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Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 01:19 PM

Two players have come out in two days. Yesterday it was Jason Giambi of the Yankees who knew he took steriods and today its Barry Bonds of the Giants who claims he didnt know they were steriods. What are your reactions? Can you still love baseball? Does this change how you look at these new power hitters? What should Bud Selig do? (commissioner).

For me, I was elated when both a Giant and Yankee were found guilty of steriod use, but when you eliminate the competition aspect from a homer's point of view (go dodgers), but I think this really hurts baseball. I think its similar to the strike of '96, they're going to lose a lot of fans. Its too bad, and I do think its the worst thing to happen to the sport since '96.

Posted by: Kerrys914 Dec 3 2004, 01:24 PM

It's not good for the sport and it will get worse during this off season but you always have

GO RED SOX smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Rhodes71/914 Dec 3 2004, 01:25 PM

I think it hurts Baseball a ton, and if it doesn't then sports fans have on bigger blinders than I thought. Finally Baseball will have to change there position on steroid use. I think currently there has to be 5 violations before any punishment is made.

I also feel the need to put my 2 cents in on all of proffesional sport. Most of them are just overpaid whiners. Hopefully my children don't grow up idolizing these people. They are not heros, they get paid a lot of money to play games. I can't go on it makes my blood boil.

Posted by: Eddie Williams Dec 3 2004, 01:33 PM

Giambi?? Bonds?? Who knew they were on 'roids? If you believed before now that they weren't, then you had on the blinders. Yes, MLB will have to change it's position. Yes it will get worse as the off season continues. I don't think it's near as bad as the strike, and no I don't think it will lose many fans. 'Roids are bad for the sport, and need to be banned. But unless you are a fan of one of those muscle heads, who cares.

Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 01:38 PM

I agree that its not as bad as the strike. Im just saying its the worst thing to happen to the sport SINCE the strike.

There are a lot of players I would guess took roids (Sammy, Sheffield, Santiago), but they are just speculations until anything has been prooven.

Posted by: SLITS Dec 3 2004, 01:45 PM

Pills, Pills, Pills, - hell, they all take pills. Fans want the kings of the sport..........the result is "enhancements"..............don't bitch...........they haven't been "Role Models" for a long time............get over it.

I'd rather watch grass grow <_<

Posted by: balljoint Dec 3 2004, 02:27 PM

From the shape of a lot of those guys it was pretty easy to assume they were using steroids. Performance enhancing drugs are so high profile around the Olympics and they do testing in other sports, I think it was a worse thing when Baseball was pretending that there wasn't a problem. Now that they are having to deal with an extra load of bad press they will have to implement some kind of testing program.

Selig gives the entire league a 3 month notice that they are going to be tested. He then states clearly that if there are fewer than 5% positive tests then there is "no problem". Then the players promptly fail in over 30% of the tests. Duh. They had three months to get themselves clean but as a group they were too dumb to get it right.

I miss hockey.

Posted by: vortrex Dec 3 2004, 03:03 PM

funny how the least athletic major team sport has the people coming out about the roids.

Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 03:35 PM

QUOTE(vortrex @ Dec 3 2004, 01:03 PM)
funny how the least athletic major team sport has the people coming out about the roids.

coming from someone who never played ball rolleyes.gif.

When you play at a semi-competitive level (ie high school varsity ball) you realize how much muscle and strength adds an advantage at certain positions. We lifted weights for 5 months every offseason, and we had a crappy team!

Posted by: Paul Illick Dec 3 2004, 03:53 PM

Is there any competitive sport where strength isn't an advantage? It's not just baseball, they're just in the news today.

Posted by: vortrex Dec 3 2004, 04:02 PM

QUOTE(MattR @ Dec 3 2004, 01:35 PM)
QUOTE(vortrex @ Dec 3 2004, 01:03 PM)
funny how the least athletic major team sport has the people coming out about the roids.

coming from someone who never played ball rolleyes.gif.

When you play at a semi-competitive level (ie high school varsity ball) you realize how much muscle and strength adds an advantage at certain positions. We lifted weights for 5 months every offseason, and we had a crappy team!

muscle and strength helps carry the groceries too, you're not saying much.

