Jul 6 2004, 12:29 PM
Can any of you Ohio guys find out where or what happened to Tom Potter from Dayton, Ohio? We used to hear from him often. He's the missing MSU guy that got lost in Ohio.
Maybe I should have a local gang egg his car??? That will bring him up to our Mid-
West Meet Aug. 7th. to settle our dispute.
Tom are you out there & are you comming to the Mid-West meet????
Tom (the good guy)
Curvie Roadlover
Jul 6 2004, 05:02 PM
I thought you were joking
From the bird board.
Jul 6 2004, 07:32 PM
Hey Potter,
I didn't do it. I was only joking & hoping to hear from tom P.
Does this mean he will show up at the Mid-West meet with a bad attitude & drink all my wine & beer at the Mr. B open/flop house motel room??
Jul 8 2004, 10:30 PM
I have a squad of Revenge Specialist developing response options right now. The team leader assures me that the appropriate scenario will be in place by the SMOG event in Aug.
I have been made certain that the response to Mr. Bliznik's actions against me will be swift, severe, decisive, and performed with........what phrase did Joseph Conrad use in "Heart of Darkness"?..........that's "Apocalypse Now" for you non-literary folks...........ahhh yes......EXTREME PREJUDICE.
Thomas Bliznik may be the eggman, but I am the WALRUS.
Koo Koo Kachoo
Aaron Cox
Jul 8 2004, 10:56 PM
QUOTE(Potter @ Jul 8 2004, 09:30 PM)
Thomas Bliznik may be the eggman, but I am the WALRUS.
Koo Koo Kachoo
too funny
Bruce Allert
Jul 8 2004, 11:23 PM
Hey there Mr. Potter, I see yer still in fine form
Missed you & yer fine wit with blazin' pen. Where ya been keep'n yerself?
Hope you get the eggy stain of'n yer car.
Curvie Roadlover
Jul 9 2004, 04:06 AM
QUOTE(Potter @ Jul 8 2004, 11:30 PM)
Thomas Bliznik may be the eggman, but I am the WALRUS.
Koo Koo Kachoo
Are assassin??
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