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Posted by: thomasotten Nov 25 2005, 10:57 AM

Found this, this morning....WTF???

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Posted by: xitspd Nov 25 2005, 11:04 AM

QUOTE (thomasotten @ Nov 25 2005, 08:57 AM)
Found this, this morning....WTF???

ohmy.gif I had the same problem with my garage cat! Solved it by going to PETCO and buying several SCAT MATS. 9 volts and they remember..............

Posted by: SirAndy Nov 25 2005, 11:07 AM

QUOTE (thomasotten @ Nov 25 2005, 09:57 AM)
Found this, this morning....WTF???

well, what did you expect? you put that huge litter box in the garage for her and now you're mad that she's actually using it ??? biggrin.gif

one thing that has always worked for me, put some food for her closeby (next to the car) ...

cats don't shit where they eat!
cool_shades.gif Andy

Posted by: rdauenhauer Nov 25 2005, 11:10 AM

Take it down to the local Vietnamese Resturant and drop it off! happy11.gif

Posted by: kwales Nov 25 2005, 11:16 AM


Might want to take that cat to the vet...

That just don't look right- color is way off....

Cats sometimes do things like that to attract your attention..

Had a male cat that peed in my briefcase....

Found out he had a urinary blockage (which is common in males and FATAL) and was in a lot of pain... Once he was unblocked, he never did it again..

In some ways it kinda looks like a bird pellet... You know- vomit from a predator bird after it's done digesting the prey... hard to tell from the pic which end it came from or what animal....


Posted by: J P Stein Nov 25 2005, 11:18 AM

Yes, and the sunzabitches have been banished from the house. They're gettin' old and will walk by a cat box to pee on the floor. ......You're outta here ladies...spend your golden years in the garage. mad.gif

Posted by: Headrage Nov 25 2005, 11:27 AM

Looks like you stepped in it...

Posted by: Aaron Cox Nov 25 2005, 12:10 PM

QUOTE (Headrage @ Nov 25 2005, 10:27 AM)
Looks like you stepped in it...


i freaking hate cats.
someone ask jim Hoyland what he thinks of cats around 914's

Posted by: balljoint Nov 25 2005, 12:14 PM

The car swallowed the cat, to catch the bird.

It swallowed the bird to catch the spider.

It swallowed the spider to catch the fly.

I don't know why it swallowed the fly, but that is a gross picture. I hope it cleans up nice for you.

Orange or other citrus oil (like some of those parts cleaners) on a rag in a tray, should keep the cats at bay.

Perhaps this would have been more appropriate in the sandbox? smile.gif

Posted by: SpecialK Nov 25 2005, 12:32 PM

QUOTE (balljoint @ Nov 25 2005, 12:14 PM)

Perhaps this would have been more appropriate in the sandbox? smile.gif

Most certainly!! lol2.gif av-943.gif

Posted by: messix Nov 25 2005, 01:14 PM

take that cat for a 80 mph ride [walk]. ala national lampoon family vacation #1

Posted by: scottb Nov 25 2005, 01:25 PM

a sand wedge when the cuddly little beast isn't looking will fix the problem too!

FORE!!!! yikes.gif

ps: i hate cats......

Posted by: bmunday Nov 25 2005, 01:26 PM

QUOTE (balljoint @ Nov 25 2005, 10:14 AM)
The car swallowed the cat, to catch the bird.

It swallowed the bird to catch the spider.

It swallowed the spider to catch the fly.

I don't know why it swallowed the fly, but that is a gross picture. I hope it cleans up nice for you.

Orange or other citrus oil (like some of those parts cleaners) on a rag in a tray, should keep the cats at bay.

Perhaps this would have been more appropriate in the sandbox? smile.gif

Dave that is FF!!! I have tears. Use to sing that song to my 11 yr old.. av-943.gif av-943.gif av-943.gif

Posted by: Hammy Nov 25 2005, 03:40 PM

Who loves kitty?

Posted by: thomasotten Nov 25 2005, 06:27 PM

QUOTE (Headrage @ Nov 25 2005, 09:27 AM)
Looks like you stepped in it...

Now, it just looks that way because I put the cat's nose in it so it wouldn't do it again.

Posted by: sj914 Nov 25 2005, 06:34 PM

Cats are bad news around cars in my opinion. Cost me the paint on my hood.

