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Click here to view this topic in its original format _ 914World Garage _ OK! Weekend fund drive for Brad! Let's see how

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 4 2005, 11:13 PM

This is a weekend Rally! Ok, We've done this before. The time is now. I know I can post this here because 914 guys know how to rally around a cause.

I'm going to tell you all why I come here. It would be easy to sell my car and move on to an other project or other interest. But it's the people here that keep me coming back EVERY DAY!

I've never seen a group of people come together for an other person like you all did when Dave needed us.

There are countless numbers of you that have had the benifit of the group coming together to help assemble your car or get you out of a jam, off the freeway, or simply just be here on this BBS when you had a family crisis and just needed someone to listen.

Think about why we have this BBS. This is "B"s brain child. He started it. He is the reason. He is the man. Without his vision we would be spread out everywhere and most of us wouldn't even have these cars anymore.

Now's the time people. It's Brad's turn. I'm calling you out. This time it's for Brad. I want everyone to look inside yourself. I want everyone to think what this place and these people mean to you. I want everyone to thank Brad this weekend.

Post how you feel here. I want feelings people!

I'm here this weekend in the garage. I have my tools with me. I keep them in my hip pocket. I'm reaching into my pocket this weekend and I'm offering my friend my help. Monday morning I want my friend back with me.

Will you help Too?

Posted by: Gint Mar 5 2005, 12:54 AM

Unlocked by popular (OK there was this one guy...) demand. Please keep it positive. If someone comes in and starts talking smack, it will be deleted.

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 12:59 AM

just posting my art work again

gint we wub.gif you man

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Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 01:08 AM

well i sold a battery tray on ebay, for 37 bucks and the money went to brad

okay everybody go raid the parts stash, find an item or 2 and sell them on ebay, then gve the money to the brad fund, that way 914s are supporting brad, like brad has supported 914 all these years.
its the least i can do being unemployed

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:10 AM

Mike we wub.gif you man!

This one is for you Mike! aktion035.gif Mike! mueba.gif Mike! aktion035.gif Mike! rocking nana.gif Mike! monkeydance.gif Have a monkey dance buddy!

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:14 AM

OK, that one was for Mike. This one is for Scott! mueba.gif clap.gif boldblue.gif aktion035.gif monkeydance.gif rocking nana.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:17 AM

This one is for all you guys out there getting ready to post here. clap.gif monkeydance.gif

Now read my blog before you post. and get ready to pony up. We've got some funds to raise.

Someone start an ebay auction or something.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:18 AM

QUOTE (scott thacher @ Mar 4 2005, 11:08 PM)
well i sold a battery tray on ebay, for 37 bucks and the money went to brad

okay everybody go raid the parts stash, find an item or 2 and sell them on ebay, then gve the money to the brad fund, that way 914s are supporting brad, like brad has supported 914 all these years.
its the least i can do being unemployed

dood that's hot!

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:36 AM

I'm going to start my own mega thread. Did you guy's all go to bed or something?

Posted by: Gint Mar 5 2005, 01:48 AM

I'd like too... Been up since 5

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:54 AM

I'm going to bed. But I'll be back early.

Remember guy's and gals. Click the donate button and show your love! boldblue.gif

The weekend clock is ticking!

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 01:58 AM

gint i am joking...

go to bed, then we can bash you, you never said we could not bash you, nah i wont bash you but rick, on the other hand never gets bashed

i heard rick was ugly and smells funny too happy11.gif

now to the matter at hand go sell something, not your wives children, or pets idea.gif

Posted by: redshift Mar 5 2005, 02:44 AM

Well, I am not having an easy time sleeping.. I don't have paypal, I can figger somethin' out.

Back to bed for a while.


Posted by: Mar 5 2005, 03:28 AM

I just raised my credit card balance by half a buck, I hope it helps!


Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 07:49 AM

Here we go people! clap.gif I brought my son to a Jazz performance this morning or I would hve been back sooner! I'm getting coffee'd up! boldblue.gif I've got some work to do in my office this morning. I'm getting ready to spend the day working on our bunk house.

The only thing that will fix what happened to brad is m-o-n-e-y people. Bail, Lawers, food and rent while your defending yourself and not working. His family will suffer financially too. This is going to be expensive and it's going to Suck. We can do this thing for Brad!

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 07:53 AM

Come back to this thread often and keep it at the top. This is the weekend we help a freind and his family.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 08:17 AM

270 posts and no comments.... (sometime Brad would post) come on people.. show your love.

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 5 2005, 08:24 AM

Would I help someone I never met? confused24.gif If a club member hell yes. I look here every day at work, at home, heck I got my dad hooked on this stuff wacko.gif I have got more help and support from the folks here than ANY place other than family I know of. I have never met Brad face to face but he has helped me out with info or ideas heck he may not have been answering a post to me but we all have the same problems. I can not turn my back on anyone who helps me or my friends. I sent to the fund what I want to get from some parts I am going to list or take to a swap fest. The coin is needed now and I can get the stuff sold later so I went ahead and sent the money anyway.

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 08:26 AM

OK as soon as I learned that the bail had been lowered to something doable, I took the money that I was gonna spend on the Raby connecting rods and sent a PayPal payment of $250.00 to the bail fund. Now, I have never meet Brad in person, but Brad has spent hours on the phone with me, giving me advice, encouragement, ideas, suggestions, contacts and sheer mental power to keep me moving along with my restoration. I'm not dirty stinky rich either. But when a real friend is in need (and if ever someone needed their friends to back them up, this is now and Brad is the guy) you put your money where your mouth (and heart) is. So, the next project - as soon is Brad is out on bail - set up the Brad Legal Defense Fund. These are two felony charges. Figure Legal Fees of at least $10,000. OK, like public radio I'm prepared to issue a challenge - let's see how quick we can put together a $10,000 legal defense fund for Brad. Maybe the Club can throw some T-shirts or other goodies for certain bridge marks for donations. Kinda sounds like NPR. Let's Roll!! mueba.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 08:34 AM

That's the spirit Larry! clap.gif Things are starting to happen! you too Kevin and William! clap.gif clap.gif You guys keep bumping this thread all weekend. I want it in your face!

If you don't have $ 50.00 make it $ 5.00 anything you have, any amount will help. Brad AND his family is facing a huge challange. The only thing that will fix this is real money. This is our family and they need us.

Posted by: Racer Chris Mar 5 2005, 08:36 AM

I tend to be a pretty selfish guy, and only generous to people I really like.
Not only that, I never have much spare cash on hand, but if I can afford to race I can afford to help the Creator (of the 914 Club).
I've already kicked in a 50 and I'm prepared to send more if need be.
What we need is a money thermometer at the top of the page to visually show our progress toward the goal.

Posted by: vsg914 Mar 5 2005, 08:39 AM

Kinda cash challenged this week, but I sent 20 bucks anyway. I'll do some more next week when I get paid for a job I just finished up.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 08:42 AM

QUOTE (Racer Chris @ Mar 5 2005, 06:36 AM)
I tend to be a pretty selfish guy, and only generous to people I really like.
Not only that, I never have much spare cash on hand, but if I can afford to race I can afford to help the Creator (of the 914 Club).
I've already kicked in a 50 and I'm prepared to send more if need be.
What we need is a money thermometer at the top of the page to visually show our progress toward the goal.

Hi chris! I sent yaroon a pm about maybe posting some progress on the fund for us. He didn't get back to me yet. But Brad did that when we were raising money for Daves wheel chair that ultimately turned into " the Van" If he's around this weekend I'm sure he will chime in.

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 5 2005, 08:42 AM

Hey everyone....

First of all:
Thanks for your relentless support to Brad. You have no idea how much this is appreciated!!!

Please understand that the admins are caught between a rock and a hard place here...
We understand that all of you are eager to help Brad out and want to stay informed

Andy is "closest to the fire" and he will keep us updated with news as much as he can
If you don't hear anything new, there just isn't any news to report.

As Andy also explained, there is still an ongoing investigation
And sad but true, it's not all just Brad's friends who hang out here... Big Brother is watching us
Anything said and done here can and WILL be used against Brad

So yes, for that reason, we will be monitoring what is going on and what is being posted here closely
We will keep these things on a very short leash. We will edit, or delete posts and threads that we think are inapropriate and we will not go into discussion about it...
There is absolutly no margin for errors!

We're only trying to do what's best for Brad right now
That is our only interest. It's not about us bashing you or putting you down. It is not about ego's
This is about helping Brad, and helping Brad only...

We understand (and appreciate) your enthusiasm to help out, and the creative ideas, but we ask you to please not start anything on your own. If you think you have any ideas on helping out, please go through the admins...

Right now, the only way to help and support Brad is through donating hard cash and/or by posting your support message in one of the dedicated threads.

I know we're asking a lot, but you'll just have to trust us on this one, blind...
We're just as eager for info and for this mess to end as you are

So, once agian, thanks for your patience, understanding and most of all, your support



If you're donating, donate to ONLY, and no where else
This is a new and dedicated account that I set up for this which is and will not be used for anything else

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 08:50 AM

Racer Chris: Glad to see you here buddy. Your idea of posting to let us know how we are doing is a good one. Yesterday, Birgit posted that about $4,000 was raised for the bail fund. I want Brad out, so I dug deep and PayPaled the money Raby was gonna spend for me. Admins: let us know how we are doing if possible. Everyone else, this is the time to raise the funds to FREE BRAD!! Rick wub.gif The Alien is among us!!! beerchug.gif

Posted by: Doug Leggins Mar 5 2005, 08:52 AM

Ok - I just contributed to the fund. Don't really know what I was waiting on. wacko.gif

I've thought many times about how Brad and this club have helped me with my project. It is amazing how much influence Brad and this club have had on decisions that I have made on what to do for my car!

I am truely proud of this club when i think of all of the good things that this club has done for cars and people! When i talk to non 914 people about my project I am always bringing up this club and mentioning how fantastic it is to be able to get amazingly quick support. And that there is this guy in California that started the club and that he's a 914 guru that helps people out with about any question they have on a 914. And how the club goes beyond the cars and really has created a group of good friends that have for the most part not met one another in person.

