May 12 2011, 02:02 PM
These are two deceleration valves I have. We know that that work on D-Jet's just not 914's per say. I am sure that they could be used by merely adjusting them. Trying to find what they fit. Who has the old cross references?
0280 160 116 one with mount like 914
067 133 563 Audi Fox?
0280 160 122 Bosch number
116 in Bosch box
122 in Blue VW/Audi box
Cap'n Krusty
May 12 2011, 02:16 PM
The VW part fits Rabbits and such from the late 70s and early 80s.
The Cap'n
May 12 2011, 05:28 PM
0 280 160 116
Audi 4000 1.6L '78 - '80
Fox 1.6L '74 - '80
VW Dasher 1.6L '75 - '80
067 133 563 (Bosch 0 280 160 122)
VW Golf 1.5L '77 - '79
Rabbit 1.5L '77 - '79
Rabbit 1.6L '76 - '77
Sirocco I 1.5L '77 - '79
Sirocco I 1.6L '76 - '77
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