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Posted by: tdgray May 9 2008, 11:03 AM

So I am travelling home yesterday in my 08 Outback... same route that I take everyday... back roads so I can relax and wind down from a long day when some vapid little teenager blow through a red light a takes the whole front end off of my car. mad.gif

It was a good thing I had just pulled in the intersection as my light had turned green or she would have got my door and it would have been a whole lot worse. Airbag did go off but no injuries from that.

Here comes the fun part... stupid little twit had her Daddy there practically before the cops came. Daddy is pulling her in and out of the police car telling her what to put on the accident report. THE LITTLE SHIT lies and said that the light was green dry.gif

Since it was so obvious to everyone around that she ran the light all the witnesses left.

Now my insurance company is going to have to fight with her insurance company.. Stupid PIECE OF SHIT.

I hate suing people but I just might sue Daddy to teach him he should not let his little angel lie to get out of things. mad.gif

Posted by: zymurgist May 9 2008, 11:07 AM

QUOTE(tdgray @ May 9 2008, 01:03 PM) *

I hate suing people but I just might sue Daddy to teach him he should not let his little angel lie to get out of things. mad.gif

Not only that, it looks like he's teaching his little snowflake to lie to get out of things.

Posted by: ConeDodger May 9 2008, 11:10 AM

I agree with Ken. I would never miss an opportunity to be a good parent. In fact, the recycling which is to go out every morning to the recycling bin is under Nicho's covers on his bed right now. mad.gif

Stupid Fuch just taught his daughter to lie on a police report. Put an ad in the local reader for witnesses. You might find one or two who read that crap...

Posted by: tdgray May 9 2008, 11:17 AM

I did forget to add that there is one witness... the guy that called it in on his cell phone. I heard the dispatcher ask his name... hopefully they can go through the tapes and get his contact info.

He was really nice... asked me if I was OK and stated he saw her blow through the light... and asked me if I needed him to stay. Since there were so many people around I figured he was okay to go so I said no. Hindsite = 20/20

Posted by: purple May 9 2008, 11:21 AM

I disagree... he was setting her up for a lifetime of being a vapid whore loong before she met you. This is just another step on the trail..

Posted by: zymurgist May 9 2008, 11:25 AM

QUOTE(purple @ May 9 2008, 01:21 PM) *

I disagree... he was setting her up for a lifetime of being a vapid whore loong before she met you. This is just another step on the trail..


Posted by: Rob Ways May 9 2008, 11:52 AM

Go get 'em. There's nothing worse than bad manners and dishonesty. Good luck!

Posted by: RJMII May 9 2008, 12:17 PM

What an ass-hat. That's a cruel prank on society to send his daughter out in the world like that.

Posted by: hcdmueller May 9 2008, 12:52 PM

Too many car accidents lately. Glad that you are okay.

Posted by: geniusanthony May 9 2008, 12:56 PM

Aside from the obvious, hcdmueller is right, the fact that you are ok is most important. After that, go get 'em.

Posted by: Ferg May 9 2008, 12:57 PM

Since it was backroads, I'm sure little chance that the intersection had photo radar... Here in town, those stupid money making cameras have also done double duty for traffic suits.

Good luck and give them hell.


Posted by: purple May 9 2008, 01:17 PM

QUOTE(RJMII @ May 9 2008, 01:17 PM) *

What an ass-hat. That's a cruel prank on society to send his daughter out in the world like that.

The cruelest joke is on all of us....when she breeds. Because dummies like her just can't seem to resist crapping out crotchlings.

Posted by: tdgray May 9 2008, 03:07 PM

Just talked to my buddy who owns the body shop I took it to... damage is 17K and counting... most likely a goner sad.gif

Posted by: purple May 9 2008, 03:33 PM

Your airbag activated. That means it's done dude.

Posted by: effutuo101 May 9 2008, 05:24 PM

A similar thing happened to me. I documented (including picutres and drawings) of what happened. Ever detail. How fast I was traveling, which direction, location of the sun, Police report, pictures of my car, quotes to repair/replace (4 sources), how much I would lose on resale if the car was repaired, everything.. When the insurance agent called and told me I was at fault i was stunned. I explained that I had planned for this and had a report that I filed with the police. I then faxed everything to the agent. I explained on the phone that I had several people willing and avalable to testify in court as to the truth of my statement. I didn't call the other person a liar, but it was between the lines. About an hour later, I got a call back wanting to settle the issue. then since the ball was in my court, I got the car fixed, and about 5k paid off on my loan.

