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Posted by: seanery Apr 9 2005, 05:56 PM

Most of you know that my dad, who is only 59, is really sick. Things have been really rough for him lately, he is getting much worse and warp speed. He is basically bedridden now. Last weekend we moved my mother and him into my sister's house. She just bought a 3 bedroom ranch (single floor) house that we hope will be better for him to move around in. His house has several flights of stairs and it is hard for him to walk let alone climb stairs. After moving him into her house he had a bad breathing attack on Monday and was admitted to the hospital. The doctor basically didn't think he was gonna make it, and asked my dad and mom if they wanted to use the respirator to keep him breathing if it came to came VERY close to it. On Tuesday they put in a treach (sp?) tube to help his breathing. This was scheduled before Monday's episode, so it wasn't a surprise. He had progressed through the week and his pulse/ox was getting much better. Yesterday he walked 300 feet in 3 1/2 minutes. To be considered for a lung transplant you must be able to do 600 feet in 6 minutes. He couldn't get anywhere close to that pace for quite some time. Yesterday was a good day. Today, he had a scary episode and his pulse/ox dropped to the mid 50's, part of his lung colapsed, and the doctor was back to thinking things were going south. He pulled out of that a bit today and his pulse/ox is back in the 90s. The doctor encouraged him to try his hardest to improve his walking. They use the 600 feet in 6 minutes as a predictor to survive the lung transplant. The doc also said that they would have a lung for him in May if he kept improving. I believe this progress was made after Noon or so today. I believe that the time here is important, and here's why. I'm not a terribly religous man. I was brought up Catholic and I believe in God, but have my own questions about how everything works. For the last 4 days I have been working at a conference that was here in town for the Lutheran Education Association. There was a church service Thursday with Keynote speakers and banquets, etc...Thursday and Friday nights. Today was the wrap-up and a full church service. Before it started I spoke with the Reverand Victor Belton and told him my dad's story and asked if he and his congregation could pray for my dad. He did, along with 3500 other folks who were attending the service. I can't help but believe the power of prayer had something to do with the progress made after this morning's scary episode. I actually feel a glimmer of hope. For the past few weeks I felt the end was near - VERY NEAR for him. I'm still afraid to totally let myself have hope, but the glimmer is back.

I'd llike to ask, once again, for YOUR prayers. I love my dad. I don't tell him or the rest of my family and friends that I do nearly enough.


Posted by: TimT Apr 9 2005, 06:00 PM

We are with you Sean..

Your dad knows how you feel, and so does your family..

Posted by: brant Apr 9 2005, 06:03 PM


you have all my support

Posted by: spare time toys Apr 9 2005, 06:06 PM

You are in our thoughts. Now go hug your Dad. Dont worry bout us we are here when you need us.

Posted by: Headrage Apr 9 2005, 06:11 PM

You have my support and prayers that things go well. Keep the faith!!!

Posted by: Sparky Apr 9 2005, 06:15 PM

Sean.. You got it.

I'm going thru something similar with my father. Only the doctors can't decide if it's leukimia or something else. Dana Farber Cancer Institute is stuck ona 50 50 split about T-Cell Leukimia or cancer in his spleen. Splenectomy (sp?) has been scheduled for the first week in June unless his condition worsens. Worsens?! Since the fisrt of the year he has had a transfusion just about every other week and to date has received over 2 gallons of blood. blink.gif He can usually tell when his oil is getting a little low but he has no energy, almost 0 immune system and is dropping weight like crazy. I suggested he find another diet plan. dry.gif My dad's young (58) and optimistic. We both spent a long time in the Navy exposed to all kinds of crazy chemicals and stuff. Coincidence? Not sure but after doing some research his symptons line up the side effects from agent orange.

I'm going to go hug my dad....

My prayers are with you and your family.

My best,
Mike D.

Posted by: rick 918-S Apr 9 2005, 06:16 PM

Sorry to hear about your Dad. Hang in there for him man.

Posted by: Jeroen Apr 9 2005, 06:25 PM

Sean, your dad is in our thoughts!
Hang in there!


feeling stoopid as I sit here smoking yet another cigaret screwy.gif
I really should quit

Posted by: seanery Apr 9 2005, 06:30 PM

he smoked, too. Quit about a year and a half ago. (I've been mooching smokes since I've gone back to work with a buncha guys I've known for years who smoke). When they did the biopsy in January his doc said his lungs look good, other than the pulmonary fibrosis. This is a genetic disease that my grandmother died from. My dad's younger brother has it and is about 6 months behind my dad's progression. We're hoping he is learning from the mistakes my father's doctors have made. Their youngest brother doesn't have it (been checked) but he is also 5 years younger than either of them. All of us children were rejected instantly as a donor because it's a genetic disease and they don't want to make it harder for us when we are older IF we have it.

