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Posted by: Mueller Jan 14 2006, 12:04 PM

age 40 (almost, in April)

got the bald spot on the top of the head and the hair line in the front is lossing ground fast wacko.gif

We (Sherryl and I) figured when I really start to get thin I'd just shave my head, but not too sure if I have the right shaped head for that rolleyes.gif

The Bosley hair club commercial came on last night and it got me to thinking........ screwy.gif

Posted by: Headrage Jan 14 2006, 12:06 PM

That's easy.

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Posted by: plas76targa Jan 14 2006, 12:07 PM

Mike, as a fellow father of twins.. don't bother, you're going to lose it (hair) anyway. Besides, it's not a bald spot .. it's a solar receptor for a high powered sex machine! rolleyes.gif

Posted by: smooth_eddy Jan 14 2006, 12:09 PM

Don't fight it, just shave it when it is time. Those hair clubs will milk you dry with monthly fees. Look at how many famous people and athletes have shaved it off. E

Posted by: TROJANMAN Jan 14 2006, 12:09 PM

my inspiration

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Posted by: Rotten Robby Jan 14 2006, 12:13 PM

Just a little history... Monoxidyl was developed as a blood pressure treatment in the form of an oral pill. It caused some rather dramatic and dangerous drops in blood pressure and is not commonly used for that purpose. In the trials it was discovered that it caused hair growth. I think that as a topical cream it is less than completely effective in that it causes very fine hair growth that most would not be satisfied with.
I am not sure I would shave your head. How does Sherryl feel about it? Nothing sexier than confidence. Be proud. Lose the hat and embrace the look. No charge for the pharmacology lecture but the self-confidence talk will cost you one set of needle bearing bushings... biggrin.gif

Posted by: messix Jan 14 2006, 12:14 PM

the thinner it gets the shorter it gets. no comb overs. [insert donald trump] another trick of nature is that the hair on top moves south.

Posted by: seanery Jan 14 2006, 12:19 PM

Keep it short. Last summer I gave up on the barber and bought a good set of clippers. I cut my own now, most of the time with no guard, it's very short. Sometimes I take a blade to it and make it bald. It's much better looking than longer hair with spots, and I save a lot of $ at the barber. I got my clippers on the internet for $30-ish. I was spending $12+ at the barber shop every time. I cut it more often now that I do it myself, too.

Posted by: prman602 Jan 14 2006, 12:19 PM

QUOTE (Mueller @ Jan 14 2006, 10:04 AM)
age 40 (almost, in April)

got the bald spot on the top of the head and the hair line in the front is lossing ground fast wacko.gif

We (Sherryl and I) figured when I really start to get thin I'd just shave my head, but not too sure if I have the right shaped head for that  :rolleyes:

The Bosley hair club commercial came on last night and it got me to thinking........  :screwy:

I did the hair club thing, it cost me 300.00 a month. It's a nice hair piece, you have a new one
made for you every 2-1/2 months. you did your own maintance every 3-4 days. driving-girl.gif it gets to be a hassle.
After 3 yrs I decided not to do it any more, rocking nana.gif I shave what little hair I had and grew a go-tee.
No hassles in the morning just shower and save and your out the door in 15 minutes. driving.gif

Posted by: Headrage Jan 14 2006, 12:20 PM

Go with this look.

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Posted by: Howard Jan 14 2006, 12:22 PM

Hang in there. Pretty soon the hair in your ears and nose will grow fast enough to do a really radical combover. biggrin.gif
IMHO transplants are the only real fix, and from what I understand it's an expensive and annoying procedure.
Hey, growing old ain't for sissies, so sack up beer.gif

Posted by: KaptKaos Jan 14 2006, 12:23 PM

You are lucky, my hair "went south" in my early 30s. I shaved it off and haven't gone back.

Two important points:

1) hats and sunscreen on your scalp in the sun are REQUIRED!
2) Do not let it grow too long between shaves because you will look like a Chia Pet.

Posted by: rhodyguy Jan 14 2006, 12:23 PM

do you really want someone to sew a rug on the top of your head? HCFM will be where you get your hair cut in the future. your existing hair will continue to fall out and it will become a never ending routine. live with it and use sun block when you don't want to wear a hat. if you're still interested call and ask what the expected yearly cost will be ohmy.gif .


