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Full Version: HELP attaching ring/gear pressure plate to flywheel > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
Hey guys,
I'm tryng to get the Kennedy stage 2 915-9 setup attached to my 3.2 motor. The ring gear fits onto the pressure plate but I can't get it flush.. its like playing whack-a-mole. If I tap on one side, the other side comes up. The problem with this, is that the bolts that came with it will 'barely' thread if the ring gear is flush The intent is to allow the bolts to grab further once the plate gets compressed. (I guess).

Any tricks to this? lube?
Mine was a bit tough at first on my 3.0L so I started them with the ring all the way on each of the bolts and went around holding the ring out and threading the bolts just enough on to hold the threads. Then once they are all started I went around it two turns on each bolt keeping the ring held twoards the heads of the nuts. Eventualy it popped into place.

Good luck with yours!
Mine went on fairly easy. I remember the ring staying snug when I put it onto the flywheel. It stayed with no hands holding it and went flush to the face of the flywheel. It was a nice tight fit. Call Kennedy
Thanks guys. yeah, I can get the ring on, it is a snug fit and is tough to pull back off. My issue seems that I can't get it on square.. one side sits flush, then I tap the other side, pops the first side out, etc. It is probably my technique but I'm just double checking that it isn't something more.

QUOTE(Jeffs9146 @ Aug 22 2011, 04:36 PM) *

Mine was a bit tough at first on my 3.0L so I started them with the ring all the way on each of the bolts and went around holding the ring out and threading the bolts just enough on to hold the threads. Then once they are all started I went around it two turns on each bolt keeping the ring held twoards the heads of the nuts. Eventualy it popped into place.

Good luck with yours!

I'm not sure I completely follow when you said 'started them with the rigng all the way on each of the bolts and went around holding the ring out'. Could you clarify that? Maybe I'm just not getting it.. When you did that, did you seperate the ring and plate to just get the thing down flush on the flywheel, then added the plate

Can you use just a few longer bolts to hold the ring on while you get the rest of the actual (shorter) bolts in? Then you can remove the longer ones and put the rest of the correct ones in.

Thats what I'm going to do.... my HW store closes early so I'll get some bolts tomorrow and give it a shot.
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