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Posted by: cwpeden Jan 24 2016, 03:15 PM

As a reward to myself for quitting smoking in August, after 30 years, I have $50 a week burning a hole in my pocket. (What the hell was I thinking!)
For the smokers out there you know what I mean, quitting isn't that easy.

It cost me about $10k to quit. In the form of a spare no expense 2 week driving vacation with the family. We drove from our home Victoria BC to California and back. My goal was roller coasters, my daughter wanted to swim with dolphins, my son was all about LEGOLAND and my wife just wanted to sit and watch(relax). Of course we did all the major attractions and Parks along the way.

I have never smoked around my family but they know I did, wasn't a secret. Being with them 24/7 for 17 days didn't leave a lot of time for smokes so I figured it was the best time. Anyone trying to quit I recommend this method. Except for the packing around a gallon of water on my back for 10 hours a day. We weren't used to the 95+ august weather in Cali. San Diego was a nice break and a beautiful city. I was a little jealous. Of course its no Victoria BC, but it'll do, in a pinch. beerchug.gif

Here is my reward:
100k 2001 EJ25 with manual trans, about $900 USD
Had the coil pack and head gaskets done in December was running until 2 weeks ago when the owner rolled the Forester it was in.
Attached Image

Unfortunately what I considered to be the "wiring harness and computer" differed from the wrecking yard: See yellow oval, should be workable?
Attached Image

Posted by: r_towle Jan 24 2016, 04:06 PM

Quitting smoking with my family in the car might end up with me in jail.

Good job, I am working up to it now, started going to a gym.....couple of weeks I will stop cold turkey.

Posted by: cwpeden Jan 24 2016, 04:26 PM

You know, that's funny, I was the calm one. My wife was quite surprised.

Don't work up to it! Just do it. I was "working up to it" for 10 yrs.

Of course being Type 1 Diabetic my doc asked if I had any incentive to quit. He asked if seeing my children grow up would suffice?

Posted by: A&P Mech Jan 24 2016, 04:40 PM

Congratulations on quiting!

I put an ej253 in my car and I love it. If you flip the intake manifold you won't have to cut into the trunk. It was really easy to flip. I went with a EMS Stinger ECU from Outfront Motorsports. No regrets! Outfront built my engine wiring harness and it made the install almost plug and play.

Posted by: Andyrew Jan 24 2016, 05:31 PM

Congrats on quitting! My co worker was able to quit with gum, and he has transitioned to regular gum at this point.

My first thought when seeing your engine/trani was "Damn that transmission is long.."

Posted by: r_towle Jan 24 2016, 05:48 PM

QUOTE(cwpeden @ Jan 24 2016, 05:26 PM) *

You know, that's funny, I was the calm one. My wife was quite surprised.

Don't work up to it! Just do it. I was "working up to it" for 10 yrs.

Of course being Type 1 Diabetic my doc asked if I had any incentive to quit. He asked if seeing my children grow up would suffice?

I plan to, just picked a date, and I am sticking to the plan.
Two weeks of working out, get a rhythm, then quit and crank up the workouts....trying to get addicted to something else.

Posted by: cwpeden Jan 24 2016, 05:49 PM

Thanks guys. Video games have helped fill my night time cravings and I'm WAY more productive at work. No requirement to stop every 1/2 hour.

Posted by: veekry9 Jan 24 2016, 05:50 PM

20 yrs from now,the tabac will still trigger a chemical stimulus.
Conditioning yourself to associate that switch with "I hate that shit"is the way.
A relapse every year is still possible,like walking on eggshells.
Addictive nasty shit,a gateway,along with booze,with which it goes so well.

Posted by: r_towle Jan 24 2016, 05:52 PM

QUOTE(veekry9 @ Jan 24 2016, 06:50 PM) *

20 yrs from now,the tabac will still trigger a chemical stimulus.
Conditioning yourself to associate that switch with "I hate that shit"is the way.
A relapse every year is still possible,like walking on eggshells.
Addictive nasty shit,a gateway,along with booze,with which it goes so well.

