Joe Bob
Sep 14 2004, 06:04 PM
I used to have a set....but don't know who sells them anymore.....they are lugnuts that replace the stock nuts and have an eye on the end to snap a tie down to.
Anyone know who sells them?
Sep 14 2004, 06:43 PM
Any concern about them coming loose during transport?
Do you leave them on all the time or just for travel. I'd worry about throwing the wheels out of balance if you leave 'em on.
Cap'n Krusty
Sep 14 2004, 06:58 PM
There was somebody selling them at the GAF. One of the hotsy totsy inside vendors .............................. Seemed to be a cool idea ....................... The Cap.n
john rogers
Sep 14 2004, 07:40 PM
Give Wayne Baker in San Diego a call as one of his fabricators (forget who) was making them for a while. You know the Porsche factory used them on the 550's and such when hauling their race cars?!
Joe Bob
Sep 14 2004, 07:45 PM
BTW, they are used only for transport then taken off before driving....
Sep 14 2004, 07:56 PM
356 Registry Goodie Store ...
" Before you sling those ratchet straps over your rear axles and come up with an arm covered in
dirt, give some thought to these great alternatives.
Having been used by race teams worldwide for years, they've been adapted and custom made for our
cars (including most 911s). We have them back in stock at $130.00 per set (4) plus shipping.
All stainless and tested in extreme conditions.
We wouldn't leave home without them. We can ship immediately. JPEG photo available.
Wes & Diane Morrill
356 Registry Goodie Store
M&M Enterprises "
Sep 14 2004, 09:13 PM
Performance Products is another source:
Lug Nut Tiedowns-datapace
Sep 14 2004, 09:25 PM
with Rich.
The goodie store has 'em.
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