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Click here to view this topic in its original format _ 914World Garage _ Thanks for the postive wishes guys...

Posted by: Mueller Dec 21 2005, 04:40 PM

Just a quick update, I've been up for over 24hours, I finally got released at 5:45 this morning, poor Sherryl waited in the parking lot from 9:30pm until 5:45am

I was "supposed" to be kept in a waiting cell, but someone forgot to tell the guards, I got to get into a new set of clothes furnished by the county and got to try out the top bunk of a metal bed with no mattress, luckly that was less than a hour.

Thanks for all the well wishes, it really means a bunch to me and I'm trying not to break down right now from a really crazy and emotional experiance that I could never wish on any friend of mine.

And yes, DD is correct, the item in question that I am in trouble for is just a chunk of metal that was found while looking for #4..only in California would I be in trouble to have this in my possesion without the registered owner being in the same room with me....crazy CA laws, we never knew and now to find a lawyer.....

thanks again for the well wishes and positive thoughts...

Posted by: Jeroen Dec 21 2005, 05:01 PM

Mike, all this sucks big time...
But I'm glad at least your out / home!

Give Sheryl and the twins a big hug and hang in there

Posted by: Grimstead Dec 21 2005, 05:04 PM

Welcome Home!

Posted by: brant Dec 21 2005, 05:25 PM


I'm so sorry your having to go through Any of this.

we're all here for you!


Posted by: Midtowner Dec 21 2005, 05:30 PM

Glad you're back home. Rest assured, support you 100%. smile.gif

Posted by: jimtab Dec 21 2005, 05:37 PM

Geez, I'm late for everything...sorry to hear that the "ghost" is still among us...and that you are the object of the exercise....the prick has some timing, huh? I'm just glad to hear you're out and ok...and the wife and "kids" are well too, hope you can still salvage a great Christmas out of this. Just figure it'll be a great story to tell the "young ens" a few years from now. Good luck, we're here for you. Jim

Posted by: ChrisNPDrider Dec 21 2005, 05:38 PM


time for a beer or two? Best of luck working through this. Help is all around you, don't be afraid to ask.

Posted by: Gint Dec 21 2005, 05:40 PM

Mike, you have to know that I'll do anything I can to help you with this. Just let me know if I can be of assistance.


Posted by: rdauenhauer Dec 21 2005, 05:49 PM

smilie_pokal.gif beer.gif wreath.gif

Posted by: blitZ Dec 21 2005, 05:53 PM

Glad to hear you are out, hope everything works out for you.

Posted by: goose2 Dec 21 2005, 06:23 PM

Mike...while I have no idea what this is all about, I've been following the thread and it sounds like you got a raw deal. I hope you can salvage a comfortable best to you and family.

Posted by: mikey Dec 21 2005, 06:27 PM

Glad to hear you're out!

Posted by: spunone Dec 21 2005, 06:41 PM

Glad your home and just be glad you did'nt have Aaron for a cell mate LOL piratenanner.gif

Posted by: carr914 Dec 21 2005, 06:48 PM

Good Luck Mike. Glad your home with the family.


Posted by: jonwatts Dec 21 2005, 06:52 PM

They'll be sorry for ever letting go of Mike "Tater Salad" Mueller. laugh.gif

I'm so glad you're out. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. I'm with Gint, I'll do whatever I can. Do we have a dollar goal yet? With B we knew we needed $5k for bail.

It's more than a little scary what can happen when the law gets perverted or misused.

Posted by: Dave_Darling Dec 21 2005, 06:53 PM

Glad you're out again, Mike. I hope you and Sherell (sp?) get through this just fine.


Posted by: mikerose Dec 21 2005, 06:53 PM

QUOTE (mikey @ Dec 21 2005, 04:27 PM)
Why am I always the last to hear about these things?

Glad you're not stuck in the slammer for the holidays!

(Someone should take #4 to the crusher immediately for all the trouble it has caused)

Please reread Mike's first post. This is not about #4 Thanks.

I am glad you are home Mike. We talked about this when it happend I will say a prayer for am leaving for Roseberg ,OR in tha AM. I hope to talk with you when we get back.


Posted by: SirAndy Dec 21 2005, 06:57 PM

QUOTE (mikerose @ Dec 21 2005, 05:53 PM)
Please reread Mike's first post. This is not about #4

yes, but #4 got him in this mess a year ago or so ...

i'm with gint, whatever i can do to help buddy, just let me know.

and say hi to Sherryl!
smile.gif Andy

Posted by: Eric_Shea Dec 21 2005, 07:06 PM

Here for you. Let me know if I can help with $omething.

Posted by: GeorgeRud Dec 21 2005, 07:10 PM

Best wishes from ChiTown, may 2006 be much less eventfull for you! I'm sure you'll get through this fine, don't let it drive you crazy.

