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Posted by: campbellcj Feb 21 2003, 11:09 PM

Damn granola Topanga Canyon crowd came down from their tree houses in the hills, put on their Birkenstocks and Tie-Dyes, loaded up on soy chai lattes, and blocked PCH two evenings in a row.

Yesterday it took me a friggen HOUR to go 2 miles on the way home. Same shit today; not quite as bad but it took me 1.5 hours to go 25 miles where it's normally 45-60mph all the way.

I'm trying to figure out who I can write a nasty letter to and make sure they all got arrested and/or beaten and/or run-over.

They were actually gone by the time I got to their spot, otherwise I might have stains on my bumper now.

Sorry for the rant. After working all day this is crap I REALLY do not need and won't tolerate on public roads and lands that I pay a shitload of taxes to keep up...

Posted by: vortrex Feb 21 2003, 11:33 PM

oh man, that's when you get an old pickup truck and pretend the brakes went out. biggrin.gif

what are people like this in the world trying to prove? what I can never figure out about people like that is this...

there are countless places in the world where they can live in total peace. no SUV's, no smog, no crime, no environmental problems. YET, they insist on living in the absolute center of the very issues they whine about.

what a bunch of losers.

Posted by: SirAndy Feb 21 2003, 11:54 PM

QUOTE(campbellcj @ Feb 21 2003, 09:09 PM)
Sorry for the rant. After working all day this is crap I REALLY do not need and won't tolerate on public roads and lands that I pay a shitload of taxes to keep up...

the whole point is that IT IS SUPPOSED TO HURT.
otherwise no one would even notice. create unconvinience for the everyday, go to work, pay my taxes on time, do i smell good tonight, freaking robots like ..., well, you know rolleyes.gif

now about this thing with YOUR taxes paying for road maintenance, i dunno where you live (supposedly CA), but i don't think ANY of your taxes goes into road maintenance. not here in CA anyways. heck, i've been to 3rd world countries, and their dirty roads had less pot-holes than any CA highway ...

ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif ph34r.gif

Posted by: bhfast Feb 21 2003, 11:58 PM

what's orange and red and looks great on hippies??


Posted by: campbellcj Feb 22 2003, 12:10 AM

Actually they are just finishing repaving the canyon road I drive to/from work every day. Part of the $7,000 a year in property taxes I pay most definitely goes towards road work...the LA County Dept of Transportation probably has a bigger budget than some small nations. The streets where I live are mostly in great shape; then again, a lot of them are only 20-30 years old at the most.

If these people think they are making a positive difference in the world by fucking up the evening plans of thousands of people, they are absolutely WRONG. All they are doing is pissing people off and hurting whatever cause they are trying to promote.

They should get INVOLVED in politics or diplomacy or whatever, and actually DO something instead of standing around bitching and waving banners at people trying to get home to see their families.

Posted by: vortrex Feb 22 2003, 12:18 AM

drive by next time and mace them out your window.

Posted by: Alfred Feb 22 2003, 01:45 AM

QUOTE(bhfast @ Feb 21 2003, 09:58 PM)
what's orange and red and looks great on hippies??


LOL! laugh.gif


Posted by: scottb Feb 22 2003, 05:21 AM

here here campbell!!!!!

but your logic for the whiners to get involved in in the political process is flawed. you see, they can't actually USE the system they are complaining about as that would make them part of the problem. the circular logic of the far left is quite interesting. it makes one wonder whether they actually want change or simply want to bitch a lot.

my brother has an old f250 but i think he is using it on the protesters in boulder co right now!!!! ar15.gif ar15.gif

Posted by: seanery Feb 22 2003, 08:16 AM


Do you know what they were even bitching about?

I love the roads in your area! We used to go harley riding up there!! biggrin.gif Man I miss warm weather!

Getting 2 snow storms this weekend 8 more inches! (so they say) finger.gif :finger2: finger.gif :finger2: finger.gif :finger2:

Posted by: fuch toy Feb 22 2003, 09:34 AM

What's black and brown and looks good on a protestor?

My doberman..... rolleyes.gif

Our Mayor up here wears Birskenstocks and leads the godamned parade on the anti war protests......stoopid twat.

Posted by: campbellcj Feb 22 2003, 10:22 AM

According to the radio they were anti-war protesters.

That is irrelevant to me - whether I agree with their bitches or not, I do not believe in disruptive, "negative" gatherings like that, deliberately planned to f* with other people. If they want to get together peacefully in somebody's back yard and hold hands while singing Kum-By-Ya, then more power to 'em.

Hey Sean -- yup, it's only 48F outside right now but it's heading up to about 70F today cool_shades.gif

Posted by: Mark Henry Feb 22 2003, 11:22 AM

I love living in the country! The last traffic jam we had here was last summer, when the neighbor’s cows got loose. laugh.gif

If I need reminding of how much I hate the city, I just drive to Toronto during rush hour. fighting19.gif

We have a stretch of highway called the ‘Don Valley Parkway’, everyone calls it the ‘Don Valley Parking Lot’. Protesters love to hit it, a 10min. protest will kill traffic for the whole day. mad.gif

Posted by: drew365 Feb 22 2003, 11:41 AM

There's a good cartoon in the L.A. Times today that kind of addresses both sides of this. It shows a protester about to get lynched by Hussein:

Protester: But you don't understand, I'm protesting against the war on Iraq.

