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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 12:47 AM

Hey... So I get off of work tonight right? I go over to a 24 hour auto parts store. Get a new air filter and some fuel injector cleaner. To treat her right ya know. Well I pull out of the parking lot. Turn right and go to the light and make a u turn. I look ahead. Clear. I am still rolling and I turn. Shifting now 2nd into 3rd and wham! and the tires squealing. It's just clicked in my mind. "Someone just hit me". I'm pretty sure I'm ok. Car stalled, lights were ON. I get out of my car. This guy is in the middle lane window rolled down cussing me out. Not an "Are you ok?" "or an "I'm sorry I rearended you" but a your f-ing dumb. So they pull out in front of me. Ok he gets out of his car and so does his concubine. She starts flipping me off tellin me it's a rental and I'm done etc. So the guy says, "How much you got?". I said. "huh?" He said "We can settle this right now without the cops." I said "I'm a minor. I'm calling my dad" SO he said "Fine we'll call the cops and they will settle this." Well the cop gets there and he asks for my license and insurance etc. I said ok. So I'm sitting in my car waiting for the cop to come over for my info and the guy that hit me comes over to my car and, trying to be all buddy buddy says, "Hey everything is ok we are just going to exchange information etc.". I was on the phone with my dad and with my mouth open said, "You need to leave. You were cussing at me and threatening me. I don't want to talk to you." So he comes back with another "f you" and a "Wait until they leave". Now I'm not a small kid and I keep a big wrench used for tightening trailer hitch balls by my parking brake. I get out of my car and told him "What was that? What are you going to do after the cops leave?" Loud enough to where the cops could hear me. So my dad shows up and the cop comes over and gets my side of the story. I didn't get a ticket. Wasn't my fault. About that time it hit me and I just started crying. I love my car. It's what makes me happy. now my AX trip is canceled next weekend which I got the time off for and was getting it all ready to go. I had to have the car towed home. I barely got it 40 feet into my garage as the rear passenger side fender is crumpled and rubbing on the tire. I will get pics tomorrow. I might have to come with a post on "If it totals what can I do to get the most out of it" Or it will be a "Is this fixable and if so how much would it cost".

Vent mode off.

Brief story?
Douche bag hit me. Cusses me out.
His fault.
No ticket.
Might need help later on if it's fixable or not and if totaled I may need some help getting as much as I can.

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Feb 16 2007, 12:55 AM sorry, at least your alive the car can be fixed or replaced.

You may be with out a car now but that is temporary, the guy that hit you

will ALWAYS be an a$$hole.

Posted by: Lawrence Feb 16 2007, 12:56 AM

I'm glad you're okay. You should be proud of the maturity you displayed and the way you handled things.

Take some time and write out everything. Go take some pictures of the area, especially any skid marks. Get lots of pictures of your car. Start gathering receipts.

Hang in there... this is the beginning of a long process... but don't lose hope. smile.gif

Posted by: boxstr Feb 16 2007, 12:58 AM

I wouldn't have blamed you if you had knocked the ass on his butt.
Sorry that it happened, hope it all works out okay in the end.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 01:01 AM

That true. But this was me. It's what I loved to do. Sure I wasn't an awesome mechanic , heck I'm not even a mechanic. I just wing it but I loved it. I now have nothing to work on. I'm sure I'll get over it. Just irritated and sad at the same time. I'm sure he will be. My neck hurts tonight. I will find out in a few days. Pops gave me a zanax.... mmm sleepy time soon.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 01:05 AM

Thanks guys. Yeah it was dark but I don't think there were skid marks because he didn't even try to stop. I will have to start gathering etc. I'm sure it will work out in the long run. We will see. I'll hang in there.

Posted by: Gary Feb 16 2007, 01:11 AM

Sounds like you did a great job de-escelating a bad situation. I predict it will work out fine - you may even get a new paintjob outta the deal.

Posted by: So.Cal.914 Feb 16 2007, 01:13 AM

Go get checked out by a doctor, a spinal injury(your neck) can get much worse

if injured and not treated correctly. I know we feel nothing can hurt us when

we are young but trust me on this ...have it checked.

Posted by: Lawrence Feb 16 2007, 01:17 AM

Paul is absolutely correct.

If you hurt, go to the doctor. Certain parts of your body just don't heal properly on their own.

You don't want to be 40 or 50... with constant back/neck pain because you neglected something years earlier.