Posted by: william harris Dec 21 2005, 07:18 PM

Mike: please let us know what we can do. Do you still have the lawyer contact information I got for you so long ago? Man, I thought this was over with. Hang in there, you are alot of friends here. smile.gif

Posted by: Eric Taylor Dec 21 2005, 07:25 PM

Glad to hear your out - This whole ordeal is such a bunch of shit. Have a great christmas and forget about it as much as you can.

Posted by: tat2dphreak Dec 21 2005, 07:29 PM

glad you're out man... best wishes to ya'll, you're in our thoughts down in TX... if we can do anything, just let us know

Posted by: spare time toys Dec 21 2005, 07:35 PM

Dont let this crap get to you. Keep positive and know we are here for how ever we can help. Best wishes for you and the Mrs. and future kiddos. PS Drinking some of the "GOOD" EggNogg wont hurt either but none for Momma beerchug.gif

Posted by: DNHunt Dec 21 2005, 07:39 PM

Glad you're out Mike. We're behind you course that may kind of remind you of "F- Troup"


Posted by: Evill Ed Dec 21 2005, 07:46 PM

Mike, glad to hear you're out and back home with your family.

Hope this all works out for you. Good luck.


Posted by: fiid Dec 21 2005, 07:49 PM

Glad you're out, man. I was gonna call you but I figured you've enough on your plate today.

Let us know if there's anything we can do!

Fiid & Susan.

Posted by: jet1 Dec 21 2005, 07:54 PM

good luck! I hope it all works out for you.

Posted by: firstknight13 Dec 21 2005, 08:20 PM

well this seems to me like that pervision of justice again i hope it isn't contagious wink.gif . best wishes to you and your family!!! ray

Posted by: Brando Dec 21 2005, 08:21 PM

He's free! He's free! Hoorah! smilie_pokal.gif

I'm assuming this is going to court.. I hope you hold out buddy.

Posted by: dmenche914 Dec 21 2005, 08:29 PM

Mike once things blow over, Let us know the details, and the name of the bitch DA puke that did this to you. DA are influenced by political pressure, and I am sure many of us will apply all the preesure we can to get that asshole DA fired. I have had simular experience with DA's gone crazy, and the nazi cops just follow the DA's orders (cops are brainless pigs for the most part anyway0 The DA is teh problem, the DA ordered your arrest, and determined teh time and place of your arrest.

My best guess to what this might have been is maybe a car part serial number of some shit like that. i had to jump they flaming double hops to get my kit car re-registered in calinazifornia because it was from out of state, and Virginia registration has three extra numbers infront of the unique serial number. The calinazifornia DMV just couldn't handle it, thre trips to teh DMV (or was if four) and two trips to the CHP. The CHP assigned my a new serial number, and had to mount a new serail number plate on the chassis (with "special" rivets) They mounted teh new number plate next to the original factory serial number. God damn, the two numbers were the same, identical, no change!!! What a bunch of pukes.

Posted by: morphenspectra Dec 21 2005, 08:40 PM

glad to see your out.i hope your christmas is a good one mike.

Posted by: ppickerell Dec 21 2005, 08:45 PM

Jesus de Cristo Miguel!
Please give your wife my cell number so that next time you are in Santa Rita she can come and stay at our house in Pleasanton while we figure out how to spring you out. Seriously anything I can do for you I am in. Damn those chunks of metal.

Posted by: Mueller Dec 21 2005, 08:56 PM

QUOTE (ppickerell @ Dec 21 2005, 07:45 PM)
Jesus de Cristo Miguel!
Please give your wife my cell number so that next time you are in Santa Rita she can come and stay at our house in Pleasanton while we figure out how to spring you out. Seriously anything I can do for you I am in. Damn those chunks of metal.

I hope to never see that place again in my natural born life.....still have not slept, traffic too bad so I'm back at work for a while....retained a lawyer tonight for the price of a nice running 914...I don't mind attributing to the economy, but this was not how I wanted to do it wacko.gif

I'm not looking for pity, I made a mistake which I admit, however the method/agenda of the DA is just mind boggleing........

Posted by: dmenche914 Dec 21 2005, 09:07 PM

DA agenda is mind boggling, In san fagsisco the murder rate is up, heard on the news that something like only 5-10% of the murders result in a conviction. With DA's like that no wonder they go after with heavy handness honest folks, they need something to do since they ain't doing their real job of busting real criminals, murderers, rapists, drug dealers etc... The fucks are more worried about honest folks registering their guns than catching bad guys. Fuck Calinazifornia.

Glad your back, to bad the ordeal is just starting. Fuck the DA Fuck them!!!!