Hussein: No, you don't understand, we don't allow any protests. What do you think this is America? :gilloutine:

Posted by: Don Wohlfarth Feb 22 2003, 11:55 AM

Except for a couple years in Navy, I lived my entire life inside the beltway around DC. I may have seen more protests in a year or two than some have seen in a lifetime. wink.gif
From the anti-war in the 60's, gays, AID's, Million Man, you name it and its been here.
The only one that really pissed me off was a couple years ago protesting the IMF and World Bank, the same group that raised hell in Seattle, the anarchists. They are truly evil people promoting the complete absence of government, disorder, and lawlessness. There should only be one way to deal with them. :gilloutine:
I must admit that it tickles me to hear you guys that live in the most liberal part of the US pissin' and moanin' because the protesters are infringing of your rights. biggrin.gif

Posted by: SirAndy Feb 22 2003, 01:14 PM

well, at least they (the protesters) have the balls to go out and do SOMETHING
instead of just sitting on their sorry ass watching the government piss away
several hundred BILLIONS of our tax money on a war that isn't going to help anybody.


Posted by: vortrex Feb 22 2003, 02:16 PM

and how is what they're doing going to help anyone or any cause? they are whiners out to make a small subset of the worlds population miserable with their childish pouting.

Posted by: J P Stein Feb 22 2003, 02:38 PM

Balls? This requires a bit of definition.

Balls is steping off a landing craft at Omaha Beach.
Balls is popping up and shooting at these guys coming ashore after being shelled by a fucking battleship.
Balls is having the fortitude to put yourself in the position to do things like this, knowing that the only way out is:

To see it thru.

Get killed or maimed.

Balls is risking the most precious thing we have for the good of another.

I know people that have done this sort of thing.
None of them (except for a head case or 2) needed to prove their manhood by bar fighting or bungy jumping.

In my experience, committment to a cause thins out when mortal danger is involved (And the danger is recognized. Any fool can blunder into shit.). Those that "see it thru" have balls.

Maybe my stardards are too high.

Posted by: campbellcj Feb 22 2003, 02:45 PM

My father-in-law took most of last year off work and away from the family to go run for US Senate as an Independent, against the "establishment". He was not able to pump much money into the campaign so had extremely minimal chances, but most of what was spent came right out of his own bank account, not from PAC and lobbyist money. His wife also took a year off work, unpaid, to support the effort. He gave speeches, radio and TV interviews in different towns all over the state to various audiences. In order to get on the ballot (which he did) they had to drum up 5,000 individual signatures, and validate them as legitimate registered voters, IIRC. Unfortunately the status-quo prevailed and the incumbant is still in office there.

Now THAT is what I call getting involved instead of just bitching and moaning.

I can't say I have done anything like that, yet, but when my family and business obligations allow, I will be glad to pitch in and help try to improve our country in some meaningful way.

Posted by: Bleyseng Feb 22 2003, 02:56 PM

Atleast in this country you can still protest, have you read about in Venezuala that 2 of the protest leaders were killed/arrested by the Secret Police?
I would rather have the right to protest, to air my view without jail time or worse. That's what my father fought for in WW2 and my Grandfather in WW1.
I don't like protesters blocking freeways and roads thats plain stupid and pisses everyone off without making their point.

Posted by: seanery Feb 22 2003, 03:38 PM

I vote.

Whiners who don't vote shut up and don't bitch!


That's the only way you can change things in this country. PERIOD.

Posted by: Bleyseng Feb 22 2003, 03:56 PM

yeah I always vote even make sure my kids I get to bitch and complain...sure would like some of that trickle down economics money to dribble my way sometime, even a few drops would be cool.

Posted by: URY914 Feb 22 2003, 05:53 PM

Sir Andy,
For a guy that is a guest in Our Great Land Of Freedom you seem to bitch and complain about OUR goverment too fucking much. You seem to forget if it were not for our fathers and grandfathers fighting for your ass, you would be goose stepping to a polka instead of twistin' to the Beatles. How much less are taxes in the US than in GB?

I just had to get that off my chest before I pull over and kick some anti-American's ass. I now await your piss-ant reply.

Posted by: fuch toy Feb 22 2003, 07:17 PM

QUOTE(URY914 @ Feb 22 2003, 03:53 PM)
Sir Andy,
For a guy that is a guest in Our Great Land Of Freedom you seem to bitch and complain about OUR goverment too fucking much. You seem to forget if it were not for our fathers and grandfathers fighting for your ass, you would be goose stepping to a polka instead of twistin' to the Beatles. How much less are taxes in the US than in GB?