Think about it folks-this place rocks! Our assistance can make a significant impact for someone that has tremendously benefitted us and the 914.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 08:52 AM

I second every word of what you posted Jeroen. I am watching this thread and I have a small band of brothers that want to see this thread grow. Were not admins but we aren't afraid to call one and have this thread deleted. This is a weekend effort for raising cash. This is not a debate forum. I started this thread and I will delete the whole thing if it goes wild.

My interest is pointing people to the paypal link to help our brother. That's it, that's all.

Everyone read my blog and beeehaaaveee. wavey.gif

Let's raise some money! clap.gif

Posted by: Qarl Mar 5 2005, 09:04 AM

Perhaps we can take this to a couple of the other forums (if the admins agree). Pelican.... Rennlist, Shoptalk, Yahoo...

The more exposure the better.

I dunno.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 09:29 AM

I went to Pelican and posted a message. My focus in on the group here. I know we can do this here for our friend.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 09:33 AM

You guys want to know how serious I am about this?

If I have to sell my car to get your interest I will! wink.gif Think about that for a day! rolleyes.gif

I can build another one..... smash.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 09:39 AM

We are all serious. A couple of dozen of us have stepped up to the plate. A real band of brothers and sisters. Hey, all you lurkers, don't say (after this is all over) I wish I had helped Brad, but I didn't have the time, money, etc. As we write this and enjoy life - BRAD SITS IN JAIL - come on, now is the time, believe me, we need all of you. This club has how many members? Everybody can afford to put in something - together we can really accomplish something here. Together nobody can stop us! burnout.gif

Posted by: butch Mar 5 2005, 09:47 AM


one of the most honest and trustworthy inidviduals I hav ever had the pleasure to meet. It is such a shame that our law enforcement community has misdirected their thier valuable and scarce resources at such an upstanding citizen. I hope they figure out the real story soon.


Posted by: TimT Mar 5 2005, 09:47 AM

I stepped up and dropped some coin the other day, This past year was pretty good for me, so I can go to the well again if needed. Im ready to do that for Bradholio.

I got myself in a pickle years ago and it was the support of friends and family that helped me eventually prevail. Helping Brad out is like being part of his extended family!

When this is over, he can have us all over for Thanksgiving chowtime.gif monkeydance.gif ohmy.gif

I just cant understand why they dont release him on his own recognizance? that can be debated later I guess

beerchug.gif mueba.gif

Posted by: David_S Mar 5 2005, 10:04 AM

Well goes my part !!! Brad was one of the first guys to ever reply to my first post about how to do something to my teener, and after I read his post, and several others by him, I thought "what an asshole". But then ......several months later, I called and talked to him on the phone. My thoughts changed right then!!! The "asshole", as he calls himself, knows these cars BIG TIME. Brad and DD were the first 2 people I have actually gotten to meet from this board, and still the only 2 I have ever met. If he helps everyone like he helped me, which is obvious that he does, then you would have to be stupid not to try and help him!! The thing that still sticks in my mind ....How many people tried to fix DD's car after it had problems for how long ??? Brad stepped up and got it going in no time at all....and yes ...I got to see the little blue teener on its way to the Parade last year !!! I do not have a PayPal account, and have never wanted one......but I set one up last night, so ....after I have to wait 2 to 3 business days so I can verify the account, I am DEFINITLY going to pony up......just hope that it won't be too late. Until then ....I guess I will just have to wait!

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 10:04 AM

okay time for a icon_bump.gif

and i dare every vendor who sells products here on the 914 club, to send the money profited from stuff this weekend to the brad fund. i mean how much stuff would you really sell if the club was not here.

come on people brad has supported the club and 914's, its time 914's and the club give some support to brad.

yoou caan dooo it <--- best rob schnider impression

Posted by: Bruce Allert Mar 5 2005, 10:07 AM

$20 via PayPal.....

Brad, it's your time now! This is all for you. What the 914 Club is doing now may not have ever been done before and, I'm sure, you can feel the positive thoughts & prayers in the air like static electricty. When a multitude of followers band together with their minds in the same thought pattern there is little place for negativity. It litterally drives it out. It's happening for you right now Buddy. The way of thinking will be swayed to your favor.

Chin up dude, be positive beer.gif I'm hav'n a FAT TIRE for ya smile.gif


Posted by: Mueller Mar 5 2005, 10:07 AM

glad to hear that the bail amount was dropped to a more "reasonable" range.....

I kicked down a few bucks, I would like to have done more, but too many other things in the loop right now....

too bad someone just couldn't loan B $50K with low interest, with the $5K it'll never be seen again except for the fattening of the bail bond companies wallet, at least with the $50K loan, the full $50K would be given back when he goes back to trial...and I'd imagine that to be fairly soon...3 or 4 weeks possibly???

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 10:10 AM

Ya-roon!!!! How we doing! Man, I will feel so much better when I know the bond has been posted. Come on guys, drop that coin and have a beer with Brad when he is back to the real world. beerchug.gif

Posted by: richardL Mar 5 2005, 10:11 AM

I went to the arraignment for Brad yesterday.

One thing to remember is once you get involved with this system IT IS NOT CHEAP - regardless of the right or wrong, or the role you played - IT IS NOT CHEAP.

I can give you my word as to how your generosity is and will be appreciated.

Remember also that life is like a shit sandwich - the more bread you've got, the less shit you have to eat. biggrin.gif


Posted by: Pnambic Mar 5 2005, 10:12 AM

The first two people I ever met on the board were Brad and Sean at Sean's house a few days before the first FFC. I don't know that you could pick two finer spokemen for the club©. I actually worked next to Brad, under Sean's car and he was constantly spewing out encouragment and knowledge. A truely awesome guy to be around.

If I hadn't just blown my entire wad on a Disney family vacation and an unexpected $600 for a new freaking waterpump in the boonies of GA trying to get back I'd have already donated. I hope that when I get paid this Friday, its not too late to still make difference.

(you can never trust a wasserpumper...) mad.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 10:12 AM

Mike: I just faxed you the information we talked about yesterday. Mike, you are no lawyer. Trial this year, maybe. The wheels of justice move very slowly. Gotta have money to buy justice. The best justice system money can buy. biggrin.gif

Posted by: anderssj Mar 5 2005, 10:21 AM

OK, I'm in . . . hoping for the best for one of the best.

Posted by: Mueller Mar 5 2005, 10:23 AM

QUOTE (william harris @ Mar 5 2005, 09:12 AM)
Mike: I just faxed you the information we talked about yesterday. Mike, you are no lawyer. Trial this year, maybe. The wheels of justice move very slowly. Gotta have money to buy justice. The best justice system money can buy. biggrin.gif

true, I was just guessing smile.gif , my bad...gotta quit watching Matlock, hahaha

thanks for the info....

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 10:27 AM

Mike: the lead guy will take care of you. Everyone: I am on a mission from God here! I'm doing the Jerry Lewis computerton for Brad! Stay on this thread! BUMP! Raise the funds and all you lurkers, the club and Brad need you now. Who else is here with me? cool_shades.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 10:29 AM

Gotta go get some Dunkin' Donuts coffee. Someone, carry on and bump this thread until the money pours in. Back in 15 minutes. aktion035.gif

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 10:31 AM

I sent a little yesterday. I really believe they should release ROR.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 10:38 AM

I'm still around for a little while today then I have to leave until late tonight. The amount of money you can donate is not as important as the action you take to do it. All your efforts will be rewarded. Wait until Brad see's this! If the admins want to post the progress of the funds that's fine. If not they are holding the info for a reason. Support them. Support this cause.

Posted by: ws91420 Mar 5 2005, 10:42 AM

Sent what I thought I could afford right now. I challenge everyone to do the same whether its 1.00 or 100.00. Lets show our support. biggrin.gif aktion035.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 10:50 AM

Way to go guys. I can enjoy my coffee and donuts for a few minutes. We can have our own vitual tote board if everyone just lets us know there are in. Don't need to know how much, just join us and let us and Brad know that you were there when it really mattered. clap.gif

Posted by: riverman Mar 5 2005, 10:52 AM

I've been watching with interest and I have been thinking - does someone who doesn't know me, nor me him, want my help? I don't know, but if it were the other way around (regardless of the circumstances) I think I would want his.

So, I gave to the fund. I consider it a payment for services rendered by 914Club, and it's founder, for all of the free advice, help, and entertainment I recieved since coming here.

Posted by: davep Mar 5 2005, 10:52 AM

I'm with you fellows on this. Cash is very tight, but I've already Paypaled a contribution.
I can offer one of my 'vented rear caliper kits <> see the resources section" at $100 off and $100 to the Brad Bail Fund.

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 11:03 AM


Posted by: skline Mar 5 2005, 11:10 AM

Well, money is really tight for me right now but I had a balance in my PayPal account of 20.00 so I just donated it. If you knew how broke I really was right now you would find a way to donate something to at least match it. Come on guys, he really did do a lot for us in creating this Club. I first met Brad 3 years ago out at Dunkles. This Club has been a lot of fun for me and I am sure many others. The get togethers we have and the resources that come from here cannot be found anywhere else. Chip in what you can. Lets make him proud.

Anyone get a total yet?

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 11:11 AM

Thank you so much!!! Guys, I have 5 children, 1 in college and you must know what a family that size in Massachusetts needs to keep going. But, the first thing I thought about this morning was, I wonder how Brad is? I wonder what it is going to take to raise his bail. You know what, we are going to do that TODAY. Monday, the funds will be there to SET BRAD FREE! I know that we can accomplish that together. Keep 'em coming!!!

Posted by: TROJANMAN Mar 5 2005, 11:16 AM

donation made.

F*@!# the greedy bastard that created this mess !

i don't know brad, but i am all about "community."

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 11:19 AM

This will just keep rolling. One day soon, Brad will read this thread and know in his deepest heart how many lives he has touched and how many friends (some never met, some he has never talked to) he has. Family and friends (and we are the 914 family here) that is the best life has to offer. Judged by his friends, Brad is a tremendous sucess in life. smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: KaptKaos Mar 5 2005, 11:21 AM

I sent what I could.

Hope all goes well.

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 5 2005, 11:22 AM

When I first got into 914s, there were practically no resources available at all. My best guide was the exploded diagrams in the old AA catalog. Then along came the internet with the World Wide Web and I eventually discovered Pelican Parts with their tech articles, and Yahoo Groups, then Rennlist. All of these helped a lot towards getting me going with things.

