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Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 27 2005, 09:25 PM
Go there for the link and to read what other racers have to say about my incident.

Posted by: Jake Raby Sep 27 2005, 09:38 PM

That guy is a numbskull... Freakin figures he drives a rice rocket with a fuchin radiator...

I think you should have let Len and I go handle him for ya..... And the fact that the cry baby's dad might sue someone- hell if he don't square his punk kid away he might be suing someone after an assault and battery charge!

I think you need a piece of railroad iron for a bumper first race next season, knock him into next week and maybe he'll get the picture!

Posted by: Dr. Roger Sep 27 2005, 09:56 PM


I've seen many of your video's and you always seem to take the right lines to get past the lesser cars (non 914's) LOL. Responsibly.

IMHO, that dude did it on purpose. He tried to do it to the car in front of you and then did it to you. I thought even amateur race car drivers were supposedly better than people on the street.... Maybe not. wacko.gif biggrin.gif

Heck, they even do "paybacks" in NASCAR..... Tho I do not advocate it.

Posted by: Twystd1 Sep 27 2005, 09:56 PM

My face is hurting I am laughing so hard... God.. i love ya Jake..

And Chris... ya got screwed...


Posted by: Aaron Cox Sep 27 2005, 09:58 PM

i get this
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Posted by: messix Sep 27 2005, 10:05 PM

the kid has been eatin mushrooms and seeing orange cones every where.

what a DINK!

Posted by: Aaron Cox Sep 27 2005, 10:07 PM

WTF was he doing??? left right left right?

kill him

Posted by: messix Sep 27 2005, 10:14 PM

drug test him!

Posted by: Travis Neff Sep 27 2005, 10:37 PM

Did the guy in the midget protest too? What did he have to say?

Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 27 2005, 10:56 PM

QUOTE (Travis Neff @ Sep 28 2005, 12:37 AM)
Did the guy in the midget protest too? What did he have to say?

After the incident the Chief Steward filed a Request for Action (RFA) to investigate the contact. All three drivers were called to make statements in this action. The result was loss of qualifying times for the Miata driver.
I filed a protest against the Miata driver. I cited 5 sections of the rule book covering reckless driving, allowing racing room, use of mirrors, blocking (weaving), avoiding physical contact. I had my video and the video of the car behind me as evidence. I also had written statements from 2 drivers following me, a corner worker who was off duty and watching from a nearby vantage point, and the driver of the light blue Midget. My entire protest was upheld by the SOM (stewards of the meeting) and a penalty of 12 race event probation was handed down. My protest fee was returned to me. The driver of the blue Midget was on my side completely.
Both penalties carried an automatic 3 penalty points against the license of the Miata driver, for a total of 6 penalty points.
Both the Miata driver and myself appealed the severity of the penalty. I was asking for revocation of his competition license, and had a petition signed by many Production drivers including multiple National Champions. My appeal was considered well founded and my appeal fee was returned, except for $50 which is always retained by the SCCA. Unforunately the penalty was not increased. I had hoped they would at least suspend the Miata driver from the race.

Posted by: neo914-6 Sep 27 2005, 11:36 PM

ohmy.gif sad.gif
What was the Miata driver's excuse? screwy.gif

Posted by: jonwatts Sep 27 2005, 11:41 PM

Chris, I'm rules impaired. What do the 6 pts against his license amount to? Does he have to go to race car driver traffic school? (he should)

Unfortunate incident.

Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 28 2005, 06:25 PM

QUOTE (jonwatts @ Sep 28 2005, 01:41 AM)
Chris, I'm rules impaired. What do the 6 pts against his license amount to? Does he have to go to race car driver traffic school? (he should)

Just like a regular drivers license. If he accumulates 15 points in a 3 year period his license will be suspended for 6 months.

Posted by: Sparky Sep 28 2005, 06:52 PM

I'm stunned, did anyone think to ask him why he was scrubbing so late after the turn? You presented yourself and had the perfect line to pass he obviously
a) has no regard for his or anyone elses safety
b.) thinks he owns the track
c) believes daddy will bail him out of a jam
d) all of the above

Sorry this happend to you Chris. Kinda makes me want to carry a bat to track events ar15.gif

My best,
Mike D.

