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I started using Firefox recently at work (mac at home) because I got sick of IE. At times certain things don't load on pages and say they require a plug-in. When I try to find one none are available. Specific to this site is the tire size calculator. I know there are some here that use Firefox because I have seen it mentioned.

Can anyone help?
QUOTE(Rhodes71/914 @ Nov 2 2004, 02:50 PM)
Specific to this site is the tire size calculator.

the tire size calculator requires a Java enabled browser ...

see here for java installation instructions for firefox ...

type.gif Andy
I didn't have to do anything special for java to work in Firefox (or Mozilla) - I already had installed the normal JRE and JDK packages from and they were detected automagically.

I really like Firefox a lot. Not that there is that much "wrong" with IE IMHO, at least if you're a Windows user. (In which case you basically have to use IE for certain stuff to work well, or at all.)
I use (and like) Mozilla's Firefox are my main browser. I have had some problems when using the browser with certain cites but none with although i have not tried to use the tire calculator.
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