It's not a gateway to anything but the grave.
That is and always has been total BS

Posted by: cwpeden Jan 24 2016, 06:04 PM

I'm behind you r_towle. aktion035.gif Or any of us trying to kick a habit. (except the one that brings us here)

I have set up automatic weekly bank transfers to a savings acct. for the amount I used to spend on cigarettes. Sure added up fast. Everyone was spoiled at Christmas! santa_smiley.gif
I haven't become one of those self righteous ex-smokers either.
Oh, one other benefit. My life insurance will go from $150 a month to $40 a month after one year smoke free.

Posted by: veekry9 Jan 24 2016, 06:17 PM

dry.gif Great,figures,an expert.
There's always one rotten pos in the bottom of the barrel.
Talk to your physician if you're having trouble empathizing,evil shit happens.

Posted by: r_towle Jan 24 2016, 06:22 PM

QUOTE(cwpeden @ Jan 24 2016, 07:04 PM) *

I'm behind you r_towle. aktion035.gif Or any of us trying to kick a habit. (except the one that brings us here)

I have set up automatic weekly bank transfers to a savings acct. for the amount I used to spend on cigarettes. Sure added up fast. Everyone was spoiled at Christmas! santa_smiley.gif
I haven't become one of those self righteous ex-smokers either.
Oh, one other benefit. My life insurance will go from $150 a month to $40 a month after one year smoke free.

I like that's over 10 buck a day for me.

Posted by: stugray Jan 24 2016, 10:59 PM

My wife just quit after >25 years of smoking.

First she switched to the e-cigs with a relatively high dose of nicotine.
At first she was having difficulty because apparently your body craves the tar, taste of smoke, AND having something in your hand.
After a few months of the e-cig, she started reducing the dose.
After one full year of that she quit the e-cig as well.

It helped that she had back surgery and knew that avoiding the nicotine would mean she would heal faster.
So that was about 6 months ago and she is nicotine free!

Anyway, there actually IS the possibility that you can use the e-cigs to help you quit.

One funny thing is that now she despises the smell of smokers.
She cannot believe that she used to smell like that all the time.

Posted by: rick 918-S Jan 24 2016, 11:07 PM

Congratulations C! beerchug.gif Nice project. Do it Rich! I did it 29 yrs ago. I started at age 10 but smoked consistently since I was 13. I attended the school of hard knocks. Never smoked around Sandy or the kids. so I was like 28-29 or something. Only smoked at my shop. Hardest thing I have ever done ever. Sometimes I think about it and feel like I could start like I never quit. But after so many years I can pass it off in seconds instead of dwelling on it for hours like when I first quit.

Posted by: veekry9 Jan 24 2016, 11:56 PM

It's a nasty,dirty little hook that will always be embedded in our heads,like brain candy.
Wiff,arghh,patooee,I hate that shit.
Ya gotta get around that little jolt,and condition yourself to despise it and everything about it.
Neph has been quit for decades and still gets the jolt,he says it never goes away.


Posted by: rmdinmd Jan 25 2016, 03:53 AM

I quit back in 2005, having mycoplasma pneumonia was my incentive. Used the patch for 6 months, I was a pack a day for 35 years. It wasn't easy and there are still times the thought that a cig would be nice sneaks in dry.gif but have no interest restarting and that would only take one.
Yes I also discovered smokers stink! icon8.gif Doesn't matter how you do it, just quit and what ever works for you is the way.

Posted by: 914dave Jan 25 2016, 05:25 AM

Congratulations on quitting!!! Your best reward will be how you feel. Set a nice example for your kids too. February 23rd will by my 10 year anniversary of quitting. One of the best things I ever did. I used personal hypnosis. I can stand in the middle of our smoking area at work without and urge or tension. The only downside it that I cluck like a chicken when a bell rings. hehe
Saved roughly $18k over the past ten years,pretty much covers my six conversion.
Rich, Good luck in quitting!

