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Posted by: SirAndy Jul 2 2006, 12:15 AM

so i've been having these random episodes of sudden chest pain for the last 1 1/2 years or so. never thought much of it ...

then, last night, i woke up around 2am with a really sharp pain in my chest, lasted for about an hour.

i felt fine when i woke up this morning. shannon and i went to get lunch and while i was driving, the pain came back and the left half of my face went numb.
we get to the lunch place and i get dizzy and have hotflashes.

shannon freaks out and drives me to the hospital. i tell them my symptoms and they rush me right past the line of other patients and into the ER and hooked me up to a gazillion of cables.

then i had to eat a bunch of pretty happy pills and they gave me a few shots of nitroglycerine. got all fresh oxygen to breath too. yum! chowtime.gif

fast forward, 5 hours later, i'm back home and i feel fine right now.
initial test results are looking fairly good except my blood pressure was waaay high. they took x-rays too.

i'll get more details tomorrow, but it looks like my heart was trying to tell me something for the last 18 month, but i didn't listen ...

so, if you have similar things happen to you, take my advice and "listen to your heart" ...
don't put it off like it did.

scared the shit out of me ...
blink.gif Andy

PS: shannon took a pic with her cellphone, i might post it later ...
she said all the wires looked like an engine harness biggrin.gif

Posted by: McMark Jul 2 2006, 12:21 AM

I'm glad you didn't come to work on your car. Better to be in a familiar place when stuff like that happens. Happy to hear it wasn't anything major. sad.gif

Posted by: echocanyons Jul 2 2006, 12:22 AM

No heart cath?

Good to hear you are OK

Posted by: SirAndy Jul 2 2006, 12:24 AM

QUOTE(McMark @ Jul 1 2006, 11:21 PM) *

I'm glad you didn't come to work on your car. Better to be in a familiar place when stuff like that happens. Happy to hear it wasn't anything major. sad.gif

i'm still waiting for the final results, but yeah, i'm glad i wasn't on the road somewhere alone or at the shop, that would have sucked even more ...

fingers crossed ...
popcorn[1].gif Andy

Posted by: SirAndy Jul 2 2006, 12:32 AM

QUOTE(echocanyons @ Jul 1 2006, 11:22 PM) *

No heart cath?

speaking of, while i was there, two people came in and died.

one woman right next to me. it looks just like in the movies, with the electrodes to jumpstart the heart and stuff. only thing they don't show on TV, this was a bloody mess! they were cutting her for air (i think), blood all over the place.
no fun to watch, they were trying to get her heart started for at least 45 minutes. came back a few times, then went away again. they finally gave up on her ...

not the kind of stuff you want to see while you're there, strapped on a hospital bed ...

then they rolled in another guy that had a heart-attack. he died 10 minutes later ...

i think i got my share of dead people for the day ...
sad.gif Andy

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Jul 2 2006, 12:35 AM

Prayers said. You would think that someone as mechanical as you would know the mechanics of his own body. Bad Andy..

Posted by: Lou W Jul 2 2006, 12:40 AM

Wow, Glad to hear you're ok...probably not a good idea to blow chest pains off.
Take care of yourself. smile.gif

Posted by: BarberDave Jul 2 2006, 03:01 AM

Andy: Same thing happened to me 2 yrs. ago. Please have a compleat heart work up ,not a bad preventive maintainence idea, like checking for rust. And then follow there instructions. Were only on this ride for a short time,make it as long as possible. Dave slap.gif

Posted by: J P Stein Jul 2 2006, 05:15 AM

In the immortal words of George Burns:
"If I knew I was gonna live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself when I was younger".

You're still "younger". Do not ignore this episode. Sure it scrared you, but guys have a tendency to believe that "I'm OK now, fuckit". Right now, you're paranoid...but are you paranoid enuff?

If you want to get be an old fart (not the greatest situation in the world, but the alternative is worser) get on this problem and find out exactly what happened and react accordingly...please.

Posted by: URY914 Jul 2 2006, 06:55 AM

Andy, you better be careful when Germany wins the World Cup. drunk.gif

Posted by: itsa914 Jul 2 2006, 07:03 AM

Glad you are ok, but I agree with everyone else. Get a complete heart check. I had issues 4 yrs ago, felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest, wife & mother made me go to the ER. Long story short, after EKG, then tread mill test..... everything was fine BUT I now take blood pressure meds dry.gif Not what I wanted to be doing at age 36 (back then) Every year since I do the heart check thing every year. Heart problems run in my fathers side (like most men don't make it past 60 yrs old) Just had a cousin at age 42 have a double bypass, NOT what I want to be doing.

Get check and be healthy. thumb3d.gif

Posted by: IanStott Jul 2 2006, 08:13 AM

Difficult to change from a Type A person which you may be, however pacing yourself enables you to have a shot at first place in many things! We have a saying in my peer group, "never operated anything yet that didn't tell me in advance it was gonna break down" You have too much smarts to be negligent about this. I wish you only good things!

Ian Stott

Posted by: Headrage Jul 2 2006, 08:17 AM

agree.gif with all of the above.

Glad yer doing okay...