But when got started it REALLY changed things for me. This is a place that is filled with generous, giving folks who have helped me immensely. Chief among these is Brad - whom I have never met in person, but who has helped with advise in addition to all he has done just to get this whole madhouse rolling to begin with.

I donated yesterday, I may be back in again if I can. The value of what I can donate could never match up to the value of Brad or this board that he created.

So if you haven't donated yet, shame on you. "No man is an island" as it's said. We've all gotten where we are with the help of others - it's time for all of us to step up and help Brad when he needs it, and he needs it big time.

Even if you've only posted 1 post to this board just to list a car for sale, you've benefited from Brad's efforts. It's time to pay back and then some.

DONATE NOW! (If you are in Chicago, think of it like voting - Donate early, and often)

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 11:28 AM

Guys and Gals: every time I check back and another one or two of us have stepped up to the line, I just smile and say: "This is for you Brad. Your friends are here. We will be here - all the way, until this is over, not just at the beginning, but at the end and beyond." When I am finished with my restoration one day I want to drive my 914 to Kalifornia and shake your hand and I will be really proud of my small part in helping you. This is the place to be counted today. Don't miss your name among those here. Roll Call!!! type.gif

Posted by: skline Mar 5 2005, 11:37 AM

That made me think of something, Many of you know Brad and have met him, many of you have not. He may not have even helped you directly in person or on the phone. He created this site however and has pushed for us to be a community. If you have ever been helped by a member of this group, free parts, discount parts, advice or whatever it may be, then you owe it to yourself and this community to ante up what ever you can. I for one would really like to get this taken care of and move on and get back to the cars and get togethers and just general fun like we normally have. Lets go guys and gals, cough it up and lets do this.

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 11:50 AM

60 replies (OK alot of them are me and Rick) but this is a community. Here is what we are looking at people: bail $5,000 - we had about $4,100 yesterday; retainer for lawyer - to start $3,500 and then to hire a private investigator figure another $500. Let's set a goal of $9,000. So we need another $5,000 to put this to bed. I bet we raised at least $1,000 today, so those who have not thrown in, we are more than half way there. In case you don't know, Brad ain't rich. So far as I know, Brad ain't even got a job now. Brad's parents aren't rich either. But if every member who hasn't contributed so far today were to add whatever amount they can: $10.00, $20.00 - nothing is too small. We can put the money in place so that Brad will get the defense he deserves and he can go back and pick up the pieces of the next business venture. Who else can help today? icon_bump.gif

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 11:51 AM

Just helping to keep it at the top.

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 11:57 AM

Thank you! Guys, I gotta go take my kids to weekend activities for a couple of hours. Someone willing to take over for bump control? Keep this up there so anyone who hasn't seen it yet will? Volunteers? monkeydance.gif

Posted by: Lou W Mar 5 2005, 11:58 AM

Money's a little tight right now, sent $25.00, I'll try to send more later.

Free Brad Foundation


Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 12:00 PM

I'm still working in my office. Thanks for all the bumps guy's. There are several regulars missing here today. Anyone that is following this, posted here or is lurking, Please keep this bumped

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 12:03 PM

I'll be back!! (Best Arnold impression) gunner.gif

Posted by: mikey Mar 5 2005, 12:05 PM

I donated a bit this posting...felt cheap...and donated more again today. I volunteered to carry the office on-call pager this weekend and all overtime pay will go to the "Spring Brad From The Joint" fund.

I realized what a precarious position Brad's in. He could be ground up in the wheels of (in)justice if he doesn't have top quality legal representation. Lawyers cost money and his future shouldn't be in the hands of an appointed public defender.

We don't want Brad stuck in jail making license plates for our 914s do we? Dig deep and donate!

Posted by: VegasRacer Mar 5 2005, 12:08 PM

It's time to step up to the plate guys.
Who's side are you on?

Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 12:40 PM


Posted by: scottb Mar 5 2005, 12:58 PM

i'm in for a c-note....

let me know if any more help is needed.

i truly enjoy this place and would not feel anywhere as comfortable with working on my car were this gang of misfits not around....

(insert group hug smiley)

Posted by: seanery Mar 5 2005, 01:02 PM

Since I'm broke I had to come up with another way to help.
Here's how

Posted by: Carl Mar 5 2005, 01:13 PM

I tried to donate last night but Paypal wants to do a verification on my bank account. I guess I have to wait for that so it'll be a day or so.

This will be expensive but this whole thing has been an eye-opener for me. I don't want to risk Gint's patience with comments that are inappropriate on this thread but Brad's whole situation is so grossly unfair.

Thanks to everyone for supporting Brad during this difficult time.

Posted by: Cap'n Krusty Mar 5 2005, 01:23 PM

G'mornin! all! The Cap'n's in! Brad , for all his quirks, has been a presence in the online 914 community for a long time, and I for one would like to see that continue. He's given a LOT, and we, collectively, can give some of that back with our dollars! DO IT NOW, people! The Cap'n

Posted by: boxstr Mar 5 2005, 01:27 PM

See the Vendor and Product sellers challenge from CAMP 914. Step up, you have the most to gain from this site and it benefits you to keep it going and the person who started it.

Posted by: John Jentz Mar 5 2005, 01:27 PM

I'm in for $50, free Brad!

Posted by: Dr Evil Mar 5 2005, 01:47 PM

As soon as I saw this thread I put $50 in. (A grip for me). I will donate a percentage of upholstery, mirrors, bolts, etc that I sell as long as the fund is open. Bail will cost 10% of the total usually so $9-10k for bail and lawyer is a deacent figure. I have met brad and couldn't understand why he proclaims himself to be an A-hole. He was always really nice, and this is a crappy situation.

Scott, you wanna sell some parts? I may have some buyers to help fill in the financial gaps. Call me.

Posted by: butch Mar 5 2005, 01:47 PM

what I wanna know is who is the guy that has made claim to the now infamous 914-6#4, if that's what we call it. Not a 914 guy, obviously. Otherwise, he would know Brad..

And ditto on the good lawyer thing. a good one will save brad tens of thousands of dollars, so springing for a good one right now is well worth it. I hope Brad is out by the time I finish typing this...

thanx to everyone so far...

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 01:53 PM

Butch... Please no questions here this weekend. Just feel the love buddy.

Posted by: partsman Mar 5 2005, 01:57 PM

All right, I'm in...Geeze, I mean I gotta donate right? I live in friggin' BRADford Mass. I fuigure if they go and name a whole town after Brad..I should be not only thanking him for my carfliction, but for my town as well! smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: BIGKAT_83 Mar 5 2005, 02:05 PM

Finally figured out how to add funds to my paypal. Hope it helps.

BTDT for only 6 hrs.........Hang in there


Posted by: Engman Mar 5 2005, 02:12 PM

I will donate a percentage of upholstery, mirrors, bolts, etc that I sell as long as the fund is open. Bail will cost 10% of the total usually so $9-10k for bail and lawyer is a deacent figure. I have met brad and couldn't understand why he proclaims himself to be an A-hole.

Ditto! Same here!

Brad has to be one of the best and nicest 914 guys that I have ever met. He is a stand up guy.


Posted by: jim912928 Mar 5 2005, 02:30 PM

bump....just contributed what I could.

Posted by: crash914 Mar 5 2005, 02:31 PM

Went out to the cold snowy garage..fired up the teener, ran it for awhile, thought about how much this club means to me and keeping the car running.

shut it down, fired up the computer and am in for $50.00..

Thanks Brad!!!

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 02:57 PM

I'm back and I have never been so proud to be part of a group, or club or cult or bunch of nuts or whatever we are monkeydance.gif This thing has taken off all day! Man I can't wait to see how much we have raised. I know, I mean I really know that we have done it. We have Brad's bail money and probably are well into paying for the lawyer and everything. I salute all of you. flag.gif clap.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 02:59 PM

That goes double for you partsman! I know how tight money is at your house - with you out of work and all - hope the new job works out - Well, this is all your fault since you infected me with the 914 virus to start off. driving.gif

Posted by: Gint Mar 5 2005, 03:17 PM

I'd like to thank everyone for keeping this positive and also for your support for Brad.

I need to go do other stuff in the garage. If you guys see anything negative that needs to be dealt with, you can email my cell phone with a short text message like "help 914club" and I'll come in and deal with it. After send the email text message, send me a PM with specifics. By the time I get the text message (it's really quick, like 15 seconds) and get in to the 'puter, you'll have finished the PM. That way I won't have to sit at the keyboard all day but can give an immediate response. Sound good? Click the link below:

Email Gint's cell phone

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 03:18 PM

Come on guys, almost 1,200 views but only 84 posts (and alot of those are mine). If only 10 percent of this group contribute we can push this over the top! OK, west coast guys start firing up those computers and PayPal accounts. I am very, very confident we will all be very happy to learn next week that Brad is free and his lawyer has been retained and we will be well on the way to sorting this out. icon_bump.gif

Posted by: Rich Bontempi Mar 5 2005, 03:33 PM

OK, I'm in for $100, who can match me?

Posted by: gregrobbins Mar 5 2005, 03:34 PM

I was feeling smug about my little donation last night, then I see the business types are stepping it up. smilie_pokal.gif

BAM: time to go a step further. I had (note the past tense) a wish list for items from Camp914 and Engman: no more--ordered.

Dr. Evil, your next.

I never met Brad in person. But 914Club means a hell of a lot to me and my cars. Anyone who loves 914s and helped get this site up has my respect and support. agree.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 03:37 PM

Thanks Rich and Greg. Anyone gonna match Rich? Come on guys - this is the good cause. clap.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 04:00 PM


Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 5 2005, 04:27 PM

This is mostly being posted just to bump the thread, but I also have a request of the monitoring admins if it is appropriate.

I'd appreciate it if we could be told what the next steps are in the legal process at this point. What trial date, if any, has been set? If no trial date has been set, when is Brad due back in court again and for what? Just the facts, no opinions, but it would be nice to know.

If this is an inappropriate request, feel free to delete this post. I appreciate how sensitive this all is.

Posted by: Gint Mar 5 2005, 04:32 PM

Thanks Ernie

Andy is the guy that's pretty close to those "in the know". He will continue to update the as the news comes in. Right now, there is no news to report.

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 04:36 PM

Once Brad makes bail, the process of the case depends on how much "discovery" the defense counsel needs and there may be various motion hearings. Trial date may be very many months off.

