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Click here to view this topic in its original format _ 914World Garage _ OT: If your not going to put "OT" in your title

Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 07:29 AM

We pretty much all (OK, not all, but most) agreed that putting "OT" in an off topic thread would help everyone out and is a good thing.

So not everyone is doing this, which is OK because not everyone can follow rules, or has read the new rules. Or maybe they forget to add in "OT" and then after posting they realize it but can't go back and change it. I'm sure it will take some time for the tide to change.

But here is another simple piece of advice that I think may help to make things a little more user friendly....

How about when you fill in the Topic Tile and Topic Description before you write your actual post, you actually discribe in some way what the hell the subject is.
That way even though you've not put in OT, we will all know by the title and discritpion that it is "OT".

I know what your thinking, "There goes URY914, that asshole trying change the board again like he knows what I want and knows what is good for the board."

This board gives you ample room (more that other BBSs that I belong to) to discribe your topic, so use it. Is that too much to ask?

This is not a rant, this is not a order, this is not a new rule, I am not trying to change the way you live your life. This is only a seggustion to make things a little easier to use.


Posted by: rhodyguy Sep 30 2005, 07:33 AM

rules are rules. ot is ot. giving people options just opens the flood gates. i noticed it has started also. sigh...


Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 07:40 AM

Since I labled this as "OT" those that don't have the new box checked won't see it.

And those are the guys that need to see it.

Oh well, I tried. sad.gif laugh.gif


Posted by: tat2dphreak Sep 30 2005, 08:17 AM

is it really THAT hard? we JUST went over this... why can't people remember?! if you make the concious decision to have a thread... you KNOW if it's going to be car related or not... unless you are building an electric car... "EE" is not related, for example...

not rocket science people(OR electrical engineering for that matter)... put OT in the thread as a courtesy to your fellow clubbers...

Posted by: Qarl Sep 30 2005, 08:35 AM

I say we pick on people that don't obey.

Maybe they will get the point and start using the rules!

Posted by: ArtechnikA Sep 30 2005, 08:40 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 09:40 AM)
Since I labled this as "OT" those that don't have the new box checked won't see it.

i see no new box. i didn't check anything. i saw your new post just fine.

but i agree completely.

you've gotta put *something* in the title line; it should be meaningful.

and guys that want specific technical advice - PLEASE include AT LEAST your year and model (engine size) in your post. if you've got that in your SIG, ok. DO NOT expect us to remember everything you wrote about it in another thread the other day; we may not have read that other thread, and it's a bit presumptuous to think that your problem is so special that the thousands of members here will remember who has what.

Posted by: redshift Sep 30 2005, 08:42 AM

What's the problem?

Only the stupid people aren't following the rools.



Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 08:43 AM

QUOTE (Qarl @ Sep 30 2005, 06:35 AM)
I say we pick on people that don't obey.

Maybe they will get the point and start using the rules!

If people don't use "OT" in the title, we go in and reply...

"Is this thread off topic, because it sure looks off topic to me"

If they don't discribe what the subject is, we reply...

"What in the world is this thread about, because your title means nothing to me?"

Now I could use stronger words, but no need to get ugly about it.


Posted by: redshift Sep 30 2005, 08:57 AM




Posted by: jonwatts Sep 30 2005, 09:11 AM

I never understood why you can't edit your title yourself, it takes an act of congress (admins).

Posted by: trekkor Sep 30 2005, 09:13 AM

the admins are busy enough already and they would prolly rather just bump the board like the next guy. type.gif

They could edit the the title to include "OT" if they wanted to.

FYI: I like to know what I'm eating before I bite into it... unsure.gif


Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 09:21 AM

A few examples from today...

"HAPPY 50th Mr. and Mrs. Dick"

"hey EE people... "

"Positive thoughts needed please ..."

"Grand County Children's Justice Center
Moab, Utah"

"New start
Quickest route from a to b"

"Well, now I've done it..."

