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Posted by: ! Dec 1 2004, 06:41 PM

Fogarty...11 years young was feeling a little low lately. His x-ray showed a mass in his abdomen. Surgery yesterday found a 7lbs enlarged and cancerous sleen that was removed.

He spent the night with an excellent prognosis....he was weak from loss of blood but he was able to recognize me when I visited after he came out of the surgery......

This morning I got news that he didn't make it.....he will be buried Friday on my back hill overlooking the ocean.

Go hug your pet...... wub.gif BTW, he's the one on the left.

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Posted by: nsyr Dec 1 2004, 06:47 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss. I love my dogs. They really are man's best friend.

Posted by: redshift Dec 1 2004, 06:48 PM

So sorry buddy, I can't bear losing a doggy.. I miss 'em so much.


Posted by: SpecialK Dec 1 2004, 06:49 PM

Very sorry for your loss Mike. I sometimes think about the day when our dog Mo goes, it'll tear me and my wife up. Mo's kind of our "hairy son with a speech impediment".

Posted by: ! Dec 1 2004, 06:49 PM

Thanks....he had lousy taste...he liked the 911 better.

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Posted by: anderssj Dec 1 2004, 06:50 PM

Really, really sorry . . . .

Posted by: morgan Dec 1 2004, 06:51 PM

Mike this sucks just like if he was your kid. Just lost my little girl last mouth stiil hurts. I know by this time or sooner I will find a neww bud

John sad.gif

Posted by: Tom Perso Dec 1 2004, 06:52 PM


Sorry to hear about your loss. They are tough to lose, I've been there. He's in a better place after a good life with a loving owner... smile.gif

I gave my Boxer "Sadie" a hug and the wife and I are taking her for a walk... In 30deg. weather. smile.gif


Posted by: Jenny Dec 1 2004, 06:56 PM

Oh Mike. I'm so sorry to hear about Fogarty. sad.gif He was such a sweetheart. I will hug Snoopy extra hard tonight when I get home. How are the girls doing?


Posted by: Jeroen Dec 1 2004, 07:02 PM

Hey Mike, sorry to hear this... Loosing a pet sucks... sad.gif

Posted by: MattR Dec 1 2004, 07:31 PM

So sorry to hear about it mike. Our pup is just 3 and he's already surpassed "best friend." I cant imagine what 11 years feels like...

Posted by: Bruce Allert Dec 1 2004, 07:36 PM

Oh so sorry Mike. Their lives just aren't long enough.

Kathleen & I just had to say goodbye to Devon, our 13 yr old Corgi last Monday. Massive amount of cancer returned to the nasel passage we fought so hard to keep away. It worked for 5 years... UC Davis is a great place smilie_pokal.gif

Yellow Labs are fantastic companions and leaders. 75% of our kennels are Labs.

take care Buddy.


In loving memory of Devon

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Posted by: scotts-toolwench Dec 1 2004, 07:48 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm gonna give my baby's a big hug right now.

I'm a firm believer your dogs are way beyond mans best friend. If it wasn't for my dog Sam (he's a big lopey Black lab) I wouldn't be here today. Yup, you read thay right., he saved my life. I was sound asleep one morning while Scott was hepling a friend move. Unbenoenst to me the cat put some clothes on the pilot light on our stove and started a fire. Sam not only growled he barked and barked till I woke up. He saved my life so of course he can do no wrong with me and I spoil him rotten, okay I spoil both of them rotten!

Sorry again,

Sam, my heroic doggy.....

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Posted by: Jake Raby Dec 1 2004, 07:53 PM

Man, that always is so hard to deal with. Living in the country as a kid we let our dogs run free as they were workers as much as pets. We lost so many from them chasing the neighbors Turkeys and running Der and getting shot that I pretty much gave up on having one because it was always so rough when something happened. I hated to keep them in a pen even more than letting them run...

Sorry to hear your loss, do you still have the other dog in the pic?

Posted by: lapuwali Dec 1 2004, 07:53 PM

A sad day. My dog is pushing 14 years old, is half-blind, mostly deaf, and is now having trouble with his back legs. I need to let go, and it's not easy. He's been with me since he was 3 months old...

Posted by: scotts-toolwench Dec 1 2004, 07:54 PM

okay, and to be fair, here's o-hyper-one

Kali, the insane one...