Posted by: Gint Mar 5 2005, 04:38 PM

Please, no discssion of case details here. Updates will be posted when they're available. Thanks!

Posted by: Randal Mar 5 2005, 04:46 PM

OK, I'm in for $100, who can match me?

Beat you by about 5 hours Rich.

I'm also committed to the "lawyer" fund when it opens, as this will be the fund that really counts.

Posted by: william harris Mar 5 2005, 05:11 PM

Thank you Randall, we will all be here to this is over. Keep it rolling. burnout.gif

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 06:03 PM


Posted by: d914 Mar 5 2005, 06:12 PM

did a little before and now going back,,,,come on guys we go a couple of thousand sign ons Only takes a little from each..

Posted by: Qarl Mar 5 2005, 06:15 PM

Rich... I met your request you last night.... $109.14, plus more if I sell some fog light seals... (see my thread).



Posted by: Qarl Mar 5 2005, 06:16 PM

Guys (and gals).... if you think you can donate something... make it end in 9.14...

i.e, if you can afford $25 bucks... make it $29.14... it's all that much more special.

Plus the extra $4.14 will add up in quantity

Posted by: SpecialK Mar 5 2005, 06:20 PM

Okay.....I just got back from Puerto Vallarta like 2 hrs. ago, and after a full 30 mins. of de-spamming my email headbang.gif , I come across this post............WTF happened here! ohmy.gif

I scanned some of the posts and get the feeling that Bradholio is in a little trouble with "The Man", but didn't quite grasp the details.............I'm in for $20 whatever the problem!

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 5 2005, 06:24 PM

guys/gals, thanks again for your support (I know, it gets old, but it is true)
and thanks for keeping this thread clean!

Just to let you know where we are...
The "Bail and Legal Fund" right now is at $6,400
clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

You people amaze me!
pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif

Although I like that some of you are trying to "out bid" each other, please remember that no donation is too small!
Keep it coming!!!



Posted by: spare time toys Mar 5 2005, 06:44 PM

just a bump its out of the top 10 wink.gif

Posted by: scottb Mar 5 2005, 06:47 PM

just a question... is brad among the free yet?

Posted by: SteveL Mar 5 2005, 06:51 PM


I've never met you, and I've never talked to you. But, you have done more for this club and it's members than I can believe, and I respect what you stand for. Contribution made. Godspeed buddy.


Posted by: markb Mar 5 2005, 06:51 PM

Put my $$ in on wednesday. Keep it comin'.

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 07:07 PM

okay i am back, from being out all day, i just figured i would let you all now that...... and it just happens to bump the thread

also i just picked up a mig ( free )from Kerry to day, once i get more money to my name, i will be putting 25 bucks more to the fund in kerrys name

and teri is digging through the house for something to ebay for more brad money

Posted by: scotts-toolwench Mar 5 2005, 07:10 PM

yup, I'm digging! I WILL find something, hoipefully lots of somethings......Keep up the great work all!

Okay, I'm selling my Buffy the Vampire season three dvd set I got for Christmas, which has never been opened. I know none of you all know me, but if you did you'd know that I was the biggest Buffy fan on the planet. But I feel a person like Brad is more important so the Ebay folks can now battle it out.

Feel the love....

Posted by: ppickerell Mar 5 2005, 07:31 PM

Well I have met Brad, and even entrusted him with a major project........and I still contributed $100 to the bail fund cool.gif

Posted by: Headrage Mar 5 2005, 08:04 PM

icon_bump.gif givemebeer.gif

Posted by: Lou W Mar 5 2005, 08:34 PM


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 5 2005, 08:57 PM

This must be the time in the show where the second string acts come in and Jerry takes a nap. icon_bump.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 09:20 PM

well what do you know its icon_bump.gif time

Posted by: Rob Ways Mar 5 2005, 09:32 PM

Put a $100. My plea to everybody, get it up and get it in.... your donation that is.

Posted by: ablose58 Mar 5 2005, 09:41 PM

Hi People, well I just pay pal'ed 59.14 so Lets get r done!!!! smilie_pokal.gif mueba.gif cool.gif come back home where you belong buddy driving.gif

Posted by: SGB Mar 5 2005, 10:06 PM

We all pull together when a friend is in need. Strength in numbers! What is the status? Do I need to donate again? chatsmiley.gif

Posted by: hound3898 Mar 5 2005, 10:12 PM

icon_bump.gif heading to paypal now for $19.14 lets keep it up just read all the posts it is wonderful how tight this group is as the last guy said lets get er done monkeydance.gif smash.gif mueba.gif also keep Brad in our prayers

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 10:23 PM

i know this new dance its called the ... icon_bump.gif

lets see we have most vendors selling stuff and donating the profits from the sale to brad, to the other vendors who have not chimed in yet dont make me name names

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 10:30 PM

I'm Back! boldblue.gif boldblue.gif boldblue.gif clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif aktion035.gif aktion035.gif aktion035.gif aktion035.gif aktion035.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 10:34 PM

Ok, Lets just chat for a while.

I've been at the Lake working on the bunk house. Here's a picture for all of you guy's. You deserve it!

Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 10:39 PM

I see you guy's have been busy While I was gone. I see alot of the regulars showing their true colors. Just remember there are several people that post here every day that are missing this weekend. I will keep bumping this thread until they have a chance to see it.

I see vendors doing wild things, I see members getting creative. No effort is too small. smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 5 2005, 10:55 PM

members getting creative, thats scott tool wench. she is an outragious buffy the vampire slayer fan and she just put a season 3 dvd set that she never opened on ebay with the money going to brad. she listed it as a 3 day auction to get the money to the brad fund faster.

if anybody here has a member who is a buffy nut, heres your chance to buy season 3 and the money goes to brad.

this is one of many reasons why i love her, she is giving up something she likes very much for one of my, now our friends.

Posted by: Qarl Mar 5 2005, 10:57 PM

Thanks Scotts Tool Wench.... When are you gonna pose for the calendar? ohmy.gif

Posted by: scotts-toolwench Mar 5 2005, 11:02 PM

I'm ready to pose whenever someone's ready to take the picture..."I'm ready for my close-up Mr DeMille" In my best husky, sexy voice..... laugh.gif

Posted by: scotts-toolwench Mar 5 2005, 11:26 PM

its to far down the list icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif , oh i am horny now

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 5 2005, 11:57 PM

I'm blushing..... unsure.gif Bump

Posted by: scotts-toolwench Mar 6 2005, 12:02 AM

sorry...all that bumping made me alittle wonky.... laugh.gif

it's all stop blushing... wink.gif

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 6 2005, 12:24 AM

icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif I just got in to Phoenix after driving down from Flagstaff - had to drop in and see how it was going. I'm glad to see all the activity, creativity & enthusiasm, but hey - the last post was over half an hour ago. What are you all doing sleeping at a time like this?

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 12:33 AM

Well said Sammy. We all feel it. Brad has done this for many of us. The day I was to head for the WCC "04" I broke a passenger side outer handle. I arrived in California, unloaded the Alien and followed Kevin (Rhodyguy) over to HPH to surprise Brad. I had spoken with him on the phone several times and exchanged email over a couple of years but never met him. When he found out I had a broken handle he promptly took care of me. He wanted nothing in return. I won't forget that. Brad Took care of me. I'm taking care for him. Got your back buddy! aktion035.gif I have other Brad stories I'll save for later. You guy's know what I'm talking about.

Posted by: ejm Mar 6 2005, 04:37 AM

Morning icon_bump.gif from the east coast

Posted by: Racer Chris Mar 6 2005, 06:39 AM

I just got back after being busy since yesterday around 4pm.
How have things been going?
I'll be around off and on all day today.

Other things I have planned for today are to watch the F1 race I recorded and do a lot of work on the race car: install new front suspension bushings, finish installing upgraded front brake ducts, install external oil pump on current race engine, install race engine in car, test new exhaust configuration on car, etc.
I don't have a lot of time left before I leave for Atlanta, and I have a lot of chores still to get ready.

Posted by: william harris Mar 6 2005, 08:14 AM

Good Morning Vietnam!!! Well I lost access to the computer yesterday after the kids all had various "homework" projects. More like downloading more songs to the Ipod. biggrin.gif Ya-roon!!!! Thanks for the update - people we are probably around $7,000 today, man for a couple of days and a small band of brothers, we have really pulled together. Brad is gonna be back among the living and fighting this injustice next week. Thanks to all. I'm so inspired, I gonna go do some projects on the never ending restoration project today. aktion035.gif

Posted by: bryanthompson Mar 6 2005, 08:25 AM

I don't know brad very well, but I know he knows his shit and has gone well out of his way to help so many people here. I emptied my paypal acct to the fund yesterday... it wasn't a lot, but every bit helps.

Posted by: william harris Mar 6 2005, 09:07 AM

Thank you Bryan. smilie_pokal.gif Time for the rest of the club to be heard from! biggrin.gif

Posted by: TC/914 Mar 6 2005, 09:21 AM

I'm pretty new here, but this place is the reason that I bought my 914 project. If it were for all of you guys . . . well you know the answer. I don't know Brad, but after reading the update on his situation, I HAD to make a contribution. Since I don't have a PayPal account I also HAD to use my wife's account . . . she'll understand.

Luck ! !


Posted by: 0396 Mar 6 2005, 09:39 AM

To all,

I've met Brad a few times and by 'first' impressions.
He's a upfront guy- just like me.
Sure we can sugar coat things, but most of the times - just giving the facts.

Thank to Gint for opening this tread, because on my previous
visits, I had no idea what really was happening.. still really
But after reading most of this tread, I feel it's my turn to
give back.

Question: I don't have a paypal account, SO WHERE can I
send my donation to?

pm me if you like with the data

Thanks cool.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 6 2005, 09:59 AM

I bet you could hook up with Scott or Aaron or one of the locals who have a Paypal and they will send what you give them. Just an Idea idea.gif

Posted by: 914 novice Mar 6 2005, 10:14 AM

QUOTE (0396 @ Mar 6 2005, 07:39 AM)
To all,

I've met Brad a few times and by 'first' impressions.
He's a upfront guy- just like me.
Sure we can sugar coat things, but most of the times - just giving the facts.

Thank to Gint for opening this tread, because on my previous
visits, I had no idea what really was happening.. still really
But after reading most of this tread, I feel it's my turn to
give back.