Posted by: The Cabinetmaker Jan 25 2016, 05:53 AM

I had my first heart attack in 1989. I was 40. Doc in the emergency room asked if I smoked. My answer was "not any more". He laughed and said, "yeah, I've heard that one before". I haven't had a cigarette since and I never have an urge! I'm calling bs veerky. Quitting smokes has nothing to do with will power. It's want power. The pain of the heart attack was all the motivation I needed. It's not that hard. Just make up your mind and do it. The brain has amazing powers.

Congrats cwpeden. God speed to all who are trying. Your life will change when you do.

Posted by: Chris H. Jan 25 2016, 08:15 AM

Yeah congrats man. That's a huge accomplishment. Nicotine is such an addictive substance but every day that goes by it's hold gets weaker. At this point you WIN!!! Just don't say "I can have ONE....I can control myself..." because you'll be right back on the horse. If you've made it this far you can definitely do it. Don't you feel GREAT?????

Do an online search for the shop manual for the vehicle that engine came out of and you should find the factory one somewhere for free. PM me if you don't find it. They have the wiring diagrams you need.

BTW the Subie trans IS amazingly long...until you take the center diff off. Then it's almost as short as the 901.

Attached Image

EDIT: And the Center Diff is worth about $250 on NASIOC BTW beerchug.gif . you're under $10k biggrin.gif .

Posted by: chandler1969 Jan 25 2016, 08:56 AM

I quit ten years ago this January. I was about a pack a day smoker for a little over 20 years. It was a Tuesday evening, around 10pm, when I just smoked my last one out of the pack. At that moment I decided no more. Cold Turkey. I stopped going into the gas stations where I normally buy the cigs. Cravings lasted a little while but after the first month it went away. One of the best decisions I ever made.

Congrats to all who have quit.

Posted by: KELTY360 Jan 25 2016, 08:58 AM

Been 29 years for me after 20 years of a couple packs a day...usually Camel straights. Tried many times but always ended up buying another pack somewhere. What finally worked for me was sucking air!

I'd noticed that every time I quit I'd always be waiting for that time when the urge would finally make me say "what the fuch." I decided I had to deal with it one urge at a time. Every time I'd feel the urge to take a drag I'd suck in some air, using the same muscle motion as I would to smoke. That would remove the urge for a time. At first, I was sucking air often. It became a habit just like smoking but over time the intervals between urges became longer and longer. After a while, sucking in air became a surprise because it hadn't happened for weeks, or even months.

That urge never happens now and watching someone smoke just reinforces how glad I am that it's not me. Good luck to everyone who is quitting and those who are working up to it. It's worth it!! biggrin.gif

Posted by: 76-914 Jan 25 2016, 09:13 AM

QUOTE(cwpeden @ Jan 24 2016, 01:15 PM) *

As a reward to myself for quitting smoking in August, after 30 years, I have $50 a week burning a hole in my pocket. (What the hell was I thinking!)
For the smokers out there you know what I mean, quitting isn't that easy.

It cost me about $10k to quit. In the form of a spare no expense 2 week driving vacation with the family. We drove from our home Victoria BC to California and back. My goal was roller coasters, my daughter wanted to swim with dolphins, my son was all about LEGOLAND and my wife just wanted to sit and watch(relax). Of course we did all the major attractions and Parks along the way.

I have never smoked around my family but they know I did, wasn't a secret. Being with them 24/7 for 17 days didn't leave a lot of time for smokes so I figured it was the best time. Anyone trying to quit I recommend this method. Except for the packing around a gallon of water on my back for 10 hours a day. We weren't used to the 95+ august weather in Cali. San Diego was a nice break and a beautiful city. I was a little jealous. Of course its no Victoria BC, but it'll do, in a pinch. beerchug.gif

Here is my reward:
100k 2001 EJ25 with manual trans, about $900 USD
Had the coil pack and head gaskets done in December was running until 2 weeks ago when the owner rolled the Forester it was in.
Attached Image

Unfortunately what I considered to be the "wiring harness and computer" differed from the wrecking yard: See yellow oval, should be workable?
Attached Image

Your alright. 95% of those wires are removed and the remainder are spliced. Besides, all of those wires are colour coded and could be reattached easily. Congrats to all that have quit cigs. Especially you. What the Hell were you thinking being a diabetic? The worst thing for a diabetic. Just 2 more cig comments. 99.5% of the people that try nicotine in ANY form will return to it. 2nd, remember that an ex smoker ALWAYS starts back on cigs the same way. Via a "bummed" cigarette. BTW, after a year the urge is basically dead. Good engine tranny combo. You'll enjoy tha factory ECU, too.

