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redshift |
May 19 2005, 01:12 PM
Bless the Hell out of you! Group: Members Posts: 10,926 Joined: 29-June 03 Member No.: 869 |
James, I see that as being a running motor, then a revving motor.. the sea is all quiet in frame one, then like a perfect storm.
The amount at low rpm is what scares me the most. I have an idea, but I only have a basic understanding of the mechanics in there. Seems to me... David, you said the accusump is about 3qts? It dumps on start, is pressurized by the system during use, and a check valve just closes the spare oil in on stop, right? What if there was more than that 'thing' ^^^ up there... but all vertical faced surfaces.. kind of like a round cake cutter, for cutting a cake into 100 wedges... just so there is more vertical places for the oil to hang out in the case.. uhh.. anyways, a conical bottom profile, that coaxes the oil right where you want it? Maybe it's not the best spent resources.. I was just thinking that hanging oil would allow us to overfill even more than .5qt.. because the hanging oil is static, and not included in the pressure reading... untill you.. idle... and then.. you need a puke bottle... and ok, it's the dumbest idea ever! Nevermind. M |
Jake Raby |
May 19 2005, 01:13 PM
Engine Surgeon Group: Members Posts: 9,398 Joined: 31-August 03 From: Lost Member No.: 1,095 Region Association: South East States |
The sump on my 2316 Hybrid hasn't bottomed yet... I live on a dirt road that climbs the side of a mountain and has rocks bigger than the 914 that I crawl over twice a day on average. The sump is firmly attached to the ase, unlike a tuna can that hangs off the pick up tube only. My deep sump hangs les trhan 1/4 lower than the engine mount bar.
As for the engine being oil cooled: I have accomplished testing on the dyno with engines that had a super amount of oil in the valve covers and the same test with hardly any- head temps did not change even after a full 40 minute test. It is possible to have heads running at the melting point and oil thats only warm at best, they are impacted by different forces and not dependant upon each other. |
machina |
May 19 2005, 02:22 PM
Advanced Member Group: Benefactors Posts: 2,030 Joined: 21-June 03 From: Miami Beach, FL Member No.: 848 |
I don't remember where I found those pics but I'm pretty sure it was a stock TI at idle and then at about 4000rpm. |
machina |
May 19 2005, 02:28 PM
Advanced Member Group: Benefactors Posts: 2,030 Joined: 21-June 03 From: Miami Beach, FL Member No.: 848 |
I was really worried about the deep sump but so far it has been fine. It does hang lower than the engine bar but I have been off course with it and even hard over the gatorbacks and it is no worse for the wear. jake mods his so it is smaller and has better clearance than the stock 1.5 qt sump I have. Realize that the Tuna Can is attached by the center bolt in the case bottom. That area is very delicate, if you over tighten that bolt you can crack the case. The SCAT style sump mounts with a big 1/4" steel plate to the bottom of the case where the aluminum is super thick. I have heard of guys bottoming out on the sump with no damage. That said, I'm sure you could rip the entire case in half if you did hit hard enough. Attached thumbnail(s) |
URY914 |
May 19 2005, 03:03 PM
I built the lightest 914 in the history of mankind. Group: Members Posts: 124,753 Joined: 3-February 03 From: Jacksonville, FL Member No.: 222 Region Association: None |
Just a side note...
At this weekends a/x I had a lot of oil blow into the dump can/overflow/breather bottle. (People call it different things, you pick a name). I ran 6 runs and I rev the shit out of it. I can hear the valves float off the rockers, that way I know when to shift. I started with the oil level just over the top mark on the dipstick. I just checked the oil level and I'm now an 1/8" below the bottom mark. When I drained the breather bottle, I filled up a 20 ounce Coke bottle. Also I have a real tired engine and I'm sure you could throw a cat pass the rings. But when I'm making a 1.5 g, 180 degree turn, my outside head is filling up with oil and getting blown into that can. I have a tuna can, but need a deep sump. All this really doesn't mean a whole lot to this thread but I just wanted to share it with my friends. (IMG: (IMG: Paul |
Mueller |
May 19 2005, 03:22 PM
914 Freak! Group: Members Posts: 17,150 Joined: 4-January 03 From: Antioch, CA Member No.: 87 Region Association: None |
interesting is there anything that can or should be done about the oil in the valve cover area????
URY914 |
May 19 2005, 03:31 PM
I built the lightest 914 in the history of mankind. Group: Members Posts: 124,753 Joined: 3-February 03 From: Jacksonville, FL Member No.: 222 Region Association: None |
my breather line attach to my vlave covers. I think you can see them here. Maybe they should be on the top of the v/c instead ofthe bottom? (IMG: Attached thumbnail(s) |
URY914 |
May 19 2005, 03:31 PM
I built the lightest 914 in the history of mankind. Group: Members Posts: 124,753 Joined: 3-February 03 From: Jacksonville, FL Member No.: 222 Region Association: None |
Here's the can...
Attached thumbnail(s) |
URY914 |
May 19 2005, 04:27 PM
I built the lightest 914 in the history of mankind. Group: Members Posts: 124,753 Joined: 3-February 03 From: Jacksonville, FL Member No.: 222 Region Association: None |
My line on the left v/c is connected at the top. The right side is closer to the middle of the v/c. The 180 degree turn was a let hand turn so my right side v/c was getting a lot of oil running to it. But the good news is the right side v/c is dry, with no leakage of oil. The left side had oil leaking out of the top of the v/c to head surface area. (IMG: Paul |
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