Jul 7 2004, 04:01 PM
Ok, so when I went to drop the transmission, the cv bolts looked pretty chewed. Where can I get a fresh set of these? What size are they? Also, I've seen references to a special tool for removing them? Are they just a little different than a torx bit? Pelican Parts lists bolts & tool for a 68+ 911, is this what I want?
Jul 7 2004, 04:55 PM
its a double square bit, 8 points. Torx are 6 i believe, the 911 tool listed in PP is the one...
This same bit is available at your local sears, or good auto parts store
Joe Ricard
Jul 7 2004, 04:57 PM
Got to have a good "tool" to work on 914's
I work on my 914 everyday
Jul 7 2004, 05:20 PM
I thought it was a tri-square, but I could be wrong. Anyway, you need to use new bolts and new lockwashers. Torque them up properly and don't forget to check after a week of driving. There are many stories of grief when they get loose and the drive shaft acts like a big club and whacks everything within reach. On a friends car it just bent the gearshift rod, but others have had serious damage.
Jul 7 2004, 05:28 PM
How bout a 12 point Star bit or just ask for the VW CV Bolt tool.
You can replace them with a hex head - just match strength, length and thread.
or something like that
Jul 7 2004, 05:29 PM
I was just thinking it might be a tri-square also.... actually I think it is tr-square... Im going to pull a bolt outof my scrap stuff and check
had a shitty day at work and am tired,
In any event you can get the tool locally... sears, or a good auto parts store.. or hardware store..
Jul 7 2004, 06:02 PM
tri square is correctamundo Dave...
here are some selected bits for internally driven bolts..
Jul 7 2004, 06:03 PM
Jul 7 2004, 07:19 PM
My Sears no longer has them (I checked recently).
Pep Boys did:
All the info you need should be in this picture. Less them $10 for the set if I remember correctly:
From my experience, always tap them lightly with a hammer to fully seat them though the muck and grit before torqing on them.
Jul 7 2004, 07:28 PM
$10 and PParts sells one for $20 somthing?
Jul 7 2004, 07:38 PM
No affiliation or experience:
http://www.thetoolwarehouse.net/shop/LIS-60750.htmlEDIT: But they have a $50. minimum order.
Here is another one w/o a minimum for $13.49:
http://tools-plus.woodmall.com/lis60750.htmlOr if you just want the 8mm you need, $6.39
Jul 7 2004, 07:51 PM
It's nice to have one that goes on a 3/8" ratchet without the use of a separate socket.
Here is one:
Jul 7 2004, 07:52 PM
It wouldnt surprise me a bit if Pelican takes "liberties" with the pricing of these tools
Lisle is the brand I just couldnt remember...
KB is another brand that makes these tools
Heck order one from snap on!! you can do that online now!
Jul 8 2004, 06:09 AM
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