"Newest Scam"

How about an "OT" or a better discription? chair.gif

Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 09:27 AM

QUOTE (ArtechnikA @ Sep 30 2005, 06:40 AM)
QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 09:40 AM)
Since I labled this as "OT" those that don't have the new box checked won't see it.

i see no new box. i didn't check anything. i saw your new post just fine.

but i agree completely.

you've gotta put *something* in the title line; it should be meaningful.

and guys that want specific technical advice - PLEASE include AT LEAST your year and model (engine size) in your post. if you've got that in your SIG, ok. DO NOT expect us to remember everything you wrote about it in another thread the other day; we may not have read that other thread, and it's a bit presumptuous to think that your problem is so special that the thousands of members here will remember who has what.

go to the garage page and look in the green line just above the nailed topics?

Posted by: J P Stein Sep 30 2005, 09:34 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 07:27 AM)

go to the garage page and look in the green line just above the nailed topics?

Yes, well........
My "box" is checked and will not un-check. I click on the checked box, the screen appears to reset, the check comes back, OT posts are still there. confused24.gif

Posted by: goose2 Sep 30 2005, 09:38 AM

I suspect it's just habit, momentum, or something, but seems like a gentle reminder might be appropriate for some.

Posted by: jonwatts Sep 30 2005, 09:46 AM

QUOTE (J P Stein @ Sep 30 2005, 08:34 AM)
Yes, well........
My "box" is checked and will not un-check. I click on the checked box, the screen appears to reset, the check comes back, OT posts are still there. confused24.gif

me too, in IE and Firefox. I was afraid if I said something Andy would make the board go away again sad.gif

Posted by: TROJANMAN Sep 30 2005, 09:50 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 07:21 AM)
A few examples from today...

"HAPPY 50th Mr. and Mrs. Dick"

"hey EE people... "

"Positive thoughts needed please ..."

"Grand County Children's Justice Center
Moab, Utah"

"New start
Quickest route from a to b"

"Well, now I've done it..."

"Newest Scam"

How about an "OT" or a better discription? chair.gif

It sounds to me like you are either crying again, or just not very bright. actually i think you just enjoy complaining. it's not your fault that the site went down, but i definitely think it was a straw on the camel's back. i am just a little urked, b/c if you took the time to read the GRAND COUNTY CHILDREN's thread, you would know that

A) that it is 914 related as it deals with the charity the RRC donated too

cool.gif it was started by the receiver of those donations as a thank you (and obviously does not know the etiquette of posting here, nor should she)

C) it was started before the whole fiasco of the site going down

and give me a break, does it really take a degree in aerospace engineering to figure out
"new scam", "happy 50th", and "EE people" are not 914 related?

if you are not an EE person, DON"T OPEN IT

quit your crying and let everyone else enjoy the site for what it is.

p.s. i hope you don't threaten physical violence on me like you did to roger.

if you don't recognize a title (and someone didn't bother to put "OT" DON"T OPEN IT!

And If you ONLY want to read ON TOPIC issues, go over to Pelican.

Posted by: andys Sep 30 2005, 09:52 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 05:29 AM)

I know what your thinking, "There goes URY914, that asshole trying change the board again like he knows what I want and knows what is good for the board."


Make the rules as you see them, then stick to them.

Personally, I've had ZERO issue with anything the Admin's have proposed.


Posted by: tat2dphreak Sep 30 2005, 10:04 AM

yes, we can obviously tell which threads are OT, but we went through this and this kind of shit is why we have new rules now... rules that everyone should play by...

I had no problem before, with no rules, and I have no problem with the admins new rules,

what I have a problem with some people not playing by the rules... just like I'm sure people would have an issue if someone posted pron in an on-topic thread... they are both rules, let's try to follow them!