Posted by: sww914 Feb 16 2007, 01:20 AM

The insurance company will be the next big hassle. Arm yourself with information. Find lots of ads for 914's similar to yours, the very most expensive ads you can find, to prove to the adjuster that your car's worth more than $300.00 or whatever. Don't print out ads for original 914-6's with 5,000 miles unless that's what your car is, it will look like you're lying, but find all the highest, crazy priced cars the most like yours.
The adjuster's job is supposed to be a fair setttlement, but often what they really try to do is pay as little as possible for repairs and total loss settlements. If you can prove that your car's worth a lot, they won't try to total it unless they have to.
If they're really trying to screw you, call your state's department of insurance and file a complaint.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 01:22 AM

Thanks. Yeah I feel that I am extremely calm in horrendous situations. It's a gift that I really do appreciate. I'm sure it will work out. Plus it is a rental car company? I really want my baby. I don't want it totaled out but can't aford 3k worth of repair work.

Paul- I am. I have a general doctors appointment Monday. We will see if he knows of someone good for spinal. My back already hurts.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 01:26 AM

Well it might also help that my dad is an insurance adjuster. When my bro got in an accident it was handled quick. They have to put a note in the file saying that his father is an adjuster. Adjusters help adjusters out wink.gif. I will start finding ads asap. The guy I bought it from told me 56k miles and I have put less than thirteen on it.

Posted by: URY914 Feb 16 2007, 06:54 AM

Let us know what parts you need. We'll help you out.

Posted by: jimkelly Feb 16 2007, 06:55 AM

the usa incarcerates more people than any other country - yet - pieces of crap like the guy that hit you still share our world. good for you for keeping your cool - if you would have given him some physical lovin : ) for being an asshole - you would have been spending tons on lawyers and probably would have gotten jail time to boot. the system is favorable to scum bags. hopefully in a few weeks you will have cooled down even more and put the whole episode behind you. all the best - jim

Posted by: jd74914 Feb 16 2007, 08:13 AM

QUOTE(URY914 @ Feb 16 2007, 07:54 AM) *

Let us know what parts you need. We'll help you out.

agree.gif Glad you're ok . . . the body work can be a learning experience too dry.gif

Posted by: Phoenix914 Feb 16 2007, 08:20 AM

The way you handled yourself with that asshat is commendable. Good advice already has been given here, so I won't add my .02. Best of luck getting everything sorted out with fixing your car. Maybe someone here can recommend a good body shop in your area that will bring your baby back to life. welder.gif

When I was 16 I rear-ended a drunk illegal alien. He said he would forget about it if I gave him come cocaine. I was like WTF.gif The cops hauled him off in the back seat and I just got a ticket. av-943.gif He fled the country before his trial.

Posted by: Bleyseng Feb 16 2007, 09:20 AM

QUOTE(Lawrence @ Feb 15 2007, 11:17 PM) *

Paul is absolutely correct.

If you hurt, go to the doctor. Certain parts of your body just don't heal properly on their own.

You don't want to be 40 or 50... with constant back/neck pain because you neglected something years earlier.

No shit, I am 54 yr old and have suffered with neck pain for 10 yrs due to a stupid accident a long time ago. Go to the DR and get it checked out.

Posted by: wbergtho Feb 16 2007, 09:41 AM

Make this asshole's insurance company (in this case the rental car company) pick up the tab for your chiropractor/medical bills for life...not to mention a cash settlement for any permanent injury resulting from this accident. Go get a good lawyer.

Posted by: Borderline Feb 16 2007, 10:03 AM

Did the a$$hole get a ticket?? What does the police report say?? The police report will carry a lot of weight in any negotiations with the insurance company.

You showed great maturity.

Good luck.

Posted by: burton73 Feb 16 2007, 10:14 AM

As a young man it seems like your hole world has been crushed in front of you. The truth is your body is more important that the car will ever be. Thank god you walked away from it and lets hope your injures are not that bad.

Now work on getting money for any pain you have. My thinking is if some hits you and you have pain some one is going to pay. The guys have made some good points.

The thing to remember is it will take time to get back where it was but as in life you need to take it one step at a time, but it will get back where it was. The car can be fixed or replaced. What insurance Co. do you have?


Posted by: Carlitos Way Feb 16 2007, 10:15 AM


Sorry to hear about your misfortune. First of all, take care of yourself. Make sure you don't have any soft tissue injuries. Second, don't worry about the car. The car can be replaced. We hope (I think I speak for us all) that you will get another great little teener and will continue to show your pride in your work and the time/effort you've invested.

