My shift rod bushing cracked after I pull the shift rod from the car. The middle bush is riveted. Do I have drill out the rivet and intall a screw?
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I'm not sure what you're asking. The bushing is riveted in? Sorry to say that your picture is... um... less than helpful.
It shouldn't be riveted; you should be able to press the pin out--carefully.
What you're looking at is the end of the shaft that the coupling rotates on. The bushings are on the outside of the shaft and on the inside of the coupling housing. You need to press the shaft out to get the bushings out. I had to take mine to a machine shop to get the shaft pushed out.
That is not a rivet and don't drill it out or you'll destory the shaft. Order new bushings (there are two, they are split, one for each side) and have a look at them. It will be clearer when see the replacement bushing pieces.
I was able to push that pin out with a (big) vice and deep well socket that was just a little bigger inside than the pin. I read that it is possible to break that weld where the shaft and socket assembly are joined, so make sure there aren't any undue stresses on it when the pin is taken out. Thats sorta why I wanted to do it myself. I've screwed up my car fixing it a few times. "Professionals" have screwed up my car when fixing it several times.
I took a block of wood, actually a piece of yard timber, and drilled a hole a little larger than the pin diameter. I placed the joint assembly over the hole in the block and was able to carefully tap the pin out using a drift and hammer. Be careful and patient so you don't break the aluminum casting.
When these bushings fail, and they will, you will loose all precision in the linkage. Replace them.
Thanks for all the inputs and tips. I will try to push out the pin and replace the bushing.
I broke mine trying to get the pin out. So be careful. Since I broke the cast housing, I had to order a new housing with bushings preset...not cheap.
If you are interested, I still have two brand new bushings that I was going to use... $11.00 shipped.
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