Feb 20 2011, 08:54 AM
What is the maximum thickness of rocker shims I can use. I have the rockers shimed .050 and still can't quite get the proper alignment of the swivel adjuster.
Feb 20 2011, 12:44 PM
I decided to use stock 2.0 adjusters with lash caps on my engine. However it is my understanding, to use the swivel 911 adjuster ....... one needs to trim about .050"-.060" off the rocker bottom at the adjuster end ..... to make room for the swivel portion of the adjuster. This would allow the rocker to sit a tad lower than if not trimmed. Have you done this trim yet?
Feb 20 2011, 12:59 PM
Feb 20 2011, 05:07 PM
it's been awhile, but if my memory serves me right (probably not), i think .040 max. recommended.
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