Remember, cooler heads prevail. So I'll say it again. First and foremost, take care of yourself. Second, get an earnest estimate. Third, get a copy of the police report. Then, hand it off to the insurance. Start arming yourself with ads for cars of equal worth. The car IS replaceable. Maybe this will be your opportunity to get a little ahead of where you were.

Hang in there!!!

Posted by: cooltimes Feb 16 2007, 10:34 AM

Getting a fair settlement from the insurance company of the BIG rental agency will be your biggest challenge but your Dad may help since he is an adjuster but don't think the BIG corporation adjuster is ever going to be his buddy and do what is best for you.

Damage to your vehicle and any personal injury will be 2 separate items to be dealt with.

The lawyer that you choose can cost you a loss so do it with care. Stay on their neck or some will take the easy way and accept any offer as they will get the cream in spite of what they might tell you.

Those who say you pay nothing unless you win are liars. They charge for each and every thing they do. Going to the PO or mailing a letter is priced at about $125 per hour and they may stop and visit a friend for a couple of hours at your expense. Read their agreement they want you to put your signature on. It's going to cost you no matter what you have heard.

You will need local (State or Area) ads showing what a 914 in the same condition before the accident is selling for. Be cool as they will drag this out as long as they can hoping you will finally give up and take a lowball figure.

If you are hurt, be prepared to show real proof that you are injured. They hire others who will watch you when you least expect and if you do anything that they deem is impossible by an injury you may have suffered, you will be charged with fraud, etc.
The system does work if you really are injured but you face the burden of proof.

BTDT. I got $5000 total for the 914 and my injuries back in 1991. They wrote me a letter given to me when they paid, saying I was faking. My 914 was hit with me in the driver seat, by a truck hauling a 80 foot trailer, going about 50 mph, as they jackknifed and lost control careening across the road to my side, striking the 914 exactly where the seat belt is affixed behind the driver. Knocked unconscious, covered with glass fragments and removed from the 914 by an officer. It was determined I suffered from arthritis that only started the moment the truck and trailer nearly wiped me from the globe.

This is not to be construted as legal advice but my own personal experience and my opinion since I was the victim of an accident in my 914 back in 1991. Your road to compensation could be smoother.

Good luck.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 11:07 AM

Hey all thanks for the encgouraging words. As of right now I feel ok. Neck is a little sore but nothing too much. I have to work to night but I am on the phone right now asking if I can take the day off without them writing me up.

I will get working on the settlement soon. The problem is there aren't usually 914's for sale here. Out of the 4 I know of that are running down here on the MS coast, mine was from San Antonio and Joe's was from like Washington state. The other one I think was an out of towner too.

Posted by: Carlitos Way Feb 16 2007, 11:15 AM

Don't worry about finding a local teener. When the time is right and you are ready, this club will step up and help you find a car. That's what the club is all about!!! Don't limit yourself to something local. I'm sure many of us would be willing to help you with a PPI and shipping arrangements to help you get another car to replace your teener.

Posted by: 914nerd Feb 16 2007, 11:26 AM

When the time comes to decide about the 914, I'm sure that there are many people here who can help you out.
If you decide you want to keep it, but need parts, let me know as I have an entire parts car including a body that I would be willing to part with. It needs some rustoration, but it's mostly the usual stuff and wouldn't be too bad to try and repair.
Most of all, though, make sure that you are all right and make sure that the asshole pays as much as possible for what he did.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 11:29 AM

psshhh are you kidding me? If I get another one it's road trip time baby. A PPI will be good. I mean finding local 914's to compare in price. You can't really compare Joe's to mine. It's like comparing a ham sandwich to a ham sandwich fully loaded! I will for sure go to the doctor. I do no want back problems later in life.

EDIT: I'm torn between getting a newer DD truck or suby for when I move out to California in a year for snowboard and all around off road funnage. Not sure as of yet or even if she is totaled. Want some carnage pics? I'll post em up. It has to be in the garag as I can't move the car really.

Posted by: cooltimes Feb 16 2007, 11:44 AM

QUOTE(DerekKim @ Feb 16 2007, 11:29 AM) *

psshhh are you kidding me? If I get another one it's road trip time baby. A PPI will be good. I mean finding local 914's to compare in price. You can't really compare Joe's to mine. It's like comparing a ham sandwich to a ham sandwich fully loaded! I will for sure go to the doctor. I do no want back problems later in life.

