This large Pepsi sign and very unusual dry erase board menu is not only extremely rare 6 foot in length, but is a blackboard/dry erase type. It holds significant nostalgic memories to many central valley, Modesto residents that grew up or took their kids to Modesto‘s one and only Roller King. It closed after many years of fond memories. It was the main menu board that hung over the snack bar. The menu has been carefully preserved just as it was when you were growing up.
This unique Pepsi sign/menu is like no other I’ve seen. When was the last NON letter menu Pepsi sign you’ve seen? Chances are you’ve not seen a blackboard style before and may not again. Other than one small repairable spot (on lower right of frame) this sign is extremely mint. A significant piece of history and a really cool item for the rec room or shop. I believe I saw a quick shot of it hanging above the snack bar on a you tube video search. .Don’t confuse this with the common sign/menu board with the plastic letters! This is a near mint must have!!! It will be carefully protected and packaged very securely.

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