Posted by: Dr. Roger Jan 14 2006, 12:24 PM

i was told if you get a buzz cut and spike it then it will lessen the blow.

looks pretty good too. (advice given from an ex hair-cutter)

then five years later go to the #2 trimmer bar . biggrin.gif

hey mike, don't you need help with something??? 'cuz i owe you some garage time or something...

Posted by: sgomes Jan 14 2006, 12:24 PM

Por 15. Great for hair loss. Just don't get it on your hootus.

Posted by: brp914 Jan 14 2006, 12:59 PM

Men and women look at me and unconsciously tussle their hair which causes me to be a little self conscious at times. I've also had guys at work suggest that I get a transplant or whatever. But screw it, I say play the cards you're dealt. Just dont let the bod go. Paraphrasing: "Fat and bald is no way to go through life, son."

Posted by: bd1308 Jan 14 2006, 01:06 PM

when im pulling my hair out and i happen to think about putting it all in a bag for you, i'll do just that..

lice free and i bathe everyday....


Posted by: BigDBass Jan 14 2006, 01:27 PM

I've been balding since I was 19 (maybe even 17). I'm 32 now. I just fight fire with fire and been shaving my own head for the last 10 or 12 years. I haven't paid for a haircut in that time. I wonder how much money that adds up to?


Posted by: thesey914 Jan 14 2006, 01:43 PM

Nutting wrong with a combover...
user posted image

Posted by: neo914-6 Jan 14 2006, 02:10 PM

QUOTE (plas76targa @ Jan 14 2006, 10:07 AM)
Mike, as a fellow father of twins.. don't bother, you're going to lose it (hair) anyway. Besides, it's not a bald spot .. it's a solar receptor for a high powered sex machine! rolleyes.gif

man and I'm worried about getting grey hair(s) at 45...

I don't notice lack of hair in others. I'd say in your case if it's okay with Sheryl then that's all that matters... smile.gif

Posted by: SirAndy Jan 14 2006, 02:13 PM

QUOTE (Howard @ Jan 14 2006, 10:22 AM)
Pretty soon the hair in your ears and nose will grow fast enough to do a really radical combover.

i can second that motion!

no hair loss yet, and i'm already past the 40 mark. (add a knock-on-wood smily here)

but the nose and ear hair growth has been really taking off in the last 2-3 years. you wouldn't believe the size of those logs ... ohmy.gif
and most of them have turned white too, nothing like a 2" long white hair growing out of your nose ... icon8.gif

in fact, i was just thinking the other day, who knows how many more years i have left, full hair wise,
so i decided this summer i'm going back to my good old mohawk hairdo.

aktion035.gif Andy

Posted by: Travis Neff Jan 14 2006, 02:31 PM

I am convinced it all starts growing south. back hair combover, ugh. I'd say just keep your hair short, less noticable than with bushy hair and a divot in the top.

Posted by: mharrison Jan 14 2006, 02:38 PM

It seems many of us are in the same boat. I have the Widows Peak hairline. The indentations on the widows peak have gone much farther back than desired! I had to start clipping my hair very short to avoid a lumpy look where those spots go back. (Like others I bought the clippers and haven't looked back!)

It's slowly turning into an island in front. When it actually becomes an island, the guard comes off the clippers. I refuse to have that!

I'm not worried about being bald, but watching it slowly happen bugs me.

Bald = OK
Balding = SUCKS

Posted by: Porcharu Jan 14 2006, 02:56 PM

QUOTE (Mueller @ Jan 14 2006, 10:04 AM)
but not too sure if I have the right shaped head for that  :rolleyes:

To many dents on the dome Mike? clap.gif

Posted by: gklinger Jan 14 2006, 03:03 PM

I'll hit 54 next week, at this point in life I have been without hair longer than with. One word: HATS! You don't want the skin cancer thing - my grandad fought it the last 30 years of his life, multiple nasty spot removals, etc. Get a couple of nice Akubra hats, you won't be sorry...

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Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Jan 14 2006, 03:05 PM

Wow what a post.

I am young, rich, full head of wavy hair, no grey, wake up with a big hard on each morning & the ladies hit on me every day.

