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> Blinker light keeps flashing, even though no blinker is on and e-brake is down
post Aug 28 2023, 07:59 AM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 745
Joined: 27-January 16
From: Valley Center, CA
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I went out to start up the 1974 for the first time since the rain last weekend and a couple of strange things happened.

1) The blinker light on the dash kept blinking, even though the switch was in the neutral position. Turning on the right and left blinkers, to see if it was just the switch, didn't seem to do anything. The little green light on the dash kept blinking. And yes, the parking break was disengaged and the red light on the dash turned off when I put the brake down. I suspect this has something to do with the electrical system, but I've never seen the flashing green blinker light act like that. The red light, yes but, not the green light.

I could only look at it and say "I know you're trying to tell me something but, I just don't understand what you're saying!"

2) The car won't idle any longer. It will run and as long as I keep my foot in the gas, it stays running but as soon as I take my foot off, the car dies.

3) seems like the car has no power. I only moved it a small distance and it might have been due to the fact that the engine was very cold but, it felt sluggish.

I didn't get a chance to troubleshoot any of this as I had to get other things done but, I wanted to put this out here to see if anyone might have an area to start looking at.

If anyone has any insight, feel free to reply.
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