Posted by: Elliot Cannon Dec 21 2005, 09:15 PM

QUOTE (dmenche914 @ Dec 21 2005, 08:07 PM)
DA agenda is mind boggling, In san fagsisco the murder rate is up, heard on the news that something like only 5-10% of the murders result in a conviction. With DA's like that no wonder they go after with heavy handness honest folks, they need something to do since they ain't doing their real job of busting real criminals, murderers, rapists, drug dealers etc... The fucks are more worried about honest folks registering their guns than catching bad guys. Fuck Calinazifornia.

Glad your back, to bad the ordeal is just starting. Fuck the DA Fuck them!!!!

Dude!! Deeecaff! laugh.gif

Posted by: dmenche914 Dec 21 2005, 09:38 PM

No caffine, don't touch the stuff, just mad as hell with this whole fucking situation, drives me mad these pukes are pulling this shit. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!

Posted by: markb Dec 21 2005, 10:40 PM

QUOTE (dmenche914 @ Dec 21 2005, 07:38 PM)

As someone in the Law Enforcement community, and a Government employee, I'll try not to take this personally. But it is getting under my skin just a tad.

Posted by: Bleyseng Dec 21 2005, 10:47 PM

Glad you are out Mike! smilie_pokal.gif

Say Hi to Sherryl for me...

and Merry Christmas!

Posted by: dmenche914 Dec 22 2005, 12:26 AM

Nothing personal meant. Just don't become a mindless drone working for the government. "i was only following orders" just doesn't cut it. Face it, if you work for the government in law enforcement, you are associating with a bad bunch. The government tramples our rights, steals half or more of our hard earned income. Most cops do not follow the Bill of Rights, and are more than willing to follow "illegal orders".

My local police department had a good illegal rackect going on giving tickets to any car with a"for sale" sign in the window. Only a 20 buck ticket, but they were writing them to the tune of $12,000 per year. Nice money maker. i brought it too there attention that the vehicle code section that allows them to write that ticket also REQUIRES that the city must place signs warning of the violation in order for that law to be enforced. The cops, and city attorney told me to take them to court, but admitted to me I was probably right! First round in court is not really court, so a no named city puke reviews the ticket, and dispite all the documentation I provide, denies my argument, with no explaination. Second round requires I pay yhe ticket first, then appeal (Uhm, what about innocent until proven guilty?, seems calinazifornia some years ago did away with that constitutional protection for tickets, they call it an adminstrative ticket or something like that to stream line the process (too many folks were challenging tickets, and that made it to expensive for the government to prosecute!))
So round two, Again i give a written statement, citing the law, vehicle code etc.... i even ask for an explaination if they deny it again. They take the full time allowed to reach a decision (30 or 60 days i forget, but they went right up to the limit) They rubber stamp denied again. I speak with the chief of police, and he admits that I am right, I ask him why don't you just drop the ticket at this point, he tells me they want me to take it to court instead???? So I file in civil court, court date set, I pay a $25 court filing fee (refundable if I win) I show up with all my info, the City does not show up! Judge agrees with me, and mails me a favorable deciesion the next day. then i request from the City a refund of the ticket I had to pay for, and the court filing fee (which the city must pay me back, cause I won) of course no one in the city can get me my money, it is supposed to come from the company the city contracts to run the parking ticket payments. Takes about three months to get my money back from them (always excuses, they only mail refunds once amonth, opps they missed that month, maybe next month they tell me. Again no one at the city can help. i get the refund, but it is only for $20, the court fee is missing. So I contact the city about that, the fucking puke tells me he doesn't think it is fair for the city to have to pay my court costs (dispite it being the law) Takes about one more month to get that money back. I of course notifed the police that I won, and told them not to right them tickets anymore, the cop tells me the city attorney had already told them not to even before i won (they knew i would win)

A month or two go by, and i notice some parked cars with tickets on them, all the cars were for sale, uhm i lift up the ticket, and its the same god damn pig writting the same fucking tickets! i write down the ticket numbers, and the phone number of the car owner (from the for sale sign) and call the police. I saw Hey, remember me, and the for sale sign ticket, the cop says "oh yeah I remember". I say you are writting illegal tickets again. cop says " you mean you got another one?" i saw no, he says" you mean a freind of yours got one?" I say no, but two total strangers did, he asked me how i know that, and i tell him. i tell him he needs to cancel these two tickets right away, i give him the ticket number. He tells me he has no way of cancelling the tickets. i tell him bull! the vehicle code allows the issuing authority (ie the police) to drop any ticket "in the interests of justice" i tell him to drop them now, and that i will be calling the owners of the cars with my story. he asked me how i got their phone number, i tell him it was on the for sale sign! He tells me he will fix the tickets, and then i tell him that if i ever ever see anymore of those tickets in Redwood City california ever again i will bring this up to the press. I ask him if he thinks that since the department was collecting money for years writting illegal tickets if maybe they ought to refund all those poor folks the $20 and he tells me they have no way of doing that!!! Uhm, crooked cops, thats what they have in Redwood City. Now we wont even go into the public works department, which has idiot violent threatening employees working for them, killing the 50 year old trees on our streets (four have been felled so far on my block, two hitting vehicles) dispite eye witnesses to the threats, and destruction to my home, the puke is still employeed by the city.