Posted by: championgt1 May 9 2008, 05:30 PM

QUOTE(tdgray @ May 9 2008, 02:07 PM) *

Just talked to my buddy who owns the body shop I took it to... damage is 17K and counting... most likely a goner sad.gif

I have an 08 Legacy and from what I understand if one of the crumple zones is damaged that's about all she wrote.

Sorry to hear this. Kick some ass! headbang.gif

Posted by: rhodyguy May 9 2008, 05:46 PM

how do your back and neck feel today? stiffness? a little twinge if you turn your head just so? ask for her cell phone records. $5 says she was talking on the phone. prob to her dad at the time. that's why he was jonny on the spot.


Posted by: byndbad914 May 9 2008, 06:15 PM

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ May 9 2008, 03:46 PM) *

how do your back and neck feel today? stiffness? a little twinge if you turn your head just so? ask for her cell phone records. $5 says she was talking on the phone. prob to her dad at the time. that's why he was jonny on the spot.


exactly.. or Fin texting. Kills me... just yesterday I am heading thru Denver in my crew cab F250 with my 20ft enclosed with race car in tow. Dumb chick in front of me is in and out of the lane and damn near takes a car out (forces them over a lane). I floored it, moved over and got around her to away from that accident waiting to happen and she is texting away.

I get back over and in front of her now, so she floors it rips around and wedges between me and the car in front headbang.gif

I just wanted to go up to the side and run her off the road with the trailer and just kill her. Some people really need to die, I'm sorry, and texting at 65mph weaving in and out of your lane and running people off the road.. arrrrggggghhhhh! So clueless to the fact she is toying with causing an accident with 14000 lbs of freight train immediately behind her.

Posted by: scotty b May 10 2008, 07:57 AM

Sorry to hear this



Posted by: zymurgist May 10 2008, 08:16 AM

QUOTE(byndbad914 @ May 9 2008, 08:15 PM) *
Dumb chick in front of me is in and out of the lane and damn near takes a car out (forces them over a lane).

If I saw weaving and clueless maneuvering like that, I would dial 911 and report her as a drunk driver.

Posted by: rhodyguy May 10 2008, 08:30 AM

this circumstance is exactly why i love red light runner cameras. every intersection needs them. remember, oh so long ago, when people actually started slowing down when the green went to amber?


Posted by: DNHunt May 10 2008, 08:46 AM

Times are different. You stop for a caution and the guy behind you gets pissed. I stopped for one yesterday and got a rearview mirror full of a black Yukon. The person stopped darn close to my bumper and it looked gigantic from my teener. I can hear it now, provided I would have been in any condition to hear, "I didn't know you were going to stop". WTF caution means stop.

Posted by: rhodyguy May 10 2008, 08:59 AM

if they get testy you just sit thru the green and proceed on the yellow. too bad for them.

Posted by: DNHunt May 10 2008, 09:13 AM

I'll remember that Kevin. This time I just wanted outa there.

Posted by: zymurgist May 10 2008, 09:20 AM

QUOTE(rhodyguy @ May 10 2008, 10:59 AM) *

if they get testy you just sit thru the green and proceed on the yellow. too bad for them.

I can't say that I would recommend this strategy, having once had a handgun pointed at me by another driver on the Capital Beltway.

Posted by: rhodyguy May 10 2008, 09:30 AM

dave's car is faster than a speeding bullet. the superman of 4 cyl 914s. with a big enough ramp, it could leap tall buildings.


Posted by: DNHunt May 10 2008, 10:21 AM

Darn I just can't stop myself. I've tried to resist.

I'm SO pissed off with the dad in this situation. Kids get a bad rap today but look at this and tell me who is the bad guy. It's the dad! He's a spineless, dishonest, asshole running from responsibility and teaching his daughter to do the same. I wish he could be forced to sit in front of TV playing his daughter's life story so he could see what he's creating.