Posted by: scottb Jul 2 2006, 08:45 AM

hey andy,

i know we have some docs and docs in training on the board, but my dad is a cardiologist if you need any interpretation of test results.



Posted by: Gint Jul 2 2006, 08:54 AM



Somebody had to say it.

Glad to hear that you're OK youoleGerryGeezer!

agree.gif ...

...with everyone else. Get a full work up ASAP. I've seen the results of folks ignoring those signs. It's not pretty.

Posted by: wbergtho Jul 2 2006, 08:58 AM

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope it turns out to be nothing or at least something you can manage. Take care.


Posted by: "Z" Jul 2 2006, 08:58 AM

Yikes...hey, wanna second opinion?

Yer uglee too....badda bump....thank yew I'm here all week....try the prime rib.

The heart is nothing to screw around with....find a good cardio guy and get a good work up.

When Mrs. K chimes in...I 'm sure she can give you the rundown on good uns up there in the bay area....

Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Jul 2 2006, 09:12 AM

Hi Andy,

Get well & listen to your doctor. It's your 2nd chance to live a long & wonderful life. It's a wake up call. Take care of yourself, we need you around.

BTW: This is the first I've had time to look at 914-club activities in the last two weeks. To Mark having lost his brother & everyone else suffering life's dis-appoints you are all in my prayer's. This 914-club family we all love is special to us all. I share your joys in life and sorrow in things that happen in your life. We are family.

Posted by: Carlitos Way Jul 2 2006, 09:15 AM

Glad to know you're doin' OK. And as the song goes... "Listen to your heart"


Hang in there!!!

Posted by: Unclerichy Jul 2 2006, 09:26 AM

I went through the same thing 3 weeks ago. Ended up in ER at 1am, test results were normal at that time. Unfortunately, cardiac problems can sometimes be tricky. You should have had your bloodwork retested later that day because the enzymes affected don't change until 10 hours later. That's what happened in my case - they came back high later in the day.

I just had a stress test this last Wednesday, and fortunately everything was fine. The point is to follow up with your doctors.

Posted by: Mrs. K Jul 2 2006, 09:29 AM

QUOTE(echocanyons @ Jul 1 2006, 11:22 PM) *

No heart cath?

Good to hear you are OK


But are you going to have the whole stess test, echocardiogram and angiogram (aka heart cath)????

I do the heart caths and I am an independent contractor,
so just say the word and I'll come up to your hospital and gladly assist on your procedure....
but you realize that for an angiogram we go through the femoral artery in your groin,
so I have to shave and prep the area wink.gif cool_shades.gif

Seriously, if I can help in any way PM me,
but do check everything out.
It could just be your high blood pressure, which I hope is under control now smile.gif


Posted by: kwales Jul 2 2006, 09:44 AM


If you shave and prep him, his blood pressure is going UP!!!!! happy11.gif

Have an ugly friend that does the same work? biggrin.gif

Seriously, ANDY, getcher ass checked out..... Er... I mean getcher pump checked out.

Cardio is not something to fool around with. Anyway, glad to hear you are still a tough guy and still kicking. The life lesson from your roomates is to get checked out. Hope it all comes back clean and all you need to do is to relieve stress...

You know, something like "Honey, I have a perscription for sex 3 times a day....." happy11.gif

One of the 3 Attorneys at my old job just came in and said he was out on medical leave for awhile... Then one of the Attorneys at my new job went in 3 days a week to to cover for him. Seems he has Atrial Fib and his heartbeat goes irregular. Now he needs some lesions (burns) placed on his heart to kill the "bad" nerves that cause the erratic heartbeat.

Take care,


Posted by: JPB Jul 2 2006, 09:52 AM

Happy your still hrer and kicking. I have the same thing now and again and will probably go in for the whole shubang.

WTF.gif Must be old age setting in I guess?

Posted by: tod914 Jul 2 2006, 09:56 AM

Take care of your ticker there Andy, you only get one and can't rebuild it with a Jake kit. Glad your ok.

Posted by: JB 914 Jul 2 2006, 10:51 AM


had something similar happen last summer. felt like a drum solo going on in my chest. been on beta blockers and BP meds ever since. I'm lucky no side effects that i can tell. although the BP meds make you pee alot in the beginning. Just think of them as a beer capsule. biggrin.gif

Posted by: davep Jul 2 2006, 11:26 AM

Glad you are okay (relatively at least). I had a scare some years ago, and went to Emergency. Yes, they rush you past everyone. Turns out it was more heartburn than anything, combined with a numb arm from sleeping on it the wrong way. The doctor did say that the same nerves that signal heart problems are the ones that signal heartburn, so even doctors can't properly diagnose themselves on this issue.

Posted by: Jenny Jul 2 2006, 11:49 AM

Andy, my cardio doc was wonderful to me when I had my procedure a few years ago. I can give you his name if you're looking for a good heart doc. Lemme know, and good luck. I agree with everyone else. Definately get it checked out.

I had heart probs back in 2001, had surgery, and the problem was resolved. But recently I've been having sporatic pain and pressure in my chest again. Of course, I've been brushing it off, and I've got Brian kicking my ass to go see a cardiologist.