Posted by: TROJANMAN Sep 30 2005, 10:06 AM

QUOTE (tat2dphreak @ Sep 30 2005, 08:04 AM)
I had no problem before, with no rules, and I have no problem with the admins new rules,

your right, they are NEW rules. let everyone get used to them before we start bitchin'. ( i hope that wasn't an offensive word to some people unsure.gif ). and especially about piddly stuff like "hey EE people" and "Thanks for the donation 914club"

Posted by: SirAndy Sep 30 2005, 10:08 AM

QUOTE (J P Stein @ Sep 30 2005, 08:34 AM)
My "box" is checked and will not un-check. I click on the checked box, the screen appears to reset, the check comes back, OT posts are still there. confused24.gif

in case you haven't noticed, this is *not* working until i get the new and improved version running ...

guess i should have taken it out of the code ...

done now,
laterz, Andy

Posted by: Headrage Sep 30 2005, 10:12 AM

Maybe this thread should be deleted before another all out flame war starts and the boards gets shut down again... confused24.gif

Posted by: J P Stein Sep 30 2005, 10:14 AM

QUOTE (TROJANMAN @ Sep 30 2005, 07:50 AM)

if you are not an EE person, DON"T OPEN IT

quit your crying and let everyone else enjoy the site for what it is.  

p.s.  i hope you don't threaten physical violence on me like you did to roger.

if you don't recognize a title (and someone didn't bother to put "OT"  DON"T OPEN IT!

And If you ONLY want to read ON TOPIC issues, go over to Pelican.

It was just a matter of time until someome objected to this thread and Paul personally. The aptly named author was unable to resist his baser urges....which is what got us into this mess in the first place......then has the gall to suggest that Paul go elsewhere. Dood, Paul is not the problem here. I'm sure you are unable to figure out who is laugh.gif

Posted by: J P Stein Sep 30 2005, 10:16 AM

QUOTE (SirAndy @ Sep 30 2005, 08:08 AM)

in case you haven't noticed, this is *not* working until i get the new and improved version running ...

guess i should have taken it out of the code ...

done now,
laterz, Andy

Take your time....I wasn't bitchin' just a comment.
You said you were gonna fix things and I'll hang my hat on that.

Posted by: ArtechnikA Sep 30 2005, 10:23 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 11:27 AM)
go to the garage page and look in the green line just above the nailed topics?

BTDT, now what ?

Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: TROJANMAN Sep 30 2005, 10:26 AM

QUOTE (J P Stein @ Sep 30 2005, 08:14 AM)

It was just a matter of time until someome objected to this thread and Paul personally. The aptly named author was unable to resist his baser urges....which is what got us into this mess in the first place......then has the gall to suggest that Paul go elsewhere. Dood, Paul is not the problem here.  :lol:

i never said paul was the problem. i never threatened to put him on his ass, and i didn't attack him personally. i merely suggested that he is being nit picky for no reason. let people get used to the new rules before you start complaining (again). and excuse me if you find me to be ignoble, but what ticked me off is that he was complaining about a CHARITY thread, in which the 914 club members donated money, was OFF TOPIC. and i was only suggesting paul go to pelican, to make a point. i personally don't care if he took it literally or not, you obviously did. my apologies.

i usually don't take part in these arguments. But PAUL felt that a thread, started by a "non member", who was trying to thank us for our generosity, should be admonished for not putting OT in her 1st time thread(that was started before the NEW rules.)

Posted by: tat2dphreak Sep 30 2005, 10:32 AM

I think you are nitpicking a bit too... pointing out 1 thread out of the many... and I agree with you on the 1 thread... charity =CLUB related,

fine, what about the others though? will you at least concede that those aren't car/club related and should have the OT label? I think you can agree...
we're not suggestiong these people get their thread removed, or moved, but when new rules come about, people need a reminder. period, end of story.

I'm not dissing them for needing a reminder...

Posted by: TROJANMAN Sep 30 2005, 10:35 AM

QUOTE (tat2dphreak @ Sep 30 2005, 08:32 AM)
I think you are nitpicking a bit too...  pointing out 1 thread out of the many... and I agree with you on the 1 thread... charity =CLUB related,

fine, what about the others though? will you at least concede that those aren't car/club related and should have the OT label? I think you can agree...
we're not suggestiong these people get their thread removed, or moved, but when new rules come about, people need a reminder. period, end of story.

