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Posted by: Albert914 Mar 1 2006, 10:38 AM

I have a driving school to attend this weekend and they require a transpounder on all cars. where is the best place to mount this on a 914? I don't want it to get damaged by flying objects.

Posted by: nine14cats Mar 1 2006, 10:42 AM

I have an AMB clip and I mount it on the rear f/g bumper of our 914. It seems to be protected.

Bill P.

Posted by: Marv's3.6six Mar 1 2006, 10:42 AM

Don't know about transponders.. but I mounted my hot lap sensor on the dash, looking out the passenger side of the wind screen.

Posted by: URY914 Mar 1 2006, 10:45 AM

I put mine inside the front fender just behind the turn signal.

Posted by: seanery Mar 1 2006, 10:46 AM

in the front! First across the line wins, right! laugh.gif

Is it an AMB? If so, they are easy to mount. In the front wheel well or behind the front bumper. There should be no obstruction between the transponder and the loop.

From the Florida Region of the SCCA
When you install the transponder; attach it to a location on your car where there is no obstruction between the transponder and the loop in the track. Closed wheel racers usually place them inside a front wheel well. Open wheel racers usually attach the transponder on the side of the tub or bottom.

Posted by: seanery Mar 1 2006, 10:48 AM

QUOTE (URY914 @ Mar 1 2006, 11:45 AM)
I put mine inside the front fender just behind the turn signal.

Paul, you don't have turnsignals anymore do you? laugh.gif

Posted by: jhadler Mar 1 2006, 11:17 AM

Is it -your- transponder? Or are you renting it? If it's a rental, just screw the mounting clip into the front license plate mount. The transponder will point down and will be unobstructed. These AMB transponders are -tough- critters. It practically doesn't matter where you mount them as long as it's less than 24" off the ground, is pointing down, and there is no metal between the transponder and the ground.

I've seen front mounted transponders come out unscathed when cars go into tire walls. These suckers are -tough-. It takes quite a bit to bend 'em, even more to break 'em.

Just make sure it's well mounted to the car. It's a lot easier to -loose- one than it is to break one.


Posted by: VegasRacer Mar 3 2006, 08:03 PM

You're gonna have to look in my blog to find out where I mounted mine last week. smash.gif

Posted by: brant Mar 3 2006, 08:09 PM

I agree with the front area...

Bill, why have it in the rear?
If someone is beside you the computer will show them as crossing the finish line first.

I've mounted AMB's in 2 914 race cars.
there is a sweet spot inside the passenger wheel well, on the inner fender, behind or inside of the strut.

it is a clear shot down to the loop.
and nearly goes through the lower a-arm.

very very protected from debree, and even crash damage. its only about 8 inches behind the front bumper but much more structurally sound and also shorter wires/easier to wire.

I'll look for a pic.

Posted by: drew365 Mar 3 2006, 08:13 PM

Mine is mounted on the front bumper but is illegal. POC rules call for it to be no more than 6" forward of the front axle. I'm probably going to move it to the rear bumper since inside the wheel well is hard to get at and it seems like it would get beat up there.

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Posted by: campbellcj Mar 4 2006, 12:39 AM

Mine is hardwired behind the front bumper and wired via the factory foglight circuit...has worked great so far. Andy I guess I hadn't noticed that 6" rule...crap. Maybe in the front trunk pointing down thru the oil cooler exhaust cutout would work?

Posted by: Racer Chris Mar 4 2006, 08:06 AM

Mine's in the passenger side wheel well, ahead of the axle line. It's in an area that is well protected, is low, easy to access and has a straight shot down to the ground.

Posted by: drew365 Mar 4 2006, 08:07 PM

QUOTE (campbellcj @ Mar 3 2006, 11:39 PM)
Mine is hardwired behind the front bumper and wired via the factory foglight circuit...has worked great so far. Andy I guess I hadn't noticed that 6" rule...crap. Maybe in the front trunk pointing down thru the oil cooler exhaust cutout would work?

I haven't seen it in the GCR's myself, but Bob Taylor keeps telling me that's the rule and if I beat someone in my class they can protest because of the transponder being illegal. I just tell him there's a fat chance I'm going to win V3/ R5, but I plan on moving it.

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