Posted by: Andyrew Jan 25 2016, 09:32 AM

QUOTE(Chris H. @ Jan 25 2016, 06:15 AM) *

Yeah congrats man. That's a huge accomplishment. Nicotine is such an addictive substance but every day that goes by it's hold gets weaker. At this point you WIN!!! Just don't say "I can have ONE....I can control myself..." because you'll be right back on the horse. If you've made it this far you can definitely do it. Don't you feel GREAT?????

Do an online search for the shop manual for the vehicle that engine came out of and you should find the factory one somewhere for free. PM me if you don't find it. They have the wiring diagrams you need.

BTW the Subie trans IS amazingly long...until you take the center diff off. Then it's almost as short as the 901.

Attached Image

EDIT: And the Center Diff is worth about $250 on NASIOC BTW beerchug.gif . you're under $10k biggrin.gif .

Oh I understand that, but my point is in comparison to the Quattro transmission its just insane.
IPB Image

Posted by: Chris H. Jan 25 2016, 10:17 AM

Yeah it's big and beefy, and yet somehow the tuners find a way to blow a lot of them up. It's the AWD that does it, making the trans the weak point (center diff is particularly vulnerable).

The one that amazed me was the 4EAT Subaru AWD auto. That sucker has to weigh almost 300 lbs. It was HUGE. I COULD NOT lift it. Even the FWD has to be 250ish.

Posted by: r_towle Jan 25 2016, 10:51 AM

QUOTE(Chris H. @ Jan 25 2016, 11:17 AM) *

Yeah it's big and beefy, and yet somehow the tuners find a way to blow a lot of them up. It's the AWD that does it, making the trans the weak point (center diff is particularly vulnerable).

The one that amazed me was the 4EAT Subaru AWD auto. That sucker has to weigh almost 300 lbs. It was HUGE. I COULD NOT lift it. Even the FWD has to be 250ish.

Reminds me of a time, back in the day, I had to change the clutch on an f150.
I was strong, but stupid.
Took the whole tranny and transfer case out at once, on my back, no Jack.
It was heavy...pinned me to the floor, all alone in the shop, hundreds of feet from anyone, no phone...

Obviously I got out...I rolled out from under it and spent the rest of the day tracking down a tranny Jack to put it back in....

Posted by: cwpeden Jan 25 2016, 02:33 PM

Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I have found motivation that i didnt have before. My shop had turned into the smoking lounge and stank after coming back to it. Even welding couldnt over power the smell.

76-914 - I know, i was already 20 yrs into my sentence when I diagnosed with type 1. Just took 10 yrs to save up for the vacation biggrin.gif The nurses at emergency room where i ended up told me smoking diabetics are #1 for heart disease.

I tell you one thing that surprised me and almost turned me back to the dark side. Disneyland has a smoking area! And i was standing in line for Splash Mountain right beside it for what seemed like an hour. I ended up hating those people. LOL

Posted by: Mark Henry Jan 25 2016, 04:11 PM

Not being an asshole as I've BTDT, but....

$50/wk X 52 = $2600. yr X 10 = $26000, decade X 2 = $52000 20/yrs

$10/day X 365 = $3650.yr X10 = $36500 decade X 2 = $73000 20/yrs

Now that you quit how much a day are you spending on gum? biggrin.gif

Posted by: r_towle Jan 25 2016, 08:21 PM

I have discovered a whole new benefit to my choice of how I am quitting, by going to a gym.