Posted by: dinomium Apr 9 2005, 06:54 PM

man, I feel for you.
Good luck with the fight!

Posted by: scottb Apr 9 2005, 07:42 PM


we have a similar issue with my mother in law who has brain cancer. ups... downs and all sorts of in betweens. she is a tough old broad and if anyone can give it a run for the money she can. she has kept a positive attitude and can't wait to see my kids in about 5 weeks.

keep the faith mi amigo.... whatever you believe in, there is something bigger than all of us. look in the face of a child and you will see it.....

Posted by: neo914-6 Apr 9 2005, 07:45 PM


I'll pray and I rarely do so...

Posted by: itsa914 Apr 9 2005, 09:31 PM


consider it done. Now go give your Mom & Dad a hug.


Posted by: vsg914 Apr 9 2005, 09:44 PM

Sean, i pray everyday and believe in the power of prayer. Your father, you, and your family will be the focus of my prayers today. Keep the faith my friend.

Posted by: db9146 Apr 9 2005, 10:10 PM


I know what you are going through is tough....went through it with my dad 12 years ago. Of course, we will pray for and my family.

Prayer is a good thing. Not only for what we say to God but more importantly, what He says to us. He loves us...He loves you...He loves your dad.

Posted by: Lou W Apr 9 2005, 10:31 PM

Sean, I am praying for your dad and family, Mike, your dad and family too. Prayer does work. Lou

Posted by: SGB Apr 9 2005, 11:12 PM

Go tell your Dad that you love him. Think about why and tell him so. The more lame and hokey, the better! Talk about times together- good and bad- and the growing up you did together. He would love to hear it, and you will feel great saying it! My Dad is a little older than yours, and I'm so glad I did this. I couldn't believe how old I was before I realized I had never talked with him about how the generations progress and develop to create what he is, and what I am.

Posted by: 9146R Apr 9 2005, 11:20 PM

Thanks for sharing this very personal information with the group. Went thru similar ups/downs when my dad took ill with cancer. Saint Jude is the patron saint for you and family right now.
I will pray for your father. Be strong and believe.

Posted by: J P Stein Apr 10 2005, 01:27 AM

My dad was 58 when he died of the same thing that's ailing your dad and I was about your age. My dad was one of them
hard guys that kept everything inside. I was so busy being just like him that I never really got to tell him how much I loved and admired him....don't make that same mistake.....if he pulls thru (and I hope he does), you can always take it back biggrin.gif

Posted by: Verruckt Apr 10 2005, 06:24 AM

Sean, thats a tough pill man. I wish your father well and you family strength. My brother in law is on the heart transplant list. He is only 25!! All of those transplant requirements seem outrageous, but I'm sure there must be a reason to the madness. Hang in there. smile.gif

Posted by: Evill Ed Apr 10 2005, 06:37 AM

Sean, sorry to hear about your dad's condition. I know how special your dad can be, mine was my best friend and the best guy I ever knew. Sounds like your dad is a very special guy too.

My boys and I will include your dad and family in our prayers.


Posted by: Mrs. K Apr 10 2005, 06:40 AM

Consider your dad in my prayers!
Best Wishes!

Lisa rolleyes.gif

Posted by: guywan914 Apr 10 2005, 07:32 AM

Our prayers are with you and your family.

Posted by: KaptKaos Apr 10 2005, 09:46 AM


Prayers sent. We wish you and your family well.

