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Posted by: Dave_Darling Oct 16 2005, 06:40 PM

I drove my 914 to the store earlier today. As my attorney and I were walking back out to the car (one of 3 parked in a ~40 car lot), some ancient geezer in a big white full-size van dives up and parks right next to my car. About four inches next to, in fact. He opens up the door to the van, WHUMP! A nice new door ding, complete with paint chip.

He carefully squeezes out of the door (because it doesn't open very far due to being so close to my car) and starts walking away. "Excuse me--you just dented my car!!"

He looks at the ding, looks at his door, and shrugs. "Everybody does it." Uhh, noooo.... And why the hell did you have to park so close to me in an empty lot? "I'm between the lines!" Uhh, no--look again bozo. "Well whaddaya want me to do about it? Give you twenny bucks?" Sorry, old timer, but even the paintless dent removal places won't work for less than eighty. And now it needs paint, too.

I just said the hell with it, but my attorney and he kept yelling at each other. It's not like the paint on my car is in very good shape anyway, but the lack of consideration is just appalling.

I probably should have gotten his insurance info and called it in to them. I might not have gotten any money, but it would have been a pain in the butt to him and maybe he'd think twice about it in the future. Then again, he was probably 80+ so he may not be thinking or seeing so clearly anymore. He was definitely hard of hearing...


Posted by: bd1308 Oct 16 2005, 06:48 PM

Dang DD.....

sad.gif that of my buddies pulled a huge dent thing from a wreck on his ghia by hooking a racheting winch to a tree and hooking the other side to the wrecked area and pulling outward.....

should have given him the float test.



Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Oct 16 2005, 06:49 PM

Dave, so sorry to hear this.

Memo to us older guys.
I will never become an old Geezer, I will never become an old Geezer. And I will never hang out with one.

That's why I married a much younger lady (40-yrs ago). They keep us young.

Posted by: brer Oct 16 2005, 06:53 PM

technically that is a collision.

ask for his insurance, and if he walks away call the cops because its a hit and run.

already went through this myself and thats what the local PD told me.

Posted by: markb Oct 16 2005, 06:58 PM

Sorry to hear it, Dave. Some people just have no consideration for others. God forbid it happens again, but please, don't let him get away with it. Even if you never get a penny for fixing your car, at least the sob will think twice about doing it again.

Posted by: bmcwilli Oct 16 2005, 06:59 PM

You shoulda made him as miserable as that maybe he wouldn't have done it again!

Don't want to tee off on old folks, but maybe this guy shouldn't be driving anymore.

I am SO FED UP (yes, I'm yelling) with these a'holes that tear up other people's stuff, and walk, or run away.

My story..about 2 years ago my wife's foot slipped off the clutch of our Dodge Cummins pickup. The truck leaped forward (a lotta torque at work there with the cummins) and creamed a Hyundai. She went into the hotel, left a note with the desk, and the Hyundai guy called us. I wrote a check for 3700, prolly more than the Hyundai was worth, but that was the average of the estimates he got. I try to always do the right thing.

Fast forward to last summer. My wife is at a horse show. Comes out at the end of the show, and finds the tailgate of our Higlander smashed up so bad it won't open. No note. Fucher creamed my car and just drove away. $2700 damage on MY insurance.


Folks, let NO-ONE get away with this bullshit! If someone f's up your car, make 'em PAY!~

rant - off -

Posted by: Flat VW Oct 16 2005, 07:23 PM

Door dings cut me to the core, my parents modeling.....

John mad.gif

Posted by: Brew Oct 16 2005, 07:35 PM

Sorry to hear it, Dave. I had a lady do that to me a few years ago to my old beat up POS 77 Suburban, and I WAS IN THE CAR! She just looked at me and shrugged, and started to walk off. I threw my door open as hard as I could, put a real dent in her ricer. She just kept walking (which was prolly the smart thing to do at that time).

Too many people just have no consideration for other's property.

Posted by: wilchek Oct 16 2005, 07:37 PM

don't sweat the small stuff. it sucks and the guy deserves to pay but what can you do. A year ago my car was re-ended by an old lady in a 73 monte carlo. ya know the one that still had bumbers that the jacks fit into to jack the car up with. I got out of the car ready to yell and the 4 foot lady with blue hair gets out. What could I say but, "are you all right". My car had 5000 in damage not to mention the hassle with the insurance company. At least she admited she was wrong and her company paid. However, no one was hurt and life goes on.

