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The PO told me that the windshield trim kept blowing off so he left it off. I installed the chrome trim off of my parts car three years ago and have been on several high speed runs without problems.

Today the center clip blew off at 95MPH and almost immediately the right side trim blew off as well.

Is there a way to attache the trim so that I can be sure that it will not come off again?

...your trim pieces were probably distorted. I would put my money on the plastic clips being the problem. I'd have them replaced. You'll have to remove the windshield by cutting through the butyl seal with wire, remove the glass, clean the entire surface area, replace all of the clips and reinstall the windshield. New trim as well, especially since you've lost half of it. If you remaining trim pieces are good (meaning not scratched or dinged up) just buy the missing pieces or all of them.
Pat Garvey
QUOTE(PH1 @ Oct 17 2009, 06:27 PM) *

The PO told me that the windshield trim kept blowing off so he left it off. I installed the chrome trim off of my parts car three years ago and have been on several high speed runs without problems.

Today the center clip blew off at 95MPH and almost immediately the right side trim blew off as well.

Is there a way to attache the trim so that I can be sure that it will not come off again?

This happened to me in '73, on my '70 911E, but at about 135 mph. Unfortunately a Kentucky State Trooper was watching.

The windshield strips went flyong off & were run over by traffic (toast), but the Trooper pulled me over anyway - for erradic driving.

On the side of the X-way, explained to him that I was concerned over the loss of valuable parts & that my throttle was stuck open(which it wasn't). Gave me that "you take me for an asshole, don't you" look. I had been doing 40 over the limit, so I begged him to to understand that my throttle was stuck & that I could limp home the 5 miles it took me to get home. He gave me a warning, after offering a tow. Told him that it was a Porsche & no tow trucks were able to move the car without damage.
Let me drive the car home, though he followed with lights glowing. Have a pic of thr from the following day, with all seal trim missing, but it's too big to post.
Kelvin.....The best way to keep it on is to drive under 80......Did your new door stay on????....... w00t.gif
Hi Kelvin. I pulled the trim off my car and ordered new clips from Pelican. Bought a windshield removal kit from Harbor Freight and when I started pushing the cutting wire into the old butyl, the rubber crumbled out and I reached inside the car and with my hand, pushed out the effort at all.

Got new butyl from a windshield shop and with a helper reinstalled the windshield. With the new clips the trim fit tight. After installation, I also put a super thin bead of clear silicone rtv all the way around. No more water leaks and a tight seal on the trim. smash.gif

Good Luck. Bill

I think the door was the secret to getting past 80!
QUOTE(jt914-6 @ Oct 17 2009, 10:09 PM) *

Kelvin.....The best way to keep it on is to drive under 80......Did your new door stay on????....... w00t.gif

The door was fine but I was trying to keep up with the 911s and (944s with V8s) at the 1st Annual PCA Alabama Region Fall Festal. There were only two 914s and we both had four cylinder 2.0s but it was fun anyway.

I received two more awards today, one for most road rash and one for longest restoration. smilie_pokal.gif smilie_pokal.gif

I have got to get some painting and body work done before I get any more awards like this! wacko.gif

Here are a couple more pics from the Fall Festival.

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Good riddance. Lose the trim and go with a black rubber seal. smile.gif

I love that last pic of the rail with a six. I'm just trying to figure out where he can use it, especially with those tires? And no air cleaners.... guess it's just for show.
This happened to me in '73, on my '70 911E, but at about 135 mph. Unfortunately a Kentucky State Trooper was watching.

Fortunately for me it was only a $100K 911 following me. The guy was able to dodge the trim but punched it to get around me with a disgusted look on his face.

I'm sure it was much easier for me to apologize to the 911 owner than explain to a State Trooper why you were going 135 mph.
HA! There is no way that "sand" rail ever gets driven. That shiny engine would be trashed with a quickness. It does look cool though.

That Rail looks like a Wheelie machine

I will never put trim back around a windshield. Even with new clips, I had the trim come off at high speed - always scratches the paint as it's flying off.

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