Wait a minute, that's in my dreams!!!!

Only good thing I can say, I have a yellow 914 that's not on jack stands.

Posted by: GWN7 Jan 14 2006, 03:18 PM

Trim it to the wood or do the flat top conversion.

I had a buddy that had the island appear up front, then it became a spider, then one day it was no more.

Be thankfull you don't live where you need the insulation on top.

If you do go the hair club route, you will need for when you take it apart to make it better. wink.gif

save the $$

Posted by: jonwatts Jan 14 2006, 03:32 PM

36 and been balding for like the last 10 years. You've seen me, it isn't pretty, but then I wasn't pretty before either.

A few years ago I went to the trimmer with no guard and thought it looked ok in the mirror but looked kinda strange in pictures. Since Christmas I've started to let it grow out a bit. I'll keep it very short but not shaved and see how that goes.

It's not a bald spot, it's a sunroof. When all the hair on top is gone you can call it a targa laugh.gif

Posted by: d914 Jan 14 2006, 03:32 PM

49, losing hair, went no part and about a #3 or 4 guard, best thing I ever did. Shower run my fingers through whats left and your done....!!!! Perfect every time, no longer need all those hats!!!!

Posted by: Hawktel Jan 14 2006, 03:54 PM

Yeah, cut it short, or scalp it off, and practice looking pissed in the mirror. My brother bic's his head. Looks like a complete bastard, has to fight the chicks off with a 2x4.

Posted by: Leo Imperial Jan 14 2006, 04:08 PM

In honor of this thread I am changing my avitar.
This is my dream hair.
I want a fro with a 1 second delay. aktion035.gif
Those that know me will have seen me in a hat.

Posted by: thesey914 Jan 14 2006, 04:13 PM

A well used path grows no grass...

Posted by: redshift Jan 14 2006, 05:31 PM

Screw it... I'd stop messing with it, and just scream at anyone who looks.


Of course, I am a complete hermit, and these are the ways of the hermit... ymwv.


Posted by: fiid Jan 14 2006, 05:54 PM

I had the chick in Supercuts tell me my hair was thinning out. Thanks a bunch!

She suggesting Rogaine. From everything I've heard it's greasy nasty stuff you have to put in your hair every day - and while it does work it's too annoying for words. Of course this is heresay.

Now - I just get a #2 buzzcut every couple of months. A friend of mine with thinner hair just shaves his. I think it's probably the best thing to do.


No hair does mean less aerodynamic drag.... biggrin.gif

Posted by: fiid Jan 14 2006, 05:55 PM

Oh yeah. My Dad has the worst combover in the known universe, and more facial hair than - well - .... he has a lot of facial hair. It scares my kid. Nuff said.

Posted by: jimtab Jan 14 2006, 06:58 PM

I'm 58 and I have a hell of a lot more forehead than I did at I say fuck em if they can't take a hasn't meant shit since the 60's ..... biggrin.gif after you get to know someone you don't even notice, and who really gives a shit what people you don't know think?? confused24.gif

Posted by: Bleyseng Jan 14 2006, 07:00 PM

Time for a comb over and grow a beard !

We have a friend who's nickname is comb over.... av-943.gif

Posted by: anthony Jan 14 2006, 07:40 PM

It's been all said. Just shave it. I started going bald when I was 22. Now you can say I've adjusted to it. Just be glad you aren't single and still cruising for chicks. LOL

Posted by: Jeroen Jan 14 2006, 08:29 PM

Buy a trimmer and be done with it...

I'm 36, the top is thinning and the fronts are retracting
I just trim it short and when it really starts to go I'm gonna shave it all and polish it for a nice shiney look lol2.gif

And transplants? Imagine how many cool carparts you could buy instead driving.gif

Posted by: riverman Jan 14 2006, 09:36 PM

About 3 years ago I became a widower at 37 yrs. old. While I was married, I never gave a thought to my hair loss because it didn't matter much. But, after a while I knew I'd be dating again and my baldness really affected the way I thought about myself and hurt my self confidence. After some thought, I decided to have a hair transplant and I couldn't be happier with the result. The procedure cost about $5000CAN, but I now have a full head of my own hair that looks and acts completely natural. It sounds like a lot of money (and it is), but what it did for my self-image and confidence is priceless. I know it's only hair, but when women actually give you the double-take at the grocery store it makes you feel really good inside.