Yes, I am a bored old guy but i look forward to seeing nicely filled out yoga pants very much to keep me on the machine just a bit longer...

Posted by: flmont Jan 25 2016, 08:58 PM

I quit 23 yrs ago, smoking stale pall mall's (non filterd of course),.I would go as long as possible then smoke one real fast , they made me sick,..and after a week of that,I couldn't stand them anymore..!!!

Posted by: cwpeden Jan 25 2016, 11:58 PM

QUOTE(Mark Henry @ Jan 25 2016, 02:11 PM) *

Not being an asshole as I've BTDT, but....

$50/wk X 52 = $2600. yr X 10 = $26000, decade X 2 = $52000 20/yrs

$10/day X 365 = $3650.yr X10 = $36500 decade X 2 = $73000 20/yrs

Now that you quit how much a day are you spending on gum? biggrin.gif

I know, really! I don't chew gum cause my breath don't stink no more.

QUOTE(r_towle @ Jan 25 2016, 06:21 PM) *

I have discovered a whole new benefit to my choice of how I am quitting, by going to a gym.


Yes, I am a bored old guy but i look forward to seeing nicely filled out yoga pants very much to keep me on the machine just a bit longer...

Why? Would getting off the machine lead to embarrassment? is there a pitching tent emoticon?

Posted by: Elliot Cannon Jan 26 2016, 12:31 AM

I quit smoking when I was 9 years old (1955). My Father helped me quit. laugh.gif

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 26 2016, 10:34 AM

Do not think you can have JUST one when you are around other smokers. I had been done with them for 2 years and gave in for just one. Then again, and again, and first thing you know you're burning $10 bills.

Posted by: Chris H. Jan 26 2016, 10:42 AM

QUOTE(Elliot Cannon @ Jan 26 2016, 12:31 AM) *

I quit smoking when I was 9 years old (1955). My Father helped me quit. laugh.gif

A trip to the wood shed ? spank.gif

Or was it, "You like smoking cigarettes do you? Have a're smoking the rest of that pack right now...without stopping... icon8.gif "

Posted by: Elliot Cannon Jan 26 2016, 12:55 PM

QUOTE(Chris H. @ Jan 26 2016, 08:42 AM) *

QUOTE(Elliot Cannon @ Jan 26 2016, 12:31 AM) *

I quit smoking when I was 9 years old (1955). My Father helped me quit. laugh.gif

A trip to the wood shed ? spank.gif

Or was it, "You like smoking cigarettes do you? Have a're smoking the rest of that pack right now...without stopping... icon8.gif "

More like the former. I never forgot the hypocrisy though. My Father smoked un-filtered Camels for over 35 years and had his first heart attack at 57 and died of another one ten years later. To be fair though, in those days whenever you saw the cover of a medical journal, there was quite often a photo on the cover of a doctor in as white smock with a mirror on his head and a cigarette between his fingers. It was a deadly triad. Hypocrisy, ignorance and greed.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 26 2016, 01:00 PM

As a child my FP doctor smoked in the exam room and his office. One right after another. Those days there were ashtrays in his waiting room too. But to be fair people smoked everywhere.

Posted by: r_towle Jan 26 2016, 01:40 PM

QUOTE(Elliot Cannon @ Jan 26 2016, 01:55 PM) *

QUOTE(Chris H. @ Jan 26 2016, 08:42 AM) *

QUOTE(Elliot Cannon @ Jan 26 2016, 12:31 AM) *

I quit smoking when I was 9 years old (1955). My Father helped me quit. laugh.gif

A trip to the wood shed ? spank.gif

Or was it, "You like smoking cigarettes do you? Have a're smoking the rest of that pack right now...without stopping... icon8.gif "

More like the former. I never forgot the hypocrisy though. My Father smoked un-filtered Camels for over 35 years and had his first heart attack at 57 and died of another one ten years later. To be fair though, in those days whenever you saw the cover of a medical journal, there was quite often a photo on the cover of a doctor in as white smock with a mirror on his head and a cigarette between his fingers. It was a deadly triad. Hypocrisy, ignorance and greed.

my deadly triad is wife, daughter, grand daughter

Posted by: Chris H. Jan 26 2016, 02:29 PM

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ Jan 26 2016, 01:00 PM) *

As a child my FP doctor smoked in the exam room and his office. One right after another. Those days there were ashtrays in his waiting room too. But to be fair people smoked everywhere.