Posted by: SirAndy Jul 2 2006, 11:52 AM

thanks guys & girls ...

made it through the night just fine, pain hasn't come back. still waiting for the results, but what they saw last night was obviously good enough to let me go home.

i'm already looking for doctors in my area to get a full checkup.

i don't like the idea of waking up one morning being dead ...
owned.gif Andy

Posted by: Brett W Jul 2 2006, 12:05 PM

This is a problem with a lot of men. We are supposed to "suck it up" and deal with the pain. This mentality can get you killed. Glad you got it checked out.

Posted by: pete-stevers Jul 2 2006, 12:40 PM

Glad it is looking ok andy!!!!!!!!!!!!
emerge is no place to be.....
thank goodness you are on the keyboard and doing ok!!!
best wishes from the peters family.....

Posted by: redshift Jul 2 2006, 12:43 PM


Posted by: nebreitling Jul 2 2006, 12:47 PM

jesus, andy -- i'm glad you're okay. please update the board -- you've got a few thousand supporters rooting for you here!

Posted by: bmunday Jul 2 2006, 12:54 PM

Glad your home safely Andy.... boldblue.gif Take it easy....

Posted by: Dr. Roger Jul 2 2006, 02:16 PM

happy11.gif holy crap man, i thought i was bad....

i started to get some pressure in my chest, less than 2 years ago, and saw my doc.

he started asking questions about my habits. i lied and said i eat right, drink just a little caffeine and alcohol and get regular exercise. The truth is I used to drink beer, wine, booze, and caffeine like a fish. =-O

i left thinking i would make a few changes... and did for a few weeks.

a month later, a scared dip-shit (me) payed another visit to the doc and told the truth.
the doc told the dip-shit to cut out the booze and eat more healthfully. i do actually exercise but ate excessive saturated fat and drink too much alcohol and caffeine.

now that i made those adjustments i've had no issues... well i just cut out alcohol but kept caffeine. i grill a lot more and rarely burgers...

my father told me the exact same thing as the george burns saying.... and he is right. if i'd have known i was going to live this long i'd have taken better care of myself.

I'm not young anymore and neither are you my friend. =-)

oh BTW,
excessive alcohol consumption can not only have a long term, cumulative adverse affect your liver and kidneys, but also your heart and brain. blink.gif

Us smart guys need a wake up call sometimes... aktion035.gif poke.gif i hope you just got yours. who's going to kick some ass and take names at the next alameda AX if your not around?! beer3.gif (swith from rum and cokes to Chai's LOL)

Posted by: jimtab Jul 2 2006, 02:31 PM

Jesus Andy...some guys will do anything to get attention...hope all is well, all this shit seems to pile up as we age...who knew we bullet proof guys could be "gotten to" by so many seemingly small things...take care of yourself...nothing is more important and pay attention to the signals your body literally is a life and death choice. Be well. Jim

Posted by: Qarl Jul 2 2006, 02:35 PM

Get THOROUGHLY checked out by a cardio specialist. I just met a gentleman on vacation with family history of heart disease. He himself is a physician.

He gets checked regularly every 6 months (stress test, thalium, ekg, etc.). His las test on December 3rd came back 100% fine. 4 days later he collapsed walking the street in Manhattan. Had some additional tests and discovered 4 blocked vessels near his heart... one 99% ocluded. He was operated on the next day.

Get checked regularly!

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jul 2 2006, 04:44 PM

I dont know what to say. The subject title had me freaked out.

Glad you are ok. Kinda surprised you didnt say anything about this to me prior to the hospital visit.

Glad you are ok. We have several more cars to build. Get well!


Posted by: drewvw Jul 2 2006, 05:01 PM

damn thats scary. Glad to hear you are okay andy....

Posted by: jonwatts Jul 2 2006, 07:00 PM

I spent all day Thursday in the ER because the wife had chest pains also. Hers turned out to be GI related rather than cardio; but these are all reminders that we need to take better care of ourselves.

Thanks for sharing what you're going through. None of us want to raid your parts stash that badly.

Posted by: boxstr Jul 2 2006, 07:08 PM

Andy I hope they gave you a trip permit, I don't want you coming to Oregon and having the big one, you going to be okay? Take care of yourself.

Posted by: Qarl Jul 2 2006, 07:12 PM

Speaking of...

Perhaps we can make some suggestions on healthier eating habits that are realistically easy to do with our busy lifestyles.

I'll start...

1. Watch your intake of saturated and trans fats... (this includes trans-fatty acids, and hydrogenated oils). Use olive oil, canola and soy oil. Avoid margerines, shortenings, and processed oils. In fact small abouts of regular butter are better than most margerines

2. Watch your intake of sugar. Use natural cane sugar and honey. Avoid corn syrups, fructose, processed sugar, etc.). Drop the sodas. If you gotta have the taste, then try diet soda vs. sweetened soda.