I'm not dissing them for needing a reminder...

no, i am pointing out multiple threads.

and to complain about the obvious? (see my original thread) confused24.gif

If boobs were sticking out of one of them, maybe. but someone turning 50? and a "new scam" aren't obvious enough to be OT? i obviously didn't feel the need to open them, as i knew they had no 914 content.

and the "well, now i've done it thread" had posts by 5 admins. none of which compained about it being OT. (b/c it did mention a 914) did PAUL bother to read these threads before he started complaining?

"new start" was also 914 related.

so NO, it wasn't just one thread.

and it wasn't just a REMINDER< PERIOD< END OF STORY, he had to point out which threads were OT, then he added in a few more comments about posting the obvious in the OT threads "Is this thread off topic, because it sure looks off topic to me" does passive agressive mean anything to anyone?

i'm done ranting, but give the complaining a rest. let's give this club some time to evolve again, with the new rules, then we can start compaining again. Period, end of story.

BTW, this thread has nothing to do with cars, or personal help (people being sick, computers, real estate, etc.) so it should be put in the sandbox. (not that i'm complaining) happy11.gif

i'm over it now, but i did need to vent a little bit. good day all wavey.gif

Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 12:19 PM


I guess you just have a problem with me and what I post. But my orginal "suggestion" was to people to be more discriptive in the titles of thier threads. A pretty simple request and one that has been made before. I tried to as polite as possible when I wrote my "suggestion".

I listed titles that I found that were not clear in the title description. Of course I knew some were not on topic, that was my point. Of course I thought the one about Moab, Utah had something to do with the RRC. And no, I did not open it to find out who wrote it. Would it make that big of a differance if I had left off my list?

As I said in my original post, "This is not a rant, this is not a order, this is not a new rule, I am not trying to change the way you live your life. This is only a suggustion to make things a little easier to use." But you seem to want to read into more than it is.

You seem to be the only one that has replied to my post that has a problem with it. You want me to "quit your crying and let everyone else enjoy the site for what it is." I am not crying. You are the only one here ranting and you admit that in your last post. I could be a smart ass and suggust you seek some type of perfessional help or I could get pissed off and threaten to put you on your ass, but it wouldn't really help. The tone of your replies were out of line. Maybe not to you, but they were to me and to others.

Have a nice day. smile.gif


Posted by: TROJANMAN Sep 30 2005, 12:31 PM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 06:43 AM)
If people don't use "OT" in the title, we go in and reply...

"Is this thread off topic, because it sure looks off topic to me"

If they don't discribe what the subject is, we reply...

"What in the world is this thread about, because your title means nothing to me?"

Now I could use stronger words, but no need to get ugly about it.


it would have been one thing if it were just a suggestion, but the above quote seems to point out that things bothered you beyond just the "suggestive point". plus, you made the exact same compaint in two different forums.
and if you are going to complain about a thread being OT, make sure it really is OT. 3 of threads you mentioned above were clearly ON topic. I didn't bother to open the others, but maybe they were too. ("new start", was also 914 related)

like i said, i am over it now, as well i think you should be.


(no biggy, you just happen to pick on a thread i was involved with, and half of the OT threads you were complaining about were really OT, just in a different way)

Posted by: URY914 Sep 30 2005, 12:42 PM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Sep 30 2005, 06:43 AM)
QUOTE (Qarl @ Sep 30 2005, 06:35 AM)
I say we pick on people that don't obey.

Maybe they will get the point and start using the rules!

If people don't use "OT" in the title, we go in and reply...

"Is this thread off topic, because it sure looks off topic to me"

If they don't discribe what the subject is, we reply...

"What in the world is this thread about, because your title means nothing to me?"

Now I could use stronger words, but no need to get ugly about it.


I wrote the above as a somewhat "touge-in-cheek" reply to Qarl's post about telling people when they post OT w/o labling it. It was never meant to be used as a actual reply to someone's post. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough.

I'm over it all also. I've pissed off or on more people in the last 3 days than I have in my entire life. I'm tired.

Paul beerchug.gif

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