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Full Version: Too Much Heat~! > The 914 Forums > 914World Garage
So after resurrecting the Phoenix Ive been attempting to expel a few remaining demons biggrin.gif
A couple are clearly FI & electrical, a couple others are simple mechanical issues that will just take time/patience to correct...
But one that is somewhat annoying me and sort of surprising is that IVE GOT TO MUCH HEAT!

The car runs right in spec temp-wise but the heat generated by the HE's is bleeding into the cabin to the point that it is uncomfortable especially in our warm summer days here in the PNW sad.gif

What can I do? I was planning on replacing/renewing the "sealing" material on the flap in each heater box, is part of the problem that the foam seals in the fresh air box valves also shot ? headbang.gif I dread ripping that setup apart again! smash.gif
Rebuild the flapper boxes in the engine bay. They are what is letting hot air into the cabin ducts.
sometimes the cable on the flapper boxes gets attatched in such a way as to limit their ability to close fully.

I used to crawl under the car and loosen the cable every summer and then tighten it every fall

once its loose it won't pull them 100% open so you are giving up a tiny bit of heat, but at least it closes fully

What Brant says... at least disconnecting the cable at the box is a quick way to tell if your flappers are sealing or not.
On the run to Beaver, I experienced that. I had indexed the flapper box wrong so the flapper was being held open.

107 desert heat + really hot air from HE .... I didn't sweat 'cause it dried before my clothes got soaked. biggrin.gif
mine had a loose nut that had fallen in there and was holding the flapper open.
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