3. Watch your intake of carbs. Choose whole grains over processed white flour products.

4. Eat healthier meats (fish, salmon, chicken, buffalo, turkey). Avoid burgers, fatty steaks, processed meats, etc.

5. Watch your salt intake. If you must use salt, try kosher or sea salt, vs. iodized table salt.

6. Drink plenty of water.

7. Minimize your intake of caffeine.

Now you don't have to do this at EVERY meal. Think about how better you would feel if you reduced your Coke intake in half each day.... you had two less burgers a week, and ate some whole grain toast with honey and peanut butter in the morning instead of a Pop Tart.

Anybody else?

Posted by: Jeroen Jul 2 2006, 07:24 PM

that's some scarry shit Andy!
take care of yourself

Posted by: Pat Garvey Jul 2 2006, 07:26 PM


Scares the crap out of me! Glad to hear your doing OK, but take care of yourself!

Yeah, easy to say for a group of "gentlemen" who have done just about everything in the last 40 years. Still waiting for my wakeup call & expect it to be soon. Have done a lot of "lively livin" for a bunch of years, like the rest of us. But, you got the "call" - heed it.

We need your server!

Seriously! Good health!

Posted by: grantsfo Jul 2 2006, 07:38 PM

Take care of yourself! Just as important as your diet and excercize is the amount of stress you have in your life. Definitely get yourself checked out by a specialist.

My wife's doctor recently died from a heart attack at age 40 and hadnt had any history of heart problems. Scary stuff. It was a wake up call for me.

Now that I'm in my mid 40's I have started to do some things to take care of my heart. Eating better, drinking less, going on long hikes, losing weight, etc.

Posted by: LvSteveH Jul 2 2006, 08:30 PM

Glad you are feeling better Andy... lots of good advice.... I'm with Grant on the long term affects of stress........ I think it kills more guys than anything else. Take care of yourself and relax. wink.gif

Posted by: McMark Jul 2 2006, 08:31 PM

Karl! clap56.gif Well put! Dropping a single bad eating habit is a HUGE step in the right direction of getting out of an unhealthy rut. The first step is always the hardest.

I'm trying very hard to avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup. Once you start paying attention you realize that SHIT is in almost everything. Do a little reading on fructose VS sucrose. Fructose is some bad shit. Why do they serve it to us then? Same reason as everything else. $$$$$$

Posted by: jimtab Jul 2 2006, 08:48 PM

As I near my 6os I have learned...Moderation in Everything....of course, moderation seems to be the first thing to go...just eat sensibly and stay the fuck out of the fast food places...and no Budweiser( don't think that is healthier just tastes like shit)...

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Jul 2 2006, 09:22 PM

QUOTE(Qarl @ Jul 2 2006, 06:12 PM) *

Now you don't have to do this at EVERY meal. Think about how better you would feel if you reduced your Coke intake in half each day.... you had two less burgers a week, and ate some whole grain toast with honey and peanut butter in the morning instead of a Pop Tart.

Anybody else?

Well there ya go its all that coke you are doing, and you might want to quit the

smack and ice too. smile.gif

Posted by: Dr Evil Jul 2 2006, 09:58 PM

Glad you are not room temperature today. You have Lisa, Scotts Dad, and me if you have questions. god, the thought of having a cath done on my feromal art. gives me the willies. I hate even being touched in that area, but if my ticker were giving me symptoms I would not hesitate.

For all: Chest pain with ANY left side issues (arm pain, face pain) is a MAJOR red flag. The way the heart is plumbed is the reseon for this. Please seek help if you have these symptoms in particular.

Also Andy, I am truly sorry that you had to witness all the death and carnage while you were in there. That is not cool at all and I am sad that they did not do more or have the facilities to keep such things private from you. If it is any consolation, the next generation of docs are being traind to avoid such things. I consider it customer service on the psychological level.

Check your diet and habbits and live long, please.

Posted by: Borderline Jul 2 2006, 10:37 PM

Shit Andy, which hospital was that? They lost two right in front of you! I think I would be looking for a good cardiologist and a better hopsital! Sounds like you're getting plenty of good just follow it. Good health is a lifetime job. Get to work!

Posted by: Midtowner Jul 2 2006, 11:02 PM

Whoa Andy! That is one BIG scare! Take care dude. smile.gif

Posted by: Toast Jul 2 2006, 11:33 PM

Dang! Seems like there is alot of this going around. sad.gif

Andy, glad you are ok. Take care of yourself! yikes.gif

I've been ignoring some warnings signs from my body for a couple of years now. Finally went to doctor for a check. Some of the tests came back not so positive. He discussed some potential problems and gave me some warnings that were scary! A wake up call, but I have yet to do anything about it. slap.gif

Time for some changes.

Posted by: Elliot Cannon Jul 2 2006, 11:53 PM

I'm glad you're feeling better Andy. Take all this advice and get a full check up. My Dad died of a heart attack when he was 67 and I don't wish to repeat it. I've had a treadmill stress test, echo cardiogram and a relatively new test called Non-invasive Angiography. It's like Angioplasty except they inject die into an arm vein instead of a catheter in the femural artery. It is a fairly new test and they weren't sure if my insurance would cover it (it did). Listen to the Dr. and ASK QUESTIONS. Take care of yourself. Hope to see you in a few days.

Cheers, Elliot

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Jul 2 2006, 11:56 PM

Dude all this silence after news like that is a little unnerving. Earth to Andy.