Posted by: Elliot Cannon Dec 3 2004, 06:13 PM

They ought to legalize all of it. Let them take whatever they think will help them. Then when athletes start dropping dead from heart attacks maybe there will be some second thoughts about the wisdom of using performance enhancing drugs. The fact is there is so much money and pressure to win that there will always be someone who is willing to risk his or her health for an immediate boost in performance.
Cheers, Elliot

Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 06:24 PM

Carrying groceries isnt a competition. Baseball is.

As far as health goes, look at Ken Camaniti (who died recently) and Jason Giambi (who is at risk becaue of steriod use). That shit aint good for you. Thats why they should ban it! Not as much for the players as for the potential players. I would hate to see every high school kid pumping roids in him because he thinks it will give him an distinctive edge of being a pro athlete without thinking of the long term health effects. If these steriods didnt mess up your body, they wouldnt be outlawed.

Posted by: Rob Ways Dec 3 2004, 06:31 PM

I just want the truth.... its doubtful you'll get it out of Bonds. To me, that lack of character means LOSER. He says he didn't know it was steroids... RIGHT... like anyone that makes that kind of change on a profession wouldn't keep track of what gets injected into his body... LOSER....

Posted by: Rhodes71/914 Dec 3 2004, 07:16 PM

Just was listening to some discussion on this. Guy said that 80% of MLB players use stimulents, including ephedrine which has already killed athletes in baseball and other sports. They don't test for this at all.

Posted by: anthony Dec 3 2004, 07:54 PM

today its Barry Bonds of the Giants who claims he didnt know they were steriods.

Bonds is a liar and he sounds like an idiot when he says he was taking a clear liquid in an unmarked vial and never questioned what it was.

Posted by: Mrs. K Dec 3 2004, 09:12 PM

QUOTE(balljoint @ Dec 3 2004, 12:27 PM)
Performance enhancing drugs are so high profile

Yeah, what about Rafael Palmero!
......Oh, right sport, different activity lol3.gif

Lisa blink.gif

Posted by: cha914 Dec 3 2004, 09:47 PM

Anyone who has been watching baseball for more than the past few years HAD to know roids were a part of the game. Even the freaking middle infielders look like they can bench 300lbs tongue.gif

I had a coach in HS who played AAAball for almost 10 years...EVERYONE is doing roids or some kind of stimulant in pro ball. He said at one point they had him on 3 different kinds of roids, his average build was a 180lb and 5' 10"...that year he was pushing 220lbs!!!

The fans wanted to see more home runs and they got em, I almost can't enjoy sports center any more because the only highlights they show are the damn homers...BORING...where is the real base ball of double steals, sac bunts, know the small ball? That is what I miss, these days you just get a guy on base and wait for the homer.

OH and sure baseball may be the least "athletic" sport, but I would like to see Ron Artest be able to field a ground ball, throw it acuratly 120ft to beat the runner, then come in and hit a 85+mph 2inch ball with a round bat (statisticly the hardest thing to do in ALL of Sports), and finally he would get to do what he is good at and run...WOOO...yeah that running is hard stuff, and he could even punch the first baseman... my point being there is just a *little* bit more of a skill set in baseball than most of the more "athletic" sports.

don't worry, I am not upset, I like having this argument with all of my baseball hating friends happy11.gif

And to answer the question, no I don't think it will hurt baseball that much at all, other than to maybe bring the homerun count down a little...its old news to every baseball fan I might actually be good for baseball, if they handle it well, we will see.

Tony beer3.gif

Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 10:13 PM

Mrs. K... NICE.

I dont think this should get out of control. Muscle helps in certain positions in baseball, but NOT all positions. Lets remember; some power hitters rely on mechanics (Shawn Green, Adam Dunn, Vlad Gurrero). There are some players like Bonds and Giambi who have benefited, but Bonds was a hall of famer before the 99 season (when he got BIG). And look at pitchers. They are instructed to NOT put bulk on. They are supposed to stay limber so they can whip their arms.

And I love baseball more then anything, but its not fair to say Ron Artest cant play baseball, because even my boy Adrian Beltre probably couldnt hit a free throw. Athletes train in different sports to do different things. Its just not a fair comparison. But anyone who thinks baseball players arent athletic havent dont circuits... ugh.