Question:  I don't have a paypal account, SO WHERE can I
send my donation to?

pm me if you like with the data

Thanks cool.gif

You do not need to open a account.Use Jeroen's donation link and click on the section that say's "if you do not have a pay pal account click here" from there use a credit card to make a donation!!!

Posted by: Gint Mar 6 2005, 10:19 AM


What Paul (914 novice) said. It's easy!

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 10:45 AM

Good morning boy's and Girl's biggrin.gif

I was up very late. (or early this morning wacko.gif) I slept in. I see things are still moving upward. clap.gif

I'm going to join my band of bro's and bump this thread as long as I can today. I need to travel tonight 180 mile for a 4 day training. I'll be here off and on today but I'll check in after I get to my Hotel tonight.

There are still some regulars that seem to be absent this weekend. Who knows why, honey-do-list, ski weekend, broken arm, ect. I'm sure they'll want to see what's going on here this weekend.

You Guy's and Gal's R-O-C-K !! aktion035.gif

Posted by: aircooledboy Mar 6 2005, 10:53 AM

w00t.gif Hey doods,
Very nice work here. smilie_pokal.gif pray.gif

I have been staying away a bit this weekend, because I am in kind of an odd spot. You see I am fortunate enough to be a criminal defense attorney here in Illinois at a very prestigious firm. I have been in contact with a member of Brad's family doing what little I can to help from here. confused24.gif There are a couple things I have in the fire which may be of much greater help to Brad, but they are moving along painfully slowly. One of those things is I'm exploring is the possiblity of getting permission to practice in California pro hoc vice which means for one case only. If I can get that worked out, I will volunteer to be trial cousel for Brad for no charge. The problem that creates, is that an attorney is strictly forbidden from contributing to bail for his own client. sad.gif So, if I were to contribute a few bucks here now, I would then later be unable to donate thousands of dollars worth of services later if the details fall into place. ohmy.gif

So, I wanted you guys to know that is why I have been publicly quite on what is a very important issue. I have spent dozens of hours of my own time as well as my staff's time over the last several days on a number of things on Brads' behalf, from trying to get a line on good local counsel to tracking down an old contact who may be of great help. That is all I can say about those things, but I really wanted you all to know I too think this is VERY important, and we all should do whatever we can to help the guy that was a huge part of creating our favorite place, and has contributed so much help and knowledge for all of OUR benefit. Every little bit helps. Don't forget about that change cup on you dressers. That proly has $25 in it!!! w00t.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 6 2005, 11:01 AM

Time for an update...

The bail and legal fund account now holds (insert drum roll here)...


clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Posted by: 914 novice Mar 6 2005, 11:01 AM

Hi all,
I mostly lurk here but decided to pitch in to Brad's fund for several reasons:
1)I am on this site every day
2)since Andy and the admins won't take money this was a way for me to say THANK YOU!!!!
3)I don't know Brad and he hasn't been very active on the board since i have been a member but from the posts I have read about others experiences with him I am sure I would like him and respect him and if I were in his shoes I would like to know that the way a man handles himself as he goes through life does matter and that people notice.My donation is my way of saying that i noticed! Brad has obviously touched so many peoples lives!
4)I still do not own a 914 and this site helped me cool my jet's and realize that there is not only pleasure that comes with this car but alot of work and money too!So I set some goals that I have to accomplish before i will allow myself to purchase a car:
a)since i must watch my money and would have to do alot of the work on a 30 year old car myself I had to start working on the cars i own now.
b)clean space in the garage for the car
c)Meet some local members (bay area,Ca)and learn more about this great car as well as make some new friends. (P.M if interested)
With all that said,$29.14 sent!!!
Thanks, Paul

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 11:12 AM

QUOTE (aircooledboy @ Mar 6 2005, 08:53 AM)
w00t.gif Hey doods,
Very nice work here. smilie_pokal.gif pray.gif

I have been staying away a bit this weekend, because I am in kind of an odd spot. You see I am fortunate enough to be a criminal defense attorney here in Illinois at a very prestigious firm. I have been in contact with a member of Brad's family doing what little I can to help from here. confused24.gif There are a couple things I have in the fire which may be of much greater help to Brad, but they are moving along painfully slowly. One of those things is I'm exploring is the possiblity of getting permission to practice in California pro hoc vice which means for one case only. If I can get that worked out, I will volunteer to be trial cousel for Brad for no charge. The problem that creates, is that an attorney is strictly forbidden from contributing to bail for his own client. sad.gif So, if I were to contribute a few bucks here now, I would then later be unable to donate thousands of dollars worth of services later if the details fall into place. ohmy.gif

So, I wanted you guys to know that is why I have been publicly quite on what is a very important issue. I have spent dozens of hours of my own time as well as my staff's time over the last several days on a number of things on Brads' behalf, from trying to get a line on good local counsel to tracking down an old contact who may be of great help. That is all I can say about those things, but I really wanted you all to know I too think this is VERY important, and we all should do whatever we can to help the guy that was a huge part of creating our favorite place, and has contributed so much help and knowledge for all of OUR benefit. Every little bit helps. Don't forget about that change cup on you dressers. That proly has $25 in it!!! w00t.gif

Please! No one start asking questions. Just feel the love! Keep this thread open and at the top of the list.

This is exactly what I've been posting here! This is what 914 people do! This is how Brad is! I need to get some air now. I'm a little misty. wub.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 11:17 AM

Some of you Bay area guy go over and pick up 914 novice and take him to an AX! aktion035.gif driving.gif He may not have a car yet but he's a 914 guy! clap.gif

Posted by: Racer Chris Mar 6 2005, 11:27 AM

That's awesome aircooledboy! pray.gif smilie_pokal.gif beerchug.gif

914 novice, you make me proud to be a member of the 914 community! rocking nana.gif

Posted by: VegasRacer Mar 6 2005, 11:41 AM

I realize all of us delinquents can be a PITA sometimes for the Administration Team. I vaguely remember someone mentioned 'pulling the plug' on the club a week ago. The next time you have any such thoughts, remember what is going on here right now. It is the same thing we always do anytime one of us is in need. I emplore you, don't ever let this community die or fade away.

Posted by: Randal Mar 6 2005, 11:49 AM

Some of you Bay area guy go over and pick up 914 novice and take him to an AX!   He may not have a car yet but he's a 914 guy!  

Take him; I think we can do better than that. We'll find a car for him to take around the course.

IF no one else volunteers, he can drive my car, which is going to be REALLY fun with the new motor.

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 12:13 PM

QUOTE (Randal @ Mar 6 2005, 09:49 AM)
Some of you Bay area guy go over and pick up 914 novice and take him to an AX!   He may not have a car yet but he's a 914 guy!  

Take him; I think we can do better than that. We'll find a car for him to take around the course.

IF no one else volunteers, he can drive my car, which is going to be REALLY fun with the new motor.


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 6 2005, 12:25 PM

This is why I love this place. Its like my kids screw with each other and fight amongst them selves but some one outside messes with one of them .... Aircooledboy if it works out I work for Southwest Airlines and have some space available passes on Southwest you can have to get out to the coast Ill give them to you.

Posted by: gklinger Mar 6 2005, 12:54 PM

QUOTE (VegasRacer @ Mar 6 2005, 10:41 AM)
I realize all of us delinquents can be a PITA sometimes for the Administration Team. I vaguely remember someone mentioned 'pulling the plug' on the club a week ago. The next time you have any such thoughts, remember what is going on here right now. It is the same thing we always do anytime one of us is in need. I emplore you, don't ever let this community die or fade away.

agree.gif mueba.gif This community is truly amazing. And aircooledboy, that is huge! pray.gif Makes me proud to be part of this group.

Posted by: SteveL Mar 6 2005, 01:02 PM

Just checking in and wanted to bump this thread to the top. Keep it going guys, All For One, One For All.

Posted by: ablose58 Mar 6 2005, 01:11 PM

bumpity bump bump icon_bump.gif aktion035.gif

Posted by: 914 novice Mar 6 2005, 01:22 PM

Hey guys,
I had an idea on how some of our veteran members could help out Brad and some new members to the club at the same time so I thought I would run it by you.I know that you guys help out new members with ppi's on cars they are looking into buying.How about if you charge them a little something and donate it to the fund?
Newbie benefits from club members knowledge and avoids potential rust bucket.

person doing ppi makes donation with no out of pocket expense.

Brad gets help he needs.

Well what do you think?Maybe a nailed thread with people willing to do the inspections in their areas and a donation link?
Just an Idea,Paul

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 6 2005, 01:35 PM

I gotta go out to the dog house and get ready for next weeks swap meet at Zims. My last look for a couple of hours. KEEP HELP ALIVE. smile.gif

Posted by: ablose58 Mar 6 2005, 01:41 PM

Later people, I am going down in the garage to work on kermit so I will be back later, I have a few co-workers that lurk here on occasions mostly to visit the sand box and I will hit em up tonight for donations when I get to work smash.gif I am pretty sure they will donate too smilie_pokal.gif Talk to ya all later! AL

Posted by: william harris Mar 6 2005, 03:00 PM

Every time I check in I am delighted to see the contributions continue to roll in. We are almost at $7,000 and that is tremendous, since most of the contributions have been in small increments. Just spent a couple of hours getting my 914 ready for the paint and body work - I was so inspired by this group of people. Brad - this community is here for you. TTYL laugh.gif

Posted by: mikey Mar 6 2005, 03:11 PM

I know that you guys help out new members with ppi's on cars they are looking into buying

I've lurked around here for a while and still don't know what ppi's are. Someone please 'splain?

Looks like we are near the $7,000 mark! smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif


Posted by: ejm Mar 6 2005, 03:18 PM

I've lurked around here for a while and still don't know what ppi's are

Pre-purchase inspection - Someone who is very familiar with the type of vehicle you're buying checks it out thoroughly. May include a compression and/or leakdown test.

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 6 2005, 03:20 PM

I hadn't been able to check in since last night so I decided I had to see what was up and WOW! You guys rock! Not only are we at almost $7,000, but I read aircooledboy's note and I just can't express how wonderful that is. This is still a long road ahead for Brad, but I'm encouraged knowing that there is stuff like that going on in the background. With friends like that, there is indeed hope that this will come out good in the end.