Yes they did! I still remember being at Kroger in the early '70's and my Dad (and everyone else) smoking inside the grocery store. I have one of those "mental snapshots" of being in the produce section (!). No ashtrays there, you just stomped the butts out on the tile floor.

You can do it Rich. You'll feel GREAT after just a few days.

cwpeden, did you find the wiring diagrams you need? I can search for you if not. Is it a 2001 Forester?

Posted by: gandalf_025 Jan 26 2016, 03:11 PM

You want a quick easy way to quit.?

Walk into a Hospital and watch someone on their deathbed,
gasping for their last breaths. Watch it to the end.

Then picture yourself in that bed with your loved ones
surrounding you, watching you as you die the same way...

If You smoke another cigarette.... You are some stupid..

Sorry if that sounds harsh..... But, I've Seen it more than a few times.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 26 2016, 03:52 PM

a lot like driving WAY too fast for the road/conditions. you just know it can go horribly sideways in an instant. permanently. people do it anyways. human nature. dogs and horse touch an electric fence, they learn.

Posted by: r_towle Feb 22 2016, 06:59 PM


Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: Cairo94507 Feb 22 2016, 09:06 PM

In a former career I had a boss who was a flaming a-hole and non-stop smoker. He was about 50 at the time and I was about 30. He tried to quit smoking a few times but the next week was right back at it.

I was at an autopsy one day and asked the pathologist to section out a piece of a lung on a guy that had apparently been a life-long smoker. The lung tissue, instead of being nice and pink was covered in a sticky black tar-like substance. When I saw that I knew that would make an impact. The pathologist snipped off a nice section of lung and put it in a sample container and I took it to my boss' office and left it on his desk.

He came back from lunch and began yelling and I walked across the hall and said, "that is probably what your lungs look like now. Stop smoking." He quit after he opened the specimen jar and touched the lung section and it stuck to his finger.

I hated this a-hole but I didn't want to see him die of lung cancer. He never smoked again. But he did chew regular gum after that.

Posted by: r_towle Apr 9 2016, 08:33 PM

It happened,.had my first HA.

So, I guess I will quit smoking now...

I Boston, gonna get some catheter work done, not sure how much till we get started.

Shitty Friday night.

Posted by: Cairo94507 Apr 9 2016, 08:50 PM

Sorry to hear that. Wishing you a very speedy recovery.

Posted by: euro911 Apr 9 2016, 11:43 PM

Ditto ...


Posted by: cwpeden Apr 10 2016, 12:03 AM

Wow, sorry to hear that. Get well soon. Doesn't sound like this was the big one?

Been 8 months today for me. Had couple small cravings but mostly I'm reminded I don't stink anymore. And my wife loves her new purse. LOL

PS Sorry to everyone I talked to after having a cigarette.

Posted by: wndsnd Apr 10 2016, 06:09 AM

QUOTE(r_towle @ Apr 9 2016, 10:33 PM) *

It happened,.had my first HA.

So, I guess I will quit smoking now...

I Boston, gonna get some catheter work done, not sure how much till we get started.

Shitty Friday night.

Thinking of you Rich. I will check in on you later today.

Take Care

Posted by: rhodyguy Apr 10 2016, 08:28 AM

Fuck rich!!!

Posted by: Jamie Apr 10 2016, 10:41 AM

Kissing a smoker is just like licking an ashtray! barf.gif

Posted by: Chris H. Apr 11 2016, 09:47 AM


Any updates? You OK?

Posted by: r_towle Apr 11 2016, 10:50 AM

Just out, one stent, big blocked artery.
All done for now.