Posted by: qa1142 Sep 28 2005, 08:25 PM

All I can say is WOW that really sucked mad.gif

Someone should post his phone number and email here. I think we could do a little blocking of our own. (cell phone would be best)

Posted by: Dave_Darling Sep 28 2005, 08:25 PM

Looks like the "I'm gonna sue" notes got deleted from the thread. Daddy probably realized that having them there could bite him in the ass, hard, later.

Too bad the punk still has a racing license.

His defense appears to have approximately been: "But I always do it this way!"

And that one guy on the forum... I have to agree: He is a total dhead.gif -- utter cranio-phallic inversion.


Posted by: SirAndy Sep 28 2005, 08:38 PM

QUOTE (Racer Chris @ Sep 27 2005, 08:25 PM)
Go there for the link and to read what other racers have to say about my incident.

so chris, can you please post some info about the guy.

name and class etc.

i'd like to add him to my "people to watch out for on the track" list. seriously.

i'll add his father too, if you have his name as well ...
screwy.gif Andy

Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 28 2005, 08:43 PM

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Sep 28 2005, 10:25 PM)
Looks like the "I'm gonna sue" notes got deleted from the thread. Daddy probably realized that having them there could bite him in the ass, hard, later.

Too bad the punk still has a racing license.

His defense appears to have approximately been: "But I always do it this way!"

And that one guy on the forum... I have to agree: He is a total dhead.gif -- utter cranio-phallic inversion.


The lawsuit threats were not posted in my video thread.
They are in a topic titled "FP sessions".
Theracinglawyer is trying to get his hands on a petition that went around at the Runoffs so he can see if anyone else can be sued by him. I saw (wrote) the petition and I don't think anything contained in it is actionable in court but I'm no lawyer.
I am pretty sure that if he sues anyone that would be grounds for removing the Cefalos from the SCCA.

Something theracinglawyer wrote on an official SCCA site where he makes race reports (ie. personal blogs) is pretty funny. He didn't intend it this way but it is a perfect description of himself: "Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set."


Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 28 2005, 08:51 PM

QUOTE (SirAndy @ Sep 28 2005, 10:38 PM)
so chris, can you please post some info about the guy.

The son's name is Marc Cefalo. He owns a company called Planet Miata that sells used Miata parts.
The father is Mike Cefalo, a trial lawyer from West Pittston PA.
They both race in the Northeast in my class, since the beginning of this season. In the past they were in other classes and pissed off a bunch of people wherever they have been.
When I used to race Regionals I encountered them on track every now and then. They held me up a few times but never hit me back then.
The father took a liking to me when we met at Lime Rock in June, publicly calling me special. He has said that if his son can't win a race he would like me to win it. I'm special alright, I'm the guy trying to get rid of them. happy11.gif

Posted by: qa1142 Sep 28 2005, 08:57 PM

Everyone should send a few faxes and emails huh.gif telling him what a grat driver he is

Telephone: 1.866.296.1100

Wonder how much server space they have dry.gif

Posted by: qa1142 Sep 28 2005, 08:58 PM

Is that his race car in the first picture? or his daily driver? laugh.gif

Posted by: Jake Raby Sep 28 2005, 09:01 PM

He sounds special to me.. Like one of those that rode the short bus kind of "Special".....

I knew that the prick would throw in the lawyer bullshit before it was over with...

degrees and titles won't help you keep from getting your ass beat-... If this would have happened at Road Atlanta a few good ole boys might have taken note and made his grape look like your passenger side door....

What gets me is that it appears after watching the clip a few times that he actually yielded to the midget a bit, right before he started his swerve back across centerline.. but when you came by he actually sped up to catch you and clip you- I think it was pre meditated, as crazy as that may sound!!!!!!!

Damn prick- to think that we did all that work and some driver of a plastic car ruined it- makes me want to rip his balls off..... finger.gif

Posted by: rpmmaxxed Sep 28 2005, 09:12 PM

Tire warming my ass...

That is complete crap.

Pretty much speechless at this point...

