Replica of the original double grilled 914-6GT engine lid. It is made with original grill material. The cross brace can be lighten or removed (your choice - the lid is a bit more structurally rigid if the cross brace is only lightened - with the cross brace removed, the lid is lighter but the lid tends to flex and may not fit flush against the trunk when closed). The latch and torsion bars are left intact. A light-weight “racecar” lid is also available which deletes the cross brace, latch and torsion bars. The lids are painted semi-gloss black (similar to satin black).

The lid is $300 plus shipping/packing - cash, cashiers check or Paypal (add 3% for Paypal). I discount a bit if you have stock engine lid(s) and/or grill(s) to exchange. Your core lid(s)/grill(s) needs to be in very nice condition (lid has minimal coats of paint, no dents, nor rust and the mesh on the grill has no holes nor deformities). If you are providing a stock lid(s)/grill(s), you are responsible for their packing/shipping to me.
