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> ECU Connector Wires Loose, ...would this cause it to run rough?
post Aug 6 2006, 08:44 PM
Post #1

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Posts: 680
Joined: 14-April 05
From: Cleveland, OH
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As many of you have helped me over the past week with one of my cylinders that continues to miss I think I found the issue. I checked everything - from valves to injector - and nothing fixed the problem to I was wiggling the wiring to the ECU and the car stalled. After removing the ECU to check it, the white plug-in board was loose. I suspect that while I had the motor out, all the movement of the ECU made some of the connections loose. I reinserted each wire and fixed the wiring so it will not put any tension on the wire at the plug - and it seems to have fixed it! I drove the car all wekeend and it seemed to run fine (most of the time). I checked the compression on the cylinder and it still was low (90 vs 120+ on others), but does not seem to affect the driving.
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