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Full Version: Rear Caliper Inner Adjuster Clip > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
I got a PM from a customer and I thought the information should be shared. The last run of 914 rear calipers have a different style c-clip holding the inner adjuster in. It's almost impossible to get out. Here's the scoop:


Hi Eric--got the parts yesterday--thanks again!

I'm trying to remove the inner adjusters--there is a snap ring that I can't get out for the life of me--I placed a 11mm deep-well over the threaded portion and then used the pistol grip clamp to relieve pressure off the snap ring. However, I can't figure out how to get the ring out--there isn't anything to grab ahold of like the photo in the rebuild writeup (no eyes to put the dental picks into, for example). Have you encountered this before?



Hi Kris,

Welcome to my world.

This is a very tough one. Those are 75-76 calipers (or caliper) you have on your car.

The latest models didn't have the eyelets. This will be tough to describe but I'll do my best:

You will need two tools to do this:

1 Small flat blade screwdriver (very small... smallest in your aresnal)
1 Semi hooked dental pick or a straight pick, semi-hook or angled head is best.

Wear eye protection. Have a good overhead light. Install the body of the caliper in the vise with the opening facing straight up (because you'll need both hands). Do not use the 11mm deep well for this. The end of that clip that is holding you up has a 45 degree angle to it. You will need to get the end of the pick "behind" the head. The goal is to pry the head of this clip out far enough so you can get the small screwdriver "behind" the clip.

SO... pry the head up until you can see the backside of the clip come out of the retainer groove and stick that screwdriver blade in behind the clip. Keep that screwdriver in there as if your life depended on it.

Next, press down hard and try to slide/pull that screwdriver back further along the clip edge to expose more of the clip and to get more leverage area exposed.

With more of the open clip exposed (out of the groove) you can now stick the pick back into the opening and attempt to pull "up" on that clip end. Keep the screwdriver in there behind the clip, holding it out of the groove as you attempt this. MANGLE the clip if you have to (I have plenty of the proper clips to send you). This is where the semi-hook or angled tip pick is best. A full hook does not have enough room in this opening to get under that clip head. Once you get the pick under the end of that clip, do everything in your power to pull up on the clip and yank it out. It will come.

This will be very difficult. You will have to try this many times before you get it and then, once you master it, you'll never have to do it again in your life! LOL

I'm going to post a copy of this in the garage so others can see it and source it as well.
......helpful stuffffffffff idea.gif
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