Jun 1 2010, 01:22 PM
Here is a list of the people who ordered extra T-shirts from WCR. These are only the ones who responded to Rob's thread, I don't know about ones people said they didn't get, etc.
Todd Enlund:1-XL
Daniel Lichter:1-L
Jeffrey Tucker:1-L
Paul Bizzigotti:1-L
bryan piereson:2-L
Brett Korven:1-L & 1-XL
Jun 1 2010, 01:35 PM
Thanks Brett, I will need addresses shortly. I will let you know when and how much to bring to the t-shirt shop too...
Jun 1 2010, 04:35 PM
is it ok to post addresses here or do you want them in a PM?
Jun 4 2010, 08:38 AM
Rob...have you ordered yet? If you have, is there anyway to add two more XL shirts? I completely forgot Curt sent in a check instead of paypal and I just found his note.
There is another tip for future planners, accept only paypal or only checks, doing both is a pain in the ass, especially when only one person does a check.
Jun 5 2010, 09:41 AM
I have ordered but I think it is early in the process. I will call her Monday and see if I can add it or just order two more.
She has not gotten back to me with price yet.
Go ahead and post addresses here. That spreadsheet was a pain in the ass. After I printed it and tried to line all the pages up so I could see who belongs to what address and such...
Jun 16 2010, 12:22 PM
Post me some addresses please. I am addressing envelopes now.
Jun 16 2010, 01:41 PM
One Large and one extr large
James Hoyland
Shipping by USPS is to PO Box 901, Sunset Beach, CA, 90742
bryan piereson
large (2 shirts)
18146 West sundowner way #1176 canyon country, CA 91387
1 large
Paul Bizzigotti
1126 Sunnyside Drive Cadillac, MI 49601
Jeff Tucker
1 Large shirt please
1001 Willow Lake Rd, Discovery Bay, CA, 94505
T size: Large
screen name: BigDBass
real name: Dan Lichter
shipping address: 10400 S Knox Ave, Oak Lawn IL 60453
1 XL shirt
Todd Enlund
Todd Enlund
1691 Parrish St
I can pick mine up...I have 1 more name at home. I will post it later tonight.
Jun 16 2010, 01:59 PM
Cool. I have two more that will require mailing expense. I had to order two more t-shirts that somehow never got ordered for Brett Laurilla and Andy McKarness. Can you stop by and pay them for these?
I have three receipts for mailing expense too that I will total up and need to be paid for.
Then, we are done!
Jun 16 2010, 02:26 PM
sure, i can tomorrow afternoon.
Jun 16 2010, 03:47 PM
Thanks Brett!
It occurs to me that I have no clue what "curt" you are talking about and may not have his shirts mailed. Are we talking about Curt from Washington? What did he order?
Jun 16 2010, 09:37 PM
Curt is Greenie I forwarded me his PM. He ordered two XL's.
He sent me a check and said to use the address on it. I had it written down but can't seem to find it now. I will PM him to get his address.
Jun 16 2010, 10:23 PM
QUOTE(biosurfer1 @ Jun 16 2010, 07:37 PM)
Curt is Greenie I forwarded me his PM. He ordered two XL's.
He sent me a check and said to use the address on it. I had it written down but can't seem to find it now. I will PM him to get his address.
Perfect. Get me that when you can. I have his shirts. Yours are here too. I will total up the mailing charges and when you come to get your shirts we can bleed Toyota brakes and you can reimburse me for the mailing...
Jun 30 2010, 08:52 PM
Rob.. I got the shirts but was unable to make it over the Justin's house tonight. I will be out of town tomorrow but will be sure to stop by your house Friday on my way home from work.
Jul 2 2010, 10:01 PM
Ok, ready for final accounting!
Total receipts for USPS so far comes to $137.55. The last two shirts that I have to mail out tomorrow will be between $5 and $6 each to mail. So, call it $148.00 and the rest is profit... Brett, you can Paypal me the money if you want.
Great event! Glad I got to work with all of you putting it together.
Jul 3 2010, 05:31 PM
Sent the money...the remaining money total will be at the top.
Now who do I send it to??
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