Keep it up guys! icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif

Posted by: mikey Mar 6 2005, 03:21 PM

Pre-purchase inspection


Posted by: seanery Mar 6 2005, 03:41 PM

Chris, you rock!!!! smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 6 2005, 05:03 PM

We're at $6,916.91
Keep it coming people...!

Posted by: Mike9142.0 Mar 6 2005, 05:41 PM

My donation will be in tonight.

Posted by: william harris Mar 6 2005, 06:06 PM

Guys, $7,000 is awesome in 2 days. Together we are going to win this battle. icon_bump.gif

Posted by: David_S Mar 6 2005, 06:17 PM

Going to check tomorrow to see if PayPal made their "samll deposits" so I can finish activating my account......whenever they do, I will be in !!!!!

Posted by: richardL Mar 6 2005, 09:07 PM

Bump.... icon_bump.gif

Just because Brads out doesn't mean its over - we still need to raise mucho bucks

I have an unused Engman peddle board - its perfect, just my car is distorted so it won't fit. Its bright aluminum - just excellent

$45 donation (or more) gets it - let me know if you want it and we can arrange things. I'm in the SF Bay Area, and I will get it to you. If you live somewhere in the rest of the world, then shipping, at cost, in addition

Richard - lets keep going...

Posted by: Maltese Falcon Mar 6 2005, 09:08 PM

Good news that bail was it's time to get the defense "Solid". Good , knowledgeable counsel doesn't come cheap ohmy.gif
I'll be hitting the paypal Mon. when I get into work. Litigation tends to be a PITA, but the right lawyer can turn this around for Brad. Let's all keep positive about this. Don't ask for too many details... remember that the OTHER guy reads here too !

Posted by: SpecialK Mar 6 2005, 11:25 PM

I just read over the last few pages, and I'm in total awe of the monetary, and profession services (yeah... I'm talkin' bout you "aircooledboy"! pray.gif and "sparetimetoy's" beer.gif !) offered up to help Brad out...........what a truely fantastic group of people we have here, it never ceases to amaze me!! beerchug.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 6 2005, 11:26 PM

What a rally guy's! What a weekend! It's Sunday night, Nearing the midnight hour. We raised near $ 7000.00! Brad is out of jail, Heading home.

I want to thank all of you for caring. Some of you never met Brad and you helped out anyway. That's a 914 guy. That's cool.

Our work and cause has just begun. This battle is far from over. We will need to come up with a series of fund raisers between now and the time Brad goes on trial. Lets start planning now. When I get back to town I will start a thread asking for fund raiser suggestions.

What a great group!

Posted by: SpecialK Mar 6 2005, 11:32 PM

QUOTE (VegasRacer @ Mar 6 2005, 09:41 AM)
I vaguely remember someone mentioned 'pulling the plug' on the club a week ago.

A thread about "pulling the plug"? ohmy.gif WTF was that all about?!? confused24.gif

Man.....I leave town for one week and....... huh.gif

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 7 2005, 12:54 AM

Wow! At the same time that I'm posting my last message, Andy is posting the update that Brad is out! That's good news to come home to!

Well I just made another donation. 50% each for Mike (Mike9142.0) and me.

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Mar 7 2005, 01:04 AM

Can we get some ballpark ideas of how much money will be needed for legal fees to clear things up? Or is it too grim a subject...?


Posted by: chunger Mar 7 2005, 02:24 AM

I'm donating my swaybar to the fund. . . there have been a couple of people interested in it. Please PM me if you'd like this 19mm swaybar that uses stock drop links. $150. I'll donate it all to the defense fund.


Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: william harris Mar 7 2005, 06:51 AM

Great weekend guys. We need about another $2,000 to have a solid legal defense team in place. In addition to the volunteers. smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 7 2005, 08:02 AM

We're currently at $7,165.27
So we made bail and working our way to legal defense...

Thanks everyone!

Posted by: william harris Mar 7 2005, 10:43 AM


Posted by: Jeroen Mar 7 2005, 12:54 PM

Wow!!! Things are still going well for the Bail/Legal fund

Right now, we're at $7,702.00

Thanks all! I'm honestly dumbfounded at your generousity!
pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif

Posted by: SteveL Mar 7 2005, 01:24 PM


Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 7 2005, 03:52 PM

Keep digging folks! icon_bump.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 7 2005, 04:32 PM

just the ole icon_bump.gif screwy.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 7 2005, 05:12 PM

Come on guys lets do it for the ol' Gipper OK Brad but that just doesn't fit as well wacko.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 7 2005, 08:28 PM

I just have a quick question. Are we going to end the bail postathon and start the Defence Fund Feista? Wondering minds want to know biggrin.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 7 2005, 08:35 PM


we just broke the 8K mark!!!
$8,152.47 to be precise

I'm wearing these smileys out, but as long as they still work, I'm gonna use em
pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif pray.gif

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 7 2005, 09:54 PM

We need a really BIG smiley for this! Keep it up gang! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: SteveL Mar 7 2005, 10:26 PM

I have a set of E36 BMW rear seat backs listed for sale on the Bird Board - Whatever they bring in will go from my PayPal acct to the BradFund.

Oh, and icon_bump.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 7 2005, 11:08 PM

Great rally guys and gals! smilie_pokal.gif clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Posted by: Maltese Falcon Mar 7 2005, 11:23 PM

$49.14 added to the bucket wink.gif If anyone needs to buy 914-6 exhaust headers for their conversion, we will allocate 9.14% from each sale (thru the end of March) towards this fund. Headers come in 1.5", 1.625" or 1.750" OD's depending on your engine size. These are cold-roll steel, 16 ga. full length mandrel, no extsensions needed. Our site is linked to the web-click below. I think Trekkor showed a jpeg of these in red ohmy.gif ...maybe he can link this for you guys.

Posted by: chunger Mar 8 2005, 12:02 AM

Thanks ssawa for donating for my swaybar. . . he even added $20 to the pot on top of the asked price.



Posted by: Mar 8 2005, 03:27 AM

icon_bump.gif What are we up to? icon_bump.gif


Posted by: Jeroen Mar 8 2005, 06:53 AM


I just have a quick question. Are we going to end the bail postathon and start the Defence Fund Feista?

Bail was $5K, so we're past that point already. Anything beyond that is for Brad's legal defence

Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Mar 8 2005, 08:49 AM

Hi Guys,
Been out of town & just got involved. Don't have time to read through all these posts. Can someone send me a PM with an address to send my check/cash contribution to (I dont have pay-pal). I trust & respect Brad and want to help him in his time of need. Prayers are good but cash will help get the truth out.

This appears to be very serious. I ask why are these charges so severe? Is there politics involved with the prosecution? Is the factory behind this plot to get this car back? I have lots of questions for motives behind these charges. More severe crimes get less attention?? I am really puzzled.

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 8 2005, 08:58 AM

tom, hit the link "donate to..." at the very right hand top of the page...
or send it to

or hit this

button biggrin.gif



Posted by: Randal Mar 8 2005, 10:16 AM

Let’s get this legal fund off and running.

I’m buying 22 shares of our $9.14 stock for the fund. That’ll be $201.08.

Being sent by Pay Pal.

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 8 2005, 10:17 AM

Just when I think everyone has seen it, I see someone like Tom who has been away awhile and is just now discovering what has been going on. So it's definitely worth bumping it to get it back to the top. (And in my experience this is better than nailing it - I missed the original nailed thread about Brad & #4 because I just blow right by the nailed threads and all the header stuff - I go straight to the new message activity.)

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 8 2005, 10:40 AM

Made an offer on a post that got buried. Here it is slightly modified...the next 5 DVDs on how to make your own fender flares ordered from me by club members will see the proceeds go to the Brad fund. The DVD is $40 That would be $200

Also: one shrinking disc $50 free shipping...goes to the Brad fund.

I have sent $50 already, and with a little help....we can make it $300.

Contact me at if interested.

Brad deserves all the help we can muster.

Thanks, John

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 8 2005, 10:49 AM

QUOTE (John Kelly @ Mar 8 2005, 09:40 AM)
Contact me at if interested.

John -

I sent you an email through the club. I don't know if that's the same address, but since I'm at work it was more doable for me.


Posted by: scott thacher Mar 8 2005, 02:01 PM

icon_bump.gif icon_bump.gif

Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Mar 8 2005, 04:18 PM

Hey Guys,

Sorry to be back. I want to write a check & send to somebody. I don't want to use my credit card to pay pay-pal. Who can I send a check too?? This is the way I want to contribute. You have my support short term and long term as the case developes. I think this is going to be a long one since attorney rates run $200 to $250 per hour & they love to suck up billing hours.

More thoughts. Because this thread is watched by ??? Can I suggest renting a post office box so personal info and donations (checks) can go into the fund (no electronic mail). I believe this may be a way to keep this web site open for it's intended use & 914 enjoyment . By setting up a (closed loop) post office box no one can monitor information except the person picking up the mail. Just a thought to protect the club.

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 9 2005, 08:07 AM

We're currently at $8,668.64 (and there's about $300 that haven't cleared yet)
No new donations since yesterday morning...

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 9 2005, 08:18 AM

Bumping seems to work, 'cause we just got another $100 biggrin.gif
So here goes...

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 9 2005, 12:35 PM

I have just sent $40 to the fund for Andys...DVD will arrive soon. Thanks for the help! Waiting on addresses from several others.

John www.ghiaspecialties .com

Posted by: davep Mar 9 2005, 03:47 PM

QUOTE (Jeroen @ Mar 9 2005, 06:18 AM)
Bumping seems to work, 'cause we just got another $100 biggrin.gif
So here goes...

Thats cause payment was received on my sale, and I passed along the contribution.

Posted by: FriarJohn Mar 9 2005, 10:54 PM

QUOTE (John Kelly @ Mar 8 2005, 09:40 AM)
Made an offer on a post that got buried.  Here it is slightly modified...the next 5 DVDs on how to make your own fender flares ordered from me by club members will see the proceeds go to the Brad fund.  The DVD is $40  That would be $200


Contact me at if interested.

Brad deserves all the help we can muster.

Thanks, John

I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Did I miss out on the five DVDs-for-Brad?

Posted by: chunger Mar 9 2005, 11:14 PM

Please let us know when and how much more we will be needing for the defense when it's prudent. Thanks, admins, for keeping us updated.

