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> Long live the Yelow Top Optima.
post Sep 24 2010, 10:09 PM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 247
Joined: 18-September 10
From: Saskatoon
Member No.: 12,191
Region Association: Rocky Mountains

So when the power went out last week.....I was looking in the garage for the lanterns and other emergency crap......

I needed light, so I turned the ignition on, cranked up the H4s, and hood mounted Cibies helped me out. Found what I needed and turned off the key.....

Fast forward a week.....FUCH!!!!!!! I left the dash switch on, KILLED the yellow top deep cycle OPTIMA.......5 years old+

My Handy Dandy Sears analog charger, went full tilt.....then zap.....zero.....full tilt....zap zero......first time it ever failed me.

The Sears digital one....which I HATE BTW, has a 100 amp qwik start option......tossed it on the terminals along with the Fluke....POS read 7.25 volts.

Had a fatty, a cocktail, decided to proposition the GF, or vice versa......went into the room and put the dog in the crate....

Came back out afterwards.....not gonna tell ya how long.....

The fluke was climbing.....8.23 volts......3 hours later, over 12.5. Pulled the leads, fired the 3.6 up.....woohoo.

Gonna leave it at 2amps over night......hopefully it hold a charge......

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