Looking for a distributor rotor for a 67 non-S.
This one could be the original?
Markings ZVVT14Z2 and 1234332159 with the Bosch logo and 7100 which I think is the limiter number.
Can anyone point me to a replacement?
That may the the (only) way to go.
I think it may be the original that’s in there now.
Should I get continuity between the top center (where the coil wire sits) and the outer tip that would sweep through the plug wire locations? Seems I should….but I do not with the one that’s in there now.
EDIT - I now know that I should only get continuity when the centrifugal arm is extended. This is the case but I still have suspicions about this piece. If only because of its age.
Big thanks for this.
Rev limit rotors rarely fail. Heat is the big enemy.
We just can’t figure out why we have a crank but no start situation.
No spark.
You can put a stock VW/914 rotor on it and see what happens. Found a cheaper option. Later style but works fine.
Attached thumbnail(s)
Will that one fit? I've seen some notes that "new/other" ones fit loose on the distributer shaft....i've also learned: the Bosch 1234332159 is an original distributor rotor for the Bosch JFDR6 0231159001 distributor used since 01/66 for 911 normal, 911T and 911L.
EDIT: just decided to go like-for-like and got the ebay NOS one. Even if it ends up not being the issue, having a spare of a rare part isn't all bad. Although...a 123 is probably the real way to go in the long run. but right now, just want to get it to start again.
That rev rotors been messed with, add a non rev rotor ..be Happy.. dont throw a brick on your gas pedal ..you'll be fine..
@http://www.914world.com/bbs2/index.php?showuser=2744 - can ya find me a non-rev rotor?!
Alllllrighty then!
I've read that many/some of the new ones are loose on the shaft but at that price, worth a swing.
Thank you.
(btw...how can you tell that original rotor has been "messed with" - not doubting it since it's the original....just wondering what you see.)
its missing the spring and spring cup... BTW mine stuck grounded on a drive by of the corvette dealer,, high speed dow shift,,,towed it home ..to go WTF..
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