Official Steel Flare Group Buy

George Hussey, the owner of Automobile Atlanta, has offered a group buy special on his reproduction 914-6 GT steel flares. These flares are NLA from Porsche and have been successfully reproduced by Auto Atlanta. More facts about these flares are available at

The special, one time, discount price is $550.00 per set. Shipping to the lower 48 will be $50.00, shipped Fed Ex. Regular price in the Auto Atlanta catalogue is $1,095 + shipping. If you live outside the lower 48, please send $600/sets ordered and additional shipping charges will be determined by Auto Atlanta prior to shipping.

If you purchase flares under the package deal, you may also buy a set of duplicate GT rockers for an extra 150.00 + $35 shipping. Regular catalog price is $225.00 +shipping. Fiberglass rockers are measured from a factory 914-6 GT. Again, additional shipping charges outside the lower 48.

The flare order ends on January 31st 2010. Within about 2 weeks of George receiving payment, he will start production. I would imagine we could expect to receive flares by the end of February.

Payment will be in the form of USPS money order made out to Automobile Atlanta. The only way to hold your place and receive a set at this incredible price is to have payment to me by January 31st. Please do not send checks or ask about other forms of payment, we do not have the means to accept anything other than money orders. Money orders sell for $2.00 at your local post office. George would like all questions and payments to be first directed at myself, so he and his staff do not spend extra time and resources on the transaction. I will do my best to answer questions and will contact George or his staff if needed.

Please mail your money order to me and include the following:
# of flare sets and optional GT rocker sets ordered.

Please send me an email with your full name and # of flare sets ordered so I can keep a running tally and have a check against money orders received.

Thank you,

Mark Epstein
5307 Limestone Road, Suite 100
Wilmington, DE 19808
