timed from clicking the link in my Favorites toolbar) to when stuff starts to pop up.
Clicking on the button to post a new topic takes 8-12 seconds to pop up.
This is true for my PC at home and for my PC at work (different ISPs).
Home is a cable modem and work is a high-speed DSL.
I thought maybe it had something to do with the Mozilla browser vs. IE, but no difference from either browser or from any other PC in my office.
What gives?
Seems like something has changed and is causing the webserver to do something it didn't use to do.
Oh.. and posting the message took nearly 30 seconds for the server to acknowledge the post!
Who f-ed with the html code?
Yup, it's got the crud. Somebody kick that puppy
It might be a pipeline issue... I'm getting pretty good response time through my proxy server in Iraq.
I'm on dial-up out in the sticks and it's quick to me.
7 secs to reply to this.
5secs to reply here.
11 secs to upload and show the last post.
I'm happy.
Replying is really quick. It's just accessing the board, posting a new topic, and viewing topics.
I just connected to my California office (yet another ISP) and it was slow there too!
It's been noticably slower for about 2-3 weeks or so.
Seanery is deleting too many superflous hijacked threads.
doesn't necessarily mean the BBS server is slow. do a traceroute to www.914world.com from your PC and post the results here.
that way i can tell you where the bottleneck is ...
It was very slow all weekend and this morning.
It seems to have become faster in th elast few minutes - did you do something Andy?
Destination host:
Data size: 48 bytes.
1: [], RTT: 0ms
2: fl-64-18-231-1.sta.sprint-hsd.net [], RTT: 60ms
3: crflwnpk02 [], RTT: 45ms
4: host33.utelfla.com [], RTT: 56ms
5: leg-208-30-210-21-NYC.sprinthome.com [], RTT: 63ms
6: sl-bb20-orl-0-0.sprintlink.net [], RTT: 66ms
7: sl-bb20-fw-9-3.sprintlink.net [], RTT: 70ms
8: sl-st21-dal-1-0.sprintlink.net [], RTT: 117ms
9: [], RTT: 110ms
10: sl-wilte-1-0.sprintlink.net [], RTT: 79ms
11: dllstx9lcx1-pos6-0.wcg.net [], RTT: 71ms
12: dllstx1wcx2-pos0-0-oc48.wcg.net [], RTT: 73ms
13: dnvrco1wcx3-pos1-0-oc192.wcg.net [], RTT: 96ms
14: sntcca1wcx2-pos14-0.wcg.net [], RTT: 118ms
15: snfcca1wcx2-pos4-0-oc48.wcg.net [], RTT: 114ms
16: snfcca1wcx1-oc48.wcg.net [], RTT: 114ms
17: snfcca1wcx1-optigate-gige.wcg.net [], RTT: 114ms
18: novani.sfo-cr1.optigate.net [], RTT: 168ms
19: [], RTT: 169ms
20: 914world.com [], RTT: 115ms
Statistics for host:
20 packets transmited, 20 packets received, 0% packet loss.
damm, that is bad. you're starting with a 60 ms delay on the first hop!!!
here's what i get for the last hop, and i'm not that close to the server either (only 6 hops less than you):
14: 19 ms 19 ms 17 ms www.914world.com []
your connection to your gateway sucks!
Pfobably sucks because I am about 200 feet away from the access point connected to a switch, connected to a switch, connected to a switch, connected to a firewall
What about the rest of the connections? Did it help decipher anything?
OH... and 914world.com is slow as shit from home too!
Home is connected to the local cable modem service. There are only 3 houses on my particular node of the cable service, so my connection is fast as hell! Like a T-1!
I can't hardly view the site from work. It takes minutes to connect, minutes to access the technical forum, and minutes to load a post. What is unusual is the classifieds load quickly.
Not sure if it is the IM police (racy avatars) or what. My company links a bunch of small companies by T1 lines and a gateway portal to the world in New Jersey.
At home I link thru AOL, and it's freekin fast on a dialup.... well, compared to work its lightning. Shop Talk forums loads fast at work so what's the diff?
it's kinda slow to me and I just had a time out while trying to post a reply.
Here it is from home...
Destination host:
Data size: 48 bytes.
1: [], RTT: 9ms
2: srp1-0.orldflwrpk-rtr1.cfl.rr.com [], RTT: 10ms
3: 24.95.1224.165 [], RTT: 9ms
4: pop2-tby-P0-2.atdn.net [], RTT: 13ms
5: bb1-tby-P0-1.atdn.net [], RTT: 11ms
6: bb2-atm-P7-0.atdn.net [], RTT: 31ms
7: pop1-atm-P1-0.atdn.net [], RTT: 28ms
8: pos8-0.mpr1.atl4.us.above.net [], RTT: 30ms
9: so-3-3-0.mpr2.iah1.us.above.net [], RTT: 42ms
10: so-6-1-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net [], RTT: 43ms
11: so-0-0-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net [], RTT: 41ms
12: so-3-0-0.mpr4.sjc2.us.above.net [], RTT: 85ms
13: pos6-0.mpr2.pao1.us.above.net [], RTT: 87ms
14: above-gw.optigate.net [], RTT: 85ms
15: sfo-cr1.paix-pr1.optigate.net [], RTT: 86ms
16: novani.sfo-cr1.optigate.net [], RTT: 86ms
17: [], RTT: 87ms
18: ftp.914world.com [], RTT: 88ms
Statistics for host:
18 packets transmited, 18 packets received, 0% packet loss.
hmmm, you're loosing ground between hop 11 and 12, seems like one of abovenet's routers is on the way out ...