Posted by: Carl Jul 3 2006, 12:25 AM

I hope the tests come out OK, Andy. Maybe it was too many burritos.

Posted by: Lou W Jul 3 2006, 12:32 AM

QUOTE(Qarl @ Jul 2 2006, 06:12 PM) *

Speaking of...

Perhaps we can make some suggestions on healthier eating habits that are realistically easy to do with our busy lifestyles.

I'll start...

1. Watch your intake of saturated and trans fats... (this includes trans-fatty acids, and hydrogenated oils). Use olive oil, canola and soy oil. Avoid margerines, shortenings, and processed oils. In fact small abouts of regular butter are better than most margerines

2. Watch your intake of sugar. Use natural cane sugar and honey. Avoid corn syrups, fructose, processed sugar, etc.). Drop the sodas. If you gotta have the taste, then try diet soda vs. sweetened soda.

3. Watch your intake of carbs. Choose whole grains over processed white flour products.

4. Eat healthier meats (fish, salmon, chicken, buffalo, turkey). Avoid burgers, fatty steaks, processed meats, etc.

5. Watch your salt intake. If you must use salt, try kosher or sea salt, vs. iodized table salt.

6. Drink plenty of water.

7. Minimize your intake of caffeine.

Now you don't have to do this at EVERY meal. Think about how better you would feel if you reduced your Coke intake in half each day.... you had two less burgers a week, and ate some whole grain toast with honey and peanut butter in the morning instead of a Pop Tart.

Anybody else?

Good stuff, I was just rereading a copy of a post that Sean and Cris Foley posted back January 27th of 06 talking about eating the right foods, it's never too late to start taking better care of ourselves.
I hope you're feeling better Andy. smile.gif

Posted by: shoguneagle Jul 3 2006, 01:29 AM


I am glad you are on top of this problem. Basically, the same thing happened to me only I did not have pain. I felt like something was wrong; came home from work; next thing I was wainting in ER; had a quad plus new blood supply to the heart. If it had not been found in time, had less than sixty days to live.

As I looked back over the prior years, I had plently of warnings - passing out one time, tingling in left arm, drinking too much coffee, shortness of breath and pounding of heart - to mention a few. Had lousy eating habits along with working long hours and drinking a lot of coffee.

Keep us posted on the events and test results.

Take care, buddy.

Steve Hurt

Posted by: Howard R Jul 3 2006, 02:15 AM

One good thing about holding an FIA international rally licence is that me and the idiot that sits beside me have go through the full treadmill/cardiologist thing every year. They run you up to you predicted maximum heart rate on the treadmill for a while with all these wires hanging off you and if you don't die on the treadmill then you're fit to race. Bit like the commercial pilot medical. Not a bad thing to do when you are in your mid 50's; you realise how unfit you are. Hang in there Andy.

Posted by: Trevorg7 Jul 3 2006, 08:48 AM

Andy - Take care man. Hope your resting comfy.


Posted by: Quebecer Jul 3 2006, 08:49 AM

Take care of yourself man!

I know what I'm talking about after having had a Heart Transplant, just 10 months ago.

I had previously had a heart attack (a silent one, no classic symptoms) which I never knew about, then when I had my massive heart attack (again no classic symptoms) my heart was a gonner. They even had to install a mechanical heart in the interim to keep me alive.

When you're 38 with a new wife and a 2 months old baby, you never think stuff like that can happen to you.

My life was changed forever, but fortunately it's for the best!

I was extremely lucky!!!

Posted by: rhodyguy Jul 3 2006, 08:54 AM

lay off the cubans too. like i have room to talk.


Posted by: SirAndy Jul 3 2006, 10:42 AM

QUOTE(Dr Evil @ Jul 2 2006, 08:58 PM) *

Also Andy, I am truly sorry that you had to witness all the death and carnage while you were in there. That is not cool at all and I am sad that they did not do more or have the facilities to keep such things private from you. If it is any consolation, the next generation of docs are being traind to avoid such things. I consider it customer service on the psychological level.

saturday night in oakland ...
they had no choice, the place was packed! they call it the "gun and knife club". biggrin.gif

service was top notch, just a bit crowded.

thanks for all the info etc., looks like it's time to make some changes in my life ...
smile.gif Andy

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jul 3 2006, 10:45 AM

I know damn well you are back on the caffeine!! Stay off the gut rot!!



Posted by: "Z" Jul 3 2006, 10:49 AM

I just spent the night in ER as well....even with safety glasses I got a piece of metal in my eye while welding and grinding.

Two stabbings and an MI in front of me.....

Today's paper...gang activity is shit.

