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I have the opportunity to be at Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance this year on August 15th. Has anyone attended before and have insights, suggestions or feedback?

I'm jealous.

Does that help? biggrin.gif

I'm going again this year smile.gif I can't wait!

I do everything "but" pay to get on the grass at Pebble Beach, to much $$ and you can see most of the cars as they do the tour at 17mile drive, in Carmel.

The historic races at Laguna are a must do, as well as the concorso italiano, then you have the RM auctions, ect, that entire weekend is really something every car guy must do once.

Some travel tips:

Friday I like to go to the Italiano first (half day) then head over to the track and walk the pits, crowds not as big and drivers/owner more willing to chat and show you the cars.

Pick some classes of races you want to watch, grab food and water and park yourself at the corkscrew, it's not exactly a 5 min walk anywhere at that place so plan your races to view ect.

Breakfast at least once at Katy's Place in Carmel, worth it.

Thursday is the Pebble Beach Tour, for the cars.


Cap'n Krusty
I used to go when it was free, but that's been years ago. It's something every car nut should see at least once. The last time I went, ALL the Bugatti Royales were there.

The Cap'n
It's a lot of money, but very cool. You can see quite a lot of cars out on the lawn in front of the country club; they had Porsche #1 a couple of years ago in one tent, and the Blackhawk display is always full of really neat cars.

The Historics are always a ton of fun, too. You get to see the cars in motion, as well as wander around the paddock and see them sitting still.

Haven't been to the Concorso Italiano, the Quail, or the auctions. But they're all supposed to be really good.

Plan to spend time in traffic going from one venue to another. But it is well worth it.
After the 17 mile drive all of the cars gather on the streets in Carmel. Be their!! The cars can be viewed up close and the drivers are happy to talk about their automobiles.
The auctions in Monterey are definetly worth the money, even if you are not their to buy. It is really fun to watch the bidding.
Check all of the publications before going. Sports Car Market, Motor Trend, Autoweek. They all have maps and the schedule of events day by day, and they tell you the ones that are worth missing and the ones not to miss.
Have fun,
Craig at CAMP
Craig, You going this year?
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