I would have to shuffle things around, but if needs be, can dig real deep if the financial needs escalate.

I'm sure others here are ready also for round 2. I'm not rich, but have some big ticket items I'd be willing to sell.


Posted by: scott thacher Mar 9 2005, 11:26 PM

well scottstoolwench ( teri ) sold an unopened buffy dvd for 40 bucks, just for the brad legal defense fund, so here comes another 40.

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 10 2005, 08:03 AM

QUOTE (FriarJohn @ Mar 9 2005, 08:54 PM)
QUOTE (John Kelly @ Mar 8 2005, 09:40 AM)
Made an offer on a post that got buried.  Here it is slightly modified...the next 5 DVDs on how to make your own fender flares ordered from me by club members will see the proceeds go to the Brad fund.  The DVD is $40  That would be $200


Contact me at if interested.

Brad deserves all the help we can muster.

Thanks, John

I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Did I miss out on the five DVDs-for-Brad?

Hi John,

Hmm..never got your email. Just click on the make a donation button above, send $40 through paypal, then send me your address: Thanks!

ErnieDV has donated $40 and has a DVD on the way. Anyone else?

Thanks, John

Posted by: FriarJohn Mar 10 2005, 08:28 AM


E-mail with mailing address on the way. Let me know if you don't get it.

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 10 2005, 09:53 AM

Your DVD is on the way...anyone else?

Thanks, John

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 10 2005, 10:39 AM

GWN7 has donated $40... DVD on the way. Thanks Bruce! One more left...


Posted by: Lawrence Mar 10 2005, 11:18 AM

QUOTE (914 novice @ Mar 6 2005, 02:22 PM)
Hey guys,
I had an idea on how some of our veteran members could help out Brad and some new members to the club at the same time so I thought I would run it by you.I know that you guys help out new members with ppi's on cars they are looking into buying.How about if you charge them a little something and donate it to the fund?
Newbie benefits from club members knowledge and avoids potential rust bucket.

person doing ppi makes donation with no out of pocket expense.

Brad gets help he needs.

Well what do you think?Maybe a nailed thread with people willing to do the inspections in their areas and a donation link?
Just an Idea,Paul

Hi Paul!

It's a supportive idea, but... for me, I'll never charge for a PPI. Lots of people do them for free (or just for gas money) to ensure other members don't get screwed over.

Just to modify your idea a bit... But if someone offers to pay, I would suggest a donation to that fund instead. I like that. But... I won't charge for a PPI.

-Rusty smoke.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 10 2005, 01:44 PM

$9,410.06 smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: brownaar Mar 10 2005, 04:20 PM

What vendors are donating proceed percentages to the fund?

I've sent $100 through Paypal, but am itching to buy some stuff..........but honey, it was for a good cause......


Posted by: John Kelly Mar 10 2005, 05:50 PM

Hi Aaron,

I still have one DVD available for donation (4 gone already) on how to do custom metalshaping/flares $40.. and a shrinking disc (autobody tool)for $50 probably not what you had in mind.

I think Craig at camp914 is doing something?


Posted by: Engman Mar 10 2005, 05:56 PM

Actually, a number of the 'board vendors' are donating to this.

I am up to $160 currently - hope to add to this in the next few days.


Posted by: John Kelly Mar 10 2005, 05:58 PM

Sorry I missed you Engman!

Here is the camp914 offer thread:


Posted by: Engman Mar 10 2005, 06:03 PM

No offense taken ... sorry if it got misconstrued,

Thanks for posting the link!


Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 10 2005, 06:52 PM

QUOTE (brownaar @ Mar 10 2005, 02:20 PM)
What vendors are donating proceed percentages to the fund?

I've sent $100 through Paypal, but am itching to buy some stuff..........but honey, it was for a good cause......


I had to hide some spending that way myself. happy11.gif That's funny dude! lol2.gif wimin... confused24.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 11 2005, 06:28 AM


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 11 2005, 02:24 PM

Back to the top I say wavey.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 11 2005, 05:24 PM

Ok Boys and Girls! It's Friday again! I've been out of town all last week. And I won't be around this weekend as much as I'd like either.

I took some time and read through the 12 pages of posts here. I'm impressed! If you get a chance do the same. We are a shining example for the car enthusists of the world.

We kept the message on track, We didn't get locked or deleted, and we did a good thing for a guy that deserves it.

There are still several vendors offering to kick in a couple bucks to help move the legal fund up. So even if your in trouble like me with the better half maybe you can pick up a part you need and help a brother out. If you can help out with a donation large or small click that link and make it happen. The only way to win in the legal system today is with money.

You guys must feel good. You all should. Thanks for caring.


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 11 2005, 09:21 PM

Come on folks this is the goofy side kick speaking. We have gone from the Post Bail-a-thon and now are deep into the Leagle Fund Fiesta mueba.gif aktion035.gif clap.gif This could be for you. we would all be here doing the same thing. I got the swap meet this weekend and a portion of what I sell will go to this cause. But DONT tell my wife. Yack.gif chair.gif alfred.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 12 2005, 05:06 AM

early AM bump before I go icon_bump.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 12 2005, 05:09 PM

Is the $ drive over??? Am i supposed to stop bumping this thread???

Posted by: TimT Mar 12 2005, 05:41 PM

hmmmm though I have no say whatsoever.. Brad is out... we should wait and Bump again when the bills from the attorney start coming in unsure.gif

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 12 2005, 06:13 PM

What's the latest figure of what we collected? Did we break $10k yet?

Posted by: SirAndy Mar 12 2005, 06:17 PM

QUOTE (ErnieDV @ Mar 12 2005, 04:13 PM)
What's the latest figure of what we collected? Did we break $10k yet?

nope, but we're close. just got another $200 in the mail today ... smilie_pokal.gif

problem with attorneys is, they don't send you a bill.
you need to write them a check upfront or they won't do a thing ...

we're covered until (and including) the pre-trial hearing next week.
if everything get's resolved there, we'll be good.
if not and this goes to trial, well, that's another story alltogether ...

again, thanks to everyone for their support!
beerchug.gif Andy

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 12 2005, 06:44 PM

Thanks for the update sir andy.

If this goes to trial be prepared to write a big fat check for another $ 5000.00 just to keep the attorney's attension.

Posted by: TimT Mar 12 2005, 06:50 PM

problem with attorneys is, they don't send you a bill.

Hmmm maybe thats they way they work in Kalifornia.

At some point in my youth I got myself into a pretty serious legal pickle. The details will be spared. But! when shopping for a qualified attorney, I found that they all had a base "fee" for representation, and then a per diem fee for things above and beyond....

I almost put a smackdown on my attorney when I saw fees for "photocopies" at $75/hr I digress though

My attorney told me up front how much my legal fees would be... and he hit the target..

I didnt return to the graybar hotel..

not that what happened to me has anything to do with the current situation

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 12 2005, 10:24 PM

Good night my friends Ill be bumping and grinding in the AM ohmy.gif The post nuthing else mad.gif

Posted by: SteveL Mar 13 2005, 12:23 PM


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 14 2005, 11:27 AM

Well well it got two pages back. Monday lunch bump

Posted by: SGB Mar 14 2005, 01:20 PM

When is the hearing?


Posted by: SirAndy Mar 14 2005, 01:26 PM

QUOTE (SGB @ Mar 14 2005, 11:20 AM)
When is the hearing?


we'll know more Thursday evening ...
beerchug.gif Andy

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 14 2005, 04:57 PM

I will NOT STOP bumping untill we hit [COLOR=red] $10000.00 You sick of seeing it Pay up cool.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 14 2005, 06:33 PM

we're currently at $9,600.76
keep it bumped biggrin.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 15 2005, 07:07 AM

Come on guys just a quick $400 and I stop this bumping. Then some one else can take over biggrin.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 15 2005, 10:07 AM

just in case you don't know where to send your donation wink.gif

Posted by: tracks914 Mar 15 2005, 10:36 AM

I just got back from Mexico and didn't even know all this was going on. It's great to see the club come together like this for one of our own.
I just added my 2 cents worth and hope it helps.
(insert emoticon with a cash register)

Posted by: SteveL Mar 15 2005, 04:01 PM

Just helping keep this at the top

Posted by: Dr Evil Mar 15 2005, 04:39 PM

Another $50 from me and my bolts! Now only $350 needed, right?

Posted by: Mar 15 2005, 05:21 PM

icon_bump.gif Whats it up to? icon_bump.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 15 2005, 08:25 PM

We must be close. MR Tote board can we have an update please........... Im takn a stand for 10 grand

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 15 2005, 08:33 PM

$9,709.40 paypal
$   200.00 checks
$9,909,40 total

closing in on the 10K


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 15 2005, 08:39 PM

OK $90.60to put us over the top WHO will be the one to do it smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Dr Evil Mar 15 2005, 08:51 PM

I still have a mirror to Ebay, and some seats. We will be over that amount soon enough.

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 16 2005, 11:23 AM

No news as to the magic number yet. So its back to the top I say. rocking nana.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 16 2005, 04:33 PM

Predinner bump

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 16 2005, 06:46 PM

icon_bump.gif We all know the drill

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 16 2005, 09:09 PM

Gotta hit the hay...Speaking of hay HEY have we hit the 10 grand mark as of yet? See ya for the morning bump wavey.gif

Posted by: Rgreen914 Mar 16 2005, 11:22 PM

Haven't been around here for a couple of weeks; when I get back online I see all this crap about Brad! I guess that sometimes, bad things do happen to good people. I hope my donation puts us "over the top"; just wish I could be at Brad's prelim.


Posted by: SteveL Mar 17 2005, 12:06 AM


Posted by: Jeroen Mar 17 2005, 05:54 AM

paypal is at $9,805.20
Andy received $200 worth of checks
Andy also vouched to cover the paypal costs ($400 region)

Thanks all for your generous donations!!!
Lets keep our fingers x-ed today and hope for some good news

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 17 2005, 08:45 AM

GREAT I my work here is done cool.gif Let me know when the defence fund feisat starts and Ill keep it alive also aktion035.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Mar 17 2005, 03:30 PM

First off.. let me thank everyone for "donating" it will help offset the "pain" associated in dealing with the monetary headache. So far it has helped with bail: $5,000, helped with the lawyer: $3500, (up through Pre-trial) and will help with the private investigator's $2,000 retaining fee (If we so choose to hire him) IF.. this goes to trial, we don't know what we will be up against with lawyers fee's and associated expenses... Thank you so much for helping me in my time of need. I have said in the past that I never thought I would have to "use" this clubsite for monetary purposes, but this one is WAY beyond my control at this point. If it wasnt for this clubsite.. I would still be sitting in jail rotting away.

