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Posted by: rhodyguy Sep 16 2003, 05:22 AM

it was very interesting watching him work. i had a good replacement switch w/key. without a key to retract the collum lock it would be a real pain to remove the old cyl. he found a blank that fit. he then wiggles the key back and forth to leave a slight impression of the tumblers. he patiently hand files to get the switch to turn. "reads" the key on this gauge. then looks up the factory code and cuts the new key to factory spec's. so now i have as new key(s) for the new cyl and he fine tuned the key for the exsisting trunk, glove box, fr trunk pull, and drivers side door. excellent. when you have a copy of an old key made at the hardware store that's what you get. a new old key. a heartly recommendation. GUARDIAN SECURITY GROUP, INC.

eagle eye dave hunt diagnosed the rear trunk prob. the old hinge bracket let go on the dr side. it was already fatigued. but that's not my problem. short drive yest. runs and shifts fine. haven't jacked it up for the visual.

i also swapped the old wiper/turn switch. now the auto cancel works on the turn signals. smilie_pokal.gif


Posted by: mharrison Sep 16 2003, 06:48 AM

I've seen two locksmiths use the method of imprinting the key then hand-filing. They were both probably doing the same thing with skeleton keys 60 years ago! I think that is an old-school technique and like most things that are old-school....highly effective and practically a lost art.

Posted by: applescotty Sep 16 2003, 08:49 AM

My uncle is a locksmith. I've gone on several calls with him where a driver has left the keys on his seat. My uncle will pull out a key blank and by looking at the key through the window and using some type of handheld cutter, will cut a key that pretty much always works the first time. The customer is always amazed.

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