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Posted by: watsonrx13 Dec 1 2004, 07:56 PM

Hey Mike, sorry to hear this... Loosing a dog sucks... I have to dachies, I will be very sad the day they pass away... sad.gif

Posted by: URY914 Dec 1 2004, 08:11 PM

I never had a dog growing up. But about three years ago we got Max.
So I never lost a dog but it will be a sad day when Max goes.

He is a pic of the proud little Pug...

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Posted by: URY914 Dec 1 2004, 08:17 PM

I never had a dog growing up. But about three years ago we got Max.
So I never lost a dog but it will be a sad day when Max goes.

He is a pic of the proud little Pug...

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Posted by: ! Dec 1 2004, 08:27 PM

Sandy, the other yellow lab is 7 ish....and the wife showed up with these a couple of months ago, named Squirt and Flirt.....add this to the three cats and the tortoise, three kids...four if you count me...five cars, and the remodel from hell.......... wacko.gif

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Posted by: Aaron Cox Dec 1 2004, 08:30 PM

i know the feeling mike. lost one of my golden retrievers after 16 years sad.gif

Posted by: Tom Perso Dec 1 2004, 08:57 PM

Sadie (the dog) and LJ (the cat) are thinking of your friend...

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Posted by: Headrage Dec 1 2004, 09:02 PM

Sorry to hear about your loss Mike. sad.gif

Posted by: boxstr Dec 1 2004, 09:40 PM

Mike So sorry to read about the lose of a dog. I was a wreck for a month after Buster passed on. Take care.

Posted by: skline Dec 1 2004, 09:44 PM

Mike, I am sorry for your loss, and I want to thank you for reminding me why I didnt want to get another pet. I remember how hard it is to deal with losing something so close to you. I really dont want to subject myself to that again. I like animals way too much and it kills me when they go away.

Posted by: reverie Dec 1 2004, 09:46 PM

Sending good thoughts your way, Mike.. you too, James.

When the time came for the dog we had previously (hip cancer), it was comforting to us that he would come back to say hello.. for a couple of weeks, especially in the evening, we would hear him talk (bark) in the dining room, and we would talk to him and say "Good boy, Caesar, good boy, it's okay boy, we love you too." I get teary-eyed thinking about that. After a couple of weeks he must've been satisfied that we were okay, so he stopped coming back, and we got our new dog from Basset Rescue a few weeks later.

A good dog is a good buddy. smile.gif

Posted by: Gint Dec 1 2004, 10:17 PM

Sorry Mikey...

Posted by: Brad Roberts Dec 1 2004, 10:39 PM


Sorry to hear about the loss. Hug the kids and pet the animals once for me.


Posted by: Lou W Dec 1 2004, 11:22 PM

Mike, Sorry to hear about your loss. Don't forget about all good about the Lovin you gave him, I'm sure he appriciated it.

Posted by: Carl Dec 2 2004, 12:36 AM

Sorry, Mike. It's really tough when they go.

Posted by: campbellcj Dec 2 2004, 01:11 AM

Sorry to hear the news. It's never easy when they depart, especially when it's relatively unexpected. Reminds me that our two dogs are getting up there as well, one is 13 and one (the psycho that tried to eat you) is almost 11. Knock on wood they are relatively healthy but we raised them both from 8wk pups and DAMN it's scary how fast time flies!

Posted by: Howard Dec 2 2004, 01:51 AM

Mike, the more people I meet the better I like my dogs (and cat). Sorry for your loss.

Posted by: krk Dec 2 2004, 01:55 AM

Hey Mike,

This is definitely sad news and I'm very sorry to hear of it.


Posted by: Carrera916 Dec 2 2004, 02:55 AM


We have never met or spoke before but your loss has touch and overwhelmed me a bit......

About a month ago, Amber, my 12 yr old German Shep (since 6 weeks old), died unexpectly at the animal hospital.......she had to have surgery for the obstructions in her intestinal system (2 frigging places!), and in middle of surgery, her spleen has to go so that went out. Everything went well until the next two days that I was to pick her up and guess what, I got a call that Amber didn't make, it blew me away litterally and I'm still not quite over it.

Today, my wife just picked up Amber's urn and I was a bit taken back as the memories were too strong for me to let go cuz it hurts.....until I read about yours.

I dunno, Mike, for some reason, I finally felt a bit at peace after realizing that I'm not alone in this.....unpleasant surprise. Sometimes life has a funny way of showing, sharing and understanding one and another....

I'm sorry for your loss and hope we can meet someday to perhaps share funny moments of our canine friends. They're more than just "a dog"


Posted by: VegasRacer Dec 2 2004, 05:07 AM

I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your loss Mike.