Posted by: SirAndy Jul 3 2006, 11:01 AM

QUOTE(Brad Roberts @ Jul 3 2006, 09:45 AM) *

I know damn well you are back on the caffeine!! Stay off the gut rot!!

actually, no coffee since sat. no sodas either. and no alcohol.

i got the message ...
bye1.gif Andy

Posted by: Dr Evil Jul 3 2006, 11:04 AM

QUOTE(SirAndy @ Jul 3 2006, 12:42 PM) *

QUOTE(Dr Evil @ Jul 2 2006, 08:58 PM) *

Also Andy, I am truly sorry that you had to witness all the death and carnage while you were in there. That is not cool at all and I am sad that they did not do more or have the facilities to keep such things private from you. If it is any consolation, the next generation of docs are being traind to avoid such things. I consider it customer service on the psychological level.

saturday night in oakland ...
they had no choice, the place was packed! they call it the "gun and knife club". biggrin.gif

service was top notch, just a bit crowded.

thanks for all the info etc., looks like it's time to make some changes in my life ...
smile.gif Andy

Oh crap, OAKLAND! Was it Highland? When I was in my first motorcycle accident (winnebago hit me on E.14th) I woke up there. I was in the hall with my ass hanging out of my gown and blood going from me into my IV bags. Me to nurse, "Excuse me, is this supposed to happen?" Nurse to me, "Oh crap!"

THEN, they would not let me go without a urine sample.....which they insisted I donate on the the middle of the busy hallway. A little back ground on the ol doc here, I AM PEE SHY. Sooo after about two hours of holding it I finally found a kind nurse that took me into a room so I could pee in private.

That was the worst hospital experience I have ever had or been a party to, but I can see the humor in it.

Posted by: Flat VW Jul 3 2006, 11:18 AM

QUOTE("Z" @ Jul 3 2006, 09:49 AM) *

I just spent the night in ER as well....even with safety glasses I got a piece of metal in my eye while welding and grinding.


Posted by: GTeener Jul 3 2006, 11:33 AM

Holly Crap Andy! Scary! Glad you are doing better.

My friend had a similar experience leaving a gym session. He's barely 40 years old. His wife and sister-in-law insisted he go to the hospital and they found a blocked artery. He has as 2 stints implanted now and he's on the Mediterranean diet.

Take care of yourself! chair.gif


Posted by: SirAndy Jul 3 2006, 01:00 PM

just had another "episode". sad.gif

on my way to the doctor ...
sheeplove.gif Andy

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jul 3 2006, 01:03 PM

This is not good.

Damn it. I wish I was up there right now.

Posted by: Dr. Roger Jul 3 2006, 01:27 PM

tried to call him.

already left for hospital.

Posted by: r_towle Jul 3 2006, 01:58 PM

Get better. you have a long life ahead of you.
Take care..


Posted by: Brad Roberts Jul 3 2006, 02:10 PM

The only people I could think of that lives close to the hospital is Lyressa and Chung. I cant get a hold of either one.

Posted by: Jenny Jul 3 2006, 02:22 PM

I tried calling Andy as well. No answer. I'm sure he'll keep us posted when he's able to.


Posted by: JB 914 Jul 3 2006, 02:50 PM

Andy i hope you get better quick. Get checked out completly and get well soon. We will be praying for you!

Posted by: GTeener Jul 3 2006, 03:01 PM

Thinking positive thoughts....

Posted by: fiid Jul 3 2006, 03:14 PM

Whoa! Scary man. Hope you feel better.

Take care - see you on thurs hopefully!


Posted by: Dr Evil Jul 3 2006, 03:23 PM

Good clover.gif with your icon12.gif

Posted by: itsa914 Jul 3 2006, 04:15 PM

Good thoughts for you Andy.

Listen to your Doc.

Posted by: kwales Jul 3 2006, 06:11 PM


Please be OK, Please be OK, Please be OK....

Hope they can pinpoint it and it isn't serious.

Take care German Dude!


Posted by: Mrs. K Jul 3 2006, 07:49 PM

Best wishes to you Sir Andy! thumb3d.gif

Listen to your Doctor's, nurses and Techs if you are having a heart cath (angiogram) If you do need one, let me know if I can be of any help smile.gif



Posted by: Jeroen Jul 3 2006, 07:52 PM

come on Andy, quit scaring us... this ain't funny no more
hang in there!!!

Posted by: McMark Jul 3 2006, 08:23 PM

ohmy.gif sad.gif

Posted by: SirAndy Jul 3 2006, 10:44 PM

i'm still alive (sorry guys, no parts-stash give-away quite yet) ...

as posted ealier, i had another "episode" this morning and spent most of the day at the hospital again.

i'm back home now, feeling somewhat exhausted but otherwise OK.

still no word on what's actually wrong, but i got a bundle of pretty pills, so i think i'm going to be good for the night ...

owned.gif Andy

Posted by: alpha434 Jul 3 2006, 11:00 PM

Chaza's disease?

Posted by: nebreitling Jul 3 2006, 11:01 PM

jesus andy -- if you need anything, please shoot me an email...

Posted by: Qarl Jul 3 2006, 11:16 PM

Glad to hear... kept checking back and worrying...


Posted by: "Z" Jul 3 2006, 11:32 PM

Good to hear yer still alive.

I have a handfull of Vicodin and eye drops myself. I can barely see the screen while typing as I am at arms length to see the keys.....I had my eye "de-burred" with a tool that looked and sounded like a dremel.....the piece of steel left a rust ring in my eye....

The gunk they gave me smells like POR 15....could it be????