Posted by: OU812 Apr 11 2016, 05:39 PM

After smoking 2 to 3 packs of Marbs per day along with a massive amount of dips per day, I finally quit 12 years ago. What got me to quit was my own father having a heart attack. My Pop never smoked or Chewed and barely drank any alcohol. During the consultation before pops surgery the cardiac surgeon looked at my Dad and then focused on me and said "You better quit smoking (think he smelled it on me), I would hate to see what your veins look like when your fathers look so terrible and he has never smoked" I left the Hospital and never touched any tobacco products since that day. I would hate to see how many health problems I would have if I hadn't given them up. Pure and simple they are Killers.

Posted by: flyer86d Apr 11 2016, 06:21 PM

My dad was a smoker, had his first HA at 53. He was a corporate pilot so that was a life changing event for him. He had a triple bypass at 60 and a quadruple bypass at 73. He passed quietly one month short of his 87th birthday from heart failure. He was truly a lucky guy. My mother started smoking at twelve and developed lung cancer in her 83rd year and passed 9 months later horribly debilitated. I watched her pass.

I started smoking my freshman year of college. You have to remember that it was very sociably acceptable. I quit the first time on April 1, 1984 for 22 years and then, stupidly, started up for 5 years. Shortly before my mothers passing I quit finally and won't go back.

I'll bet that all of the cancers in our family including mine, are directly related to smoking. It is a horrible addiction. Fortunately, my kids have not carried on this legacy.

All the best and best of luck.


Posted by: OU812 Apr 11 2016, 06:29 PM

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ Apr 10 2016, 09:28 AM) *

Fuck rich!!!

What's the Matter with you?

Posted by: Chris H. Apr 11 2016, 07:23 PM

QUOTE(OU812 @ Apr 11 2016, 07:29 PM) *

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ Apr 10 2016, 09:28 AM) *

Fuck rich!!!

What's the Matter with you?

You're not translating that correctly. 100% sure he meant "Oh Fuch Rich, that's terrible news! Sorry to hear that!"

Posted by: NeunEinVier Apr 11 2016, 08:59 PM

QUOTE(Jamie @ Apr 10 2016, 11:41 AM) *

Kissing a smoker is just like licking an ashtray! barf.gif

Which is why smokers usually date smokers, ashtray love! Seriously though, just had a friend's mother die of lung cancer about six months ago. She smoked from high school to almost 60, probably lost a good twenty or more years she could have spent with her grandkids. Please people, don't do it.

Posted by: RobW Apr 11 2016, 09:05 PM

The only thing I smoke are my tires...

Posted by: RobW Apr 11 2016, 09:09 PM

QUOTE(wndsnd @ Apr 10 2016, 05:09 AM) *

QUOTE(r_towle @ Apr 9 2016, 10:33 PM) *

It happened,.had my first HA.

So, I guess I will quit smoking now...

I Boston, gonna get some catheter work done, not sure how much till we get started.

Shitty Friday night.

Thinking of you Rich. I will check in on you later today.

Take Care

Wow. Totally missed the later part of this thread. Rich, get well soon! We need you around here.

Posted by: euro911 Apr 11 2016, 10:25 PM

QUOTE(Chris H. @ Apr 11 2016, 06:23 PM) *
QUOTE(OU812 @ Apr 11 2016, 07:29 PM) *
QUOTE(rhodyguy @ Apr 10 2016, 09:28 AM) *
Fuck rich!!!
What's the Matter with you?
You're not translating that correctly. 100% sure he meant "Oh Fuch Rich, that's terrible news! Sorry to hear that!"
That's why punctuation is so important shades.gif

Posted by: Chris H. Apr 12 2016, 08:30 AM

"Let's eat, Grandma!"

"lets eat grandma"

I think I get it idea.gif .

So Rich, you quit right poke.gif ? Still planning that Subaru conversion?