Posted by: Mrs. K Dec 3 2004, 10:29 PM

QUOTE(MattR @ Dec 3 2004, 08:13 PM)
Mrs. K... NICE.

And I love baseball more then anything....

ohmy.gif Even more than your 914??????

Well, at least baseball (for us) is cheaper! lol3.gif

And to put my "Medical Two Cents" in...I have seen a lot of steriod cardiomyopathies in the Cardiac Cath Lab, and it is just a shame! It makes their hearts inefficient, baggy pumps, usually requiring a heart transplant (provided they make it that long).

I agree with you, Matt, that it is setting a really bad example for our kids, who look up to these athletes. headbang.gif

Lisa chatsmiley.gif

Posted by: campbellcj Dec 3 2004, 10:32 PM

I basically haven't given a crap about baseball since I quit Little League around 13 or so. For whatever reason, I've always found it boring to play, boring to watch, and way too loaded with corporate and personal BS. Same is true for many/most sports I guess, but baseball seems even worse than most.

Posted by: Mrs. K Dec 3 2004, 10:51 PM

current poll on AOL

Do you believe Barry Bonds' testimony that he didn't know he was taking steroids?
No 84%
Yes 12%
Not sure 4%

Gee, what a surprise I am having! ohmy.gif

Lisa tongue.gif

Posted by: MattR Dec 3 2004, 11:29 PM

Well thanks for your opinion Campbell. That wasnt out of place at all blink.gif.

Anyway, I love baseball more then my 914 because at least I can rely on the dodgers sucking in the playoffs. I cant rely on my 914 to do anything but rust biggrin.gif.

Seriously though, it just hurts the youth in this game. Things like this are going to worsen the condition of baseball. I feel bad for my little bro (14 years old and already throws in the low 80s) who might pursue a career in baseball because he's going to feel these reprecussions. I just hope he doesnt do anything they can detect in urine samples smoke.gif

Posted by: wheelo Dec 4 2004, 02:47 AM

I'll take 300k per year to "play catch" and ride the pine!
WAh-Wah- Wah ....Winers! Too many ego's & weak minds. Sure better living through modern chemistry, some of those people pointing fingers at Bonds & Giambi, are also taking Viagra, anti-depressant, heart meds, or any host of freakin drugs! Ball-Players are simply entertainers and a reflection of our society. I love baseball, football, and hockey! These are great sports and they will survive, the leaders of the leagues, need to grow some balls and take on the players unions! Yup, you heard it here.... there are plenty of guys waiting for their "shot" at the Big Leagues.... the term Zero Tolerance comes to mind.


Posted by: Rhodes71/914 Dec 4 2004, 08:48 PM

Great so now I here that if baseball can't get it together that Senator John McCain is going to introduce legislation to deal with the problem. Guess they can due to the anti-trust exemption that baseball has.

More gov regulations, gotta love that!

Posted by: krk Dec 5 2004, 01:54 AM

Ran across a great article today. Located here:'t+place+much+stock+in+Bonds'+credibility

But it's not really rocket science, is it? Take a sport, and pile up "big money on the table if you are successful." All areas of regulation will be tested (equipment, drugs, etc) -- if your drug testing policy has weaknesses, it will likely be exploited by someone. And if you look at the level of ingenuity applied in some sport with seemingly rigorous programs (i.e. the olympics), it's not a big step to think about the same machinery being applied in sports with less rigorous programs.

It's business. So was Enron.


Posted by: Meredith Dec 5 2004, 02:53 AM

I'd like to start out with a little disclaimer. Baseball is not my life and it doesn't rank as a top issue that warrants my constant attention.

That being said, I guess the steroid use bothers me. Not so much because of the impact it has on baseball and its image, but more for health reasons. Bonds is an older player and I think it's stupid that he's subjecting himself to the things Lisa mentioned. I don't believe his denials. I highly doubt that a player would take an unknown substance just because a friend provides it.

However, I'm not too worked up about it. These players had talent long before steroids entered into the picture. Bonds has a good eye (usually), a quick swing and power (with or without steroids). I'm not going to stop watching baseball or going to games because of this. In fact, I just got a pink Giants hat for my birthday that I'm anxious to christen. April can't come soon enough!

In short, steroid use sucks. But it's not the end of my world. Go Giants. The end.

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