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Full Version: Okay to chamfer the edge? > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
I'm getting ready to install poly-bushings on the front suspension. Is okay to put a little chamfer on the edge of the bushing to facilitate the installation?

In other words, any tips/tricks for installing these babies without damage to the bushing? And while I'm at it, is it better assemble the whole front suspension and then install it as an assembly idea.gif , or do it piece by piece (I know what the book says, but that's not always the best way).
Brad Roberts
When I used to install the poly bushings..I ran a spiral path down the center of them with a die grinder to keep some grease in them. If you dont..when you slide them onto the control arms they will push 90% of the grease OUT.

I never remove the cross bar for the steering rack or the struts, only the control arms.

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