Concerning the probable value of a 914 to replace yours.

Just for practice. Try this site for 914 values. Seems like GA and VA are as close as I saw to you but didn't look at all the ads.

AA sells used 914's in various condition too. Might be good to get them to send you a current price list for your Dad to show the other adjusters.

Injuries. Your's come 1st so take care of that. Insurance folks read SIG blah blah too so think.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 11:52 AM

Hmm. I did mention it had about 63k miles is all right? I'll check out the site thanks.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 12:25 PM

Hey guys I'll show the carnage after class at about 2. Watch Avatar at 3:30... everything will be ok. Work maybe at 5.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 09:49 PM

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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 09:51 PM

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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 09:53 PM

Yeah I can't get my jack out...

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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 09:54 PM

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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 09:55 PM

Bondo. Thick much?

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Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 10:09 PM


Posted by: mrgreenjeans Feb 16 2007, 11:06 PM

QUOTE(DerekKim @ Feb 16 2007, 11:53 PM) *

Yeah I can't get my jack out...

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This is all repairable in my just need to find a VERY good and reputable shop that knows how to cut and weld CORRECTLY, to do the work. Its gonna cost, but this does not appear to be a throwaway. If it was a rear engine 911 , instead of a mid-engine teener, it would be the kiss of death moving the motor into an unthinkable position of forward motion.

Glad to hear the spirits not broken, and the body is still whole... YOURS.

Now enlist the help of your local Porsche dealer, and/or your PCA, and /or your 914 club members to help in the pursuit of parts, and a shop that can pull, straighten, cut and weld. That's what core cars at the salvage yard are meant for.....the afterlife in a re-freshened teener. Fenders, quarter panels, trunklids,bumpers, and other goodies are out there, and the guys to help out are waiting to do their thing...
Best wishes and keep the faith---

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 16 2007, 11:07 PM

Hmmm.. I kind of wanted to take it to a 914 specialist... I know of no good body shops around here. Joe Ricard probably does know of one near by. I will talk to him. I figure I might as well pay it myself and get the hell hole repaired while I'm at it aye? Respray in order? Need to get some other rust repaired. We shall see I suppose.

Posted by: mrgreenjeans Feb 16 2007, 11:19 PM

QUOTE(DerekKim @ Feb 17 2007, 01:07 AM) *

Hmmm.. I kind of wanted to take it to a 914 specialist... I know of no good body shops around here. Joe Ricard probably does know of one near by. I will talk to him. I figure I might as well pay it myself and get the hell hole repaired while I'm at it aye? Respray in order? Need to get some other rust repaired. We shall see I suppose.

And don't forget to keep the floor jack as a reminder of the incident and a safe distance from the freakin' degenerate that clobbered the car. If it had been me........the thing would have been inserted rectally and the dim-bulb would have been making a real crooked walk home with his pants draggin' around his ankles................

Porsche by name, Coachwork by Karmann, Engine by Volkswagen, and Rectal Reorientation Surgery by Craftsman........

Posted by: neo914-6 Feb 16 2007, 11:28 PM

I feel for ya Derrek, I just got my Benz totaled. Hope to get a decent settlement but so far it's a low ball. I didn't realize how attached I was to my car and now I'm so mad it's value has been downgraded so much...

I'm not mad at the driver he was genuinely sorry but has what I'm told is very cheap minded insurance (Farmers).

At least my Chiropracter and her receptionist are "easy" on the eyes.... rolleyes.gif

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 17 2007, 06:17 AM

Haha yeah. I was upset but now that a few days have past I'm just sad that my car is gone sad.gif. I hope it will work out and it doesn't help to be mad at him any more.

I heop everything works out Neo. It sounds like they suck. Why do insurance companies suck anyways. I mean dang!

Posted by: watsonrx13 Feb 17 2007, 07:40 AM

Derek, just saw this posting, dude, so sorry about your accident, but glad you're OK.

Anyway, if you need some parts, I've got a car I can cut up and sell you the parts. Here's a to the car on my website.

When you're ready, let me know and, we in the Tampa Bay area, will do what we can to help you get this car back together....

-- Rob

Posted by: jd74914 Feb 17 2007, 08:00 AM

Derek, There is a thread somewhere around here by a guy in PA whose car got rear ended like that. He pulled everything out just using hammers and jacks. It came out really good looking after he put on body filler and painted it.

Posted by: Lawrence Feb 17 2007, 08:39 AM

Very fixable. Glad you're okay.

