after reading for hours and trying all the remedies, I am still at a loss.
Situation is:
Symptoms: Mostl lights work with the exception of the emergency flashers, right side turn indicators and brake lights. ALL parking lights work (including right side.) All lights work appropriately when headlights are up or down (including right.)
When flasher is pulled, rapid clicking at relay occurs and turn signals and emergency flashers do not work. When right turn signal is on, rapid clicking at relay occurs and turn signals and flashers do not work. Pulling parking brake on or off has no effect on above.
Attempts: 1. All fuses were checked and replaced as a precaution. 2. All sockets were cleaned and all copper was pulled up for more positive seat on all bulbs. 3. All bulbs were replaced with all proper bulbs in proper places and checked and rechecked. 4. All wires to all lights were removed and reattached CORRECTLY per appropriate diagrams as seen on 914world AND pelican parts diagrams and checked and rechecked. 5. Reset button was pushed on master cylinder. 6. Two new relays were purchased (problem exists with either installed.) 7. Turn signal lever assembly was replaced at steering column. 8. Brake light switch at pedals was inspected and cleaned. 9. Parking brake switch was cleaned and inspected. 10. hazard switch was replaced.
turn signal switch assembly and flasher switch were known good from another car.
What am I missing?