Posted by: Dr Evil Jul 3 2006, 11:49 PM

No one can be told what the matrix is, they must be shown wink.gif

Take the blue pills....

Glad you are back.

Posted by: Mrs. K Jul 4 2006, 12:37 AM

QUOTE(Dr Evil @ Jul 3 2006, 10:49 PM) *

Take the blue pills....

Don't take the blue pills until you have ruled out cardiac trouble!

Come on Dr. know that! ohmy.gif

Besides, something tells me Sir Andy doesn't NEED the blue pills wink.gif

Glad your back home Andy!

Keep us updated wub.gif


Posted by: dinomium Jul 4 2006, 12:51 AM

Sir Green Tounge,
Get better, man! Take it easy.

Posted by: Scott Carlberg Jul 4 2006, 12:56 AM

it sounds like Mrs K can speak on this...

but didn't SirAndy say that the left-side of his face went numb?

That isn't heart related, that's signs of a Stroke, right?

My 71yr father just had a mini-stroke a couple of weeks ago. Doctors said a very small blood vessel in his head ruptured, so small that it didn't cause any long-term effects (thank goodness) but that morning my dad kept falling to his left, couldn't get his left arm up onto the table to grab the paper either.
He felt better after about an hour and has felt fine since, but you gotta watch that stuff.

Like everyone else has said, take care of yourself Andy.

Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Jul 4 2006, 07:15 AM

First thing I checked this morning when I turned on my computer. Glad to hear Andy's home & under Doctor's care.

I worry about stroke more than a heart problem. You can fix a heart problem, but a stroke is another worry. Watch your blood pressure.


Posted by: jd66921 Jul 4 2006, 08:26 AM

I am not a doctor, but I would check out the stroke possibility as well.

I had one 5 years ago. It started with very minor symptoms,
spots in front of my eyes like looking at the sun for a second,
slight numbness in my right arm, strange numbness in my mouth
muscles, and even some strange syptoms in my groin. Nothing
added up until I got home from vacation and could not use my right arm.

I'm totally disabled now. I can walk and talk and you would not notice
externally but I lost brain power as well as the obvious physical symptoms.

Are you sure there are no other things you have noticed??


Posted by: DNHunt Jul 4 2006, 08:46 AM

Andy, I'm sorry to hear about your problems but, I'm glad to hear you're home. Rest easy

The rest of you assholes quit speculating on what's going on. Let Andy's docs handle it. Andy does need it could be this or that to worry about so, just lay off. I'm sure he has enough on his mind.


Posted by: Thomas J Bliznik Jul 4 2006, 09:06 AM

Lighten up Dave, we are just concerned about Andy. Not necessary to call anyone AH's. Yes, I am sure Andy does not need advise from the galery.

BTW We are what we eat & drink, so take care of your diet.

Posted by: neo914-6 Jul 4 2006, 09:31 AM

Sorry about the heart problems Andy. My wife has/had several heart conditions and even had her heart stopped by a drug to treat Tachycardia (high heart rate). Her recent episode was Bradycardia (too low at 30 bps).

A couple of suggestions for getting higher priority in the ER:
-Respitory problems are more urgent (shortness of breath, etc)
-Yelling not moaning in pain "may" work
-Keep asking for more tests as they try to keep them to a minimum and will send you home with a confused24.gif
-lastly research your condition, doctors will talk more in detail if you ask them specific questions

Posted by: Mueller Jul 4 2006, 10:13 AM

glad you are back home....for our road trip to the WCC, I'll make sure to bring a set of these Attached Image blink.gif

Posted by: "Z" Jul 4 2006, 10:15 AM

He'll need a set of + and - posts on each side of his neck.....

Posted by: Dr Evil Jul 4 2006, 11:50 AM

QUOTE(Mueller @ Jul 4 2006, 12:13 PM) *

glad you are back home....for our road trip to the WCC, I'll make sure to bring a set of these Attached Image blink.gif

Varsity level nipple clamps smilie_pokal.gif Mueller, your a freak man.

Lisa, I am so young and virile I had not thought of the viagra connection....ya, that would be bad. I was talking about fictional halucinogens. wink.gif

I agree with Dr Dave, your all a bunch of assholes, no wait, we should not speculate. Ya, thats it. beer.gif

We need and herbal tea smilie for Andy --> beer3.gif :herbaltea:

Posted by: sixnotfour Jul 4 2006, 11:57 AM

You gotta finish that six , well both sixes,
Take Care

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Jul 4 2006, 03:55 PM

QUOTE(Scott Carlberg @ Jul 3 2006, 11:56 PM) *

it sounds like Mrs K can speak on this...

but didn't SirAndy say that the left-side of his face went numb?

That isn't heart related, that's signs of a Stroke, right?

My 71yr father just had a mini-stroke a couple of weeks ago. Doctors said a very small blood vessel in his head ruptured, so small that it didn't cause any long-term effects (thank goodness) but that morning my dad kept falling to his left, couldn't get his left arm up onto the table to grab the paper either.
He felt better after about an hour and has felt fine since, but you gotta watch that stuff.

Like everyone else has said, take care of yourself Andy.