Rich Fisher is in the DFW area. Perry Kiehl is in TN. Both have skills to match their reputations.

Posted by: seanery Feb 17 2007, 09:02 AM

sorry to see this happen, but glad you're ok.

Chin up and good job avoiding confrontation. thumb3d.gif

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 17 2007, 09:50 AM

I thank you guys for your support and will let ya'll know. Because I have no time to attempt to hammer it out etc I can't really do it myself. Heck I barely had enough time to tinker with it to keep it running. Where is the DFW area and is it southern TN? Monday we will start on getting it worked out.

Posted by: jd74914 Feb 17 2007, 02:24 PM

DFW = Dallas/Fort Worth in TX

Posted by: cooltimes Feb 17 2007, 02:47 PM

QUOTE(DerekKim @ Feb 17 2007, 09:50 AM) *

I thank you guys for your support and will let ya'll know. Because I have no time to attempt to hammer it out etc I can't really do it myself. Heck I barely had enough time to tinker with it to keep it running. Where is the DFW area and is it southern TN? Monday we will start on getting it worked out.

Perry Kiehl is in Parsons TN. Like Rusty said. HE IS GOOD.
Picture of his shop and those were all his when I shot the pix a couple of 914's ago.

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Posted by: Spoke Feb 17 2007, 03:31 PM

Dammit! One of the worst things about having a nice car or just one you care alot about is that you have to drive it on the same roads as all the other jackasses out there, present company discluded of course.

I had the same thing happen to me just last January. Rear-ended by a young girl who didn't notice me in my 914 OR the guy in a Jeep in front of me both stopped to make a left turn.

I know how you feel. Everything 914 you cared about seems worthless, your car is undrivable, you may get next to nothing for your vintage car, and you're pissed. I can attest that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Work hard preparing your case and hopefully things will work out with the insurance company.

Here's what I did to prepare for the insurance adjuster based on a lot of advice from this club:

1) Get all your reciepts and list all the things you did and bought for the car. The bigger number the better. Don't forget the small things like rattle can paints, nuts, bolts, hoses, tires, ...

2) Get appraisals of 914s from this site, other sites, whatever. I found 3 ads for 1.7L/1.8L engined 914s. 1 was so-so average at $4K, 1 was an excelent car at $9K, and 1 was concourse at $17K. All 1.7L/1.8L so to compare with my 1.7L.

3) Since your car is in your garage, the adjuster will come at a time that you can choose. You want to make your car look like a show car. It might not help but you want the adjuster to go away thinking that this car was a show car and is worth some bucks. I prepared by totally detailing my car inside and out. Wax the paint and chrome, clean the windows, Armorall the interior, cleaned the front trunk out and waxed anything I could, polished the wheels, shined the tires, etc.

4) This next thing that happened during the adjuster visit was not planned but worked out wonderfully. I had asked Chris from Klasse 356 to stop by an give me his evaluation of the car before the adjuster arrived. However, our scheds didn't work out and Chris ended up at my house at the same time as the adjuster.The adjuster stated at the beginning that he never saw one of these cars and knew nothing about them. Chris with his knowledge of 914s and his Porsche sweater on, really really swayed the adjuster. So if you can, get a friend who either owns a vintage Porsche shop or local 914 expert to comment on the car and the repairs ahead.

5) I also had the car cover on the car so as to look like a really precious machine.

The long and short of my story is that the insurance company gave me more than all of the money I put into the car including purchase price. I bought a 2nd 914 with the extra insurance cash and kept and fixed my original. A year later, I now have 2 914s both operational and fun to drive.

Good luck and patience with the process,


Here's a pic the night of the accident.

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And here is after the repairs and paint. The only new items are a $10 ebay bumper and a new taillight assembly.

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Posted by: drewvw Feb 17 2007, 04:23 PM

bummer of a story derek. At least your safe and its not that bad.

When I was in high school I watched a female friend slide on wet grass and punch in the front of the ghia. That was devestating but it got fixed.

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Posted by: JPB Feb 18 2007, 07:53 AM

Wow just read this and only one thing poped into my head from how everything happened and that word is SCAM!! Good job keeping cool and not paying attention to the ahole who hit you. Sounded like a fast cash scheme. I'd put a list of all the valuable stuff that the car has such as the rubber and trim. That alone can be a small fortune. As for anyone else who has a rear end collision like that, never get off of your seats until the ambulance is on site and never admit to any wrong doing. Hope everything works out for you. sad.gif

Posted by: solex Feb 18 2007, 08:58 AM

Sorry about your car and your experience.

