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Has anyone painted the roof on there 914? If so does someone have pics? I'm planning on getting my car painted and probably will be painting my roof solid black. Has anyone done this? Thanks

When I had the body work done I had the body shop sand smooth the top and paint it the body color...In the pic it looks a little purple, but it is the body color...ocean blue metallic....I like the way it turned out....

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Dang, I didn't realize I had done this so many times

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This one the roof was painted Black

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My roof has some painted black. Here is a picture from shortly after I painted it:
IPB Image

Kansas 914
Still a little "pebbly" in spots - but the color match is spot on.

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tribute to what Ginther should have taken to Lemans.
the 911 DNF'd
zach I was thinking about doing a metallic orange with silver offset stripes similar to your green car. That helps a lot. Thanks
Michael N
Here are 4 in one shot. Kathy's Bee, The Screaming Yellow Zonker, The Bumblebee Racer, and a second yellow one.
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Both of the cars in the family have the sanded and match paint. Kathy's Bee also has the original top but she prefers the glossy one. Done by the body shop at time of paint job
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I've been considering adding sail panels and a black top again to my white car. The original owner, Ted Tidwell, sanded and painted the top white in 1971 as he lived in Augusta Georgia and said the summer heat on a black top and no A/C was a *itch.

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