Posted by: ClayPerrine Oct 16 2005, 07:54 PM


(Insert Bill Clinton voice) I feel your pain man.... About 6 months ago Betty accused me of putting a bunch of scratches in her car just behind the outside left rear view mirror. She thought I had set something on the roof and it fell off. I really caught he11 for it until she saw two little stromberg.gif s standing on the roof of an outbuilding of the apartments behind the building where she works. They were peeling up shingles and throwing them like frisbees. She SAW one of the shingles hit her car, but by the time she go to them, they managed to disappear.

We now have some nasty scratches on the car......

Posted by: shaggy Oct 16 2005, 07:55 PM

QUOTE (Flat VW @ Oct 16 2005, 05:23 PM)
Door dings cut me to the core, my parents modeling.....

John mad.gif

thats no lie!

john (my dad) has always told me that if i have a to park a mile away to avoid a possible door ding to tough-it-up and walk.
and i always do, even if that means parking on the far side of the lot biggrin.gif

my friend whos 16 and all of 5'3'' and 105 lbs sopping wet, maybe, drove up to work was still in his truck (GMC sierra) and had some 30+ year old woman "kick" open her door and put a massive dent in his car. so he jumps out and starts yelling things like "you d*nm b*tch..." ect. and she and the driver (another woman of about the same age) both start arguing with him. they eventually tell him to eat it and walk off. he gets out and stands behind their car, so now theyre stuck, unless they run him over, and he calls the cops and they take care of it. got it fixed on their tab. wasnt really worth it though about a month later he got hit and bent the rear axel, frame and bed.

got it fixed though.


Posted by: ClayPerrine Oct 16 2005, 08:09 PM

That's when you call some friends with a couple of really old beater cars. Then you park them so that they are within 1/4 inch of the stromberg.gif 's car on either side. Lock both cars, set the park brakes, get out and sit across the lot and watch their frustration when the realize that they can't get back in their car. biggrin.gif You did absoultely nothing illegal by parking next to them, as you didn't touch their car. If they touch one of the cars, call the cops.

The only way they can get the car out is to call a wrecker. If they do that, get out and stand there. Politely inform the wrecker driver that if he touches one of the cars, you will sue him. When he finally gets the jerk's car all hooked up and ready to move. Jump in the beaters and drive them away. The wrecker driver will still charge the jerk for the wrecker call.

This trick is even more frustrating for the jerk if they parked nose in and left the front wheels turned. The wrecker driver will take one look and say that he can't help them without hitting one of the cars parked next to it. And he will still charge them for the towing call.

Posted by: bd1308 Oct 16 2005, 08:12 PM


thats good clay....

Posted by: goose2 Oct 16 2005, 09:06 PM

people like that really piss me off...and everyone who cares about cars has a similar story, right? Here's mine. Many years ago a had a '63 E-Type roadster. I spent 6 months on the body creating the ultimate paint job on it. One week after it's done and re-assembled I go to a party, drink too much and come out to my car late at night feeling downright ornery. There's a door ding in my new paint...grrrr. Being drunk and pissed beyond all sensability, I proceed to kick in the door of the Ford parked next to me (I did check to make sure the paint and ding matched his door). Still not feeling sated, I left a note on his windshield with my phone number suggesting he call me so we could get together and "discuss" the situation further. I never heard from the guy. I was probably lucky. Those who know me personally know this behavior is definitely NOT in my nature. Such is the protective passion of a man with a new paint job. laugh.gif

Posted by: bd1308 Oct 16 2005, 09:24 PM

in KY everybody has a gunrack in thier car.....for hunting

my gun is bigger than most people's so I usually can persuade people into seeing my way



Posted by: Gint Oct 16 2005, 09:49 PM

Sorry Dave!


Posted by: JOHNMAN Oct 16 2005, 11:42 PM

I would have at least left the scene with four valve stems in my pocket....

Posted by: fiid Oct 17 2005, 12:28 AM

Dave: Does your lawyer take cases like this? I got hit by a San Francisco Muni Bus and they won't pay unless I take it to court. I don't even know if it's worth it...

Posted by: OMB_Godfather Oct 17 2005, 12:55 AM

Ya well at least your not a retard and clip a metal median on the freeway leaving 2 very nice dent strips across the whole side of your car. Ya im still a little pissed and ashamed about this cause it happened yesterday

Posted by: sj914 Oct 17 2005, 01:27 AM

Let the guy burn.