Thanks for maintaining the "faith" in me. It means a lot.


Posted by: butch Mar 17 2005, 06:51 PM

update your location, dude. you scare us.

Posted by: Rich Bontempi Mar 17 2005, 07:27 PM

I just donated another $100, that should put us over the $10,000!!!

Posted by: mikerose Mar 18 2005, 08:10 AM


Posted by: scott thacher Mar 18 2005, 10:21 AM

well i blew my wad on the fund, including things i sold just to donate.

but i hereby take over the title of bump king... so icon_bump.gif

ps do we have a new total yet confused24.gif

Posted by: william harris Mar 18 2005, 11:49 AM

Brad good to hear from you. Yeah, update the location, and Scott, you da man boldblue.gif clap.gif mueba.gif aktion035.gif icon_bump.gif

Posted by: SteveL Mar 18 2005, 01:09 PM

OK guys, he's free, let's keep the fund going and keep him that way!

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 18 2005, 07:24 PM

A tip from the last Bumpmiester. Set a dollar figure that you want and hound us until you get it. laugh.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 18 2005, 07:45 PM

We're at $10.101,00 ($9,901.00 in paypal + $200 in checks)

Posted by: SirAndy Mar 18 2005, 07:59 PM

QUOTE (Jeroen @ Mar 18 2005, 05:45 PM)
We're at $10.101,00 ($9,901.00 in paypal + $200 in checks)

you forgot to add another $500 from me ...

biggrin.gif Andy

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 18 2005, 08:47 PM

QUOTE (scott thacher @ Mar 19 2005, 03:03 AM)
i guess with andy's 500 i am done

see... that's why I didn't mention it happy11.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 19 2005, 01:13 AM

okay i have to go to bed, its 2 am here.

but i will be back so everybody go dig in the couch, pull the car seats and look for change. if you are a cigarette smoker quit for the time it takes you to smoke 1 pack and send the money to the BBF. if you are a beer drinker dont go drink at the bar do it at home and give the money that you would have tipped the bar maid to the BBF. or go dig through the spare parts bin, list something on ebay with a reserve that you will get and donate that money to the BBF. if anybody here has received any free parts from any club members donate what you would have been willing to pay for, after all if it was not for the 914club you would have had to pay for it ( at least at PP )

i am rambling

Posted by: mikey Mar 19 2005, 01:50 AM

Worked some OT this week and am able to icon_bump.gif the total up a little bit. I hope things are working out for you Brad!

Posted by: c12croft Mar 19 2005, 03:51 PM

unsure.gif [I]I'll be happy to help, even as a newbie. Just for the record, should I just donate and not ask any questions?

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 19 2005, 05:56 PM

well you could ask, but you wont get many answers. there is some info at the top of the page thats nailed. there is some other in some other threads but you will have to search.

lets just say any donations here are going to help a fellow 914er out, he is also the father of the as well as in the long run it may help some 914 history stay alive and make some 914 history.

if you want more info search on brad in the search engine, most if not all the important posts are in the last 30 days

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 19 2005, 10:45 PM

QUOTE (scott thacher @ Mar 19 2005, 08:38 PM)
back to the top i say, back to the top

and someone donate some money so i stop using bandwidth

lol2.gif clap.gif aktion035.gif monkeydance.gif rocking nana.gif

Posted by: spare time toys Mar 20 2005, 06:54 AM

Just a bump for old times sake beerchug.gif

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 20 2005, 12:39 PM

Well, Carrera916 has spoken for the 5th DVD to help with the Brad fund. Thanks!


Posted by: Jeroen Mar 21 2005, 06:50 AM

currently at $10,186.06 ($9,986.06 in paypal, $200 in checks)

Posted by: John Kelly Mar 21 2005, 11:21 AM

Carrera916 actually paid $50 into the fund instead $40 for the last DVD.

Thanks, John

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 21 2005, 09:29 PM

$10,489.98 in paypal + $200 in checks = $10,689.98

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 22 2005, 08:24 AM

would you people please stop bumping me of the front page headbang.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 22 2005, 08:29 AM

We're at $10.101,00 ($9,901.00 in paypal + $200 in checks)

when i took over


$10,489.98 in paypal + $200 in checks = $10,689.98

so i got my 500 smilie_pokal.gif but i will keep going till someone else takes over for another 500

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 22 2005, 09:08 PM

$11,016.40 + $200 = $11,216.40

Absolutely a-f-ing-mazing!!!
clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 22 2005, 09:20 PM

you mean i have solely been responsible for over 1000 dollars in bumps smilie_pokal.gif

well i guess some other people have helped too smilie_pokal.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 22 2005, 09:39 PM

scott, you've done great!
thanks for keepin' this thread up in everyone's face biggrin.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 23 2005, 08:40 AM

why did the chicken cross the road.... to see the 914 on the other side

icon_bump.gif dada icon_bump.gif

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 23 2005, 08:11 PM

OK, we fell off of page one again. Scotts not the only one who can play this game...

Posted by: Brad Roberts Mar 23 2005, 08:12 PM

I cant keep up.. First time today I have been in front of computer for more than 5 minutes.


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 23 2005, 08:14 PM

Is it OK to bump your own help post????/ biggrin.gif beerchug.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Mar 23 2005, 08:16 PM

I know the guy who runs the place...LOL He likes me.


Posted by: Jeroen Mar 23 2005, 08:16 PM

$11,058.79 in paypal
$200 in checks

makes $11,258.79 total

Posted by: Jeroen Mar 23 2005, 08:19 PM

QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 24 2005, 03:16 AM)
I know the guy who runs the place...LOL He likes me.

yeah, but he has no control over the money happy11.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 23 2005, 08:45 PM

QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 23 2005, 06:12 PM)
I cant keep up.. First time today I have been in front of computer for more than 5 minutes.


well brad sense your here, you need to donate to the fund boldblue.gif mueba.gif i know this is for me slap.gif

Posted by: Brad Roberts Mar 23 2005, 08:47 PM

I have a 1.34 in my pocket. Will that help ?


Posted by: scott thacher Mar 23 2005, 08:48 PM

every penny can help

Posted by: ThinAir914 Mar 23 2005, 08:52 PM

QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 23 2005, 07:47 PM)
I have a 1.34 in my pocket. Will that help ?


Keep saving those pennies... when you get $9.14 you can put it in the fund!

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 23 2005, 10:05 PM

QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 23 2005, 06:47 PM)
I have a 1.34 in my pocket. Will that help ?


I see they haven't damaged your sense of humor. wavey.gif Now go back to your cave! lol2.gif This is our thread! happy11.gif

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 24 2005, 08:35 AM

good morning, and who was that masked man, blew in for a few mins, then poof he was gone again

Posted by: scott thacher Mar 24 2005, 09:44 PM

okay i let it slip to the third page but now its back. i figured you all might need a break, but back to work

Posted by: Lyressa Roberts Mar 24 2005, 11:30 PM

QUOTE (rick 918-S @ Mar 23 2005, 08:05 PM)
QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 23 2005, 06:47 PM)
I have a 1.34 in my pocket. Will that help ?


I see they haven't damaged your sense of humor. wavey.gif Now go back to your cave! lol2.gif This is our thread! happy11.gif

Too funny!! You guys are the greatest. driving-girl.gif

Posted by: rick 918-S Mar 24 2005, 11:36 PM

QUOTE (Lyressa Roberts @ Mar 24 2005, 09:30 PM)
QUOTE (rick 918-S @ Mar 23 2005, 08:05 PM)
QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Mar 23 2005, 06:47 PM)
I have a 1.34 in my pocket. Will that help ?


I see they haven't damaged your sense of humor. wavey.gif Now go back to your cave! lol2.gif This is our thread! happy11.gif

Too funny!! You guys are the greatest. driving-girl.gif

wavey.gif happy11.gif Some one has to pick on him slap.gif

Posted by: 914 novice Mar 25 2005, 05:25 PM


Posted by: 914 novice Mar 26 2005, 04:56 PM


Posted by: spare time toys Mar 27 2005, 09:45 AM

Back to the top. any updates as to whats going on with this?

Posted by: mk114 Mar 31 2005, 09:12 PM

I want to thank everyone in this forum for your support with my questions I know you have heard a thousand times so this is my way of giving back to someone who is you Mentor, friend and club member

Just donated 9.14 through paypal

Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: Brad Roberts Apr 5 2005, 12:07 PM


Private Investigator was hired last week. My next court date is April 20th. If you dont hear back from me after the 20th (or see pics of me at the WCC) then I took the jail time.

If I take this to trial.. I'll probably have to come up with another 10k. We will see.


Posted by: olav Apr 6 2005, 08:17 PM

Holy Crap!

I just found out about this.

You should take it to court and not do the jail time.

[some details removed to protect the innocent biggrin.gif]

I just donated $100.00 bucks to help you out too.

If there is anything else I can do...

Posted by: Rgreen914 Apr 6 2005, 08:30 PM

QUOTE (Brad Roberts @ Apr 5 2005, 10:07 AM)
"...then I took the jail time..."


Are you thinking about a "nolo" plea, hopefully to a misdemeanor? I hope you're not thinking of taking a plea bargain on a felony charge.


Posted by: Lyressa Roberts Apr 7 2005, 10:16 AM

agree.gif I agree. Definitely no plea on a felony.

Posted by: spare time toys Apr 7 2005, 10:40 AM

I may be dumb about this but didnt the guys insurance pay him for the car? If so its thier problem because its thier car after a settlement isnt it? confused24.gif

Posted by: aircooledboy Apr 7 2005, 10:49 AM

Whoa there, y'all. ohmy.gif We're getting a little too fact specific here.

As a quasi member of the defense team, I'm asking you to not refer to facts or questions which could lead to the cop types swinging by your world to ask a few questions. Trust me when I tell you that the San Mateo boys are monitoring this board regularly, and they have demonstrated a clear lack of desire to treat Brad fairly. Let's not give them anything to use as step toward hurting Brad.


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