I'm now married again and I have no idea if the hair had anything to do with it, but it did start it.

Posted by: seanery Jan 14 2006, 09:59 PM

got any before and after pics?

Posted by: bernbomb914 Jan 14 2006, 10:06 PM

Mike the only time I see my hair is in the morning when I comb it after that it never enters my mind what it looks like. Whats happening to you is normal as all others attested, so dont worry about it. keep it short so it doesnt need a lot of maintiance and forget it.


Posted by: joea9146 Jan 14 2006, 10:14 PM

Come On Lets See Some Pictures...........


Posted by: boxsterfan Jan 14 2006, 10:17 PM

Here's my future chrome dome!!

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Posted by: riverman Jan 14 2006, 10:24 PM

QUOTE (seanery @ Jan 14 2006, 10:59 PM)
got any before and after pics?

I don't have any digital before picks, but if you look at boxsterfan above you'll get the idea (only a little more chrome). Here is an after pic though.

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Posted by: seanery Jan 14 2006, 10:38 PM

hair looks pretty good, huh?

Posted by: kwales Jan 14 2006, 10:44 PM

Here is a trick Dr. Jain, this crazy Indian guy at one of my former companies usta do...

Seems Dr. Jain was totally bald. He would wear his short hair for three and a half weeks and then all the sudden for about 3 or 4 days, his hair got long.

Dr Jain would wear his "long" hair wig so he looked like he needed a trim and mutter in his thick accent....
"I moost go to de barber" and "My hair is getting long"

This would go on for 3 or 4 days and all the sudden he would show up one day with the short hair wig on muttering....

I Weent to the barber on New Habben-Abben Nuuuu (New Haven Avenue).... blink.gif

Posted by: Dead Air Jan 14 2006, 11:24 PM

I call bullshit.
The television is telling you to worry about your hair.
The television is telling you to worry about you breath.
The television is telling you to worry about your sex appeal
The television is telling you to worry about your weight
The television is telling you to worry about your age
The television is telling you to worry about your job
The television is telling you to worry about your car
The television is telling you to worry about the size of your television.
The television is always trying to sell you something by generating a false need and creating a parrallel between your hair (your ______"whatever)and your self esteem.
Hair loss has nothing to do with sexuality except, men who are thinning may have a higher sex drive than men who retain their hair.
I've got about 2,453 other things to worry about besides my hair loss.
I think Mueller, you may be experiencing some sort of post partum neglect and it has nothing to do with your hair and everything to do with your self esteem.
Instead of spending $5000 to get a hair graft, toupe, treatments, etc, go back to school and get a masters degree (or college fund for your kids or medical bills or something that has real value and fuch the superficial people that the rest of us are forced to bear.

Posted by: Michael N Jan 14 2006, 11:33 PM

Balding since 18. Now 34. Just keep reminding myself that the more hair I loose, the more head I get. rolleyes.gif

Posted by: PatW Jan 15 2006, 03:06 AM

Balding since 30, now 41. Got one of these for my chin wiskers. Take off the foil and run it on my head close. Little brother, seven years younger now does his the same.

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Posted by: PatW Jan 15 2006, 03:08 AM

No rugs, No Plugs, No Drugs.. biggrin.gif No hair, No problem.

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Posted by: Scott Carlberg Jan 15 2006, 03:19 AM

QUOTE (Headrage @ Jan 14 2006, 10:20 AM)
Go with this look.

you're referring to the Bald look, not the Gay look, right???? laugh.gif
(insert picture of Rob Halford)

Seriously though....


Heavy Metal GODS!!! clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

Posted by: MecGen Jan 15 2006, 07:45 AM

Hi People

Unfortunayely hair loss is in my family too...I seem to be a late looser, @39 I am starting to loose more. My Bro has been bald since 22, my Pop as well.

The reality is how bad does it affect you personaly? My Bro has a serious complex from ex had the same thing going on about having smaller breasts (they realy weren't that small), thro in the fact that you are single...