Now, here's the hard part. I'm pissed off at all of us. We as a society are at least a little bit responsible. This doesn't apply to all families and kids but, we've allowed institutions like schools and sports leagues, the military and churches to assume the responsibility for guiding our kids into adulthood and look what we get. In essence, kids have to find their own way because parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and neighbors have abdicated their duty. We are too busy chasing our tails trying to make a buck. The extended family barely exist and community is practically gone. Kids go through adolescence like they are on a tightrope with no one under them to provide a safety net. This dad had a chance to catch his daughter and he let her fall. Likely she'll pay a price for her mistake in the end. Will the dad? Will he look inside himself?

This isn't just about being a dad and doing the right thing, although probably all of us that read this say we wouldn't do this to our kids. There should be a little part of this that touches all of us and we should feel compelled to befriend a kid, learn his or her name, show some interest and be ready to support them. We all should be called to mentor a kid or 2. While this father didn't have the backbone to do what was right, the daughter could have already learned that from some other adult that cared about her and helped her be responsible.

I dislike the messenger but, I love the message "It takes a village to raise a kid". I hope all of us leave this thread with a feeling that we can help, because we all can. If you don't actively go looking for kids to get to know at least, the next time a kid comes over and asks about your car, take the time to talk to them. Just taking the time to answer their questions gives them a sense of self worth and if you never see them again you've still left a small positive mark in their lives. Beyond that you will feel good too.

Sorry for the rant


Posted by: keske968 May 10 2008, 01:25 PM

agree.gif agree.gif agree.gif

Posted by: byndbad914 May 10 2008, 02:38 PM

QUOTE(zymurgist @ May 10 2008, 06:16 AM) *

QUOTE(byndbad914 @ May 9 2008, 08:15 PM) *
Dumb chick in front of me is in and out of the lane and damn near takes a car out (forces them over a lane).

If I saw weaving and clueless maneuvering like that, I would dial 911 and report her as a drunk driver.

funny... I have lost faith in that. I saw a clearly plastered driver on the 405 one night when I still lived in SoCal, called 911 for the hwy patrol and reported them. I followed them (now I'll be damned if I get in front of that) almost all the way from OC to LA and did a hwy patrol ever hit the hwy and try to find them? Hell no. Waste of their time... they would rather just meander up to the accident and their leasure apparently. It took me almost an hour to get home that night staying behind that guy and also stayed on the phone telling the operator where I was at the whole time. Absolute BS to believe that will work. Fortunately it was really early AM and only a few cars on the road (as light as traffic can be on the 405 Freeway at least).

There is a level of respect everyone should have for each other and the lack thereof is breeding faster than those with it and there is no real enforcement of respect. That is where society has failed IMO - bad manners run rampant. I am soooo amazed at how many people can't even give a fuckin' thank you for holding the door for them anymore!!!

Oh yeah, and if someone rides your bumper up to the light and then try to sit thru the next, I agree you are playing with fire there. If you did the right thing by stopping, do the right thing by proceeding when it is green. Respect comes into play here again IMO - not for the guy on your bumper but the line of traffic behind him. Don't F up everyone's day because an a-hole is behind you. If he is in enough hurry, you can speed up as normal and so forth and they will find a way around you anyway. When is the last time you were in a hurry and wished the guy in front had slipped thru the stale yellow?? Think about it, there is probably at least one time...

Posted by: effutuo101 May 11 2008, 11:45 AM

Dave, you said:
dislike the messenger but, I love the message "It takes a village to raise a kid". I hope all of us leave this thread with a feeling that we can help, because we all can. If you don't actively go looking for kids to get to know at least, the next time a kid comes over and asks about your car, take the time to talk to them. Just taking the time to answer their questions gives them a sense of self worth and if you never see them again you've still left a small positive mark in their lives. Beyond that you will feel good too.

I agree with everything you said in your post. I think that the message that it takes a village has been bastardized by today's society. In the past, the whole village watched out for and kept each other on the straight and narrow. Like you said, it does take a village, but, today there is no village. This saying has become an easy out for a parent to transfer the responsibility of raising the child to government run institutions rather than spend time with them. The unfortunate truth is that parents teach their children that the government owes them a living and to vote for the people that will give them a pay raise or additional benifits. To further this tragedy, teachers in our school systems press their belief system onto our children (from elementary through college).It takes an exceptional parent to teach their children to search for all of the facts and make an informed decision. We live in an ipod culture that takes the path of least resistance and wants somebody else to make the hard decisions about their lives. Yes, it does piss me off and I do everything I can to help show my son that he is responsible and accountable for his actions.

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