11: so-0-0-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net [], RTT: 41ms
12: so-3-0-0.mpr4.sjc2.us.above.net [], RTT: 85ms
Here are some more questions...
Could it be browser related? (meaning, I'm not sure if he is using AOL's browser, vs. Internet Explorer or Mozilla).
The reason I started the thread is that the board was always fast until recently (past 2 weeks or so).
Nothing changed on my end (hardware wise, or software wise).
I do note this...
I can get to the www.914world.com main page really fast when I type it into the address bar.
When I can click BBS, and it appears to jump fast.
Then when I click the Technical forum (it slooooooowwws down).
On my PC, I have my browser to default directly into the technical BBS forum when I open it up. This is where the delay occurs?
So explain, that?
It probably has to do with size and number of users on the board then... and the size of the database. Maybe too many pictures of Zois' ass in the archives!
When I set my link to the classifieds, it works really quick.
I still think something changed... I am also wondering, since "others" have confirmed lately that the board seems slow to them too.
But as I stated on my first post, I'm not ungrateful.
Maybe 914club is just too popular.
Have you considered an IPO?
after a while of comparitively little virus traffic i've been hit with a few dozen today; i think there's some new strain out there and the servers are having to cope with a new big glut of malware traffic...
hey guys, how do I do a trace?
Here's my tracert from Mississippi
1 10 ms 10 ms 9 ms
2 10 ms 11 ms 9 ms pos3-0.jcsnms-rtr2-jam.rr.com []
3 52 ms 10 ms 10 ms pos0-3.jcsnms-rtr2-jam.rr.com []
4 19 ms 18 ms 18 ms srp0-0.hstntxtid-rtr3.houston.rr.com []
5 132 ms 60 ms 19 ms son0-0-3.hstqtxl3-rtr1.texas.rr.com []
6 18 ms 19 ms 19 ms pop1-hou-P1-0.atdn.net []
7 20 ms 19 ms 19 ms bb1-hou-P2-0.atdn.net []
8 25 ms 25 ms 27 ms bb1-dls-P6-0.atdn.net []
9 61 ms 32 ms 74 ms pop1-dls-P0-0.atdn.net []
10 33 ms 25 ms 24 ms so-6-2-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net []
11 68 ms 68 ms 190 ms so-4-0-0.mpr4.sjc2.us.above.net []
12 68 ms 68 ms 68 ms pos6-0.mpr2.pao1.us.above.net []
13 68 ms 68 ms 68 ms above-gw.optigate.net []
14 114 ms 101 ms 69 ms sfo-cr1.paix-pr1.optigate.net []
15 70 ms 81 ms 70 ms novani.sfo-cr1.optigate.net []
16 69 ms 70 ms 70 ms
17 69 ms 70 ms 70 ms www.914world.com []
ok, figured it out:
Attached image(s)
Anyone know of a way to contact above.net?
This is killing me.
I may have to find a new hobbie.
hi folks,
look at this from germany ->
Tracing route to www.914world.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms bs3comsw9a.HHI.DE []
2 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms
3 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms gateintern.HHI.DE []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 5 ms 5 ms 4 ms tugate.HHI.DE []
6 * 5 ms 5 ms ssr8-EN.gate.TU-Berlin.DE []
7 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms ssr8pos-EN.gate.TU-Berlin.DE []
8 5 ms 7 ms 6 ms ar-tuberlin1.g-win.dfn.de []
9 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms cr-berlin1-po4-1.g-win.dfn.de []
10 24 ms 16 ms 14 ms cr-frankfurt1-po9-2.g-win.dfn.de []
11 35 ms 14 ms 14 ms ir-frankfurt2-po4-0.g-win.dfn.de []
12 15 ms 14 ms 15 ms ge9-0.pr1.fra1.de.above.net []
13 15 ms 14 ms 15 ms so-0-1-0.cr1.fra1.de.above.net []
14 20 ms 16 ms 17 ms [2]
15 34 ms 38 ms 32 ms so-4-2-0.cr1.lhr3.uk.above.net []
16 104 ms 103 ms 104 ms so-7-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net []
17 * 105 ms 103 ms so-0-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net []
18 132 ms 131 ms 133 ms so-2-2-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net []
19 132 ms 132 ms 131 ms so-0-0-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net []
20 176 ms 175 ms 177 ms so-4-1-0.mpr4.sjc2.us.above.net []
21 176 ms 176 ms 176 ms pos6-0.mpr2.pao1.us.above.net []
22 176 ms 176 ms 176 ms above-gw.optigate.net []
23 182 ms 180 ms 181 ms sfo-cr1.paix-pr1.optigate.net []
24 177 ms 180 ms 177 ms novani.sfo-cr1.optigate.net []
25 180 ms 177 ms 178 ms
26 178 ms 179 ms 179 ms www.914world.com []
Trace complete.
and we have now 17:00 CET ...
you folks have a real slow network right now !!!
ciao ... Benno
So how do we get them to fix it?
Send Andy over to yell at them?
My first slow hop, #12 which is my second of 3 abovenet hops is where my slowdown is coming out of TX, at 59ms. Is it also possible that there was another route previously open to the west coast besides abovenet that is no longer operating, thus forcing all the load through abovenet and overloading them?
I am on the Alfa BB also and it is lightning quick. The difference? They allow no animations. Anything that moves is bog slow and will make everything creep.
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