Posted by: Brando Nov 25 2005, 07:40 PM

Time for them to be outdoor cats, yes?

Posted by: MecGen Nov 25 2005, 08:22 PM

I love cats, except mine.
This is way too much information stromberg.gif
This post was worth more without pics.
Funny as hell

Good luck with it.... bs.gif

Later POZ


Posted by: Toast Nov 26 2005, 12:34 AM

That looks more like a hairball than a POS.

I love my cat, but I hate nasty cats.

Could be worse. You could have a stray cat find her way into your garage and have her kittens. Today was her FOURTH LITTER THIS YEAR! mad.gif ar15.gif

Posted by: Hammy Nov 26 2005, 02:36 AM

QUOTE (Toast @ Nov 25 2005, 11:34 PM)
Could be worse. You could have a stray cat find her way into your garage and have her kittens. Today was her FOURTH LITTER THIS YEAR! mad.gif ar15.gif

What a whore! smile.gif

Posted by: balljoint Nov 26 2005, 06:59 AM

Every sperm is sacred.

uh oh


Just can't get the Monty Python out of my head.

Posted by: Bruce Allert Nov 26 2005, 10:25 AM

QUOTE (Headrage @ Nov 25 2005, 09:27 AM)
Looks like you stepped in it...  

Now, it just looks that way because I put the cat's nose in it so it wouldn't do it again.

THAT doesn't even work for dogs let alone cats! slap.gif

#1 rule: Never leave the windows down & the top off if there's any chance of a cat being in the area. wink.gif


Posted by: SLITS Nov 26 2005, 10:40 AM

Skinned, they look like a rabbit, but taste like bad chicken.

Make tacos otta them

Posted by: kwales Nov 26 2005, 11:48 AM

An investagative reporter gets to the bottom of the TRUE STORY....

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Posted by: Headrage Nov 26 2005, 12:15 PM

Last year when I was doing all of my rust repairs I had the car stored in the back of my office. I had the top on and windows rolled up but forgot about the hole I had cut out under the passenger seat. LOTS of cats found the hole and used the car as they saw fit.

I finally pulled the tarp off of it after about a month and blink.gif icon8.gif barf.gif

Posted by: dmenche914 Nov 26 2005, 12:21 PM

Outdoor cats are teh worst offenders, I hate folk that let them fucking beasts run free to shit and piss and scratch other folks property. Cat owners that let the cats roam are irresponsible. They know damn well cats shit and piss and scratch, yet they turn them loose on their nieghbors anyway. I shot the fucking cat that ripped up my 914. The owner was pissed, but fuck, I sued him, and won over $3000 in damages to my property from his cat.

Even if cat owner dont give a damn about there nieghbors they ought to think about the wildlife destruction (mainly birds) that the non-native cats cause. Oh, and yeah them cat people that feed the strays that live in feral cat colonies on other folks private property. They are the dumbesrt, claim they love animals, yet they don't take these fucking feral cats in their home, no they feed them, allowing them to breed and kill more wildlife on other folks property.

Folks that let cats roam on others folk property are inconsiderate bastards at best. Your own cat messes your car, well, go figure, duh!!! You make it an outside cat after dumbing in your car and what you will become is one of the inconsiderate bastards.

Keep you cat inside and deal with it there, else kill it. Don't send it out to fuck with other folks stuff.

Go get some antifreeze, leave it out for kitty, last time it will fuck with a car!

Posted by: SpecialK Nov 26 2005, 12:49 PM

I totally disagree with the "anti-freeze"'ll spoil the meat! Why let good pussy go to waste! chowtime.gif

Posted by: Toast Nov 26 2005, 12:53 PM

Send Kwales avatar cat after him.

Posted by: BarberDave Nov 26 2005, 01:33 PM

Take the Son Of a B---h outside close and lock the door,
if your wife dosen't like that do the same to her.
Dave ar15.gif

Posted by: cametal Nov 26 2005, 02:39 PM

From the sandbox............................

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Posted by: kwales Nov 26 2005, 04:49 PM

Gee thanks Toast....

Kwales avatar IS his cat....

I'm always glad to see her.....Purrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrr.... biggrin.gif

Anybody know wha to do with the little bullet holes at floor level?


