Black Friday at 914Central, LLC

Sale starts at 0:00am. No limit on items per person.

914world discounts, Excellence discounts and all other discounts will not apply during this time period. You will know if something is out of stock when you click "add to cart" and it says "out of stock". Any excess shipping will be refunded to the Buyer. Shipping to Canada is setup.

Everything is up & working. Go crazy. The only limit is the limit of stock I have on hand.

Black Friday deals are noted with "Black Friday" to the right of the price near the bottom in every column.

For those who want a jump on everyone, the Black Friday deals are confined to the following pages.

914Central, LLC|Products|914
914Central, LLC|Products|914-6
914Central, LLC|Products|Reproduction Parts, Tools and Gifts

Get your parts for the winter project(s) and Christmas gifts. bye1.gif santa_smiley.gif