A guy rearended my new truck that I just got a week earlier and the guy said it was no big deal. I told the guy, if he refused to give me information and drive off, I'd call the cops for a hit and run call. needless to say he gave me all his info.
The next day my insurance calls and tells me he never reported it to his insurance, so they did him a favor and reported for him.

Posted by: fiid Oct 17 2005, 10:40 AM

QUOTE (redshift @ Oct 16 2005, 10:46 PM)
QUOTE (fiid @ Oct 17 2005, 02:28 AM)
Dave: Does your lawyer take cases like this?  I got hit by a San Francisco Muni Bus and they won't pay unless I take it to court.  I don't even know if it's worth it...

How much damage? Call your insurance company, and have them hand a bill to the city.

I blasted Savannah for over $1,000 worth of suspension, because the city workers filled in a 18" wide, 24" deep trench with gravel on Friday, just before a flood washed the gravel out..


My hood had nipples..


Insurance company already bailed on me - the current state of things is that it's a stalemate between the two companies. Insurance company doesn't want to go to court. I have a $1k deductable and the damage was $1030 - so they're not to worried about $30. I'm thinking about putting my deductable back down to $500.

Posted by: Ferg Oct 17 2005, 11:11 AM

Wow, Dave that sucks.

Coming back from the WCC in 04 I stopped at a McDonalds in the middle of nowhere Nevada. I was the only customer in the entire place. I parked right by the door, and sat in view of my car. Then I see a big white mid 80's towncar pull in (you know the type, big old bugscreen up front with the blue visor). , and yes you guessed it decided that out of a completely empty lot he was gonna park 2 feet from the little porsche. I was out of my seat and in a sprint towards my car (no joke) and threw myself between his drivers door and my passenger door as he swung it open. I put my hand on the edge of his door as it pressed against my door, as he (elderly) required assistance getting out of the car and way pressing my hand against my door!. Anyhow, I scared the crap out of the old man, and he started to get testy with me, saying I shouldn't run up on people like that ect. In a nice voice stated that I was just trying to protect my car.

He laughed at me and said that was not nessesary and pointed to the door of his lincoln showing me that he had the door edging strip and that prevented other cars from damage! And says he does it all the time! I could not believe it! He parked close on purpose to use my car as a brace to help himself get our of his car!

He then told me that I should have parked far out if I was worried about dings. At that point I was fuming but just left. Wonder how many cars he has dinged over the years chair.gif


Posted by: Crazyhippy Oct 17 2005, 11:38 AM

I had an old jeep rock crawler, Full cage, huge axles, huge nerf bars, dents on every body panel (you know how hard it is to dent the hood??) And watched a monster of a lady (so large she had other ladies orbiting around her like planets) get out of some speck of a car (Hyundai i think). She THREW the door open, and it hit the nerf bar hard enough to dent her door chairfall.gif

I walked out (after finishing my lunch), and there was a nice 1.5" radius notch in the edge of the door. Would have been better if the door wouldn't close afterwards smilie_pokal.gif


Posted by: Sparky Oct 17 2005, 11:46 AM

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Oct 16 2005, 07:40 PM)
...As my attorney and I were walking back out to the car
... but my attorney and he kept yelling at each other.

Wait a second, hold on I think you guys are missing the important parts here...

I wanna know whats going on with Dave and the lawyer wink.gif Seems kinda interesting that SHE is out for rides with him, in his teener....

Seem to recall he "helped" her out with some goings on at the Dent Doctor awhile back as well.

I'm just saying that's all.....


Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Oct 17 2005, 12:01 PM

Hey Sparky,
You are right on asking about Dave & his lawyer friend???

A little story about lady lawyer's (Attorney's). We have a single (30ish good looking) lady attorney in my neighborhood. I had a large tree limb fall down after a big storm. She came over with her chain saw and cut it up, because were good neighbor friends. I told the local Porsche guys about this & they all want to be introduced. Something about lady lawyer's with a chain saw must turn them on. They still ask me about her since it happened last year. The guys are 911 owners (go figure).

BTW Dave
Buy her a chain saw for Christmas. She will never loose a case thereafter. Again, sorry about your door ding.