Posted by: r_towle Apr 12 2016, 08:57 AM

I quit Friday at about 5 pm, in the er smile.gif

Posted by: euro911 Apr 12 2016, 05:06 PM

QUOTE(r_towle @ Apr 12 2016, 07:57 AM) *
I quit Friday at about 5 pm, in the er smile.gif

Posted by: OU812 Apr 12 2016, 06:56 PM

Good Job Rich! You will be glad you quit......It is on the good things to do list, right alongside owning a 914

Posted by: cwpeden Aug 12 2016, 01:17 AM

One year smoke free! cheer.gif

Posted by: rmdinmd Aug 12 2016, 02:58 AM

congratulations. smilie_pokal.gif

For me, I just can't take that first drag. Still smoke free (2005).

Posted by: porschetub Aug 12 2016, 03:10 AM

Wow must be weak did 7 smoke free days fell into a hole of depression soon after and started again REALLY unhappy with me.
My wife passed 18 months ago,doctor saying delayed grief still working on it ,patches have been good for starters.

Posted by: orthobiz Aug 12 2016, 04:19 AM

As an orthopedic surgeon, I see articles almost monthly documenting the ill effects of smoking on surgical results. Clots, healing problems, etc. And I tell my diabetic smokers that they are not allowed to smoke AND have diabetes. Too much of a negative load on the body...

Smokers seem puzzled and amazed when I tell them it doubles the chance of infection and leg clots after hip/knee replacement surgery. Bad for the heart and lungs, yes, but also bad teeth and wrinkles!

Best of luck to you! You've made a good decision!!


Posted by: rmdinmd Aug 12 2016, 09:45 AM

QUOTE(porschetub @ Aug 12 2016, 05:10 AM) *

Wow must be weak did 7 smoke free days fell into a hole of depression soon after and started again REALLY unhappy with me.
My wife passed 18 months ago,doctor saying delayed grief still working on it ,patches have been good for starters.

I used the patch for about 6 months; had to break the habit and all of the "triggers". there are still days when the thought comes to mind. But, I resist the momentary temptation. was probably ONE of the hardest things I ever had to do (quitting) but also one of the best things I have ever done.

Just keep trying and don't give. I refused to allow myself ANY excuse.

good luck; takes time. beerchug.gif

Posted by: DirtyCossack Aug 12 2016, 10:02 AM

3 days, but only because we're too broke to buy smokes after the vet bills hit.

Posted by: wndsnd Aug 12 2016, 11:30 AM


The joys of pet ownership.

Posted by: krazykonrad Aug 12 2016, 01:45 PM

QUOTE(veekry9 @ Jan 24 2016, 03:50 PM) *

20 yrs from now,the tabac will still trigger a chemical stimulus.
Conditioning yourself to associate that switch with "I hate that shit"is the way.

I dipped most of the way through high school. I finally quit after packing a cheek full of Beech-Nut at a Mississippi gas station, looking down at my spit cup, and going "what the hell was I thinking?!?!"

The first few months was tough, but totally worth it. I dipped once since and almost immediately threw up into a kitchen sink.

Congratulations! You can do it! smilie_pokal.gif


Posted by: DblDog Aug 12 2016, 04:50 PM

Fell off the wagon after 5 years of quitting. Then 1 or 2 a month...then...then...packaday! No is my birthday.

Powerful post here.'re putting what into what....

Posted by: cwpeden Aug 16 2016, 01:03 AM

QUOTE(DblDog @ Aug 12 2016, 03:50 PM) *

Fell off the wagon after 5 years of quitting. Then 1 or 2 a month...then...then...packaday! No is my birthday.

Powerful post here.'re putting what into what....

by quitting, I'm putting money into my pocket.

by engine, I'm putting 2.5 NA with 5 sp manual into 72 914

Posted by: cwpeden Aug 14 2017, 07:46 AM


2 yrs in I'm running almost 10km 3 times a week. If anyone had told I would have been doing this 2yrs ago I would told them they were crazy.

914 is still on the rotisserie..... dry.gif

Posted by: 76-914 Aug 14 2017, 08:30 AM

Congratulations on your 2nd year. Now that you've got that handled what's the hold up with the car. Do you have a build thread? beerchug.gif

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