Posted by: kwales Nov 26 2005, 04:58 PM


I'm finding it really hard to believe that a cat almost totaled a car...

$3000? That'sa lotta 914 parts OR a completely drivable Cali car.....

Unless $2700 of it was lawyer fees.... biggrin.gif

Oh yeah, shoot my cat and I shoot back... ar15.gif

Actually, there are good cats and bad cats.... I have the best most considerate cats and they like my yard and rarely venture any farther...

As per your cat statements, I think they apply equally to dogs AND children..... happy11.gif

Goes without saying that my favorite Chinese cook book is....

"1001 Ways to Wok Your Dog" happy11.gif


Posted by: thomasotten Nov 26 2005, 06:33 PM

After reading dmenche914's response, I should have never started this thread...

Posted by: dmenche914 Nov 26 2005, 06:44 PM

No legal fees in my award, took him to court myself and won. Figure AA prices were quoted for new backpad, seats, door panels, and carpets, also estimate for shop labor rate to install. Also my front door to my house, expenses for cat repellant (useless) trap (useless) and damages to value of my home (backed up by witness real estate agent). I itemized everything.

The guy was a jerk, and admitted to knowing his rodent animals (yeah more than one) run free and that it is "their nature to mark their territory( he lived a block away). He told me and the judge that I should expect that of cats, and should use bleach to remove the odor in my car and in the house (cat used my carport and back yard as tiolet). Yeah I like chlorine, wonder what a bleached car interior looks like????

Anyway he did threaten me, told his nieghbor that, his nieghbor told me, and the judge, the judge almost threw the book at him for that as a seperate issue.

The Fish and Game code allows you to "pursue, hunt, capture or kill any cat, feral or domestic ruining crops" since it was shitting on my strawberries, uhm!!!!

I'd only shot your cat after it destored my property and other methods failed, I actually spend time saving wildlife, I generally like animals, so I gave other options a try for couple months first. But just like a rat in the attic, it has got to be dealt with. You can have a pet rat, and its ok, get a wild rat in your house, live with the stench, and see what you do. You shot at me, better hit me with your first shot. Shooting humans is a different story, and anyone that kills a person over his cat is a bit anti-social, shooting in self defense is perfectly allowed. The law is pretty clear on this. However activist judges driven by the wacko animal rights terror groups may not want to follow the law, so be careful.

It is bad enough when nieghbors let the cats run free and you have to pick up shit off you shoes on your own fenced in back lawn, it is something else when your car interior is wrecked, a horrible stench in car and house. Also some folks are more sensitive to the cats stink, yet some cat lovers have claimed to not mind the stench of a cat in their home. i am the more sensitive type, and can't breath with that smell and will not stand for it in my home.

Posted by: Hammy Nov 26 2005, 08:35 PM

I agree. Cats that are causing huge problems aren't good...I'd imagine those types of cats are mainly feral.
Just don't kill someone's pet. Our neighbor across the street (real old asshole) once let his hound maul and kill one of our cats. Just not cool.

Posted by: dmenche914 Nov 27 2005, 12:13 AM

I would agree as long as that someone keeps their pet in control, off my property, and prevents it from being destructive. Pet or not in someones elses eyes, if it becomes destructive, and can't be trapped or owner identified (as in my case, the thing had no collar) the you have right to defend your property. I would think that anyone that truely cares for their animal would keep it in control at all times. If not for the other folks, then for the cat itself, a roaming cat can be attacked by other animals, smacked by a truck or what not.

I had plenty of cat owning friends that agreed that that pest needed to be handled the way it was, they told me that the owner didn't give a hoot about his cats health by letting it run free, much less the destruction it caused to me, and possibly others. There should be leash laws for cats. Let it run free, and it should go to the pound, first offense, $200 fine plus damages, second offense $500 fine, plus damages, and gas the cat at the pound. If we had some real aminal control workers rather than a cat crazy SPCA running the shelter there would be fewer problems. Instead they try to "find a home' for every cat they get, which is stupid, cause it is just putting the cat back on the street again, I think the animal pound out here is the biggest seller of cats, go figure. They should be rounding them up and be more concerned about the citizens health and enjoyment than trying to place these unwanted destructive pests out in society again.

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