Posted by: DonTraver Oct 17 2005, 12:50 PM

MAKE THEM PAY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I will try and not get started, but I'm sick and tired of scumbags thinking they can damage my property and just walk away, screw them, and I don't give a damn how old you are, all that tells me is you're a dumb shit "old" scumbag. ar15.gif

The problem is too many have let them get away with it, if it costs them, they might think twice before doing it again

Posted by: sj914 Oct 17 2005, 01:01 PM

QUOTE (DonTraver @ Oct 17 2005, 10:50 AM)
MAKE THEM PAY AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. I will try and not get started, but I'm sick and tired of scumbags thinking they can damage my property and just walk away, screw them, and I don't give a damn how old you are, all that tells me is you're a dumb shit "old" scumbag. ar15.gif

The problem is too many have let them get away with it, if it costs them, they might think twice before doing it again

Exactly!! agree.gif

Posted by: Sammy Oct 17 2005, 01:50 PM

What you do is this:
Calmly ask them for their driver's license and insurance information.
They will most likely refuse and leave. That part backs up the hit and run claim.

Then get the licence plate number, call the cops, report the hit and run. Then call your insurance company and turn it in, then call the DMV and report it. Make sure you tell the DMV that to fix the dent and paint the door to match will be well over $500. If the other guy doesn't report it he will most likely lose his license, get hassled by the police, and hassled by his insurance company. he might even get cancelled.

I have done those exact things when I was in a similar situation. He was about 17, dressed stupid, with a stupid hair cut, and a very cocky attitude and a foul mouth. Totally disrespectful. The kind of punk that needs an ass-whipping big time chair.gif , but I didn't feel like going to jail that day.

All it cost me was several phone calls, it cost him (or his parents) a whole bunch more.

Yes I am a vindictive A-hole, bit I can guaranty he will not ding my door more than once. His parents didn't teach him an important lesson so it was my turn.

Posted by: jkeyzer Oct 17 2005, 02:15 PM

Someone did that to me, I let them get away with it...

Oh yeah, it was Jenny. biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Posted by: smg914 Oct 17 2005, 04:31 PM


Until now, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were the only people that know this story. Well, here it goes. Back in the late 70's I owned an all original concours 1970 911S, a concours 1973 914 2.0 and another '73 2 Liter that I used for driver's ed and autocrossing. I kept these cars safe and covered in my garage and I drove a 1967 VW beetle everyday. One day my girlfriend and I were parked in a parking lot, sitting in my beetle eating lunch. A lady in a big 70's Chevy Impalla pulls in right beside me. She opens the door to get out and "BANG" she gives me a door ding. We have eye contact and she sees the astonished look on my face and just walks away without saying a word. I couldn't believe she did that. As soon as she got out of sight, I got out of my car, turned to my side with my back facing her door. I raised up my right foot and with all my might, with one swift motion, using the heal of my work boot, I bashed the side of her car door in to the point that I'm sure the window would no longer go up or down. It felt great.

Posted by: flesburg Oct 17 2005, 06:10 PM


I think you need a new lawyer…he should have known better.

Always call the cops. In many states they will not ticket the guy in a private parking lot accident, but they will insist that he give you the insurance information, and his drivers license number. And he will file a report which will be available…

Then turn it over to your insurance agent. Since your un-insured motorist coverage will pay, and since they will be out the money, they will make the guy suffer big time. They have your word, your lawyers word and the police report on their side.

Let them be the bad guys with the old geezer.

My son was hit in a church parking lot some years ago. There were witnesses. The cop did not give him a ticket, but he got his name from the license plate info, and went into the church and dragged the old fellow out of services, to his great embarrassment, and forced him to give us the insurance information, and filed a report so the insurance company had it available..

Remember for the future….always call the police....

Posted by: ClayPerrine Oct 17 2005, 06:41 PM

QUOTE (flesburg @ Oct 17 2005, 06:10 PM)

I think you need a new lawyer…he should have known better.

Not gonna happen....

The "Lawyer" here is also female, and DD's girlfriend.

Seems he spends lots of time in "consultation" with his lawyer these days....

Posted by: Dave_Darling Oct 17 2005, 07:04 PM

Yup, she'd kill me if I mentioned "consulting" with a new attorney.... wink.gif


Posted by: ClayPerrine Oct 17 2005, 07:10 PM

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Oct 17 2005, 07:04 PM)
Yup, she'd kill me if I mentioned "consulting" with a new attorney....   wink.gif


Besides that.. .she is currently DD's meal ticket.

After all, he is her "boy toy", "kept man", etc...........

(Dave... I am jealous... and you suck..... pray.gif )

BTW... when do we get to see a picture of this alleged "lawyer" of yours???