Left arm / side of the face can be a sign of heart problems. Can also be a sign of a panic attack. That's why we go see Doctors.

Posted by: nebreitling Jul 4 2006, 04:44 PM

anyone got an update?

Posted by: Mrs. K Jul 4 2006, 04:46 PM

QUOTE(So.Cal.914 @ Jul 4 2006, 02:55 PM) *

QUOTE(Scott Carlberg @ Jul 3 2006, 11:56 PM) *

it sounds like Mrs K can speak on this...

but didn't SirAndy say that the left-side of his face went numb?

That isn't heart related, that's signs of a Stroke, right?

Left arm / side of the face can be a sign of heart problems. Can also be a sign of a panic attack. That's why we go see Doctors.

Couldn't have said it better smile.gif



Posted by: Qarl Jul 4 2006, 05:20 PM

Jumper cables...

Attached image(s)
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Posted by: jonwatts Jul 4 2006, 05:46 PM

QUOTE(So.Cal.914 @ Jul 4 2006, 02:55 PM) *

Can also be a sign of a panic attack.

I was just thinking the same thing. Andy's got two /6 projects going on at once. Don't you think there might be a little panic setting in wink.gif

Andy, does Shannon have her own account? Sign her up so we can get updates while you are hepped up on goofballs.

Posted by: TimT Jul 4 2006, 06:10 PM


I had my eye "de-burred" with a tool that looked and sounded like a dremel.....the piece of steel left a rust ring in my eye....

went through that last a week ago... my vision is back to 20/25... which is not what Im used to


been through a heart episode also within the last two years... contrary to what some say its nice to know all the A-Holess give a crap... whether or not the advice is heeded or aknowledged, it makes a difference.

Im beginning to agree with the "getting old sucks" mantra...

BTW there is 20 lbs less of me than there was when I had some cardiac issues

lose weight, eat well, exercise.. then you can push away the "getting old sucks" mantra

Be well Andy

Posted by: 396 Jul 4 2006, 10:07 PM

."so, if you have similar things happen to you, take my advice and "listen to your heart" ...
don't put it off like it did.

EXCELLANT advice !

Posted by: grantsfo Jul 5 2006, 10:00 AM

Everything OK?

Posted by: SirAndy Jul 5 2006, 11:04 AM

QUOTE(grantsfo @ Jul 5 2006, 09:00 AM) *

Everything OK?

i'm feeling better today. looks like the meds are working. i'm not as tired anymore this morning.
i actually feel fine walking around.

all i need now is some booze, a cup of coffee, a burger and a cigarette!
smilie_pokal.gif Andy

Posted by: Brad Roberts Jul 5 2006, 11:05 AM

The meds must be working well!!

Normally he isnt funny..LOL


Posted by: r_towle Jul 5 2006, 11:16 AM

Andy, I hope you are all better, and just got a shot across the bow of the ship...

My father inlaw went in for the angiogram..came out a few days later ...quadruple bipass..

He is alot older than you..and he splits all his own firewood...

He stopped eating bread and meat...his bad cholesteral dropped like a rock...hes in the best shape I have seen him in over a decade...

So, look closely at the diet books...
We put hormones in the meat in the USA (not like germany) and that purpose is to make the animal retain weight...think about it..what are the hormones doing to us.....


Posted by: maf914 Jul 5 2006, 11:24 AM

QUOTE(jonwatts @ Jul 4 2006, 03:46 PM) *

QUOTE(So.Cal.914 @ Jul 4 2006, 02:55 PM) *

Can also be a sign of a panic attack.

I was just thinking the same thing. Andy's got two /6 projects going on at once. Don't you think there might be a little panic setting in wink.gif

I also thought about that. Panic-attack, stress-attack, hyper tension. I went through this about four years ago. Pounding heart, chest pains. strange sensations, and toss in a dose of fear. Scary because you don't know what's happening. And it can build up slowly so you may not think it's serious until you cannot function. I ended up in the emergency room for the first time in my life thinking I was having a heart attack. Luckily no problem with the heart, but problems with stress and anxiety. Things are better now.

Glad to hear you're doing okay, Andy. Follow your doctors advice and take care of yourself.

Posted by: horizontally-opposed Jul 5 2006, 04:18 PM

Yipes, I go away for a week and this happens?!?!? WTF.gif

I was surprised to find out you were such a geezer in the parking lot at Scott's place, but you sure looked like a healthy geezer... biggrin.gif

I am glad to hear you're alright for now, but am hoping they'll figure out the right path forward. I imagine some diet root beer is in order... beer.gif


Posted by: GWN7 Jul 5 2006, 06:31 PM


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Posted by: aircooledboy Jul 6 2006, 11:23 AM


Glad things are falling into place Ahhhndy. Take care of yourself. aktion035.gif

As that 40th birthday fades farther into the rear view mirror, I have come to the unpleasant realization that mortality is a bitch AND she won't stand for being ignored. blink.gif


Posted by: pete-stevers Jul 6 2006, 07:17 PM

shit andy.....!!!
i am getting a bit worried.....
i don't know what to say.....becuase i know little of what is going on....
but i am hoping this can be cleared up with a little time and lots of rest....
steve, and family

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