Posted by: grantsfo Sep 28 2005, 10:00 PM

Miata driver was crazy and clearly not paying attention. Both of you seemed a little too quick to pass him even after several close calls. Very unfortunate.

Posted by: Jake Raby Sep 28 2005, 10:06 PM

This was the final qualifying session before the race.. Every session before this was plagued with flags and slow cars getting in Chris' way of a good lap time..

Of course he was anxious to get some speed, he had a light fuel load, warm tires and no more chances to get a good starting position... Chris had already planned on geting out, getting to business early on before the flags and then getting a good time and coming in soon to save the tires for the race...

They were probably thinking that the idiot would stop at least shortly after the keyhole and start actually driving the car..

Posted by: redshift Sep 28 2005, 11:20 PM

Chris, my condolences on the damage to your car, I mean that really hurts me..

I am so sorry you have to share the track with idiots.. I know that's alot of money, hours of planning, and sweat in the pooper, it's such a shame.

If anyone wants all the information unfit to print about that scoundrel, meet me at


Posted by: seanery Sep 29 2005, 12:15 AM

I've watched the video about 15 times now, and I'm just blown away.
That really sucks...I had hoped that the damage was caused by a racing incident, not a raging idiot.

At least everyone but Matt seems to agree as well.

Put him back in gokarts!

Posted by: seanery Sep 29 2005, 12:17 AM

just caught something new....he sped up through one, THEN started the slow down and scrubbing and weaving...his head clearly wasn't screwed on straight. wacko.gif

Posted by: JOHNMAN Sep 29 2005, 06:31 AM

Racer Chris,

After looking at the video and some of the responces from the other forum, I have the following to offer:

I offer my condolences to the damage to the side of your car (caused by the Miata Driver).

I believe that he is ultimately responsible for that incident as he should not have been still scrubbing tires in the braking zone and should have been aware of the surroundings.

As far as the first incident goes (where you ran into the MG), this was unfortunate. I do feel that the first incident was caused by a few things (mainly by the Miata Driver). First, the Miata driver slowed more than should have been necessary, causing the MG to come to an unexpected stop. I feel like this perhaps could have been avoided, but it definately was not intentional (as was the second incident).

The incident(s) are some of the reasons why I do not participate in any true RACING. I learned many years ago, that there are idiots out there (perhaps only a few) who do not practice "gentlemans" racing in these events. Obviously, the driver of the Miata holds no respect for the safety of themself or the other drivers that they share the racetrack with.

Unfortunately, I feel that this incident is a by-product of RACING (you will have to deal with the idiot drivers).

I will continue to participate/instruct with car club DE events, where we can "unofficially" BAN undesireables.

I do hope that you come to some form of resolution to this situation, and I do hope that it does not include quitting doing something that you apparently enjoy a great deal.

Good luck to you.

Posted by: DNHunt Sep 29 2005, 06:57 AM

I don't think we should get involved. This is Chris's business and none of use bench racers should contact these people.

Chris has handled this by the rules and should be commended. The rest of us should bug out.


Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 29 2005, 07:48 AM

Thanks guys for your support!
Dan, you are correct, this is something that needs to be dealt with by official means within the SCCA, as much as you all want to help bring this douche bag to (frontier) justice.
John, I'm not discouraged by this incident as much as I am drained by the level of effort I undertook this season.
Maybe it was a sign that I shouldn't be taking things quite so seriously, but it isn't gong to stop me from racing.

Miles, I am interested in the dirt that zabbasearch digs up. PM me. happy11.gif

Posted by: ArtechnikA Sep 29 2005, 08:37 AM

i've heard that there is a lot of "contact" in Spec Miata and perhaps that's where he learned his track manners. once upon a time i was a little interested in Spec Miata but if that's how things are done there, i have no interest whatsoever...

but perhaps the people involved in SM would be interested in keeping this bozo from giving their marque a bad name...

Posted by: itsa914 Sep 29 2005, 08:59 AM

I don't know Chris, I think you should part the car out and sell me that used motor wink.gif I got a cool $200 waiting for ya. beer.gif OK, all kidding aside I have corner worked for a few SCCA national events and I do agree the spec Miata groups are well lets just say interesting to watch screwy.gif Never a dull moment when they are on the track.