Like Miles, we don't believe she exists until we see a picture.

Posted by: Gint Oct 17 2005, 07:29 PM

QUOTE (Crazyhippy @ Oct 17 2005, 11:38 AM)
I had an old jeep rock crawler, Full cage, huge axles, huge nerf bars, dents on every body panel (you know how hard it is to dent the hood??) And watched a monster of a lady (so large she had other ladies orbiting around her like planets) get out of some speck of a car (Hyundai i think). She THREW the door open, and it hit the nerf bar hard enough to dent her door chairfall.gif

Son of a... I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at that. chairfall.gif

I'm still laughing! ROTFLMAO. laugh.gif

Posted by: bd1308 Oct 17 2005, 07:36 PM

it was like the time i owned my jeep.....

I was just driving along and I stopped at a light.....this chick in a white low car (compared to my 3inch lifted jeep--suspension lift and 31 inch tires) was too busy talking on the phone, putting on mascara, brushing her hair, driving with one of her feet....ya get the picture.

anyway, she PLOWS into me....goes UNDER my car and my bumperettes severly gave her front hood a huge scratch.....I laughed....

another time a guy just creamed my jeep....ended up really messing up his car....stupid prick had the nerve to yell at me....I just laughed, while I looked at his busted headlights and plastic bumper.....


Posted by: Brando Oct 17 2005, 08:16 PM

I opt for schreader valve removal as well. I keep a spare tool in my center cargo area just for door dings and inconsiderately parked people.

I know, my car's a POS looker anyhow, and probably does more damage to their car, but it's the mentality of these people that it's OK to do something like that and get away with it. Even if they do have the bump guard trim/moulding on the sides, it still flakes paint if they kick the damn door open!

Posted by: JOHNMAN Oct 17 2005, 10:48 PM

I opt for schreader valve removal as well.

That's what the razor blade is for in my glove box. All my cars have them. I don't get mad, I get even.

I never hung around to see how one tows a car with 4 flat tires.

Posted by: Dave_Darling Oct 18 2005, 12:54 AM

QUOTE (ClayPerrine @ Oct 17 2005, 05:10 PM)
BTW... when do we get to see a picture of this alleged "lawyer" of yours???

OK, here she is. This is from her first Russell Racing School at Sears Point. (OK, now it's ESPN Russell Racing School at Infineon Raceway. Whatever.)


Attached image(s)
Attached Image

Posted by: 0396 Oct 18 2005, 06:10 AM

QUOTE (brer @ Oct 16 2005, 04:53 PM)
technically that is a collision.

ask for his insurance, and if he walks away call the cops because its a hit and run.

already went through this myself and thats what the local PD told me.


This also happen to me in my 70 911 T. In my case, I did call
the cops ,they took the info and I had the paint chip repainted.

Last year I bought a new Honda Civic , the wife took it to work and got a door ding and also some one pulled right up on the rear bumper...(ONLY ONE MONTH OLD).

I mention that to the wife , she mentions, that's life..I'm not going to park in the south fourty to 'protect' your cars sad.gif

Guess who won... it's better to walk than pay alo$

Posted by: ClayPerrine Oct 18 2005, 07:39 AM

QUOTE (Dave_Darling @ Oct 18 2005, 12:54 AM)
QUOTE (ClayPerrine @ Oct 17 2005, 05:10 PM)
BTW... when do we get to see a picture of this alleged "lawyer" of yours???

OK, here she is. This is from her first Russell Racing School at Sears Point. (OK, now it's ESPN Russell Racing School at Infineon Raceway. Whatever.)



drooley.gif She is a keeper.... now you need to get her a 914 to drive. driving-girl.gif
Then she will start beating you at auto-x, and if you get her hooked on 914s, then you can talk her into the MUSR next year.

To everyone else out there...... let the blonde jokes begin...... happy11.gif

Posted by: Dave_Darling Oct 18 2005, 11:47 AM

She won't drive the 914. She doesn't like the shift pattern. She won't autoX--not enough time driving, too much spent standing around.

She really likes her SC, and takes it to the Big Tracks every couple of months. Good enough for me... smile.gif She brought it to the autoX school and learned a lot--but you get a whole lot more seat time at the school than you do at a regular autoX event.


Posted by: markb Oct 18 2005, 01:37 PM

DD, the next time you & I & our S.O.'s are in the same place, we need to sit them next to each other & have them talk about their SC's & doing DE's, etc. smile.gif

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