My point is if it bugs you get it fixed, my Bro pays 10X more for sterio equipement, because he is a hermit... screwy.gif If and when my hair loss is at a point that I can't deal, 10K on a credit card, for an extra 20 years of peace...priceless



Posted by: DNHunt Jan 15 2006, 08:05 AM

Bald and proud of it. I like my money in my pocket (well in my car) and not on my head.

I really don't want offend anyone but, I hate people being manipulated by Madison Avenue. I hate advertising telling people over and over how they should look. Everyday, I see people who ask me "Should I bleach my teeth?".They think white equates with healthy and young. Why? Because they have been spoon feed that. Now we have people who have very sensitive teeth that look like the F'ing moon. And they want me to fix their sensitive teeth so, I tell them to "Stop bleaching and the sensitivity will go away". And they say "I can't do that cause my teeth will get yellow". GRRR!

Everybody should just try to be happy with what they are and deal with the things they can control. Rant over.

Mike as soon as the kids get home you won't have time to worry about a little bald spot. wub.gif


Posted by: drgchapman Jan 15 2006, 10:05 AM


very good Dave!

Posted by: Bleyseng Jan 15 2006, 10:27 AM

Its actually much cheaper now to get a haircut.
Before I had to go get it "styled" $25-35 every two months
Now I go get a buzzcut for $10 every two months.

I suppose I could get Monique to do it but I like going to the female stylist and getting that massage of my balding head.

Seriously, I would worry more about getting fat, your blood pressure etc so you can keep up with your girls later on. They will love you if you don't have hair but they are going to keep you busy the rest of your life! Stay in shape and stay healthy!


Posted by: olav Jan 15 2006, 10:56 AM

QUOTE (Bleyseng @ Jan 15 2006, 08:27 AM)

Seriously, I would worry more about getting fat, your blood pressure etc so you can keep up with your girls later on. They will love you if you don't have hair but they are going to keep you busy the rest of your life! Stay in shape and stay healthy!


Without your health you have nothing.

Posted by: dmenche914 Jan 15 2006, 11:13 AM

OEM German square weave is the correct replacement head piece for all 914 drivers!

Posted by: jhadler Jan 15 2006, 11:25 AM

Hey, balding is a sign of verility! At least that what my wife likes to say. She likes the thinning cover. Can't say it's my favorite thing, my head gets colder in the winter without a hat. But so what!

With the stratospheric cost of Hair Clubs and the absurd look of implants, and the ineffectiveness of the rest, why would I bother? That time and money is far better spent on better things... Like my 5 month old daughter. Who's just going to accelerate my hair loss in around 13 years anyway... biggrin.gif Or my 914! Geez, $300 a month for the teener? I'd have a six in no time!!! biggrin.gif

I think the last few posts nailed it. You know who you are! Your wife loves you, your daughters will love you, your 914 loves you (I hope), what more do you need? beer.gif

And keep in mind that you're not actually -llosing- the hair. It's just migrating south... wacko.gif


Posted by: JmuRiz Jan 16 2006, 09:00 AM

It's just hair, not sure why people get so worked up over it. It's not like someone stole our 914s or something (now that'd be something to worry about).
I've been cutting my own hair for about 5 years now, since I'm loosing it. Just cut it nice and short every other week or so and it looks good. Kind of a dave mathews meets dave letterman look wink.gif I'm 29 and don't sweat it at all. I'd rather have $ in my pocket for toys, car and house mods.

Oh yeah, once you are totally bald, just say you are from the future...there is no genetic reason for hair anymore, so we are just more evolved. When was the last time you heard of an alien encountere where the alien was hairy (excluding Chewbaca).

Posted by: rick 918-S Jan 16 2006, 09:32 AM

idea.gif cool_shades.gif assimilate.gif alien.gif alien_2.gif

Posted by: Jenny Jan 16 2006, 01:19 PM

I can't believe no girls have posted in this thread yet.

1. I think Mike used to do the spiked hair look. Worked for him. Kinda ex-military, IMHO.

2. Can't speak for all wimmen, but I personally don't give a rat's ass how much hair a guy's got up top. I'm too short to see it anyway. biggrin.gif A great smile & sense of humor will last much longer than the hair on your head does.