Posted by: Kerrys914 Dec 2 2004, 06:21 AM


Sorry to hear about your loss. They are great animals and even better freinds.

Here's one for Fogarty from guys in PA beer.gif

Posted by: tdgray Dec 2 2004, 06:23 AM

Sucks Mike.... been there done that hurts like hell. sad.gif

Posted by: jwalters Dec 2 2004, 06:51 AM

I wish you my most deepest sympathies--Losing a cherished and loved pet is gut-wrenching. Just remember all the good times, that is what it is all about. Best wishes, J.

Posted by: ! Dec 2 2004, 10:09 AM

Thanks for all the well wishes. His companion is looking all over the yard for him.....I spent most of the afternoon and evening with her. We even shared a beer togther in his honor..... beerchug.gif

Posted by: davep Dec 2 2004, 10:31 AM

We share your loss as well. We had to put down our first dog a short while ago. We took her out for a nice long walk, gave her a few special treats she could not normally have, then off to the vet. Rest in peace Sarah, wait for us over the Rainbow Bridge.

Posted by: d7n7master Dec 2 2004, 02:04 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss Mike. We love our dogs like family.

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Posted by: Scott Carlberg Dec 2 2004, 04:54 PM

Sorry to hear about Fogarty passing away.

I've teared up just thinking about the day my dog passes on.

Rest in Peace Fogarty

Posted by: gregrobbins Dec 2 2004, 11:01 PM

Mike, sorry for your loss. I just went out back to look at a rose bush covering the grave of my beloved Corgi: Kirby and a Hybiscus tree planted where I burried my All-American Princess. Dogs are great, I am so glad I had them to enjoy. I miss them, but now there is Sammy and Annie that fill that void.

One great thing about all the dogs: They love going for a ride in the teener as much as I do!

Posted by: Qarl Dec 2 2004, 11:04 PM


Posted by: Bruce Allert Dec 3 2004, 11:40 AM

QUOTE(davep @ Dec 2 2004, 09:31 AM)
wait for us over the Rainbow Bridge.

I receive numerous sayings and poems regarding dogs being my field is surrounded by these wonderful beings.

I really liked this one.....

(Opus 4)

My little Forby passed away, no more to breathe a sound.
I held him for the last time, then entombed him in the ground.
Day and night I wept so much, in tears I thought I'd drown.
I searched my soul for comfort, but no peace therein was found.

In great despair, I hit my knees and then began to pray.
"Father will I ever see, my dog again someday?"
I raised my eyes and saw an angel standing near a gate.
I sensed an inner peace I'd never felt before that day.

The angel smiled and said to me, "Oh man of little faith!
God sees every bird that falls; He knows your bully's fate.
I have met your little dog, I saw him pass my way.
Your precious dog is still alive; he just walked through this gate.

Paradise is lovelier than you can comprehend.
No pain or grief, no tears or fears, and life will have no end.
God gave to man His only Son, to cover all his sins.
So why would God withhold from you, your pure and loving friend?”

The angel took me by the hand and said, "Now come with me.
A glimpse of paradise I'll give, to you so you can see."
Through the gate and o'er the Rainbow Bridge we did proceed.
Through green valleys filled with flowers, rolling hills and trees.

“Wow, so this is paradise!” The place was filled with joy.
I saw my bully playing there, with dogs and cats and toys.
He also had some doggie treats, and food that he enjoyed.
He'd made a lot of new friends there, including girls and boys.

Then I saw a child come near, and hug my little mate.
She said to him, "I love you so," and kissed him on the face.
The angel said, "The child just crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.
Now she needs a little friend, to love and help her play.

God’s love for her would be enough, in that make no mistake.
But in His love, He knew full well, the child would want a mate.
This is why God called your dog unto this splendid place.
God’s entrusted her with him, ‘til you pass through the gate."

I pleaded, “May I hug them both?!” The angel answered, “No!
You’d violate a sacred site, and now it’s time to go.”
He led me back across the Bridge and through the gate to home.
He left me there with new-found hope and peace within my soul.

If someone ever asks what happens to a dog that dies,
Just give a gentle smile of joy and look them in the eye.
Take their hand and comfort them and tell them not to cry.
For dogs don’t die, they simply cross a bridge to paradise.

By Dan Atcheson (5/2/00)

"If there is no heaven for dogs, then I want to go where they go when I

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe
it to him to be worthy of such devotion."


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