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> Elizabeth Update, IV out?
post Feb 24 2004, 02:16 PM
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Hey Mark,

What is the update with Elizabeth?
Can you provide us an update?


L. McChesney
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Mark Henry
post Feb 24 2004, 09:19 PM
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that's what I do!

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L. McChesney what are you…psychic?? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Maybe you should go buy a lotto ticket! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Elizabeth got her PIC line (IV) out this afternoon. She was not a happy camper and I didn’t really like watching it come out, but it took a nurse and myself to hold her, as another nurse did the deed. Totally exhausted from the stress of it all, she went to bed as soon as we got home.

Her x-ray showed that the right lung is not totally clear yet, but her paediatrician was happy with her progress, so out it came. She will have respiration therapy for about a month. She will have another x-ray in 2 weeks time.
Elizabeth will go back to JK next week, but only half days till she is 100%.
Other than the fact that she gets winded and tired easily, plus she is still spitting up some crap, she is almost her old self again.

The doc was quite candid and told me that he tried to send her to Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto, but the specialist there reassured him that he was doing the correct procedure. He said he knew he was using the correct course of action, but she was so sick that he needed the second opinion, for his own peace of mind.

The lad (Ethan), who had at the same time a less severe case of pneumonia, had just finished his round of anti-biotic when he developed a double ear infection. So more anti-biotic (Zithromax), but it was caught in time, so no permanent damage.

And the saga continues…
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post Feb 25 2004, 09:07 AM
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The saga of raising children never ends.
I guess prayers work.
Oh yeah. I think we all won the lottery with her recovery.

God's Blessings
L. McChesney and Family
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post Feb 25 2004, 09:16 AM
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I'm very happy things are progressing well. It is always a challenge. Our daughter has grown up and has two kids of her own. In fact there is a great grandson, but the grandson and his girl are not talking at the moment. We are now raising dogs, and the medical emergencies can sure rip your heart.

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