So when i say FUCK THE GOVERNMENT I mean it, and have god damn good reason to. The badge means nothing, the cops were rotten thieving pigs, so was the city attorney. it went right up to the chief, The city council member that got involved told me he found it troubling, but he never interceded to help (typical politician) That council member is now gone, he was elected to state assembly last year (Ira Ruskin) so the incompetance, graft and corruption just gets bumped up to the next higher level in government.

As of today, i have not seen anymore illegal tickets like that be written here, but fuck, shouldn't the god damn pig know the vehicle code, and why the fuck did they not drop the case once they read the code, then why the fuck did they start writting them again, guess it was they thought i wouldn't be looking. They was dead wrong.

If i ever see a injured cop, I will just drive on by, not worth my time to help the pig, after the illegal shit they gave me.

So there, nothing personal of course.

Posted by: Brando Dec 22 2005, 12:45 AM

Jebus dmenche, tell us how you really feel blink.gif

You gotta realize, there's good people and bad people. Not all good people are law enforcement. You found a real bad example of respectable athority there.

Posted by: McMark Dec 22 2005, 03:11 AM

I'm all for voicing your opinion, but lets try to keep a happy thread, bearing the wonderful news the Mike is no longer in jail from become a political tirade. dry.gif

Welcome home Mike. I'll be calling you tomorrow.

Posted by: butch Dec 22 2005, 06:09 AM

QUOTE (Brando @ Dec 21 2005, 10:45 PM)
Jebus dmenche, tell us how you really feel blink.gif

You gotta realize, there's good people and bad people. Not all good people are law enforcement. You found a real bad example of respectable athority there.

ditto on the dmenche thing. And welcome home Mueller.

OK kids, the scary thing is, the cops are our cops, the government is our government.

Get to know your city council person (mine kinda sucks, and she's a neighbor...) and let you voice be heard. You get to actually speak at city council meetings if you go to them. If you have too much time on your hands. One of our council persons, Dave Cortese, actually responds to my questions.

Maybe it is time to meet your local government, Mike...

Posted by: John Kelly Dec 22 2005, 06:19 AM

Hi Mike,

Don't let the stress wear you down. I'm glad you are out of the hell hole. I'm pretty broke after our move, but I've added a little bit to the fund. Keep your chin up!


Posted by: redshift Dec 22 2005, 06:57 AM

SHIT MIKE! I was going to draw up plans for the extraction team (aaron and matt) to come in and get you out, while we all had drinks, and waited at Uncle Jiggley's..

Oh well! Sorry 'THE MAN" is also "A DUMBASS".

M (r. Hendrix to you, stupid cop)

Posted by: MW 914 Dec 22 2005, 09:08 AM

Money sent. Take care of yourself and send your wife to one of those pregnancy spa treatments. She deserves it!

Posted by: jonwatts Dec 22 2005, 10:43 AM

QUOTE (MW 914 @ Dec 22 2005, 07:08 AM)
Money sent. Take care of yourself and send your wife to one of those pregnancy spa treatments. She deserves it!

agree.gif It's important. We'll start a separate fund if we have to.

Posted by: GTeener Dec 22 2005, 11:03 AM

I'm off the board a little and return to this mystery?

You got a flux capicitor or something?


May truth and justice prevail!

Good luck!

Posted by: Bleyseng Dec 22 2005, 03:46 PM

QUOTE (jonwatts @ Dec 22 2005, 08:43 AM)
QUOTE (MW 914 @ Dec 22 2005, 07:08 AM)
Money sent.  Take care of yourself and send your wife to one of those pregnancy spa treatments.  She deserves it!

agree.gif It's important. We'll start a separate fund if we have to.

ok, I gotta ask what these special treatments are........


Posted by: Carl Dec 22 2005, 07:08 PM

I'm glad you're out, Mike. The legacy of #4 is a sticky one. All the best to you & Sherryl.


Posted by: xitspd Dec 22 2005, 07:27 PM

cool.gif Mike, What a sad time of the year to have a run in with law enforcement. I am wishing you and your family the best for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am also sending some money to your defense fund. Please let me know if I can be of any further service.

Dan Callicott

below is a picture shot near Willow just before lunch................................

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