You may want to check spokes other entries regarding his repair. I saw his car and am amazed at what he can do with a bottle jack and paint brush wink.gif seriously it came really well..

Posted by: Joe Ricard Feb 18 2007, 09:16 AM

Been busy with other stuff and finally got around to reading the entire post.
Alot of advice you guys gave Derek is the same stuff I told him the morning after the incident.
Derek's car is / was very nice for a stock car it was VERY stock.

I have personally put alot of work on Derek's car so I know that everything was in great working order. He drove this car everywhere including several 600 mile round trips to visit friends.

Dang dude them Koni's and springs I just gave you hopefully aren't screwed. Guess I can take the extra starter back you picked up too huh.
Well when you come over Friday night we can figure out what's what. You know the Autocross is still going on and you can co drive my car no sweat.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 18 2007, 12:53 PM

Yeah mom is letting me use her car and I am for sure game on the co drive! Thanks!
We will start the process Monday. Joe I was thinking about taking it to DFW to the guy and having him do the repairs if it is prepairable. Sounds like it is.

On a lighter note I got a cute girls phone number last night.

Everything will work on. I just have to be patient. Relax. Take it easy and let things heal. Sure it's my baby but it is still just a car.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 18 2007, 01:45 PM

BTW that garage is NICE! Plus it is only an extra hour or so from where I go to Collierville TN. Hmmm. I will get the police report first then get a hold of them.

Posted by: Hammy Feb 18 2007, 04:06 PM

I had a similar incident happen to me. Luckily I wasn't in the 914. I was 16 at the time, going down the turn lane and this guy and his girlfriend in a Honda pull out right in front of me.
We pulled into the parking lot and the girl who was in the passenger seat is crying hysterically saying that this is the 4th wreck this car was in and now it was going to be taken away. The guy who was driving came over and gave me a talk trying to put the blame on me. I guess he was trying to get me to admit it was my fault when it wasn't, so he could get off the hook. I didn't say a word and called my dad. They ended up being at fault biggrin.gif

It looks repairable..... hang in there.

Posted by: rick 918-S Feb 18 2007, 07:19 PM

I've been out of town or I would have offered to assist with claims questions. Sorry to here about your accident. Glad your dad is a claims rep. You'll be fine.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 18 2007, 07:37 PM

I'm hoping it will. My dad does know what to say. We aren't doing anything until tomorrow. We will go get the police report and go to the rental car place. It's going to be fun if they didn't say anything as it barely scratched the car they were in.

On a better note. I am feeling better. Neck still a little sore but I can look up farther now. I don't want to claim perm. disability or anything as I am going to go work off shore in May.

Posted by: John Feb 18 2007, 08:17 PM

QUOTE(jd74914 @ Feb 17 2007, 06:00 AM) *

Derek, There is a thread somewhere around here by a guy in PA whose car got rear ended like that. He pulled everything out just using hammers and jacks. It came out really good looking after he put on body filler and painted it.


It was SPOKE. He had a thread covering his progress. I don't think he even replaced any body panels.

Good luck to you. It should be repaired.

Posted by: ClayPerrine Feb 19 2007, 07:48 AM

QUOTE(DerekKim @ Feb 16 2007, 11:07 PM) *

Hmmm.. I kind of wanted to take it to a 914 specialist... I know of no good body shops around here. Joe Ricard probably does know of one near by. I will talk to him. I figure I might as well pay it myself and get the hell hole repaired while I'm at it aye? Respray in order? Need to get some other rust repaired. We shall see I suppose.

If you don't mind a somewhat long haul on a trailer, you could get Richard Fisher to do the work. He knows 914s. But it might be a wait, as he has a bunch of cars currently in process.

Contact me and I will put you in touch with him if you want.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 19 2007, 03:45 PM

A little update. We aren't sure who is doing the work yet. It sounds like everyone decent is within about a 8+ hour drive so we will be towing it with my dad's truck for sure.

Oh so we went to the PD today. It take 7-10 days to process so I will check again on Wed. and then on Thurs.

Posted by: DerekKim Feb 20 2007, 04:29 PM

Ok so a little update! I went to the ER today. Nothing is broken. Just bruised. Feels like somebody punched me in my side. It should go away. If it persists in two weeks I will go back in. I'm out of work until the 23rd so time to rest.

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