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914World.com - The fastest growing online 914 community!
Porsche, and the Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. This site is not affiliated with Porsche in any way.
Its only purpose is to provide an online forum for car enthusiasts. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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Forum Guidelines

We are a member-owned community where people have fun, help each other, and talk about Porsche 914 history, tech, restoration and racing.

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We don't like rules or excessive moderation, but we have some guidelines to help 914world be a friendly place:

* Racism doesn't have a place at 914World.
* Don't call anyone names. Treat other members like your mother taught you - If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. No personal attacks.
* We like everyone to be able to have their voice, so we won't edit, delete or lock a thread or post unless it's just gotta be done. We'll do our best to send you a PM before we clean up yer messes.
* We hope you use our classifieds, but the 914World team can't be responsible for the actions of buyers and sellers. Remember the latin "Caveat Emptor"... (translation: let the buyer beware.)
* Please, let's not talk about Politics & Religion. Wars have been fought for years and years because of Politics and Religion, so let's keep 'em out of 914World.
* Remember keep yer dirty pictures in the Sandbox. Yes, this includes avatars and pictures in signatures.
* We welcome your off topic posts, but please label your post so it's obvious (begin your topic with "OT:").
* Any "Us vs Them" thread relating to other 914 sites will be immediately deleted without warning or notice. It's not productive for the 914 community.

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Porsche, and the Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. This site is not affiliated with Porsche in any way.
Its only purpose is to provide an online forum for car enthusiats. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 19th September 2024 - 03:03 PM