To me that was a lot of "tire warming" if anyone need to do that much then invest in some tire warming equipment. As for "racing" on the out lap, the flag was green Mr Miata had to know there are cars behind him not waiting to watch him"warm his tires". There is no need to use the whole width of the track to do what he needed to do to get his tire warm.

Was Chris a little agressive, maybe but no more than the guy in the MG. Bottom line, its just a car, thank god Chris is still here and unhurt. The car can be fixed, that's racing folks.

Posted by: Jake Raby Sep 29 2005, 09:03 AM

200.00 won't even buy you the valve retainers off that engine!

Posted by: Jeroen Sep 29 2005, 09:34 AM

I've watched the vid more than a couple of times...
I'm dumbfounded... what a complete and utter moron

Posted by: itsa914 Sep 29 2005, 11:04 AM

QUOTE (Jake Raby @ Sep 29 2005, 07:03 AM)
200.00 won't even buy you the valve retainers off that engine!

laugh.gif I know, just pulling his engine I mean leg biggrin.gif

Posted by: william harris Sep 29 2005, 11:23 AM

In watching races for over 25 years, I have never seen anything quite like that. How the hell did they give a license to such a complete idiot? confused24.gif

Posted by: Pompano Beach 914V8 Sep 29 2005, 11:25 AM

Dang! What can you say? I'd say it was drugs just seems such an insult to drugs.

Posted by: aircooledboy Sep 29 2005, 06:07 PM

I spent years learning to control my temper and not use violence a first resort. I can honestly say my resolve would likley have failed as soon as I saw that guy in the pit.

And as far as law suit threats, I like Daddy's approach, so I'm taking a page out of his book: YOU ARE ALL ON NOTICE. From now on, anyone who disagrees me or doesn't have a smile on their face when they read anything I have written, or when they even think about me for that matter, is getting their shorts sued off. When I'm done with you, anything you or any one you've ever met has ever or will ever own will belong to me. laugh.gif

Sheesh, I cringe when other lawyers do the sort of crap the that makes the rest of us look sooo bad. ar15.gif That is a perfect example.

Posted by: Mueller Sep 29 2005, 06:52 PM

holy sh!t Chris.....what an F'n moron the Miata driver is, the "I always do that" is the lamest excuse in the about being irresponsible and thinking of only himself headbang.gif

From watching the video, he knew of the MG passing and should have used his brain to think that "oh yea, someone else might be coming by as well"

not sure why that Matt guy is busting your balls so much on that other site, you must have pissed him off at one time........I see some of his points, but he is taking it too far to pretty much outright "blame" you for the accident(s)

Posted by: Racer Chris Sep 29 2005, 06:54 PM

QUOTE (Pompano Beach 914V8 @ Sep 29 2005, 01:25 PM)
Dang! What can you say? I'd say it was drugs just seems such an insult to drugs.

laugh.gif chairfall.gif

Posted by: Mueller Sep 29 2005, 06:57 PM

Chris, I doubt it'll make you feel better, but I was "advertising" for you a few time up in Alaska a few weeks ago smile.gif

user posted image

Posted by: siverson Sep 29 2005, 08:09 PM

Geez, sorry. What a freakin' idiot.


Posted by: Rotten Robby Sep 29 2005, 08:19 PM

The discussion is interesting as well. Mr. Wiesberg is rather opinionated. All of his comments aside Mr. Cefalo simply didn't watch his mirrors. His tire warming in spite of the fact that at least two cars (Can't see behind you Chris) were stacked up trying to pass him was just stupid. If he was not aware that two cars were stacked up trying to pass him that is even more stupid. The MG was clearly forced left and locked into braking his only other choice was to do some landscaping

The MG passing him while he is warming his tires should have woken him up to the cars stacked up trying to pass but didn't.

If it had been me driving that Miata I would ask my father to zip it and call you personally to apologize. Unbelievable...

Aww Jeez.... Now we need a bail fund for Chris!!! biggrin.gif


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