I just had to get that off my chest before I pull over and kick some anti-American's ass. I now await your piss-ant reply.

Outa line, dude.....he's got his head on his shoulders....

Posted by: tahoward Feb 22 2003, 07:24 PM

J.P., your standards aren't too high, others are much too low! If it weren't for people with such standards the world today wouldn't be worth living in.

Posted by: Bleyseng Feb 22 2003, 07:24 PM

Hey, I thought in this great land of ours everyone could bitch and moan to their hearts content regardless of where they where born! Or has that changed too from 9-11? If so Osama made his point...................

Posted by: Sammy Feb 22 2003, 07:38 PM

You all probably already knew that it's against the law to run over stupid ass protesters who block streets, but did you know they actually have a law that says you can't beat em around the head with a baseball bat? I couldn't believe it when I read that.
I gotta write a letter to someone.

I saw a sign that said "Saddam ony kills his people, it's none of our business".

I wonder iffn those protesters realize that the only reason they have the right to complain is because countless brave men went to war and fought and died so those back home could have the freedom to express themselves. If this country never went to war we would have less rights that the Iraqis.

Posted by: SirAndy Feb 22 2003, 10:42 PM

QUOTE(URY914 @ Feb 22 2003, 03:53 PM)
For a guy that is a guest in Our Great Land Of Freedom you seem to bitch and complain about OUR goverment too fucking much. I now await your piss-ant reply.


so, your "Great Land Of Freedom" is only great and free if your're NOT a guest?
a guest does not have the "right" to criticise your government?
but wait, i pay taxes, they call me a "resident alien", don't let me vote tho.
sooooo, you think i should just fill my dirty mouth with fastfood and shut the fuck up, right? is that your idea of "Our Great Land Of Freedom" ????

ok, then let's see how you want to treat the people "Born in America".
if they exercise their right for free speech,
if they "live" democracy by organizing public (peaceful but annoying) protestes,
you say, kill them suckers! run them over with my car! hang them high!
soooo, you have the "Freedom" to kill people that voice a opinion that is not
yours!?!? what makes you better than them? who decides who is a good
american and who's a bad american? you?
you know how that sounds to me? were i come from, we had a lot
of people like that some 60 years ago. millions of them actually.
they all felt superior over the rest of the population and i hope we all here
know how that ended (60 million dead) ...

i bow pray.gif to everyone who excercises his democratic rights.
as campbellcj and Bleyseng and others mentioned, it is important that
you get involved, go vote, support local politicians, it does make a difference.
democracy starts with you ...

intolerance = fascism fighting19.gif

ok, enough of this. i need some beers now beer.gif beerchug.gif beer.gif ...

PS: just FYI, i don't like birkenstock hippies either but probably for different reasons ...

Posted by: J P Stein Feb 22 2003, 11:00 PM

QUOTE(SirAndy @ Feb 22 2003, 08:42 PM)

intolerance = fascism fighting19.gif


The problem with email is that it's forever.

"i had nazi skinheads shoot at me twice.
they broke into my house once and completely destroyed everything in it.
i had 2 cars trashed into pieces. and still, every time i run into
one of those braindead idiots, i just can't keep my hands off them."

Posted by: SirAndy Feb 22 2003, 11:22 PM

QUOTE(J P Stein @ Feb 22 2003, 09:00 PM)
The problem with email is that it's forever.

i actually think it's a good thing and not a problem. wink.gif

and i never said that i am perfect ...
altought i like to believe that i am getting better the older i get.

yes, i am having problems tolerating fascist skinheads.
but i also don't spent my afternoon trying to run them over
with my car or shoot them in the back.

now back to the important things in life ... beerchug.gif

Posted by: Alfred Feb 23 2003, 12:24 AM

QUOTE(SirAndy @ Feb 22 2003, 08:42 PM)

... were i come from, we had a lot
of people like that some 60 years ago. millions of them actually.
they all felt superior over the rest of the population and i hope we all here
know how that ended (60 million dead) ...

The treaty of Versailles really helped get that ball rolling don't you think?

QUOTE(SirAndy @ Feb 22 2003, 08:42 PM)

intolerance = fascism fighting19.gif

Uh huh. rolleyes.gif

Is this tolerable?
"Blacks were over 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in
2000" (U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics)

I can delete this post later, right?


Posted by: URY914 Feb 23 2003, 06:29 AM

Sir Andy,
Protesters have the right to protest, but they have to follow the law. So have a peace march, but get a permit. I have a right to get pissed off when they interupt my life and block the streets.

You need to reread my post a few times. I did not say protesters should be killed, run over with thier car or hung high. Where did you come up with this shit?

I did not say anyone has the "freedom" to kill someone who does not have the same opinion as you.

And I didn't say anything about filling your mouth with fast food.

Do you make shit up to get your point across? I guess it helps when your point is so weak.

Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on you being that you are a "guest" and all, but I think you got a little carried away in your reply. You can't read my mind so don't assume what I mean to say.

Now how about a big hug? smlove2.gif

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