Posted by: 914 novice Apr 10 2005, 10:00 AM

So often we are afraid to ask for people to pray for us or to mention religion in public,in a way I guess that is good because it means we are being respectful of others beliefs which is very important but what is also important is that people try and put themselves in each others shoes.When someone you love is sick there is not much you would not do to make them well.So when you ask for prayers all you are really doing is asking for your fellow mans help.You are not trying to offend anyone you are simply trying to help your Father in a way that you believe is the most powerful and effective way possible and I think everyone can relate to that.
I too have struggled with my religious beliefs and now have many more questions than answers but the things I was raised to believe will not change.
I believe that by reaching out to other people I make this world a better place to live in.I believe that with a simple smile I might be able to change a persons day.I believe that with a simple act of kindness I take back a piece of ground that is lost to people who want to take advantage of us.I believe that each time I can do that I strengthen my neighborhood,my city,my state ,my nation,and finally my world.
So I know many will join me when I say that we hope that you and your family will be given strength and courage to deal with the coming days.That your fathers body will take a turn for the better and that he will meet the requirements for the transplant.That your family will be stronger and closer to meet the challenges ahead.
We are here for you Sean,
Holy rollers insert Amen here biggrin.gif
Send all tax deductable donations to Pauls Garage to help me buy a 914 so I may spread the word to my flock.
Tune in next Sunday for our next encouraging topic.

Posted by: kwales Apr 10 2005, 10:43 AM


My thoughts and prayers are for you and your dad.

I wish you and your dad the best possible outcome from this tense trying situation.

Be there for your dad. Support him, talk with him, push him to make the walk. Give him inspiration to fight the battle.

Talk about all the silly things you've done or appreciated over the years. Laugh with him, joke with him, and help him through this.

If he is meant to survive, you will have more years to laugh and talk. If he isn't meant to survive, you will have no regrets and good memories. That's my message to you from my mother. She had cancer and 6 months to live. She lasted 3 years and we had some very good times. No regrets about her.

Go with God,


Posted by: Lyressa Roberts Apr 10 2005, 11:07 AM

Hi Sean,

I hope your dad get to feeling better soon. I will definitely go out of my way to pray for him today.

Posted by: Pnambic Apr 11 2005, 07:12 AM

Hey Sean, you know mine and Leah's thoughts and prayers are with you. We both loved meeting your parents at the FFC last year. They are really REALLY great people. Always smiling. In fact, I never would have guessed he was sick back then. It can be scary what disease can do to a person. We make huge steps in medicine all the time, but one thing that hasn't changed is that people with loving and supportive families and a strong faith seem to always have a better chance at pulling through in the end.

Live Strong, Love Strong.

Posted by: tat2dphreak Apr 11 2005, 07:52 AM

our prayers are with you and your dad Sean... we are all hoping he is better soon.

Posted by: Qarl Apr 11 2005, 07:54 AM

Will do. Thanks for the update. I know this is a tough time for your father, for you, and for your family.

Please know there are another thousand our so 914 friends praying for him too!



Posted by: Dad Roberts Apr 11 2005, 09:55 AM were there for us when we needed your help a while back.......our prayers are with your Dad and you and the family. Let us know if we can be of help......Dad Roberts

Posted by: Jenny Apr 11 2005, 10:01 AM

Sean, Brian and my thoughts and prayers go out to your family.


Posted by: Curvie Roadlover Apr 11 2005, 12:48 PM

You and your father are in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: charlesmac Apr 11 2005, 02:12 PM

Prayer is a very powerful thing when lifted up to
God with a sincere heart. My prayers are with your dad and the family, and that God will answer the questions that you have.

If you like to read, two books that can help answer questions is "Letters from a Sceptic", and "A case for Christ". Both books answer lots of questions without throwing a bunch of scripture at you. They are written from mostly a historical and logical point of view. "A case for Christ" was written by a former aethiest. Notice I said former. wink.gif


Posted by: redshift Apr 11 2005, 02:49 PM

With you buddy, whatever I can do to help.


Posted by: sjhowitson Apr 11 2005, 02:53 PM


I just read this post. All our prayers are with you and you Dad.

Take care

Posted by: aircooledboy Apr 11 2005, 03:11 PM

major sigh. . . . sad.gif

I'm late because this is one of those tough threads. I had hoped no news was good news. Since we hadn't heard much lately, I was really hoping things were status quo. It was great to meet both your parents at the FFC, and it was easy to see why you are so close.

I can't really add anything that hasn't been said here already. Pray, and be there. We will all pray, you be there. Whether your Dad has three months or 30 years left, let this hard time remind you not to waste a minute of it. When my Dad got sick, he was the toughest guy in my world, I just assumed he would get better. I spend a lot of time wishing I had that chance again. Don't let that happen.

Posted by: Jake Raby Apr 11 2005, 04:22 PM

Stay tough.

My dad has had one hell of a time the last 7 years and he is still fighting. He lives alone right next door to my shop and I know exactly what its like to be in your shoes.

You are in my prayers as well.

Posted by: Gint Apr 11 2005, 04:55 PM

You and your Dad hang in there Sean. Mind over body.

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