Seriously, Mike, don't sweat it. But wear sunscreen. Because a red, peeling scalp doesn't do it for most girls. wink.gif


Posted by: 9146986 Jan 16 2006, 01:37 PM

QUOTE (Jenny @ Jan 16 2006, 11:19 AM)
A great smile & sense of humor will last much longer than the hair on your head does.


That and, um.... other...."talents", is what my wife said was her attraction to me. Damn sure wasn't my looks laugh.gif

Posted by: PatW Jan 16 2006, 03:14 PM

QUOTE (Jenny @ Jan 16 2006, 11:19 AM)

2. Can't speak for all wimmen, but I personally don't give a rat's ass how much hair a guy's got up top. I'm too short to see it anyway. biggrin.gif A great smile & sense of humor will last much longer than the hair on your head does.

Jenny. You're alright biggrin.gif

Posted by: scottb Jan 16 2006, 05:34 PM

i am firmly in the "get your own clippers" camp. i haven't paid for a haircut in over 10 years. started losing my hair in my late 20's and gave up worrying about in in my early 30's. my wife could care less, my kids have never seen me with anything but a close cropped clipper cut so they don't know any different.

but definitely wear a hat in summer. nothing, repeat nothing, hurts as much as a scalp sunburn. and when you slather sun screen on your face, just smear some more on your head.

biggrin.gif (happy bald guy smiley)

Posted by: campbellcj Jan 17 2006, 12:01 AM

No joke...thanks I'm sure to this thread, I had a nightmare last nite that I was losin' it all the sudden. Knock on wood it hasn't begun yet, just some greys.

Posted by: Toast Jan 17 2006, 12:57 PM

Try NIOXIN cleaning and treatment products from a professional salon or salon supply store.

Works great on thickening your hair and starts regrowth with continued use. Has a great minty smell.
Saw it work on someone I had lived with.

Posted by: Jenny Jan 17 2006, 01:01 PM

QUOTE (campbellcj @ Jan 16 2006, 10:01 PM)
No joke...thanks I'm sure to this thread, I had a nightmare last nite that I was losin' it all the sudden. Knock on wood it hasn't begun yet, just some greys.

laugh.gif if it ever happened, Chris, you could totally do a comb over.


Posted by: Scott Schroeder Jan 17 2006, 04:22 PM

1988 and 2005 headbang.gif - oh well, its all good!

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Posted by: Toast Jan 17 2006, 04:39 PM

QUOTE (Scott Schroeder @ Jan 17 2006, 03:22 PM)
1988 and 2005 headbang.gif - oh well, its all good!

LOL laugh.gif

Too cool.

Let's get drummin together sometime. rock_band.gif

Posted by: xitspd Jan 17 2006, 04:50 PM

QUOTE (Jenny @ Jan 16 2006, 11:19 AM)
I can't believe no girls have posted in this thread yet.

1. I think Mike used to do the spiked hair look. Worked for him. Kinda ex-military, IMHO.

2. Can't speak for all wimmen, but I personally don't give a rat's ass how much hair a guy's got up top. I'm too short to see it anyway.  :D A great smile & sense of humor will last much longer than the hair on your head does.

Seriously, Mike, don't sweat it. But wear sunscreen. Because a red, peeling scalp doesn't do it for most girls. wink.gif


ohmy.gif Jenny,

The thought of a comb-over is a bit scary! Besides, I have been blessed with a very semmetrical head.....................screwy.gif


Posted by: messix Jan 17 2006, 07:03 PM

enough already!! you all have been going on about this like a bunch of "wimmen". suck it up and take it like a man for gods sakes. it happens and thats the facts of life. now quit cluckin like a bunch of hens and get on with some man stuff, like jack stands or somethen like that! biggrin.gif dead horse.gif spank.gif headbang.gif

Posted by: mack914 Jan 17 2006, 07:29 PM

Been shaving without a guard for a couple of years now. I think it's a age thing, the older you get the less important it is, especially when you compare it to the concerns in life. I'm 54 and would rather have the bald look.

Anyone see Jimmy Johnson's spiked dew during the football telecasts this weekend. That's a good example of trying to keep an image and a hip look for TV, when instead he looks like a dick. Rather be bald. lol2.gif

Posted by: Jeroen Jan 17 2006, 07:49 PM

enuf already!

Mike, post some pics of your fresh shaved head cool.gif

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